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    Unit 3 The Internet Reading for writing(ppt课件) (3)-2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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    Unit 3 The Internet Reading for writing(ppt课件) (3)-2023新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

    1、Write a blog postUnit 3Unit 3The InternetThe InternetWire Fraud (电信诈骗)Cyberbullying (网络暴力)What other problems will we face on the Internet?Identity theft (身份盗窃)Information leakage (信息泄露)Troll (网络挑事者)What problems are mentioned in the picture?Lead inHow can we stay safe online?Lead in:5 Internet Safe

    2、ty Tips for youWhat is a blog post?A blog post is an entry(article)that you write on a blog.It can include content in the form of text,photos,infographics (信息图),or videos.The blog partThe comment partA blog postTwo parts1.What is it?2.How many parts dose it have?navigation bar导航条titlebodyendingintro

    3、ductioncomment area主页主页页数页数分类分类图片图片(库库)联系联系Pre-writingRead paragraph 1 and find out the main idea of the blog post2Today I thought Id blog about a question that has been asked many timeshow do you stay safe online and avoid bad experiences on the Internet?Im not an expert,but many years as a blogger

    4、 have taught me a thing or two.IntroductionTell the reader about yourself and what you know about the topic.Try to write a title for the blog post._ _ 。Online Safety/How to Stay Safe OnlinePre-writing Read paragraph 2 and find out 3 guidelines the author provided2BodyTell the reader what they should

    5、 do or keep in mind.dosdonts leave the site immediatelyprotect your privacybe politepost comments/click on anythinggive out your address/phone numberFirst of all,To begin with,In the first place;Besides,in addition,additionally,moreover,furthermore,whats more,on top of that;Lastly,Most importantly,l

    6、ast but not the least;Pre-writing Read paragraph 2 again and find out 3 online troublemakers the blog post mentions.2BodyTell the reader what they should do or keep in mind.Define new words or key terms.Identity theftTroll Cyberbully It is a problem.steal your identity.explanationA troll is a person

    7、.stir up trouble online.definitionLike a troll,a cyberbully will parison Reading Read and answer the questions.3.Who are the online troublemakers the blog post mentions?an online thiefa trolla cyberbullyA troll is a person who posts comments or questions in order to stir up trouble online.Trolls oft

    8、en use several false names so that they can stay on a site.A cyberbully uses the Internet to be mean to others.Like a troll,a cyberbully will also write something mean but it is usually directed at particular people.ExamplesDefinitionComparisonHow does the writer end the post?A.By asking questions.B

    9、.By answering questions.C.By asking and answering questions.D.By asking readers to write comments.Pre-writing Read paragraph 3 again and choose the best answer.2EndingEnd by asking the readers to write comments.黄金法则点击(用鼠标)保护某人的隐私泄露不是.的借口.的目标/对象惹事对准.a.粗鲁的,无礼的,粗糙的,原始的近义词 impolite a.无礼的假名字false a.假的,错误

    10、的对某人刻薄mean a.(人或其行为)不善良的,刻薄的 近义词:specific a.具体的,特定的,特有的a.尴尬的,难堪的教会我一两件事/略知一二n.rudeness 无礼,粗蛮privacy n.隐私,私密 private adj.私人的;秘密的 Blog postTitleBeginningBodyEndingTell the main idea.Introduce the topic.Background information.Opinionsp Use linking words to express clearly.p Use imperative sentences to

    11、make the language powerful.p Add details.(Examples/Definitions/Comparison)Ask for comments.A summary of a blog post.Use what you have learnt to write a blog post about online safety.Online shopping sites Use a website you are familiar with.Use strong passwords.Dont use public computers.Social networ

    12、king apps Dont post personal information.Dont believe everything.Be polite.Online chat rooms Dont give out too much information.Never meet someone you met online alone.Choose one of the topics below and use the notes to draft your blog post.1.发表关于发表关于.的博客的博客_ 2.网上购物安全网上购物安全_ 3.对对.熟悉熟悉_4.做做.是一个好的选择是一

    13、个好的选择_5.加强密码加强密码_6.越复杂,越安全越复杂,越安全_ 7.在公共场所在公共场所_ 8.在家购物在家购物_9.优点优点/缺点缺点 .Its a good choice to do.strenthen the passwordbe familiar withthe more difficult.the safer.shop at homewrite/post a blog about.online shopping safety in public places重点词组重点词组 advantages/strengths/meritsdisadvantages/shortcoming

    14、s/drawbacks开头:1I am not an expert,but many years as a blogger have taught me a thing or two.主体:2First of all.3When it comes to.4This is something I failed to.5Three ways to improve your.结尾:6Have you had any bad experiences.?7Do you have any good advice for.?8Post your comments below!1.As far as.conc

    15、erned 就而言2.It goes without saying tha.不言而喻3.It can be said with certainty that.可以肯定地说 4.A case in point is.一个典型的例子是 5.As is often the case.由于通常情况下 6.This worked for me.这对我有用。7.I feel that it would be beneficial if.我觉得如果将会很有帮助。8.I really hope you find these suggestions very useful,and I hope that you

    16、 pass them on to those who may benefit.我真的希望你能发觉这些建议非常有用,并且我希望你把它们转给那些能从中受益的人们。Useful expressions about giving advice:1.I highly recommend/sugguset/advise that you should do2.It is highly/strongly/intensely recommended that ab.should do.3.Why not/Why dont you do?4.It is a definitely good idea/choice

    17、/alternative/option to do5.I attach great importance to doing sth.=Great importance should be attached to doing sth.6.You might as well do sth.7.If I were you,I would do sth.=Were I you,I would do sth.Recently,the problem of.has drawn wide attention.It is commonly believed that./It is a common belie

    18、f that.Many people insist that./hold the belief that.With the development of science and technology,an increasing number of people believe that.While-writing(p54)常用的开头语常用的开头语31.最近,最近,.的问题引起了广泛的关注。的问题引起了广泛的关注。2.普遍认为,普遍认为,.3.很多人坚持认为很多人坚持认为.4.4.随着科技的发展,越来越多人相信随着科技的发展,越来越多人相信./has been brought into focu

    19、s.On the one hand,./On the other hand,.While-writing(p54)主体部分常用表达主体部分常用表达31.在社会上,这个问题比以前任何时候都被更频繁地提起和强调。在社会上,这个问题比以前任何时候都被更频繁地提起和强调。2.有些人可能持有这样的观点有些人可能持有这样的观点.3.然而,任何事物都有两面性,然而,任何事物都有两面性,.也不例外。也不例外。4.一方面一方面.,另一方面另一方面.The problem has been mentioned and emphasized in our society more frequently than e

    20、ver before.Some people hold the view that.However,every coin has two sides,.is not an exception.As for me./From my standpoint,./As far as I am concerned,.Frankly speaking,I am in favor of the opinion that.I hold the belief that the advantages of.outweigh its disadvantages.Post your comments below!Wh

    21、ile-writing(p54)常用的结束语常用的结束语31.在我看来在我看来.2.坦白地说,我会支持坦白地说,我会支持.的观点。的观点。4.留下你的评论!留下你的评论!3.我认为我认为.的利大于弊的利大于弊.当谈及网上购物安全,作为一个有经验的网民,我确信对此我还是当谈及网上购物安全,作为一个有经验的网民,我确信对此我还是略知一二的。略知一二的。Para1:introduction When it comes to online shopping safety,as an experienced netizen,I am sure that I know one thing or two.随

    22、着网络的快速发展,在过去几年里网上购物也大幅度地增长。但随着网络的快速发展,在过去几年里网上购物也大幅度地增长。但网上购物真的安全吗?当然不!网上购物真的安全吗?当然不!With the rapid development of the Internet,online shopping has greatly grown in the past few years.However,is online shopping really safe?Of course not!虽然网上购物给我们带来极大的便利,但也有着很多不安全的隐患。虽然网上购物给我们带来极大的便利,但也有着很多不安全的隐患。我们要

    23、如何使网上购物更加安全呢?我们要如何使网上购物更加安全呢?Although online shopping brings us great convenience,there are many insecure risks.How should we make online shopping safer?有着以下几点简单的建议,你可以愉快地享受网上购物的便利。有着以下几点简单的建议,你可以愉快地享受网上购物的便利。Para1:introduction With these following simple tips,you can enjoy the convenience of online

    24、 shopping with much pleasure.当你在网上购物时,这些简单的建议能够帮助你避免一些糟糕的购当你在网上购物时,这些简单的建议能够帮助你避免一些糟糕的购物体验。物体验。When you shop online,these simple suggestions can help avoid some terrible experiences.建议当你在网上购物前,有必要阅读以下几点建议,这会使网上购建议当你在网上购物前,有必要阅读以下几点建议,这会使网上购物毫无风险。物毫无风险。It is recommended that it is neccessary to read

    25、the following advice before shopping online,which makes your online shopping risk-free.+transitional sentences 首先,挑选熟悉的购物网站。最好在你了解且信任的网站上购物,首先,挑选熟悉的购物网站。最好在你了解且信任的网站上购物,它会保护好你的隐私。如果你很需要从不知名的网址购买商品,在它会保护好你的隐私。如果你很需要从不知名的网址购买商品,在购买前先试着去浏览一下网站的其他评价。购买前先试着去浏览一下网站的其他评价。Para2:rules/advice First of all,cho

    26、ose the website you are familiar with.Its best to shop from the website you know and trust,because it can protect your privacy.If you feel the need to shop from an unknown website,try to go through others reviews on it.linking words+imperative sentences其次,使用较为复杂的密码。只有几个数字或字母的简单的密码很其次,使用较为复杂的密码。只有几个数

    27、字或字母的简单的密码很容易被入侵容易被入侵(hack)(hack)。为了安全起见,更加推荐使用较为复杂的密码。为了安全起见,更加推荐使用较为复杂的密码。而且,不要轻易泄露你的密码。而且,不要轻易泄露你的密码。Para2:rules/advice Second,use a strong password.A simple password with only few numbers or letters is easily hacked.For better safety,a strong password is highly recommended.Plus,dont give out you

    28、r password.linking words+imperative sentences最后,勿使用公共网络购物。使用公共网络购物有着巨大的风险。最后,勿使用公共网络购物。使用公共网络购物有着巨大的风险。你可以使用手机热点你可以使用手机热点(hotspot)(hotspot)去购物,而不是公共网络。或者,去购物,而不是公共网络。或者,可以将你想要购买的商品加入购物车,直到回家后再使用安全网络可以将你想要购买的商品加入购物车,直到回家后再使用安全网络去购买。去购买。Para2:rules/advice Third,dont shop on public network.Shopping on

    29、public Wifi is a huge risk.(You can)use your phone as a hotspot instead of public Wifi.Or,add those items that you want to buy into your shopping cart and shop until you are at home and on your safe network.linking words+imperative sentences你有什么关于安全网上购物的建议吗?欢迎在下方评论!你有什么关于安全网上购物的建议吗?欢迎在下方评论!Para3:End

    30、ing(ask others to give comments)Do you have any good tip about shopping online safely?Your ideas are welcomed below!欢迎大家分享自己的故事和发表任何与安全网上购物的评论!欢迎大家分享自己的故事和发表任何与安全网上购物的评论!You are welcomed to share your stories and make any comment on online shopping safety!1.Does the writer tell the reader what he/sh

    31、e knows about the topic?2.Are the tips and suggestions well organized?3.Has the writer defined the new words?4.Does the author include examples,comparisons,or explanations?5.Does the writer end by asking readers to leave comments and/or suggestions?6.Can you find any grammar or spelling mistakes?Let

    32、s polish the passage.Sample writingOnline Shopping SafetyWhen it comes to shopping online safety,as an experienced netizen,whose net age is more that 10 years,Im sure that I know one thing or two.Here are some tips for you.First,it is highly recommended that you use the shopping websites you are fam

    33、iliar with.Download familiar app or software like taobao.In addition,when registering a shopping website,you might as well use a strong password and keep it well.Furthermore,never use public computers to shop online,or your privacy will be recorded in the computers.Last,great importance should be at

    34、tached to installing a firewall to watch over your information.A firewall is a kind of software to protect your using Internet.Do you have any good tips about shopping online safely?Your ideas are welcomed below!benefitsbenefitsdrawbacksdrawbacksuhave access to an abundance of resourcesumake many as

    35、pects of daily life more convenient and efficientuoffer a platform/various opportunitiesupromote cooperation across the globeufalse informationuidentity theftucyber attacksuprivacy leaksucyber bullyucyber addictionusocial isolation Today,I want to blog about shopping online safety,which has drawn wi

    36、de attention nowadays.With the development of the Internet,many people are used to shopping online.Shopping online embraces many advantages.Just by a click of the mouse,you can buy whatever youre interested in without going outdoors.When shopping online,you can choose from varieties of goods,whose p

    37、rices are generally lower.Nevertheless,some people hold the belief that its drawbacks overweigh merits.Initially,its very easy for you to buy goods different from the pictures you see on the Internet.In addition,shopping online may cause people to buy goods that are not urgently needed.From my stand

    38、point,the Internet is a double-edged sword.Only if we use the Internet more normatively,can we shop online more safely.Whats your opinion about shopping online?Post your comments below!Does the writer tell the reader what he/she knows about the topic?Are the tips and suggestions well organised?Has t

    39、he writer defined the new words?Dose the author include examples,comparisons,or explanations?Does the writer end by asking readers to leave comments and/or suggestions?Can you find any grammar or spelling mistakes?Post-writingSelf-Check45HomeworkPolish your writing.ThankYou!writing互联网现在在人们生活中不可或缺互联网

    40、现在在人们生活中不可或缺,它已经成为人们生活的一部分。但网络它已经成为人们生活的一部分。但网络有利有弊,请在你的博客上写一篇关于有利有弊,请在你的博客上写一篇关于“网络利弊网络利弊”的文章。的文章。注意:注意:1、字数、字数 80字左右;字左右;2、不出现真实人名与地名。不出现真实人名与地名。About the InternetAdvantages 优点The Internet has made our lives more convenient.We no longer have to wait in line or carry cash around when we go shopping

    41、.We can download software,documents,and images whenever we need them.One of the greatest benefits of the Internet was its ability to remove the distance that usually exists between people.Disadvantages 缺点However,the network also has its disadvantages/drawbacks.Our private information may be leaked o

    42、ut thus leading to cyber theft.Spending too much time online may be harmful to eyes which can cause poor eyesight.Students will be easily distracted by the Internet due to lack of control.About the InternetOnline Safety Tips 网络安全提示Make sure your Internet connection is safety.确保网络连接是安全的。Be careful what you download/post.小心你下载/发布的内容。Dont post information concerning your personal privacy.不要发布有关你个人隐私的信息。You had better not believe everything you read,some of which is false.你最好不要相信你看到的所有东西,其中有些是假的。Dont click on links that you are not familiar with.不要单击您不熟悉的链接。Use strong passwords.使用加强密码。


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