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    Unit 4 Discovering Useful Structures 定语从句(ppt课件) (2)-2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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    Unit 4 Discovering Useful Structures 定语从句(ppt课件) (2)-2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

    1、THE ATTRIBUTIVE CLAUSEIm Bear Brown.Im a brown bear.brownIm a brown bear.定语的定义定语的定义brown定语定语 定语 修饰、限定、说明名词或代词的品质与特征的词。定义 名词、代词、数词、介词短语、动词不定式 (短语)、分词、定语从句等相当于形容词的词、短语或句子都可以作定语。种类前 置 定 语当定语放在所修饰名词的前面,我们称之为前置定语。一般情况下,形容词、现在分词、过去分词以及动名词作定语,都是前置定语。例如:a red flower a living elephant a tired engineer a bark

    2、ing dog 后 置 定 语当定语放在所修饰名词的后面,我们称之为后置定语。一般情况下,修饰不定代词的形容词、形容词短语、现在分词短语、过去分词短语、动词不定式以及介词短语等作定语,都是后置定语。后 置 定 语1.形容词作后置定语(a-)一些以a为词首的形容词作定语时,需要后置。例:The girl asleep soundly is my younger sister.He is the greatest writer alive.以a为首做后置定语的形容词还有:alone,alike,afraid,aware,ashamed,awake 等。后 置 定 语1.形容词作后置定语(a-)一些

    3、以a为词首的形容词作定语时,需要后置。以a为首做后置定语的形容词还有:alone,alike,afraid,aware,ashamed,awake 等。但若这些词有一个状语修饰,则可以前置。例:the fast asleep children 熟睡的孩子们 the wide awake patient 完全醒着的病人 a somewhat afraid soldier 一个有点惊恐的士兵后 置 定 语2.形容词作后置定语(-able,-ible)一些以后缀-able 和-ible 结尾的形容词,在意义上有强烈的谓语色彩和被动意义时,也往往后置。例:He is the only person r

    4、eliable.I know the actor suitable for the part.后 置 定 语3.形容词修饰不定代词例:Id like something cheaper.There is something strange in the sky.She doesnt like eating anything sweet.后 置 定 语4.形容词短语作后置定语例:He looked at the street full of cars.He is a worker worthy of praise.Hangzhou is a city famous for the West La

    5、ke.后 置 定 语5.副词作后置定语副词做定语时一般放在名词之后,在意义上表示时间、地点等。例:The weather here is very nice.The building around are mostly of modern constructions.后 置 定 语6.现在分词短语作后置定语现在分词短语做定语时,一定放在被修饰成分的后面,构成后置定语。例:They built a highway leading into the mountains.We met a group of pupils returning from school.现在分词短语做后置定语,在意义上相当

    6、于一个定语从句。但在转换时,要注意动词的主语和时态。后 置 定 语7.过去分词短语作后置定语过去分词短语做后置定语时,表示被动意义、完成意义或状态意义。Whats the language spoken in that area?Is there anything planned for tonight?后 置 定 语8.动词不定式(to do sth.)作后置定语 动词不定式做后置定语与被修饰成分之间表示不同的语义关系。1)表示动宾关系 做修饰语的动词不定式为逻辑谓语,被修饰的名词为动词不定式的直接宾语。例如:I have a lot of work to do today.He had a

    7、 big family to support.后 置 定 语8.动词不定式(to do sth.)作后置定语2)表示主谓关系 被修饰的名词表示逻辑主语,修饰它的动词不定式结构表示逻辑谓语。例如:Among the men to take part in the work,he is probably the most active.Hes always the first to come.后 置 定 语8.动词不定式(to do sth.)作后置定语3)表示修饰关系动词不定式对其修饰的成分起一种描绘阐述作用。例如:Its already time to start planting trees

    8、.He had no chance to go to school in those years.后 置 定 语8.动词不定式(to do sth.)作后置定语4)表示同位关系不定式和被修饰的名词处于平行关系,只对其起一种解说作用。例如:Soon came the order to start the general attack.We got no instructions to leave the city.后 置 定 语9.动词不定式复合结构(for sb.to do sth.)作后置定语动词不定式复合结构做后置定语和动词不定式短语一样,均只能放在被修饰成分后面,做后置定语。例如:He

    9、bought a house for his children to live in.Its difficult for us to get there on time.后 置 定 语10.介词短语作后置定语介词短语做后置修饰语,在意义上表示时间、地点、范围、类别、来源、动宾、同位等语义关系。例如:The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Sanya.(地点)People in the world play basketball.(范围)His love for his country is very great.(动宾)The city of

    10、 New York is very large.(同位)找出定语找出定语Im a cute bear.Im a cute bear.cute cute 形容词前置形容词前置Im a bear Im a bear standing on a ball.standing on a ball.standing on a ballstanding on a ball现在分词短语后置现在分词短语后置I like potato chips.I like potato chips.potatopotato名词作定语名词作定语Im a bear in a hoodie.Im a bear in a hoodi

    11、e.介词短语后置介词短语后置in a hoodiein a hoodie数词前置数词前置I have a lot of friends.I have a lot of friends.a lot ofa lot of找出定语找出定语Im Bear Brown who has a lot of friends.who has a lot of friends who has a lot of friends 定语从句后置定语从句后置This bear is Brown.The bear is sitting in front of the fridge.The bear who is sitti

    12、ng in front of the fridge is Brown.定语从句定语从句THE ATRIBUTIVE CLAUSECHAPTER 1CHAPTER 1基本概念和引导词限制性定语从句限制性定语从句句句二二、引导定语从句的关系词有:引导定语从句的关系词有:关系代词:who,whom,whose,which,that 关系副词:when,where,why一一、定义、定义在复合句中,修饰一个名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。三、定语从句的位置三、定语从句的位置先行词先行词定语从句定语从句关系代词关系代词定语从句一定放在被修饰的名词或代词之后。e.g.This is the car(whic

    13、h I bought last year.)定语从句结构定语从句结构:先行词:先行词+关系词关系词+从句从句被定语从句所修饰的被定语从句所修饰的名词或代词名词或代词。1.1.连接连接作用,连接主从句;作用,连接主从句;2.2.指代指代先行词,甚至整个主句;先行词,甚至整个主句;3.3.在从句中在从句中充当句子成分充当句子成分。定语从句的关系代词定语从句的关系代词关系代词关系代词所修饰的先行词所修饰的先行词在句子所承担的成分在句子所承担的成分主语、宾语主语、宾语物物人人主语、宾语主语、宾语人人人、物人、物人、物人、物主语、宾语主语、宾语宾语宾语定语定语thatwhichWho Whomwhose

    14、 在复合句中,修饰一个名词或代词的从句叫做定语从句。结构:先行词+引导词+从句 定语从句 先行词引导词被定语从句所修饰的名词或者代词。引导词又称为关系词。分关系代词和关系副词。作用:1.引导定语从句;2.在从句中作一个成分;3.代替先行词在从句中的位置。关系代词在从句中充当主语或者宾语。关系代词后的谓语动词,即从句的谓语动词,应与主句的主语保持一致。主要有以下几个词:who,that,whom,whose,which关系代词关系代词先行词在定从中成分who人人主语主语/宾语宾语whom人人宾语宾语which物物主语主语/宾语宾语that人人/物物主语主语/宾语宾语/表语表语whose人人/物物

    15、定语定语附:关系代词使用表注:关系代词在从句中做宾语时可以省略。词汇辨析词汇辨析关系代词先行词在定从中成分who人人主语主语/宾语宾语whom人人宾语宾语 例:I met a girl _ knew your sister.主句先行词从句关系词作主语who词汇辨析词汇辨析关系代词先行词在定从中成分who人人主语主语/宾语宾语whom人人宾语宾语 例:I met a girl _ I want to marry.主句先行词从句关系词作宾语whomwho不不填填注:关系代词在从句中做宾语时可以省略。词汇辨析词汇辨析The person to _ I complained is the manage

    16、r.在从句中做介词的宾语且在从句中做介词的宾语且介词提到关系词介词提到关系词之前时之前时,只能用,只能用whomwhom,不能用不能用whowho。如:。如:The person _ I complained to is the manager.whomwhomwhothat/The person is the manager.I complained to the person._词汇辨析词汇辨析遇到以下情况只能用遇到以下情况只能用whowho,不能用,不能用thatthat。1.当指人的先行词是those时,只能用who。God helps those who help themselve

    17、s.He who does not reach the Great Wall is not a true man.2.当先行词是人称代词 he,she,they或anyone,noboday等指人的不定代词时,只能用who。We dont want anyone who is poor to go hungry.There is nobody who has no shortcomings.3.当指人的先行词是序数词或被序数词修饰时,只能用who。He is the third man who witbessed the murder.The person is downstairs who

    18、you have been looking for since last year.4当指人的先行词和定语从句被其他成分分隔时,只能用who。They were the first who arrived there.He is the only doctor in this hospital who I trust.Brown,there is a fancy dress party in our school next week.Lets go and prepare for it.Sure,we must be the students who are the most special

    19、ones in the party.特色面具特色面具请帮Cony及她的朋友们选择合适的面具吧!whom The boy _ is handsome is Brown.who特色面具特色面具 All the children like the teacher with _ Mr.Green work.who请帮Cony及她的朋友们选择合适的面具吧!whom特色面具特色面具 Those _dont forget why they start can accomplish their mission.that请帮Cony及她的朋友们选择合适的面具吧!who特色面具特色面具 The giraffe _

    20、 is eating the tree leaves is called Jenny.that请帮Cony及她的朋友们选择合适的面具吧!whom词汇辨析词汇辨析关系代词先行词在定从中成分which物物主语主语/宾语宾语that人人/物物主语主语/宾语宾语/表语表语注:一般在先行词为物体的时候,that和which都可以互换。主句先行词 从句关系词作主语 例:She was not on the train _ arrived just now.whichwhichthatthat词汇辨析词汇辨析关系代词先行词在定从中成分which物物主语主语/宾语宾语that人人/物物主语主语/宾语宾语/表语

    21、表语注:关系代词在从句中做宾语时可以省略。主句先行词 从句关系词作宾语 例:Is this the book _ you are looking for?whichwhich不填不填thatthat用 法 区 别1.当先行词是anything,everything,nothing(something除外),few,all,none,little等不定代词时,或者是由any,every,all,some,no,little,few,much,each等修饰时:Have you take down everything(that)Mr.Li said?All that can be done ha

    22、s been done.There is little(that)I can do for you.Any man that/who has a sense of duty wont do such a thing.在下列情况下,关系词用that而不用which。用 法 区 别2.当先行词被序数词修饰时:The first place that they visited in London was the Big Ben.This is the best movie that I have ever seen.This is the very good book(that)I want to

    23、buy.After the fire in his house,the old car is the only thing that he owned.3.当先行词被形容词最高级修饰时:4.当先行词被the very/only/same/last 修饰时:在下列情况下,关系词用that而不用which。用 法 区 别在下列情况下,关系词用that而不用which。5.当主句是以which开头的特殊疑问句时:Can you remember the scientist and his theory that we have learned?Which is the book that you l

    24、ike best?6.当先行词既有人,又有动物或者物体时:用 法 区 别在下列情况下,关系词只能用which。1.介词前置时,关系代词只能用which:It is a tool with which we can open a can.She failed the exam,which made her parents very angry.My glasses,without which I was like a blind man,fell to the ground and broke.2.引导非限制性定语从句修饰某物或整个句子时,只能用whichWho is the man _teac

    25、hes you English?请帮Cony及Choco选择合适的配饰吧!精致配饰精致配饰 Internet is so interesting,_makes all possible happen.whichthatThe key with _ to open the door has been lost.请帮Cony及Choco选择合适的配饰吧!精致配饰精致配饰 Is there anything _ I can do for you?whichthatThis is the most important thing _I want to do.请帮Cony及Choco选择合适的配饰吧!精

    26、致配饰精致配饰 He invited us to dinner,_was very kind of him.whichthat词汇辨析词汇辨析关系代词先行词在定从中成分whose人人/物物定语定语 主句先行词 从句关系词作定语 whose在定语从句中作定语,表示引导词与后面的名词为所属关系,可以指人也可以指物,可以与of which和of whom互换使用。例:This is the man _ job is a car engineer.whosewhose用of.改写句子。I saw some trees,whose leaves were black in disease.I saw s

    27、ome trees,the leaves of which were black in disease.Mr.King,whose legs were badly hurt,was quickly taken to hospital.Mr.King,the legs of whom were badly hurt,was quickly taken to hospital.The baby whose eyes are blue is so cute.The baby,the eyes of whom are blue,is so cute.2)The terrible shaking of

    28、the building woke up all the people _ were asleep.3)The next day,people put up shelters in the open air using anything _ they could find.Complete each sentence with that,which,who,whose,whom,or“/”.Then translate the sentences into Chinese.1)Here are some of the people _homes were destroyed by the ty

    29、phoon.whosewhothat,/这里一些人的房子被台风摧毁了。剧烈震动的建筑物使所有熟睡的人都惊醒了。第二天,人们在户外用他们能找到的任何东西搭起了庇护所。5)The injured boy _ mother was lost in the disaster was taken to the hospital.4)Several days later,most of the buildings _ had been damaged by the hurricane were repaired.that/which几天后,大部分被飓风毁坏的建筑物都修复了。whose那个受伤男孩的母亲在灾

    30、难中丧生,他被送去了医院。6)The woman wrote a thank-you letter to the soldier by _ she was rescued.whom这名妇女给救助她的士兵写了一封感谢信。7)Is this the young boy _ _ saved several other students trapped under buildings?who/that这就是把几个困在建筑物下面的学生解救出来的男孩吧?关系副词关系副词在从句中引导时间状语从句。关系副词=介词+关系代词。主要有以下几个词:where(=in/at/on which)when(=on/dur

    31、ing/in which)why(=for which)关系副词关系副词先行词先行词句中成分句中成分wherewhere地点地点地点状语地点状语whenwhen时间时间时间状语时间状语whywhy原因原因原因状语原因状语附:关系代词使用表关系副词关系副词wherewhere在定语从句中作地点状语。关系副词关系副词先行词先行词句中成分句中成分介词关系代词介词关系代词wherewhere地点地点地点状语地点状语in/from in/from whichwhich 主句先行词 从句作状语 例:Shanghai is the city where I was born.改:Shanghai is th

    32、e city in which I was born.关系副词关系副词wherewhere在定语从句中作地点状语。关系副词关系副词先行词先行词句中成分句中成分wherewhere地点地点地点状语地点状语 主句先行词 从句作状语 例:The house where I lived ten years ago has been pulled down.主句改:The house in which I lived ten years ago has been pulled down.关系副词关系副词whenwhen在定语从句中作时间状语。关系副词关系副词先行词先行词句中成分句中成分whenwhen时

    33、间时间时间状语时间状语 主句先行词 从句作状语 例:The time when we got together finally came.主句改:The time at which we got together finally came.when在定语从句中时间状语。关系副词关系副词先行词先行词句中成分句中成分whenwhen时间时间时间状语时间状语 主句先行词 从句作状语 例:I still remember the day when I first came to the school.关系副词关系副词when改:I still remember the day on which I f

    34、irst came to the school.关系副词关系副词whywhy在定语从句中作原因状语。关系副词关系副词先行词先行词句中成分句中成分whywhy原因原因原因状语原因状语 主句先行词 从句作状语 例:Please tell me the reason why you are late.改:Please tell me the reason for which you are late.请帮Sally及朋友们搭配服装吧!服装搭配服装搭配 This is the town _ I was born.whichwhere请帮Sally及朋友们搭配服装吧!服装搭配服装搭配This is th

    35、e town _ I visited last week.whichwhere请帮Sally及朋友们搭配服装吧!服装搭配服装搭配I will never forget the day _ I came to the school.whichwhen请帮Sally及朋友们搭配服装吧!服装搭配服装搭配 I will never forget the day _ I spent with you.whichwhen请帮Sally及朋友们搭配服装吧!服装搭配服装搭配 This is the reason _ he was late.whichwhy请帮Sally及朋友们搭配服装吧!服装搭配服装搭配 T

    36、he reason _ he explained is not true.whichwhy介词+关系代词“介词+关系代词”结构也可以引导定语从句。有以下几种结构:1.介词+whom/whichThe woman general still can remenber the day on which she joined the army.2.介词短语+whom/whichThe man has a house,in front of which is the sea.3.不定代词或/数词+whom/whichChina has a lot of famous writers,one of wh

    37、om is Luxun.4.名词+of whichShe mentioned a magazine,the title of which I have written on my notebook.介词的选用1.选用介词时要注意与先行词的搭配I will never forget the day on which I joined the army.I will never forget the days during which I worked in the school.I will never forget the year in which my son went to colleg

    38、e.I got home at 7:00 p.m.yesterday,by which most people had had supper.介词的选用2.选用介词时要注意与谓语动词的搭配习惯Have you found the book for which I paid 29 dollars?Have you found the book on which I spent 29 dollars?Have you found the book from which we learnt a lot?Have you found the book about which she often tal

    39、ks?Choco 需要一条星型项链。请帮帮她吧!心灵手巧心灵手巧1.Do you know who lives in the building _ there is a well?A.in front of it B.in front of whose C.in front of which D.in front which2.Ill never forget the day _ I joined the League.A.on which B.in which C.which D.at which3.The woman _ my brother spoke just now is my te

    40、acher.A.who B.to whom C.to who D.whom4.Jeanne was her old friend,_ she borrowed a necklace.A.from who B.from whom C.to that D.to whomCABB心灵手巧心灵手巧心灵手巧心灵手巧5.His glasses,_ he was like a blind man,fell to the ground and broke its leg.A.which B.with which C.without which D.that6.She is a teacher of much

    41、knowledge,_ much can be learned.A.who B.that C.from which D.from whom 7.He built a telescope _ he could study the skies.A.in which B.with that C.through which D.by it8.Do you know the reason _ he was late?A.that B.which C.for what D.for whichCDCD心灵手巧心灵手巧心灵手巧心灵手巧定语从句THE ATRIBUTIVE CLAUSECHAPTER 2CHAP

    42、TER 2定从的分类是指先行词在意义上不可缺少的定语。如果去掉,主句的意思就不完整或者失去意义。这种从句和主句关系十分密切,写时不用逗号分开。非限制性定语从句和主句关系不很密切,只是对先行词做些附加说明。如果去掉,主句的意思仍然清楚。这种从句,写时往往用逗号隔开。限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句1.从句修饰先行词,关系词在从句中做成分,且在从句中作宾语时可以省略;Ill never forget the day(that)we spent together.2.可以用that引导;That is the very tool that are looking for.3.省去定从则句子意思不完整。

    43、限制性定语从句1.从句修饰先行词或者前面的整个句子,或其中一部分。He suddenly fell ill,which kept him from school.2.不可以用that引导,主句和从句要用逗号隔开;His dog,which he liked very much,died yesterday.3.从句只是作为主句意义的补充,可以省去。非限制性定语从句非限制性定语从句as和which都可以引导非限定从,但有些区别。asaswhichwhich位置位置句首、句中、句末句首、句中、句末常在主句之后常在主句之后修饰内容修饰内容先行词或主句先行词或主句主句主句as引导非限定从时应被译为“正

    44、如.那样”,且已形成固定结构。如:as is known,as is said,as is reported,as is often the case,as is expectedAs引导的非限定从Einstein,as is known,is a famous scientist.As is reported,China has become an important country in the world.He didnt come to attend the meeting,as is expected.as和which都可以引导非限定从,但有些区别。asaswhichwhich位置位

    45、置句首、句中、句末句首、句中、句末常在主句之后常在主句之后修饰内容修饰内容先行词或主句先行词或主句主句主句注:蓝色标记部分为被修饰内容。which引导的非限定从Bamboo is hollow,which makes it very light.My son now goes to the school,which I used to go to when I was a child.as和which都可以引导非限定从,但有些区别。asaswhichwhich位置位置句首、句中、句末句首、句中、句末常在主句之后常在主句之后修饰内容修饰内容先行词或主句先行词或主句主句主句注:蓝色标记部分为被修饰

    46、内容。1._ was natural,he married Jenny.A.Which B.That C.This D.As2.Such signs _ we use in the experiment _ Greek letters.A.as,are B.as,is C.that,are D.that,is3.I passed him a large glass of whisky,_ he drank immediately.A.that B.as C.which D.who4.She is very good at dance,_ everybody knows.A.that B.whi

    47、ch C.who D.as选选 择择 填填 空空DACD定语从句THE ATRIBUTIVE CLAUSECHAPTER 3CHAPTER 3定从和其他句型转换定从和非谓语动词现在分词现在分词过去分词过去分词从句谓语形式从句谓语形式主动主动被动被动定语与被修饰词的关系定语与被修饰词的关系主谓主谓动宾动宾1.There are lots of good English programmes which are broadcast on TV or the radio in China.There are lots of good English programmes _ on TV or the

    48、 radio in China.2.At one time there were long queues of people who were waiting outside the CAAC offices.At one time there were long queues of people _ outside the CAAC offices.broadcastwaiting定从和并列句是否有连词是区分关键。1.The professor is an ordinary-looking little man,on the nose of _ there is a pair of glas

    49、ses.The professor is an ordinary-looking little man,and on his nose there is a pair of glasses.2.The World Trade Organization(WTO)finally opened its door to China on November 10,_ a 15-year wait.A.to end B.ended C.ending D.endswhomC定从和状从状从的that在从句中不做成分,仅作连词使用。This is such a big stone _ no one can li

    50、ft it.定从的as在从句中需做成分使用(主宾表)This is such a big stone _ no one can lift.Please put the letter in the drawer _ he can easily find it.Please put the letter _ he can easily find it.先练手,再分辨thataswherewhere定状1.You may stay _ you like.2.We put the corn _ the birds could find it easily.3.Id like you to take m


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