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    人教版英语九年级全一册Unit 7达标测试卷.doc

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    人教版英语九年级全一册Unit 7达标测试卷.doc

    1、UNIT 7 学情评估九年级英语上(山西R版)时间:120分钟满分:120分第一卷听力部分(共20分)一、情景反应(每小题1分,共5分)()1. ()2. ()3. ()4. ()5. 二、对话理解(每小题1分,共5分)()6. A. Necessary. B. Unfair. C. Bad. ()7. A. She is against it. B. She agrees with it. C. She doesnt mind it. ()8. A. Because he got up late. B. Because the traffic was heavy. C. Because he

    2、 experienced a car accident. ()9. A. He was taking the drivers license test. B. He was preparing for a test. C. He was talking with someone on the phone. ()10. A. Their problems with their parents. B. Their ways to deal with some problems. C. Their ideas about some rules. 三、语篇理解(每小题1分,共5分)()11. What

    3、 does Tina look like?A. She is a little short. B. She wears glasses. C. She has long hair. ()12. What did Tina start learning at the age of 5?A. The violin. B. The piano. C. The guitar. ()13. When did Tina have two dance lessons?A. On Saturday morning. B. On Saturday afternoon. C. On Sunday afternoo

    4、n. ()14. How did Tinas parents feel about her dream at first?A. Surprised. B. Happy. C. Angry. ()15. What is Tina studying in a college now?A. Education. B. Computer science. C. Medicine. 四、听力填空(每小题1分,共5分) School Bans PhonesNoticePrimary and middle school students cannot carry mobile phones to schoo

    5、l. If they have to,they must get parents and teachers agreement. Reason16. _percent of 175 million Internet users who are under 18 have their own mobile phones. IdeasAn English teacher: When students spend too much time on the phone, they can 17. _ lose themselves in the unreal world. A student: It

    6、was the 18. _way to let students focus on schoolwork again. A parent: Kids should have the ability to 19. _ their own lives and 20. _good habits of using the phone. 第二卷笔试部分(共100分)五、补全对话(有两项多余)(每小题1分,共5分)AAre you OK?BWhat are you doing?CI disagree with you.DI think that is a good idea.EWhat should I

    7、do if shes still angry?FUh, I just talked back to my mom. GI wasnt happy, so I talked back to her.六、完形填空(每小题1分,共8分) A new law(法律) in New York allows people to bring their dogs to restaurants. Some people think eating with dogs is great. They argue that its good for dogs. They say owners dont have to

    8、 leave their pets at home alone or in cars when they eat out. But some people are _26_ about eating next to dogs. They say dog hair can create unclean conditions. Also, dogs can annoy customers _27_ barking(吠叫) or making a mess. Should dogs be _28_ in restaurants? Here is what two students think. YE

    9、S! As long as dogs are wellbehaved(很乖的) and clean, theres no _29_ why they shouldnt be allowed in restaurants with their owners. When restaurants allow dogs in, people can spend more time with their _30_. That will make them happier. If someone doesnt want to eat near dogs, he can eat in the indoor

    10、part of the restaurant. _31_ he can go to a restaurant that doesnt allow dogs in. Victoria Gonzalez, North CarolinaNO! Dogs shouldnt be allowed in restaurants. They can cause health problems. Some people are allergic(过敏的) to dogs, so being around dogs could be _32_ for them. Also, some dogs could an

    11、noy customers by jumping on them or stealing their food. Some dogs might even hurt customers. If that _33_, restaurants may end up losing customers and money. Josh Cramer, Wisconsin()26. AhappyBsureCworried()27. Aby Bin Cwith()28. Aallowed Bhidden Cdrawn()29. Areason Bplace Cproblem()30. Akids Bpets

    12、 Ccustomers()31. ABut BIf COr()32. Asafe Bimportant Cdangerous()33. Ahappens Bremains Cfails七、阅读理解(这一部分共五篇短文,A至D每篇短文后有五个小题,E篇后有六个小题,每小题2分,共52分)AWelcome to Sunshine FarmHello, everyone! We are famous for our fresh and delicious tomatoes. Do you want to come here? We invite you to visit the farm and e

    13、njoy our products. All the customers will have a safe openair (户外的) environment. You can have a good time here. The following instructions (说明) may help you.To pick the tomatoes, you need to make a reservation (预约) from 8 am. to 5 pm. the day before the picking day on our website. No pets are allowe

    14、d on the farm.You can use your baskets or buy ours. A basket only costs two yuan. The tomatoes are 15 yuan for one kilo.If you bring your children here, they must stay close to you. Running here and there is not allowed. We hope they can follow the farm rules. In order to stay safe and healthy, plea

    15、se dont come to the farm if you are ill.()34. If you go to the farm on Feb. 25th, you can make a reservation at _A9 am. on Feb. 23rdB2 pm. on Feb. 24thC7 am. on Feb. 24th()35. According to the passage, we cant take _ to the farm.Aa phone Ba basket Ca dog()36. On the farm, children are allowed to _As

    16、tay close to their parentsBrun everywhereCplay with their pets()37. 跨学科综合题You should pay _ for 2 kilos of tomatoes on Sunshine Farm.A10 yuan B15 yuan C30 yuan()38. The instructions are most probably from _Aa shopper Ba farm owner Ca waiterBShould teenagers be allowed to have jobs? There are several

    17、ways to look at the question. Of course, in some family situations, having their teens work may be good. These families usually cant afford to buy what their children like. If the teenagers want to buy something expensive, theyll have to go out to work. But what about the families that are doing all

    18、 right and dont need their teens to have a job to get by?Some parents want their teens to work so that they can learn responsibility and stay out of trouble after school. Getting their first job also helps teach teens the value of money and how hard it is to earn money. In fact, having a job is good

    19、 for teens in some ways. Not all teens, however, need the extra money by getting a job.If a teen wants to take part in afterschool activities such as sports or games, having a job could get in the way of that. Teens only get one chance to be teens and being on school sports teams might be the only c

    20、hance in their lifetime. Once high school and college are over, itll be very difficult to find such an opportunity. So parents should think twice before allowing their children to get jobs. There are of course some teens who really want to work and that is fine. Everyone is different. If teens want

    21、to work to make extra money, then they should be allowed to do it. As teens, they should be allowed to learn about social life. ()39. Which word might have the same meaning as the word “earn”?AAsk. BMake. CBorrow.()40. What does the writer think of teens and their jobs?AA teens job can make him or h

    22、er learn more. BPoor families must ask their teens to work. CAll teens should be asked to go out to work.()41. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?ASome teens may cause trouble, so their parents want them to work after school. BAfterschool activities are important for teens.

    23、CAll teenagers need the extra money by getting a job.()42. Who might be the main readers of the passage?AParents. BTeachers. CWorkers.()43. Whats the main idea of the passage?ATeens shouldnt have jobs. BHaving a job is good for teens in all ways. CParents should treat teens having jobs correctly. C请

    24、阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,从方框内所给的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余项。Brainstorming (头脑风暴) is the practice of coming up with ideas or solutions. 44. _ But we do have some rules to follow for successful brainstorming.Focus on quantity (数量) over quality (质量). When it comes to brainstorming, the more ideas, the better. Don

    25、t worry about the quality of your ideas for now. 45. _ Remember that your goal is to come up with as many ideas as possible. Even if none of them are perfect, youll still have many creative ideas to use for your final plan.Encourage big or unusual ideas. 46. _ Although unusual ideas may not be immed

    26、iately (立刻) practical, just creating those ideas gives your brain training. It can also help to produce creative solutions that are hard to come up with.47. _ Dont say no to the ideas of others. You can put together the best parts of different ideas to create new, even better ones. Even if youre not

    27、 brainstorming as a group, you should still think about sharing your ideas with others and asking them for their advice.You dont have to regard yourself as a very creative person to come up with excellent ideas and solutions at once. 48. _ Even if you dont find the perfect solution, just practicing

    28、it can help to improve your creativity. Put these tips together and you are sure to come up with some great ideas.AShare ideas with each other.BBrainstorming can help unlock ideas.CTheres no correct way to brainstorm.DJust say or write any idea that comes to mind.EYou can practice brainstorming skil

    29、ls whenever you want to.FDont give up your ideas, no matter how strange they seem to be.D请阅读下面短文,根据短文内容,在方框内的缩写文章中,填入与短文意思最相符的单词。每空一词。Learn how to drive safely in the UKBritish roads are some of the safest in the world. If you go there, you should try to drive the same way as British people do. Ther

    30、e is some advice for visitors who plan to go driving in the UK.Drive on the left side of the road. In most countries, people drive on the right side. Many visitors have problems because they forget about this difference.If there is a line of cars, dont try to go past other people to get to the front

    31、. This is called “jumping the line”. If you do this, other people will get angry with you.Stop at the traffic lights. In the UK, drivers always stop when the light is red, although there arent any cars or people around.Dont use your horn (喇叭) too much. If you do, people will think you are not polite

    32、. If another driver flashes (闪光) their lights at you, then they are probably trying to tell you that they will wait for you to go first.If you have an accident, then dont try to bribe (贿赂) the police! If you do, you might finish your visit in prison (监狱)Here is some advice for visitors who plan to g

    33、o driving in the UK.Drive on the left side of the road. Many visitors get into 49. _ while driving in the UK, because they often forget about the difference.Dont jump the line. If there is a line of cars, you should 50. _ going past other people to get to the front.Stop at the traffic lights. There

    34、arent any cars or people around, 51. _ drivers always stop when the light is red.Dont use your horn too much. If you do, people will think you are 52. _.Dont bribe the police when you have an accident. If you bribe the police, you will 53. _ be sent to prison.E请阅读下面短文,按要求完成所给任务。Classroom management

    35、can be a very challenging part of teaching. Keeping students calm and active to learn is not easy at all. School children in the US are disciplined(管教) with punishment for a lot of behaviors, from serious things like setting off fireworks in school to less serious behaviors like using smartphones an

    36、d not completing homework. In the states where punishment is legal(合法的), it can be used on children of all ages.There is school punishment in many countries. Recently a local government in China wrote a notice, asking public opinions on whether teachers should be allowed to punish students to make t

    37、hem know exactly what behaviors are expected in the classroom. According to regulations(规则), school teachers are allowed to criticize(批评) and give proper punishment on students who dont obey school rules and cause a bad situation in class.Yifen School asked 180 students of different grades about it

    38、and got the result. Some students think proper punishment is necessary because they need the teachers to push them forward. Others want the teachers to be kind and gentle. Here are some of the comments:Sunny Lin(Grade 8)Teachers should be careful about punishing students. They may hurt a child in he

    39、art, and itll have a bad influence on his whole life. My teacher makes students who forget to bring homework stand for an hour at their seats. I dont think thats acceptable.Mark Liu(Grade 9)Punishment is a difficult task which teachers have to do. If not done, more bad actions will destroy the aims

    40、of teaching and learning. And its totally hard to live if the child builds a terrible personality for the later part of life. Thats why the teachers should not only teach knowledge but also teach them how to be a kind person.Wang Hao(Grade 9)Punishment is necessary to educate a child. Although some

    41、teachers might take the wrong turning and beat a child, that does not mean there should be no punishment.There_must_be_clear_rules_on_what_the_punishment_will_be. This can be worked out by meeting with the parents. If possible, punish them together with the parents. The idea behind all these is to m

    42、ake sure that everything is known and agreed by parents.54. What kinds of behaviors are American students punished for?_55. Why are some students against school punishment?_56. What is Wang Haos suggestion on punishment?_57. Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese._58. According to the

    43、 diagram, which group have the largest number of supporters?_59. Do you think school punishment is necessary? Why or why not?_八、词语运用(每小题1分,共20分)A请阅读下面短文,根据语篇内容,在空白处填入恰当的单词,使短文通顺、连贯。每空一词。A School TripAttention, please! I have something important to say. Well go on a school trip 60. _ the science muse

    44、um this Friday. Here are some rules that we have to follow.To start 61. _, you must be quiet in the museum. 62. _ you speak loudly, the workers in the museum will ask you to leave. Next, dont take photos 63. _ the museum. Because its bad 64. _ the paintings. 65. _ you can take a pen and a notebook to write down some important things. Finally, keep the museum clean 66. _ tidy while visiting. 67. _ the way, please call us 6


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