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    人教版英语九年级全一册Unit 8达标测试卷.doc

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    人教版英语九年级全一册Unit 8达标测试卷.doc

    1、UNIT 8 学情评估九年级英语上(山西R版)时间:120分钟满分:120分第一卷听力部分(共20分)一、情景反应(每小题1分,共5分)()1. ()2. ()3. ()4. ()5. 二、对话理解(每小题1分,共5分)()6. A. Peter. B. David. C. Frank. ()7. A. Black. B. Blue. C. Brown. ()8. A. His sister. B. His mother. C. His father. ()9. A. A scientist. B. A director. C. A clerk. ()10. A. Because his be

    2、st friend doesnt lend him money. B. Because he cant go to his best friends birthday party. C. Because he doesnt have enough money to buy his best friend a present. 三、语篇理解(每小题1分,共5分)()11. What did the speaker do first after school yesterday?A. She did her homework. B. She played the piano. C. She had

    3、 lessons at school. ()12. What happened when the speaker was having dinner?A. She dropped some meat on the homework paper. B. She broke her pen carelessly. C. She made the homework paper wet by accident. ()13. Where did the speaker put her homework paper?A. On the chair. B. On the bed. C. On the tab

    4、le. ()14. Who was Max?A. The speakers dog. B. The speakers brother. C. The speakers father. ()15. What did the speakers teacher think of her?A. The speaker was not honest. B. The speaker was not hardworking. C. The speaker was not careful. 四、听力填空(每小题1分,共5分)The Great WallLengthIt is about 21,196 16.

    5、_ long. HistoryPeople started to build it more than 2,000 years ago, but no one knows the 17. _exactly. In the Han Dynasty, the Great Wall of China was built to keep out the enemies from the 18. _. In the Ming Dynasty, the wall was divided into 19. _ parts for better control. Today, the Great Wall h

    6、as become a place of interest for every 20. _ to China. 第二卷笔试部分(共100分)五、补全对话(有两项多余)(每小题1分,共5分) A:You look unhappy. What happened?B:21. _A:Where did you put it?B:I put it on the desk in the front of the chemistry lab before class.A:22. _B:After the chemistry class. But I found another one.A:Whom does

    7、 it belong to?B:23. _ His is old. But this one is quite new.A:Let me have a look. 24. _B:Why do you think so?A:He bought a new one a week ago. I think he forgot to write his name on the book.B: I agree. 25. _ After all, mine is new, too.AI guess it might be Mikes.BWhen did you clean the classroom?CH

    8、e must have taken my book by mistake.DI cant find my chemistry book.EIm not sure.FI guess it cant be Toms.GWhen did you find it missing?六、完形填空(每小题1分,共8分) It was a sunny day. Alice and her sister were reading under a tree. Alice was bored and very _26_. Suddenly, she saw a white rabbit hopping across

    9、 the grass.Alice _27_ the rabbit to its hole. Then, she fell down, down, down. Now she was in a dark hallway. She saw a little door and behind the door was a beautiful garden. On a small table, there was a _28_. She wanted to go into the garden, but she was too big. Then she noticed a little bottle

    10、with the words, “DRINK ME”. She opened the bottle and drank. “What a strange feeling!” said Alice. “Im getting _29_.” Soon she was very small. Unluckily, the key was still on the table, and she wasnt as tall as the table. Then Alice saw a cake with the words, “EAT ME”. “Well, Im going to eat it,” sa

    11、id Alice. “And _30_ I grow taller, I can reach the key. If I grow smaller, I can crawl(爬行)under the door.” She _31_ the cake. “Stranger and stranger!” cried Alice. “Now Im growing taller.” Alice was really tall now. She picked up the key and opened the door.“_32_, Alice!” said her sister. “Did you s

    12、leep well?”“Yes, I did,” replied Alice. “I had the most amazing_33_!” She told her sister about her amazing adventure. “What a wonderful dream!”she thought. Then, she saw a white rabbit running behind a tree.()26. Aexcited Bawful Csleepy()27. Afollowed Bintroduced Cinvited()28. Afridge Bkey Cscoop()

    13、29. Acleverer Bsmaller Cweaker()30. Aif Bunless Cthough()31. Amade Bfinished Cdrew()32. ACheer up BHold on CWake up()33. Adream Bdiscovery Cperformance七、阅读理解(这一部分共五篇短文,A至D每篇短文后有五个小题,E篇后有六个小题,每小题2分,共52分)AIf you travel in New Zealand, you may find some very interesting things. They are called “New Zea

    14、land Four Strange Things”Have you ever seen that cows line up? New Zealand is so large. It is impossible for people to milk (挤奶) cows by hand. So the farmers train the leading cow to take the cows to the milking station twice a day. The leading cow has a sensor (传感器) on its head. When it is time for

    15、 milking, the sensor warns the leading cow to take the lead. Horses are mainly raised for viewing (观赏) and racing, so the coat color is very important. Wearing sunscreen clothes on horses can avoid the harm from the sun. The clothes on horses are filled with weights that are the same weight of the r

    16、ider. When the weights are replaced by the rider during the race, “_” just like the sportsman running with sandbags. Sheep in New Zealand used to have tails. They poop (排便) when theyre born, so grass flies are interested in them. Grass flies lay their eggs in the tails of the baby sheep, causing ill

    17、ness and death. Then people tie their tails. As time passes, the sheep become tailless. This improves the survival rate (成活率). New Zealands alpacas (羊驼) were introduced from South America. They are quite different from twohumped camels (双峰驼). An adult alpaca weighs about 55kg to 65kg. Its shape is l

    18、ike a sheep. Only one grownup male (雄性) alpaca can be found in each group. It is the leading one. Alpacas are gentle, clever and human.()34. Why do the cows in New Zealand stand in line?ABecause the cows want to eat grass.BBecause the cows are ready for milking.CBecause the cows used to do so.()35.

    19、Which of the following can be put in “_”?Athe horses will be used to running with weightsBthe horses can run faster than beforeCthe horses wont be able to run ()36. How do people in New Zealand make the sheep become tailless?ABy cutting their tails. BBy tying their tails.CBy pulling their tails.()37

    20、. How much does an adult alpaca weigh?AAbout 40kg to 50kg. BAbout 50kg to 60kg.CAbout 55kg to 65kg. ()38. Which is the best title for this article?ATravel in New ZealandBCows, Horses, Sheep and AlpacasCNew Zealand Four Strange ThingsBGlaciers (冰川) are large bodies of ice and snow. Theyre so icy that

    21、 its very hard for things to live on them. But glacier mice do somehow. Of course, glacier mice arent mice. Theyre round balls of moss(苔藓)that can grow to about the size of a tennis ball. Theyre usually found in groups near small rocks on the surface of icy glaciers.Normal moss cant form on a glacie

    22、r, so scientists believe glacier mice probably form around something small, like a bit of dust(尘土). Staying on the ice too long would kill the moss, so glacier mice form into a ball. It allows them to move around, so that their different parts touch the ice at different times. Some scientists once d

    23、id an experiment on glacier mice. They put a small device(装置)inside 30 glacier mice to follow their movements. They learned that the mice traveled about 2.5 centimeters a day. They seemed to move in groups. They moved in the same direction and at about the same speed, almost like a group of animals.

    24、 The scientists tested several ideas that might explain how the mice moved together, such as rolling downhill, being blown by the wind, or following the sun. None of these explained the movement of the glacier mice. Glacier mice are still a mystery to scientists. For their next experiment, the scien

    25、tists said they would use cameras to take pictures of the movements of the mice over a long period of time. Are you looking forward to the answer?()39. Glacier mice can be about the size of _. Aa basketball Ba tennis ball Ca baseball ()40. Why do glacier mice probably form into a ball?ABecause the m

    26、oss is round. BBecause theyre on round rocks. CTo keep cold away.()41. How far did the mice move a day in the experiment?AAbout 3 cm. BAbout 2 cm. CAbout 2.5 cm. ()42. Which of the following is TRUE?AGlacier mice arent a mystery to us any longer. BGlacier mice move in different directions. CGlacier

    27、mice are a kind of moss.()43. Where can we probably find the passage?AIn a science magazine. BIn a science fiction novel. CIn a history magazine. C请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余项。When I was in the 4th grade, I got to take a trip to the moon. I remember the day like it was yesterday

    28、. 44. _It all started when Miss Fritz, our science teacher, was showing a video about the solar system and different planets. 45. _ I kept trying to pay attention to the video, but found myself reaching over to pick up the disc.As soon as I touched it, something strange happened. I wasnt in the clas

    29、sroom anymore. I was flying in the air! 46. _ What was happening? Then I began flying through space. Soon I was standing on the moon. It was amazing! It looked very different from the earth. No trees, water, or houses. There wasnt even any wind. Later I saw a flag. 47. _ I knew it might get dark soo

    30、n and I didnt want to be on the moon by myself. So I decided to close my eyes. When I opened my eyes, I was in my science classroom. Miss Fritz was turning on the lights because the video was over. I sat there wondering what had just happened. 48. _ Did I really take a trip to the moon or was it jus

    31、t a dream?ASuddenly I noticed a shiny disc (圆盘) lying on the floor.BI opened my hand to catch the disc, but it was gone!CIt was one of the strangest experiences I had ever had.DI was a little nervous, but also very excited.EI thought there might be a thief standing outside the window.FOn the flag we

    32、re the words, “To return to the earth, close your eyes.”D请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,在方框内的缩写文章中,填入与短文意思最相符的单词。每空一词。Saving Historic SitesAround 1,800 years ago, Chinese artists carved(雕刻) Buddha statues(佛像) into rocks in mountains, such as the Longmen Grottoes(洞穴), the Yungang Grottoes and the Mogao Caves. These

    33、grottoes have been through earthquakes, floods and wars. In the 21st century, they are facing a new danger: tourism.The carved rocks in the grottoes are ancient. They slowly corrode (腐蚀)because of the acidic(酸性的) contents of air and water. When they are open to the public, they corrode faster. Resea

    34、rchers also found that the carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) that visitors breathe out has made the air more acidic.Even the body heat can increase the grottoes temperature. All of these things can harm the grottoes.Bad behavior can cause harm to grottoes as well. During the National Day holiday in October, som

    35、e visitors like to draw or write things on walls. Others like to touch the statues. These make it impossible for the grottoes to keep their look.To provide better protection, grotto workers have been asked to control the number of visitors. Tourists are also being encouraged to book tickets online a

    36、nd stay away from busy hours when visiting. The new rule aims to protect not only grottoes, but also visitors. Fewer people mean a lower risk. People can enjoy the grottoes in a safer and pleasanter way.In the 21st century, grottoes are facing a new danger: tourism. They are easy to be corroded by a

    37、cidic contents, although they have been 49. _ earthquakes, floods and wars. When visitors breathe out, the air will be more acidic. It can make grottoes corrode 50. _. Besides, bad behavior is also harmful to grottoes, such as drawing, writing and 51. _. These make it impossible for grottoes to keep

    38、 their look. To better 52. _ them, workers decide to control the number of visitors. 53. _ they want to visit the grottoes, theyd better book tickets online to avoid busy time. By this way, its good for not only grottoes, but also visitors. Everyone should play an important role in saving historic s

    39、ites.E请阅读下面短文,按要求完成所给任务。The Datong City Wall is one of the most wellpreserved (保存完好的) city walls in China.Its_bigger_and_taller_than_the_ones_in_Pingyao_and Xian.Though it was rebuilt, that process was based on a very accurate (精确的) blueprint from nearly a century ago.When you are talking about trav

    40、el to Datong City,what first comes to mind?Most travelers at home and abroad will probably respond with the Yungang Grottoes, Hanging Monastery (悬空寺) and daoxiao noodles, also known as knifecut noodles.As the capital during the Northern Wei Dynasty(386534), Datong City has remained a cultural center

    41、 with rich historic resources and cultural heritage (文化遗产) for centuries afterward. Datong is one of Chinas 24 famous historic and cultural cities announced by the State Council (国务院), and stands as the only ancient capital city beyond the Great Wall.To truly discover a city, we must not only experi

    42、ence its past, but gain some insight into its present and future.In Datong, the city museum is a great place to visit during the day. The Datong Museum was built in 1959 and its new pavilion opened in the Yudong New District in 2014.Covering an area of more than 50,000 square meters, the museum hous

    43、es a total collection of 70,000 cultural relics and architectural models, showing details of the exteriors (外观) and interiors (内部) of ancient buildings. The museum has miniature models (微缩模型) on display, including Huayan Temple, Shanhua Temple from the Tang Dynasty (618907), and the Wood Tower of Yi

    44、ng County from the Liao Dynasty.Shanxi daoxiao noodles, one of the most beloved examples of street food in China, are fast and easy to prepare and have a wonderful appearance, aroma (芳香) and flavor. The noodles are unique to the local area.54. Please translate the underlined(画线的)sentence into Chines

    45、e._55. When talking about Datong, what can you think of?_56. What is Datong City?_57. When was the Datong Museum built?_58. What is one of the most beloved examples of street food in China according to the passage?_59. Have you ever been to Datong? What do you think of the city?_八、词语运用(每小题1分,共20分)A请阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容,在空白处填入恰当的单词,使短文通顺、连贯。每空一词。Mrs Green is a teacher in a middle school, and her husband is a manager in a company. They have a son and a daughter. They live 60. _ happy life, but sometimes there is so


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