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    Unit 1 Reading and Thinking (ppt课件) (2)-2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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    Unit 1 Reading and Thinking (ppt课件) (2)-2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

    1、UNIT 1 Teenage LifeReading and Thinking30101020203030404Lead inFast readingCareful readingPassage Consolidation目录ContentsYou have already experienced senior high school life for nearly a month.Can you think up a word to describe your senior high school life?1.Lead-indifficultchallengingcolorfulhappy

    2、comfortableOur life is not always easy.Do you want to know about school life in other countries?Now lets meet a new friend,who is a freshman at senior high school.AdamHi,My name is Adam and I am a freshman at senior high school.Daisy,senior high school life is not easy for me.I felt so tired and con

    3、fused.Senior high school is a really big challenge.Do your students in China have the same feeling?Challenge:a new or a difficult task to test someones ability and skillI think they also have problems in this period.Dont worry,I believe you will feel better soon.AdamAdamThank you.As a sharing lover,

    4、I want to share my school life with your students,can I?I hope them will know more about me and my senior high school life.Thats pretty good.They are friendly and curious.They will be interested in your school life.Here is my story.2Fast reading Read the text quickly to find the main idea of each pa

    5、ragraph.Paragraph 1:Paragraph 2:Paragraph 3:Paragraph 4:Senior high school is a challenge.Adam had to think very carefully about which courses he wanted to take.Adam had to choose extra-curricular activities.Adam will have to study harder in the future and get used to being responsible for a lot mor

    6、e.SkimYou can find main idea by first taking a quick look at the title,pictures,key words and phrases,and topic sentencesPara.ChallengeHow Adam feelsSolution1_2Choosing _ courses._ The school adviser _3_ He will find a way to_.4Keeping up with the other students in his advanced course _.Worried but

    7、still_,_ He will _.the suitable serious/carefulhelped him choose suitable coursesMaking the school football teamunhappy improve in order to make the team next yeartry to study harder and get used to being responsible for a lot moreand getting used to all the homework confident about his futureComple

    8、te the outlinehappyGoing from junior high school to senior high schoolConfusedChoose the correct option1.Adam chose the following courses except .A.English B.World historyC.Chemistry D.Physics2.Why did Adams adviser prefer him to sign up for advanced literature?A.Chinese is a very difficult language

    9、.B.He likes English and does well in it.C.He likes Chinese and he is good at it.D.Advanced literature is an important course.3.What does“make the team”in paragraph mean?A.Setting up a team.B.Joining the team.C.Beating the team.D.Quitting the team.4.What did Adam do after he was refused by the footba

    10、ll coach?A.He quitted school and become a cook in a soup kichen.B.He joined a basketball club instead.C.He became an actor in a film industry.D.He joined a volunteer club.After-reading1.What kind of person do you think Adam is?Why?He knows that Chinese is a very difficult language,but he chose to ta

    11、ke it.He joined the school football team and didnt play well.But he wouldnt quit and find a way to make the team.persistent and hardworking He joined a volunteer club,working at a soup kitchen and handing out food to homeless people in the community.warm-hearted Activity 3:Discuss the questions belo

    12、w with a partner.2Do you face the same challenges as Adam?What other challenges are you facing?How do you deal with them?Some of the challenges I face are very much like Adams,while some are quite different.Unlike Adam,I dont have to choose my courses or my schedule.However,I am worried about my ext

    13、ra-curricular activities and trying to keep my hobbies.My solution to this challenge is to work harder at school so I can make more time for my extra-curricular activities and hobbies.Activity 3:Discuss the questions below with a partner.4 Im Adam,freshman in senior high school.The first week was a

    14、little_ (confuse).There are some _ (challenge)I have to face in my new school life.First,I had to think carefully about my courses.Chinese is hard to learn,but I hope I can speak it _ (fluent)when I graduate.My adviser_ (recommend)me to sign up for advanced literature because Im good _ it.Second,I h

    15、ad to choose my extra-curricular activities.I tried_(join)the school football team though I didnt play well _ at first.Besides that,I joined a volunteer club.In order to be well _ (prepare)for university or whatever else _ (come)in the future,I make up my mind to study harder and get used to new sit

    16、uation.aconfusingchallengesfluentlyrecommendedatto joinpreparedcomesenough填写小标题高中一个很大的挑战有点儿困惑的报名参加加入志愿者俱乐部分发食物在社区对负责我的高级课程适应在未来为做好准备senior high schoola really big challengea little confusingsign up forjoin a volunteer clubhand out foodin the communitybe responsible formy advanced courseget used toin

    17、 the futurebe well prepared for6summaryLanguage points教材原句p.14 Senior high school is a challenge.高中(的学校生活)是一个挑战。1 challenge n.&vt.(1)n.挑战;艰巨任务the challenge of doing sth.做某事的挑战搭配meet the challenge of 迎接的挑战take up/accept/face a challenge 接受/面对挑战Schools must meet the challenge of new technology.学校必须迎接新

    18、技术的挑战。(2)vt.怀疑;向挑战搭配:challenge sb.to(do)sth.向某人挑战(做)某事I did not think he was right,so I challenged him.我认为他是不对的,所以我向他提出质疑。【正误对比】challenge sb.向某人挑战()challenge to sb.向某人挑战()【词语积累】challenging adj.富有挑战性的,困难的 This is a challenging time for us all.这对我们大家都是一个具有挑战性的时刻。【一言辨异】There is a challenge from Class 2

    19、 and they want to challenge us to a basketball game.Though a little challenging,we still get ready to meet the challenge next week.2 班(向我们)发起了挑战,他们想向我们挑战一场篮球赛。尽管有点儿挑战性,我们还是做好了准备,下周迎接挑战单句语法填空(1)Exploring the outer space is a challenge man(人类)against nature.(2)He challenged me(play)another tennis game

    20、.(3)I challenged him a game of chess.(4)It is challenge for graduates to find work as unemployment is very high nowadays.(5)Some graduates find it (challenge)to find a suitable job after graduation.(6)If he takes on the work,he will have to meet the challenge of (organise)a team all by himself.(7)It

    21、s going to be a difficult job but Im sure shell rise the challenge.of to play to achallengingorganising to完成句子(8)Nervously (面对挑战),I know I will whisper to myself the two simple words“Be yourself”.(9)Martins now (面临最大的挑战)of his career.facing challenges faces the biggest challenge教材原句p.14 The first we

    22、ek was a little confusing.(高中的)第一周我就有点迷茫。2 confusing adj.难以理解的;不清楚的The instructions on the box are very confusing.盒子上的使用说明令人费解。【词语积累】(1)confuse vt.使迷惑,使糊涂;使混乱confuse A with B 把 A 与 B 混淆I think it is a serious mistake to confuse work with life.我认为把工作和生活混淆是严重的错误。(2)confused adj.糊涂的;迷惑的 be/become/get c

    23、onfused about 对感到疑惑I love English,but I am confused about how to remember new words.我喜欢英语,但是我对如何记生词感到困惑。(3)confusion n.困惑,糊涂;迷惑不解;混淆 in confusion 困惑,不知所措【一言辨异】They confused me by asking so many confusing questions.I was totally confused,standing there in confusion,not knowing what to do.他们问了许多难以理解的问

    24、题,使我迷惑不解。我彻底糊涂了,尴尬地站在那儿,不知所措。单句语法填空(1)If you try to learn too many things at a time,you may get (confuse).(2)There was a (confuse)look on his face when he met with the(confuse)problem.(3)Youre confusing me my sistershes the singer.(4)To avoid (confuse),the twins never wore the same clothes.完成句子(5)I(

    25、对感到疑惑)your recent behaviour.(6)Susan looked at her father(困惑地)and did not know what to do.confused confused confusing with confusion am confused about in confusion教材原句p.14.I hope to be fuent when I graduate.我希望毕业时能说一口流利的汉语。3 fluent adj.(尤指外语)流利的;熟练的搭配:be fluent in.(语言表达)熟练的,流利的fluent Chinese/French

    26、流利的汉语/法语Amazingly,he is fluent in several foreign languages,such as English,French and German.神奇的是,他能流利地说几门外语,例如英语、法语和德语。【词语积累】fluently adv.流利地单句语法填空(1)She was fluent English,French and German.完成句子(2)He speaks English well indeed,but of course not (像一样流利)a native speaker.in so/as fluently as 4 gradu

    27、ate v.&n.(1)vi.&vt.毕业;获得学位 搭配 graduate from 毕业于(某学校)graduate in 毕业于(某专业)In actual fact,he graduated from Beijing University.事实上,他毕业于北京大学。He graduated in law from Oxford University ten years ago.他十年前毕业于牛津大学法学专业。(2)n.毕业生 He is a graduate in medicine.他是医科毕业生。【词语积累】graduation n.毕业 graduation ceremony 毕业

    28、典礼【正误对比】graduate 是非延续性动词,不与时间段连用。()He has graduated from college for 3 years.()He graduated from college 3 years ago.()It is 3 years since he graduated from college.单句语法填空(1)By the time Jack returned home from England,his son _ (graduate)from college.(2)They are the (graduate)who graduated Wuhan Uni

    29、versity and now are playing an important part in our company.(3)After (graduate),she set a goal immediately.完成句子(4)我们大学毕业后一直没有面对面交流的机会。_ had graduated graduates from graduation We havent got a chance to talk face to face ever since we graduated from university.5 recommend vt.建议 doing sth.建议做某事搭配:rec

    30、ommend sb.to do sth.建议某人做某事 sb.(should)do sth.建议某人(应该)做某事I recommend writing your feelings down on paper.我建议你把自己的感受写下来。The doctor recommended(that)I take more exercise.医生建议我多做运动。【学法点拨】(1)recommend 后可接动词不定式的复合结构,也可接动名词形式,即 recommend sb.to do sth.或 recommend doing sth.,类似用法的单词还有:allow,advise,permit 等。

    31、(2)recommend(建议)后跟虚拟语气的宾语从句,谓语用“(should)+动词原形”。类似 用法的单词还有:advise,order,suggest(建议),request,demand 等。(2)推荐;介绍 .to sb.向某人推荐 sb.for.推荐某人做(某职位)sb.as.推荐某人为 sb.sth.=recommend sth.to sb.给某人介绍某物 I recommended the chicken in mushroom sauce to an exchange student which is delicious.我向一名交换生推荐蘑菇汁鸡肉,这道菜非常可口。She

    32、has been recommended for promotion.已经有人推荐给她升职。The doctor recommended swimming as the best all-round exercise.医生认为游泳是最好的全身运动。搭配搭配:recommend 单句语法填空(1)I recommended the girl the shopkeeper as a shop assistant.(2)Thank you for recommending me the position of a manager.(3)He recommended(have)dinner in th

    33、e restaurant.(4)My teacher recommended me (take)notes in class.同义句转换(5)He recommended us to go swimming in the formal swimming pool.He recommended in the formal swimming pool.toforhaving to takethat we go swimming6 sign up(for)报名(参加课程)Hes signed up for evening classes at the community college.他已经报名参

    34、加社区学院夜间课程学习。【归纳拓展】sign up to do sth.报名做某事Ive signed up to make the sandwiches for the party.我已报名为聚会做三明治。单句语法填空(1)Im thinking of signing up a yoga(瑜伽)course.(2)Over half the people who signed up (do)engineering were women.for to do 7 advanced adj.高级的;高等的;先进的 advanced technology 先进的技术 advanced learner

    35、s of English 高级英语学习【词语积累】advance vi.前进;发展 vt.发展;促进 n.前进;发展 in advance 预先,提前 in advance of(时间上)在之前;(发展上)超前 The troops were given the order to advance.部队接到了前进的命令。Hes trying to advance his own career.他在努力促进自己事业的发展。If youre going to come,please let me know in advance.如果你要来的话,请提前通知我。【学法点拨】常见的-ed 结尾的形容词:g

    36、ifted/talented 有天赋的 experienced 有经验的detailed 详细的 learned 博学的devoted 专心的 used 用过的,二手的 skilled 有技术的 7 advanced adj.高级的;高等的;先进的 advanced technology 先进的技术 advanced learners of English 高级英语学习【词语积累】advance vi.前进;发展 vt.发展;促进 n.前进;发展 in advance 预先,提前 in advance of(时间上)在之前;(发展上)超前 The troops were given the o

    37、rder to advance.部队接到了前进的命令。Hes trying to advance his own career.他在努力促进自己事业的发展。If youre going to come,please let me know in advance.如果你要来的话,请提前通知我。【学法点拨】常见的-ed 结尾的形容词:gifted/talented 有天赋的 experienced 有经验的detailed 详细的 learned 博学的devoted 专心的 used 用过的,二手的 skilled 有技术的 写出画线单词的词性和词义(1)They use the Interne

    38、t as a tool to advance their research._(2)Information technology has greatly advanced since the 1960s._(3)These advances in medical science will help man(人类)to enjoy a longer life._ 单句语法填空(4)The course is intended for (advance)learners.(5)We are working hard (advance)the cause of world peace.(6)Id a

    39、ppreciate it if you could let me knowadvance whether or not you are coming.vt.促进vi.发展n.进步;进展advancedinto advance 教材原句 p.14 Obviously,I was unhappy,but I wont quit.很显然,我并不高兴,但我不会就此放弃。8 obviously adv.显然;明显地 Obviously,the school cant function without teachers.显而易见,学校没有老师就无法运转。【词语积累】obvious adj.显然的;明显的

    40、be obvious to sb.对某人来说是显而易见的 It is obvious that.很明显 Its obvious(that)she doesnt like adventure.显然她不喜欢冒险。单句语法填空(1)(obvious),she is waiting for you to apologise.完成句子(2)It might(对来说是显而易见的)you,but it isnt to me.(3)(很明显)they are having fun at the seaside.Obviouslybe obvious toIts obvious that 9 quit vi.&

    41、vt.(quit,quit)停止;戒掉;离开(工作职位、学校等)搭配:quit doing sth.停止做某事(坏事或令人厌烦的事)A man is not finished when he is defeated.He is finished when he quits.一个人不会毁于失败,而会毁于放弃。Im going to quit smoking.我准备戒烟。Tell him to quit laughing at that poor man.告诉他不要再嘲笑那个可怜的家伙。He has decided to quit as manager of the team.他已决定辞掉球队经理

    42、的职务。【正误对比】quit doing sth.()quit to do sth.()单句语法填空(1)To his credit,the editor preferred (quit)rather than give way to false(假的)news.(2)My uncle hasnt been able to quit (smoke),but at least he has cut down.完成句子(3)I think Tom,as the head of a big department,should either study regularly or (辞掉工作).to q

    43、uit smokingquit his job 教材原句p.14 .get used to being responsible for a lot more.习惯承担更多的责任。10 responsible adj.负责的;有责任的 搭配 be responsible for(doing)sth.对(做)某事负责 be responsible for sb.对某人负责 The boss rather than the workers should be responsible for the accident.They just carried out the order as told.老板

    44、而不是工人该对此事故负责,他们只是按命令行事。【误区警示】(1)responsible 作前置定语和作后置定语时意义不同:a responsible person 可信赖的人,可靠的人 the person responsible 负责人,主管人(2)Sb.be responsible for.某人对负责。Sth.be responsible for.某事是的原因。【词语积累】responsibility n.责任,职责,义务 a sense of responsibility 责任感 have/take responsibility for 对有责任/负责 You have responsi

    45、bility for informing us of any changes.=Its your responsibility to inform us of any changes.如有任何变动,你有责任通知我们。单句语法填空(1)As a guide,she should be responsible her tourists.(2)Mike is responsible designing the whole project.(3)Since no one else has volunteered,Lucy will be responsible for (supply)food for

    46、 the trip.(4)Its my responsibility(lock)the doors.完成句子(5)We should (对负责)the next generation.(6)The poor health (是他辞掉这份工作的原因).(7)The teacher feels (强烈的责任感)towards her students.forforsupplyingto lock be responsible foris responsible for his quitting the joba strong sense of responsibility11solution n.

    47、解决办法;答案 搭配:a solution to 的解决办法/答案(to 是介词)the solution to the problem 问题的解决办法 provide/offer a solution 提供解决办法 suggest/put forward a solution 提出解决办法 look for a solution 寻找解决办法【词语积累】solve vt.解决,解答 solve a problem 解决问题 单句语法填空(1)We are working together to find the best(solve).(2)He volunteered to find a

    48、solutionthe hard problem.solutionto 教材原句 p.15 .so I need to make a workable schedule.因此我需要制订一个切实可行的日程计划。12 schedule n.&vt.(1)n.工作计划;日程安排on schedule 按预定时间ahead of schedule(=ahead of time)先于预定时间,提前behind schedule 迟于预定时间have a tight/busy schedule 日程安排紧 Having worked for two days,Steve managed to finish

    49、 his report on schedule.工作了两天,史蒂夫终于设法如期完成了报告。(2)vt.安排;预定 搭配 schedule.for.把安排在 be scheduled to do sth.被安排做某事 The meeting has been scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.会议安排在明天下午。搭搭配配 单句语法填空(1)The party is scheduled the weekend.(2)Our guests are scheduled(arrive)at 7:30 in the evening.完成句子(3)The operation

    50、on the old man will be carried out(按预定时间).(4)Thanks to your help,we accomplished the task (提前).(5)(我的日程安排很紧)right now,but Ill try to fit you in.forto arrive on scheduleahead of schedule/timeMy schedule is very tight 重点句式 教材原句 p.14 Ill find a way to improve on my own so that I can make the team next


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