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    Unit 2 Let’s talk teens 词汇课(ppt课件) -2023新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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    Unit 2 Let’s talk teens 词汇课(ppt课件) -2023新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

    1、Unit 2Lets talk teens学习目标:掌握二单元重点单词argument,anxious,spot,target,desire,struggle,view,concern,stress,expert,press,eager,account,scene,response 战争期间,格林先生奔赴战场,格林夫人感到焦虑,她有很多忧虑。(battlefield)一方面,她需要在家独自照顾三个孩子和家里的农场。另一方面,由于银行账户没有钱,生活艰苦,她的姐夫菲尔逼她卖掉农场,因此她处于巨大的压力之中;更糟糕的是,她从伦敦来的侄子西里尔和侄女西莉娅和她的孩子们发生了争吵。格林夫人努力的想要解

    2、决这些问题 战争期间,格林先生奔赴战场,格林夫人为自己的家庭感到焦虑anxiousadj.焦虑的;担心的During the war,Mrs.Green felt anxious about her family because her husband Mr.Green went out to battle.feel/be anxious about sth/for sb.为某事/某人焦虑adj.渴望的 be anxious to do sth.渴望做某事 be anxious for sth 渴望得到某物anxiously adv.anxiety zati n.她有很多忧虑concernn.

    3、忧虑;担忧(可数)She had a lot of concerns.v.让担忧;涉及Toms poor performance concerned her parents.This matter doesnt concern you.concerned adj.担心的;忧虑的Many parents are concerned about their childrens safety.be concerned about/for 关心/担心adj.有关的as far as I am concerned.就我而言一方面,她需要在家独自照顾三个孩子和家里的农场。另一方面,由于银行账户没有钱,生活

    4、艰苦 accountn.账户On the other hand,there was no money in their bank account,their life was tough.bank account 银行账户v.是的原因on account of由于,因为takeinto account 把考虑在内她的姐夫菲尔逼迫她卖掉农场 pressv.逼迫Her brother-in-law pressed her to sell the farm.press sb to do sth.逼迫某人做某事v.按;压Please press the red button to get hot wa

    5、ter.pressure n.压力n.媒体;出版社press conferenceexpress impress v.表达 Dont be afraid to express your opinions.express ones opinions.表达某人的观点 expression n.表情;表达v.给留下印象Her appearance impressed me.impression n.印象first impression 第一印象 因此,她处于巨大的压力之中 stressn.压力Therefore,she was under huge stress.under stress 在压力之下

    6、v.强调;重读The word happy is stressed on the first syllable.He stressed the importance of kindness.stress the importance of.强调的重要性stressful adj.有压力的;紧张的更糟糕的是,她从伦敦来的侄子西里尔和侄女西莉娅和她的孩子们发生了争吵 argumentn.争吵,争论To make it worse/Whats worse,her nephew and niece from London had an argument with her children.have a

    7、n argument with sb(about sth)(因某事)与某人争吵arguev.争吵,争辩argue with sb 与某人争吵 格林夫人努力的想要解决这些问题strugglev.奋斗Mrs.Green struggled to solve these problems.struggle to do sth.努力做某事v.搏斗struggle for 为而斗争n.奋斗;斗争;挣扎脱身她无比渴望获得帮助eageradj.渴望的She was eager for help.be eager for sth.渴望得到 be eager to do sth.渴望做desirev/n.渴望S

    8、he desired to get help.desire to do sth./desire sth.渴望做/渴望What happens next?保姆专家迈克菲的出现改变了一切 expertn.专家The appearance of nanny expert McPhee changed everything.an expert in/on doing sth(做).方面的专家expect v.期待 她刚来时,看到家里到处是污渍spotn.污渍,斑点When she first arrived,she saw spots everywhere at home.n.场所,地点scenic

    9、spot 旅游景点 scene n.景色;场景spotless adj.干净的于是,她要求孩子们打扫卫生,然而没有人作出回应 responsen.回应;回复Then she asked the children to clean the house,but nobody made a response.make a response to sth.对某事作出回应respond v.回答;回应 respond toresponsible responsibility在她看来,这些问题通过魔法很容易解决。viewn.观点In her view,it was easy to solve these

    10、problems by magic.in ones view=in ones opinion 在某人看来from ones point of view.从某人的观点出发v.把视为view sb/sth asMy mom still views me as a child.review preview interviewn./v.复习 n./v.预习 n./v.面试访谈后来,在保姆迈克菲的帮助下,格林夫人解决了问题,达到了目标。targetn.目标Later,with the help of nanny McPhee,Mrs.Green solved the problems and achie

    11、ved her target.meet/achieve a target 完成/达到目标 set a target 设立目标n.靶子 aim at a target 瞄准靶子v.把对准 最终,迈克菲完成使命,变得更加美丽,悄然离开Magic Witch McPheeWhen you need her but do not want her,then she must stay.When you want her but no longer need her,then she has to go.Magic Nanny McPhee During the war,Mrs.Green felt a

    12、nxious about her family because her husband went out to battle.She had a lot of concerns.On the one hand,she had to take care of three children and the family farm.On the other hand,there was no money in their bank account,their life was tough.Her brother-in-law pressed her to sell the farm.Therefor

    13、e,she was under huge stress.To make it worse,her nephew and niece from London had an argument with her children.Mrs.Green struggled to solve these problems.She was eager for help.The appearance of nanny expert McPhee changed everything.When she first arrived,she saw spots everywhere at home.Then she

    14、 asked the children to clean the house,but nobody made a response.In her view,it was easy to solve these problems by magic.Later,with the help of nanny McPhee,Mrs.Green solved the problems and achieved her target.学习目标:掌握二单元重点单词anxious,concern,account,press,argument,stress,struggle,eager,desire,expert,spot,response,scene,view,targetWhat else?shoot up 快速长高;猛增 gather 聚集anger 愤怒 volunteercalm down 使冷静下来 figure 数字;身材 likely 可能的 operation 手术cheer up 振作起来graduate from 从毕业


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