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    1、2023年河北省秦皇岛市青龙满族自治县中考一模英语试题 一、听句子选信息1 AsportBstateCstay2 Agive upBmake upCput up3 A8:20B7:40C8:304 ATom likes the red shirt best.BTom likes the blue shirt best.CTom likes the blue shirt better.5 AShe passed the exam.BShe failed the exam.CHe passed the exam.二、听句子选答语6 AYes, I prefer vegetables.BVegeta

    2、bles.CVegetables or fruit.7 AYes, there is.BWalk along this street and turn right.CIt doesnt matter.8 ATwice a week.BTwo hours.CTen minutes walk.9 AHe is a doctor.BHe works very hard.CI like him very much.10 AI agree with you.BNo, I dont.CId love to.三、听录音选图片11What kind of music instrument does Lily

    3、like? ABC12Where did they go during the summer holiday? ABC四、听短对话选答案13Whats Mikes brother? AA farmer.BA worker.CA cook.五、听长对话选答案听一段对话,回答下面各小题。14What does Annie think of countryside?ABoring.BSpecial.CInteresting.15Why does Annie like living in countryside?ABecause the air is fresher.BBecause the the

    4、river is clearer.CBoth A and B听一段对话,回答下面各小题。16Why does the woman come here?ABecause she comes here to travel.BBecause she comes here to have a meeting.CBecause she comes here to visit friends.17Where is the hotel?AIn a big park.BAt the corner.CNear a famous museum.18How long will it take the woman t

    5、o get the hotel?AFive minutes by bike.BFive minutes on foot.CEight minutes on foot.六、听短文选答案听一篇短文,回答下面各小题。19How is the weather today?ASunny.BRainy.CCloudy.20Who likes flying kites?AJack.BJenny.CLisa.21What does Linda like?AShe likes potato chips.BShe likes tomatoes and apples.CShe likes listening to

    6、music.听一篇短文,回答下面各小题。22When did Nash win the Nobel Prize?AToday.BAt his old age.CWhen he was young.23What was wrong with John Nash?AHe had a mental illness.BHe had a serious traffic accident.CHe lost his hearing in an accident.24Why did Nash refuse to take medicine?ABecause he wanted to die.BBecause

    7、he couldnt afford the medicine.CBecause he thought that the medicine was harmful to his mind.25Who encouraged Nash and helped him?AHis neighbor.BHis wife.CHis families.七、听短文填表听一篇短文,根据听到的内容填空。Information SheetShe asked me the _26_ to the Science Museum.She would see a supermarket next to the bank on

    8、her _27_.Then went _28_ the Second Street.It was between the post office and the _29_.She thanked me and I felt very _30_.八、单项选择31Look! Li Lei and his grandmother are carrying a big bag. Lets help _.AhimBtheyCthemDher32Forests are very important to humans. They can stop the wind _ blowing the earth

    9、away.AtoBfromCofDwith33If you dont like the porridge, you _ eat it. What about a glass of milk?AshouldntBmustntCdont have toDcant34They live in different cities, they keep in touch _ phone often.AwithBofConDby35How many students are there in your class?Fifty. _ of them _ football.ATwo third, likesBT

    10、wo three, likeCTwo thirds, likesDTwo thirds, like36In the hospital, Mr. Li is _ known as a good doctor.AwidelyBeasilyCwiselyDhardly37China _ many achievements in the past 10 years.Well, we can see them in stories on TV now.Ahas madeBmakeChave madeDmade38In a few months time, the mountain _ green tre

    11、es.Ais covered withBwill be covered withCwas covered withDwill cover with39These years, the price of food _ so quickly.AimprovesBdevelopsCcreatesDincreases40What a beautiful kite! Can you tell me _?I made it with my brothers help.Awhere you made itBwho you made it forChow you made itDwhen you made i

    12、t九、完形填空阅读下面短文,从各小题所给的四个选项中选出最佳选项。A video of an incident has been watched by many people online. A boy helped save the life of his friend from choking(噎) in the dining hall at school while having _41_ there.In the video, freshman Jackson just got a seat and ate his chicken sandwich. Suddenly, the foo

    13、d stuck(卡住) in his _42_ and he hiccuped (打嗝). Hunter Olsen sat _43_ from Jackson. He thought that Jackson was just joking and _44_ it along with his friends. But soon it became _45_ that Jackson was really choking and tried to cough the food out. He pointed _46_ his throat to tell Hunter that he was

    14、 not playing. Hunter realized that he had to “do something” and used the Heimlich maneuver(海姆立克急救法). Finally, with Hunters help, Jackson coughed the food out and could _47_ again.Ms. Howa had taught them the Heimlich maneuver during her health class. She couldnt believe her ears when she _48_ what h

    15、ad happened. But she was over the moon(欣喜若狂) to know how her student put what she had taught into _49_. She was proud of Hunter.Hunter said, “I just thought that doing something was better than doing _50_.” Then he said he hadnt paid much attention to Ms. Howas class at that time, but that her great

    16、 teaching had helped him know what to do when needed.41AlessonsBsportsClunchDfun42AmouthBneckCnoseDthroat43AthroughBacrossCalongDover44Adealt withBworried aboutClaughed atDcared for45AhappyBclearCinterestingDfunny46AtoBonCinDout47AwalkBhearCcoughDbreathe48AheardBsawCfoundDwondered49AclassesBtheoryCb

    17、ooksDpractice50AsomethingBnothingCanythingDeverything十、阅读单选Drinking Alone under the MoonAmong the flowers, from a pot of wine.I drink without a companion of mine.I raise my cup to invite the Moon who blends.Her light with my Shadow and were three friends.The Moon does not know how to drink her share

    18、;In vain my Shadow follows me here and there.Together with them for the time I stay.And make merry before springs spent away.I sing and the Moon lingers to hear my song;My Shadows a mess while I dance along.Sober, we three remain cheerful and gay;Drunken, we part and each may go his way.Our friendsh

    19、ip will outshine all earthly love;Next time well meet beyond the stars above.51Who is the writer of this poem?ADu Fu.BLiBai.CWang Anshi.DDu Mu.52What was the writers feeling?ALonely.BCheerful.CExcited.DGay.53Where can you read it?AStory book.BScience.CHistory.DLiterature.Chinese pandas meet the publ

    20、ic in the World Cup host country. Soccer fans can not only enjoy the World Cup games in Doha(多哈), the capital of Qatar(卡塔尔), but also say hello to giant pandas from China.On Nov 17, Dohas first-ever panda house opened to the public, CGTN reported. It is the new home of two Chinese giant pandasthe 3-

    21、year-old female Si Hai and the 4-year-old male Jing Jing. They also have Arab namesSuhail for Jing Jing and Soraya for Si Hai. The two Arab names mean stars in the sky.The pandas enjoy their life in Doha. Their house was built with air-conditioning. They have bamboo from China and can also eat carro

    22、ts, apples and traditional Chinese pancakes.The pandas arrived in Doha on Oct 19. It was the first time that pandas had been to the Middle East. According to the agreement between China and Qatar, they will stay in Qatar for 15 years.54The Arab name of Jing Jing is _.ASorayaBSi HaiCSuhailDDoha55When

    23、 did the pandas arrive in Doha?AOn Nov. 17.BOn Oct. 19.COn Oct. 17.DOn Nov. 19.56How long will the pandas stay in Qatar?A17 years.B19 years.C15 years.D4 years.Dai Ting, 16, SichuanToday, Chinese beauty standards are becoming more and more diverse. In contrast, Western beauty standards are more enthu

    24、siastic and spontaneous (随性的). However, Chinese and Western beauty standards are always influencing each other. The designs of major international brands often incorporate (融合) elements of Chinese beauty standards, which are in turn influenced by international fashion.Li Xuanlei, 18, JiangsuOne of t

    25、he biggest differences between Chinese and Western beauty standards can be found in skin tone preferences. Chinese girls prefer lighter skin. Meanwhile, Europeans and Americans have a penchant(偏好) for “tanning (晒黑)”. This is because, in their perspective, having a tan represents youth, beauty and at

    26、tractiveness. For them, the process of enjoying the suns kisses in nature gives the skin a healthy wheat or honey color.Wang Hongjie, 17, BeijingThe beauty standards of Chinese people are divided into two factions (派别). Most of them adhere to (遵守) the popular online beauty standards: “white”, “young

    27、” and “thin”, while others advocate for beauty standards according to health needs. This is a far cry from Western beauty standards. In terms of body shape, many Chinese people may prefer skinny bodies, while in the West, the beauty of symmetrical (匀称的) bodies is more promoted.57Where is Li Xuanlei

    28、from?ASichuan.BJiangxi.CJiangsu.DBeijing.58The underlined word means _.AdifferentBspecialCinterestingDpopular59One of the biggest differences between Chinese and Western beauty standards can be found in _.Ainternational fashionBskin tone preferencesCelements of Chinese beauty standardsDhealth needs6

    29、0According to the popular online beauty standards, which of the following body shape is beautiful?ASymmetrical.BFat.CTanning.DThin.Delivery workers (快递员) usually deliver things by car or motorbike. But in a village called Lehde in Spreewald, Germany, they deliver things by boat. Spreewald is an area

    30、 known for its traditional irrigation system (灌溉系统). It has more than 200 small canals (水道) with a total length of 1,300 kilometers. This means there are almost as many canals in the area as roads!Post-delivery by boat in Lehde has a 124-year-old tradition and for most locals, it is a part of their

    31、everyday life. In the winter months, post in Lehde is delivered by Postbus. However, long distances need to be covered on foot, sometimes over bridges and stairs because of the special geography of the area.A few days ago, postal worker Andrea Bunar started her tenth year as a boat delivery “driver”

    32、. In the mornings, the 50-year-old lady first delivers to customers in Lubbenau by Postbus. Around noon she turns to her yellow boat. Every day, she rows 8 kilometers and delivers things to about 65 families. She delivers everything, such as letters, large parcels and even an apple tree. Strong arms

    33、 are really needed to carry out her tasks: Parcels can weigh up to 31.5 kilograms.To celebrate the ladys efforts and the 124-year-old tradition of water delivery, Deutsche Post has issued (发行) a stamp featuring Andrea and her boat.61In Lehde, people usually use _ to deliver things.AcarBmotorbikeCboa

    34、tDPostbus62Which sentence is true according to Paragraph 2?APost-delivery by boat in Lehde is common for most locals.BCanals cover all parts of this area.CPost in Lehde is delivered by Postbus in spring.DThe winter in Spreewald is long and cold.63When did Andrea Bunar start to work as a boat deliver

    35、y “driver”?AA few days ago.BTen years ago.CIn her 50s.DAt age of 65.64What can we know according to the passage?AThere are more than 1,300 canals in Spreewald.BIt is the first time for Andrea to deliver things to customers by Postbus.CDeutsche Post has issued (发行) a set of coins featuring Andrea and

    36、 her boat.DDelivery workers must be strong enough to do the work.65What is the purpose of the passage?ATo tell us a special way to deliver things.BTo show us a beautiful village and its traditional irrigation system (灌溉系统).CTo let us learn from a delivery workerAndrea Bunar.DTo buy the stamps.十一、多任务

    37、混合阅读阅读下面短文,按要求完成下面小题。China has succeeded in developing the “giant(巨大的) rice”. It is twice as tall as common rice, which is usually about one meter tall. People called it a “dream coming true” moment for Yuan Longping, who was the top rice scientist in the world and was regarded as the “father of hyb

    38、rid rice”.This special type of rice was grown in Chongqing for 15 mu. It was planted in May and harvested four months later. Each mu of the fields produced about 750900 kilograms.This type of rice is not only strong and tall, but also resistant(有抵抗力的) to flood. It can also bring many nutrients(营养) t

    39、o the plants nearby and provide a good living environment for animals in water. When the water in the rice fields is 6080 centimeters deep, it can even be used to raise fishes. From next year, the “giant rice” will be planted in thousands of mu of fields in Chongqing.Yuan Longping once said that he

    40、hoped to sit under the ears of rice to enjoy the cool one day. He developed the first high-producing hybrid rice. But sadly, he passed away at 91 in Changsha in May 2021. Many people posted online to pay tribute(致敬) to Yuan after reading the news, saying “your dream is gradually coming true, can you

    41、 see it?”12题完成句子;3题简略回答;4题找出并写出本文的主题句;5题将文中划线句子译成汉语。66This type of rice is not only _, but also resistant(有抵抗力的) to flood.67From next year, the “giant rice” will be planted in _mu of fields in Chongqing.68Which month was the new type of rice planted?_69_70_十二、语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Frie

    42、nds are different things to different people. To my brother, a friend is someone who likes to build _71_ (shelf) and ride bikes. My dads friends are neighbors who help him with the work like _72_ (plant) trees. Steve is my best friend. His house is next to _73_ (my). He is a _74_ (friend) person. We

    43、 go skating and talk _75_ sports. He often asks people _76_ he can do for them. When I _77_ (break) my leg, he always carried my schoolbag for me. A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be _78_ (you). Some friends may be in your life for _79_ while. Others will be there for a long time,

    44、maybe even forever. I would hate to move, _80_ I could take my friends with me. They are too important to leave behind.十三、将所给单词连成句子81beautiful, the school garden, how, is_!82flowers, of, lots, green, there, trees, are, and_.83at, children, over there, look, the_!84they, on, games, the, are, playing, playground_.85they, time, to, have, a, are, good, sure_.十四、材料作文86疫情好转,同学们又回到了久违的校园,但做好防护依然重要。请你根据下面表格中的内容提示,面向全体同学写一封倡议书,号召大家从自身做起,保障自身及他人身


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