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    人教版英语九年级全一册Unit4 学情评估.doc

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    人教版英语九年级全一册Unit4 学情评估.doc

    1、UNIT 4学情评估时间:100分钟满分:120分一、听力理解(20小题, 每小题1分, 共20分)第一节听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话读两遍。()1. What did the boys mother use to look like?A. She was thin.B. She was tall.C. She had long hair.()2. What did David use to be afraid of?A. Dogs. B. Snakes. C. Cats.()3. How much is the sweater

    2、 now? A. ¥120. B. ¥60. C. ¥30.()4. What team did Steve use to be on?A. The swimming team. B. The soccer team.C. The tennis team.()5. How did John use to go to school?A. On foot. B. By bike. C. By bus.第二节听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题, 从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳答案。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话, 回答第6至第7两个小题。()6. What kind o

    3、f boy was Ray in the past?A. A boy causing trouble.B. A boy liking helping others.C. A boy liking solving problems.()7. What did Ray do when he was five years old?A. He helped put out a big fire.B. He almost burned down the house.C. He wrote a story about fire.听下面一段对话, 回答第8至第9两个小题。()8. Where did Ric

    4、ks uncle use to live?A. In Suzhou. B. In Hangzhou. C. In Lanzhou.()9. How often did Rick use to visit his uncle?A. Once a month.B. Three times a year.C. Once a year.听下面一段独白, 回答第10至第12三个小题。()10. What did Lily use to be like?A. Shy. B. Outgoing. C. Tall.()11. What color is Alfreds hair now?A. Red. B.

    5、Colorful. C. Black.()12. What did the speaker use to do after school?A. He used to draw pictures.B. He used to play basketball.C. He used to play volleyball.听下面一段对话, 回答第13至第15三个小题。()13. Whats the relationship between the two speakers?A. Cousins.B. Classmates.C. Sister and brother.()14. What did Ann

    6、use to be like?A. Short and outgoing.B. Short and quiet.C. Tall and quiet.()15. Where will Jack go?A. To Paris. B. To London. C. To Ottawa.第三节听下面一篇短文。按照你所听内容的先后顺序将下列图片排序。短文读两遍。A. B. C. D. E. 16. _17. _18. _19. _20. _二、阅读理解(20小题, 每小题2分, 共40分)阅读下面四篇语言材料, 然后按文后要求做题。ARobinI didnt do well in my study bef

    7、ore, but since I began to study in this school, things have changed.The teachers here are all energetic, active and helpful.They always encourage me by saying “Im sure you can make it.” or “You are one of the cleverest students I have ever met.” These words really mean a lot to me.Now Im one of the

    8、top students in my class, and I like studying as well.DickI used to be a fat boy who could hardly run 500 meters.When I entered the middle school, my father worried that I would be laughed at by my new classmates.So he decided to do exercise with me every day.It really worked.Now Im used to running

    9、and exercising in the morning, and I am slim and strong.Besides, my P. E.teacher thinks I can be a good runner in the future!JasonI used to like to be alone and didnt feel like talking to anyone.But when I met Robin and Dick, I found that they were really good people.Then gradually we became closer

    10、and finally became good friends.Thanks to them, Im talkative and outgoing now, and I have made many other friends.I talk and play with my friends every day and each day I feel happy.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。()21. Who has always encouraged Robin since he came to the middle school?A. His teachers. B. His friends

    11、.C. His parents. D. His classmates.()22. Why did Dicks father do exercise with him?A. Because he wanted to lose weight.B. Because he wanted his son to be fat.C. Because he worried that his son would be laughed at in the school.D. Because he wanted his son to be a runner in the future.()23. Who helpe

    12、d Jason become an outgoing boy?A. Dick and Robin. B. Dick and Tim.C. Robin and Tim. D. We dont know.()24. What does the underlined word “talkative” mean in Chinese?A. 沉默的 B. 兴奋的C. 健谈的 D. 爱开玩笑的()25. Which of the following is TRUE according to the text?A. Robin thinks the teachers in the middle school

    13、 are humorous.B. Robin used to be a fat boy.C. Jason is too shy to talk to people and make friends with them now.D. Dick is used to running in the morning now.BEach Friday, my sons kindergarten(幼儿园)class has a“prize day”. All the children who do well in the week can get a prize. The children have be

    14、havior cards. The cards are green every morning, but are changed from green to yellow, orange and finally to red if they do something wrong. Most of the children never change their cards from green to other colors.On many Fridays, a boy named Tommy often walks out with an unsmiling face because he h

    15、as had a bad day or two that week. Tommy is a naughty boy and he often causes trouble. Other children would tell their parents “Tommy got angry.” or “Tommy didnt listen to the teacher.”But recently, things have become much better for Tommy. My son reports proudly each day, “All GREEN today.”Last nig

    16、ht, after I kissed him goodnight, he said he was very excited because the next day would be a prize day. “And I hope, hope, hope that Tommy stays on green!” My heart was filled with pride. I told my son how kind it was of him to think of Tommy rather than caring about his own prize.I am so proud of

    17、both my son and Tommy, and I hope one day they will both understand what the real prize is!根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。()26. What color is a behavior card at first?A. Red. B. Yellow.C. Green. D. Orange.()27. If a boys card was changed into red, it showed that _.A. he got a prize B. he did badlyC. he helped other

    18、children D. he became better than before()28. The underlined word “naughty” in Paragraph 2 means “_”. A. 聪明的 B. 友善的C. 内向的 D. 淘气的()29. From the passage we know that _. A. things were becoming better for TommyB. Tommy behaved worse and worseC. Tommy always listened to teachersD. Tommy never got a gree

    19、n card()30. Why does the writer take pride in his son?A. Because his son always cares about him.B. Because his son always thinks of his own prize.C. Because his son often tells him what happens at the kindergarten.D. Because his son always thinks of Tommy rather than caring about his own prize.CMa M

    20、iyang is an eighthgrader from Zhengzhou, Henan. During the first long holiday after the “double reduction” policy (“双减”政策)was introduced, Ma felt more relaxed, since the homework was clearly much less but more enjoyable. With more free time, Ma said she could develop new hobbies.Like Ma, many middle

    21、 school students welcomed the changes brought by the policy.Liu Yifei, a seventhgrader, visited a museum in Taiyuan, Shanxi, as part of her homework. “Its more fun than memorizing things from books,” Liu said. Another big difference for Liu was that she didnt have afterschool classes anymore. This g

    22、ave her more time to play badminton and get healthier._“I used to take many afterschool classes, but now Ive lost their help and need to depend on myself,” said ninthgrader Zhou Xiuwei from Nanjing, Jiangsu. “I felt more stressed this holiday.”The goal (目标)of the “double reduction” policy, according

    23、 to Wang Jian, director (负责人)at Shanghai Normal University, was to let students learn more efficiently(有效地)and develop allround abilities. “Its difficult for students to be independent learners, but this will help them become more creative and find their true talents,” Wang said.根据短文内容,选择最佳答案。()31.

    24、Why did Ma feel more relaxed?A. Because she didnt need to do homework anymore.B. Because she just needed to do less but more enjoyable homework.C. Because she developed some new hobbies.D. Because she didnt have afterschool classes anymore.()32. We know from the passage that Liu Yifei and Zhou Xiuwe

    25、i _.A. are in the same gradeB. like the changes brought by the policyC. used to take afterschool classesD. had more pressure during the holiday()33. Which of the following can be put in _ in the third paragraph?A. However, some students felt worried about the changes.B. All students liked the policy

    26、.C. Some students had the same idea as Ma.D. Students had less pressure than before because of the policy.()34. What was the “double reduction” policy for, according to Wang Jian?A. For making students depend on themselves.B. For letting students learn more efficiently and develop allround abilities

    27、.C. For helping students become less creative.D. For hiding students true talents.()35. Whats the main idea of the passage?A. Different homework under the “double reduction” policy.B. Different learning ways under the “double reduction” policy.C. The changes brought by the “double reduction” policy.

    28、D. The theme of the “double reduction” policy.DChildrens lives have changed a lot in the past few years. But do they have a happier childhood than I did?_36_ I have four brothers and sisters, and my memories are all about being with them.We used to play board games in the living room, spend days in

    29、the street with other children, race up and down on our bikes, or explore(探索) the nearby woods. _37_ They only appeared during meals.These days, the nature of childhood has changed. Firstly, families are smaller. It is common for both parents to work in a place far away from their hometown. They don

    30、t have any ways to take their children with them._38_Another change is that children spend most of their free time at home. Parents worry too much about their childrens safety, so they dont allow their children to play outside by themselves.Finally, the toys children have and the ways they play are

    31、completely different. _39_ The funny thing is that so many ways of playing games are called “interactive (互动的)”. The fact that you play electronic(电子的) games on your own increases the sense of loneliness. _40_ Im not sure about that, but perhaps every generation (一代人) feels exactly the same.根据材料内容,

    32、从下面五个选项中选出能填入文中空缺处的最佳选项, 使文章意思通顺、内容完整。A. I usually look back on my own childhood.B. As a result, children spend much of their time alone.C. My parents seldom appeared in those memories.D. Do these changes mean that children today have a less relaxing childhood than I did?E. Computer and video games

    33、have taken the place of the board games and other interesting activities of my childhood.36. _37. _38. _39. _40. _三、完形填空(15小题, 每小题1分, 共15分)先通读短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个可以填入相应空白处的最佳答案。“I dont want to go, Miss White. Im frightened(害怕的), very frightened,” Monica told her teacher.Monica was a very_4

    34、1_ girl. She always sat at the back of the classroom,_42_ or taking notes. Every Monday morning, there would be a special show in her class and one student would be_43_ to make a speech about his or her dream. Miss White hoped that Monica could have a try the next week. But she refused.“I know that

    35、it seems_44_ for you, but it will help you build up your confidence(信心),” said Miss White. Monica was lost in thought. The next day, Monica came to Miss Whites office. Miss White was_45_ that she would take the chance. Miss White redpenciled the manuscript of her speech, corrected her_46_, and even

    36、helped with her body language. She advised Monica to practice, and to _47_ that she was speaking confidently in front of her class._48_ a whole week, Monica practiced speaking in front of her imaginary friends and teachers. Behind the locked door of her bedroom, she told them about her_49_.Finally,

    37、Monday arrived._50_ Monica was called upon to give her speech, she_51_ and walked to the front of the class without any notes, in a show of confidence. Monicas successful performance brought everyone a great_52_.The whole class clapped (鼓掌)for a full minute. Miss White_53_.She had known that Monica

    38、would make it when she_54_ took her first step to overcome (克服)her fear of speaking in public.From that day, Monicas life changed for the better. At the age of 23, she became a news reader. People who see her on television now will find it hard to_55_ that she was once a shy girl.()41. A. activeB. l

    39、azyC. quietD. polite()42. A. reading B. singingC. talking D. laughing()43. A. warned B. forcedC. caught D. chosen()44. A. difficult B. important C. necessary D. interesting()45. A. crazy B. gladC. bored D. afraid()46. A. direction B. conversationC. explanation D. pronunciation()47. A. realize B. exa

    40、mineC. imagine D. introduce()48. A. By B. For C. With D. Along()49. A. jobB. hobby C. dreamD. promise()50. A. When B. Until C. Since D. Though()51. A. woke up B. looked upC. stood up D. dressed up()52. A. secret B. thoughtC. decision D. surprise()53. A. agreed B. smiledC. answered D. cried()54. A. e

    41、asilyB. luckily C. quickly D. bravely()55. A. expect B. believeC. discuss D. express四、语篇填空(15小题, 每小题1分, 共15分)第一节阅读短文, 从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空, 使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词, 每词限用一次。badhugebutlucksatisfyflydevelopbealreadylotMy father once told me that when he was in primary school, he lived in a small town called L

    42、ijiashan. It was really a beautiful place. And its population_56_ about 685.Birds_57_ in the sky and ducks swam in the river happily. People in that area lived a peaceful life,_58_ they were poor.But now, Lijiashan has turned into a busy town._59_ changes began to take place in 1998.People managed (

    43、设法完成) to build an airport that year. A new park was also built.It was a good place for people to have fun._60_ of local people left their houses and moved into flats (公寓)built by the government.More and more changes have taken place since then. People there are much richer now. Their basic needs are

    44、 _61_.They look happier than before. But the changes have also caused many problems. For example, the natural environment becomes_62_ than before. Sometimes more traffic accidents happen._63_, the government has taken action(采取行动) to solve these problems. Some factories that seriously polluted the e

    45、nvironment have _64_ been shut down.Like most people living in my hometown, I like the improvement and_65_.Life never stops changing.56. _57. _58. _59. _60. _61. _62. _63. _64. _65. _第二节阅读短文, 根据语篇要求填空, 使短文通顺、意思完整。每空限填一词。Evan had a difficult time during his middle school days.He was heavy and bald(秃头

    46、的). He had no friends.He was always alone.“I cant always be like this.I need _66_ fresh start in my high school, he told himself.Evan went to a doctor _67_ help.The doctor told him that he had to start with something easy.Evan took the doctors advice and did a lot of things.He first bought some medicine to help his hair to grow.Then _68_ started to talk to people more to make friends.He also started to eat healthy food and did exercise to keep healthy.When Evan went to the high school on the first day, he was a


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