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    国家开放大学电大一网一平台《商务英语 1》一体化考试机考形考任务3-5题库答案.docx

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    国家开放大学电大一网一平台《商务英语 1》一体化考试机考形考任务3-5题库答案.docx

    1、国家开放大学电大一网一平台商务英语 1一体化考试机考形考任务3-5题库答案形考任务 3 题库一、 选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子, 从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题 1 Let me show you how to use the printer._选择一项:A. Thanks for your help.B. I ll do my best.C. No, I can use it myself.试题 2 Would you please let me know something more about the project?_选择一项:A. OK, th

    2、e project is perfect.B. OK, I have divided my report into three parts, the first part is an overview of the project.C. No, the project isnt so good.试题 3 Mr. Taylor, this is the project plan you asked me to make last week._选择一项:A. Congratulations.B. OK, put it over there.C. Sure. That s a quick job.试

    3、题 4I m sure you can _things out.选择一项:A. lookB. straightC. straighten试题 5I have finished_ your project plan.选择一项:A. to readB. readingC. read试题 6二、 阅读理解: 阅读下面的短文, 根据文章内容从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Customer ReferralFrom: Bob Smith To: Tompson Harris10: 12 AM, Monday, Dec. 21, 2015Dear Mr. Harris,Thank you

    4、for your cooperation for our business in the recent years. With your great help and support, we have tripled our products in the last three years. And the profits of our company increases steadily.Now, we have enlarged and consolidated our domestic market and European market. Next step we intend to

    5、explore the North American market, especially Canada s and USA s. However, we do not have good connections in this region.Therefore, we shall be very obliged if you could kindly introduce us to some of your reliable partners in North America who are interested in our products.We look forward to your

    6、 early reply. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!Yours sincerely,Bob SmithProject manager1. How does Bob begin with his email?( )A. With a self-introduction.B. With his company s current situation.C. With presenting thanks for help and support.2. What s the current situation of Bob s company?( )A. V

    7、ery good.B. Not so good.C. Just so so.3. What are the market areas of Bob s company?( )A. Domestic and Asian market.B. Domestic and North American market.C. Domestic and European market.4. What is the recent plan of Bob s company?( )A. To enlarge the domestic and European market.B. To explore the No

    8、rth American market.C. To withdraw from European market and strengthen the North American market.5. What is the purpose of the email?( )A. To give best wishes for the coming Christmas and New Year.B. To ask for the introduction of some business partners in North America.C. To consolidate the busines

    9、s relationship.一、 选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子, 从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题 1 Do you have any suggestions about it?_选择一项:A. After I read it in detail, I will tell you my opinion.B. Let me give you a hand.C. No, I have no idea.试题 2 Hi Bob, I d like to congratulate you on the progress of Beihai project._选择一

    10、项:A. My pleasure, It is really an interesting project.B. Thank you, John. It is really an interesting project.C. Fine, thank you. It is really an interesting project.试题 3 Mr. Taylor, this is the project plan you asked me to make last week._选择一项:A. Congratulations.B. OK, put it over there.C. Sure. Th

    11、at s a quick job.试题 4Sometimes buyers only purchase some_ , tangible or intangible.选择一项:A. assetsB. housesC. real estates试题 5It seems that the new project in Nanjing will be even_ than your current project.选择一项:A. bestB. betterC. good试题 6二、 翻译: 从以下 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。1. No problem, I will ha

    12、ndle it for you. ( )A. 没问题, 我来替你控制这个手柄。B. 没问题, 我为你操纵这个手柄。C. 没问题, 我来替你处理这个事情。2. A free market is an economic system in which the price of goods and services is affected by supply and demand rather than controlled by a government. ( )A. 自由市场是一种经济体系, 其中的商品和服务价格往往受供给和需求的影响, 而不是由政府来控制。B. 在一个自由的市场经济体系中, 商

    13、品和服务的价格是由供给和需求所决定, 而不是受政府的影响。C. 自由市场是一种经济体系, 在这个体系中, 商品和服务的价格不仅由供给和需求所决定, 也由政府来控制。3. However, some tend to purchase intangible ones, like shares, futures, etc. ( )A. 然而, 一些人趋向购买无形的资产, 他们喜欢股票、 期货等。B. 然而, 一些人趋向购买无形的资产, 例如股票、 期货等。C. 然而, 一些人趋向购买无形的资产, 他们喜欢分享期货等。4. So in markets, price matters a lot. ( )

    14、A. 所以在市场上, 价格很重要。B. 所以在市场上, 价格意味着很多。C. 所以在市场上, 价格方面的事情很多。5. The profits of our company increases steadily. ( )A. 我们公司的利润总是在增长。B. 我们公司的利润一直在增长。C. 我们公司的利润稳步增长。一、 选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子, 从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题 1 Hi Bob, I d like to congratulate you on the progress of Beihai project._选择一项:A. Fine,

    15、thank you. It is really an interesting project.B. My pleasure, It is really an interesting project.C. Thank you, John. It is really an interesting project.试题 2 Do you have any suggestions about it?_选择一项:A. No, I have no idea.B. After I read it in detail, I will tell you my opinion.C. Let me give you

    16、 a hand.试题 3 Let me show you how to use the printer._选择一项:A. No, I can use it myself.B. Thanks for your help.C. I ll do my best.试题 4Markets are the system that _some people s demands and some other people s supplies.选择一项:A. meetsB. rejectsC. bridges试题 5I hope our plan will_ by the board.选择一项:A. be a

    17、pprovedB. approveC. be approving试题 6二、 听力理解: 请听下面的对话, 根据对话内容进行判断, 正确为“T” , 错误为“F” 。Picture-in-Picture1. In the conversation Bob and John talk about three projects in total. ( T )2. According to Bob, the Beihai project is the most exciting one. (F )3. Bob has already finished the Beihai project and i

    18、s going to work on the Jinan project.( F )4. The board will decide whether to approve or disapprove Bob s plan on the Nanjing project.( T )5. Bob seems to have some problems in the current project. ( T )一、 选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子, 从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题 1 Would you please let me know something m

    19、ore about the project?_选择一项:A. OK, I have divided my report into three parts, the first part is an overview of the project.B. No, the project isnt so good.C. OK, the project is perfect.试题 2 Hi Bob, I d like to congratulate you on the progress of Beihai project._选择一项:A. Fine, thank you. It is really

    20、an interesting project.B. My pleasure, It is really an interesting project.C. Thank you, John. It is really an interesting project.试题 3 Let me show you how to use the printer._选择一项:A. No, I can use it myself.B. Thanks for your help.C. I ll do my best.试题 4The third part is the_ results.选择一项:A. expect

    21、ingB. expectC. expected试题 5Prices may change quickly if supply or demand_ .选择一项:A. changeB. changesC. will change试题 6二、 阅读理解: 阅读下面的短文, 根据文章内容从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。You may get consumers who want very high quality services satisfied, but at a higher price. And the people who want no-frills service a

    22、nd cheap product will also get it at the other end of the market. So competition allows a range of variety to occur in a market.The benefit to society of competition is that it makes a major contribution to the fundamental economic issue, which is the scarcity of productive resources. It means that

    23、on the production side, there is maximum pressure to conserve the use of those scarce productive resources. On the demand side it also rations consumer demand appropriately, and it also tends to mean that the variety of consumer needs can be met.1. From the first paragraph of the passage we can know

    24、 that usually there are ( )kinds of consumers who may get satisfied in a market.A. twoB. threeC. four2. What does “it” in the first sentence of paragraph 2 refer to?( )A. fundamental economic issueB. the scarcity of productive resourcesC. The benefit of competition3. The sentence in paragraph 1“So c

    25、ompetition allows a range of variety to occur in a market”means ( ) .A. competition makes the market supply various products and servicesB. competition makes a lot of things occur in a marketC. competition makes different things occur in a market4. On the demand side competition also ( )appropriatel

    26、y.A. meets consumer needsB. makes consumer rationalC. makes consumer satisfied5. The best title of this passage is ( ) .A. Fundamental Economic IssueB. The Benefit of CompetitionC. Consumer Demand and Market形考任务 4 题库一、 选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子, 从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题 1 Good morning. Far East Logi

    27、stics Company. This is Lin Hanxue. May I help you? ._选择一项:A. Good morning, Ms. Lin. This is Daniel Anderson speaking.B. Good morning, Ms. Lin. Nice to meet you.C. No, thank you.试题 2 Mr. Taylor, nice to see you again. Welcome to our company._选择一项:A. Thank you, Ms. Lin. Ive come to see your packing fo

    28、r our woolen gloves.B. Hello, my name is John Taylor, but just call me John.C. This is John Taylor.试题 3 When can you effect shipment? I m worried about late shipment._选择一项:A. The shipment won t be late.B. The shipment will be effected soon.C. About in June.试题 4We usually ship the goods by regular_ .

    29、选择一项:A. checkB. linerC. date试题 5Could you use cardboard boxes _the shoes?选择一项:A. packingB. to packC. pack试题 6二、 阅读理解: 阅读下面的短文, 根据文章内容从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。Exports are either raw materials or manufactured goods. Raw materials are products of the land, such as cotton, timber or rubber. Some raw mate

    30、rials, such as iron ore, come from mines. These raw materials are often exported by the countries that produce them to other countries where they are made into manufactured goods.Some countries produce food for export, for example, meat, sugar, or cereals such as wheat and maize. These countries are

    31、 agricultural countries. An agricultural country needs fertile land and a good climate. A cold, dry climate is not suitable for agriculture.A country which produces manufactured goods is known as an industrialized country. An industrialized country cannot always produce enough food for its own needs

    32、. In this case, it does not export foodstuffs. Instead it has to import them. It relies on exports of manufactured products and pays for imports with the money it earns from the exported goods.1. From the first sentence of the passage we can know that there are ( )kinds of exports.A. twoB. threeC. f

    33、our2. Raw materials are often exported by the countries that produce them to other countries where ( ) .A. they are consumedB. they are made into finished productsC. they are wasted3. The countries which produce food for export, for example, meat, sugar, or cereals such as wheat and maize are ( )cou

    34、ntries.A. developedB. industrialC. agricultural4. An industrialized country usually has to import foodstuffs because ( ) .A. it cannot always produce enough food for its own needsB. it doesnt has fertile land and a good climateC. it relies on exports of manufactured products5. The best title of this

    35、 passage is ( ) .A. Agriculture and IndustryB. ExportC. Production一、 选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子, 从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题 1 May I know the cost for a 20 feet container from Guangzhou to LA?_选择一项:A. It s very expensive.B. The cost is very high.C. It s 2, 300 US dollars.试题 2 Oh, but how long will it ta

    36、ke to reach LA?_选择一项:A. Usually it takes around 12 days.B. It takes a long time to reach LA.C. LA is very far from here.试题 3 Mr. Taylor, nice to see you again. Welcome to our company._选择一项:A. Hello, my name is John Taylor, but just call me John.B. Thank you, Ms. Lin. Ive come to see your packing for

    37、 our woolen gloves.C. This is John Taylor.试题 4Small holes should be made in the_ cloth to let the moisture out.选择一项:A. wetB. dryC. waterproof试题 5I d like to know what time we can get the container_ it is in the port.选择一项:A. whereB. whyC. when试题 6二、 翻译: 从以下 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出与英文最适合的中文翻译。1 We usually mak

    38、e a direct shipment unless the customers require transshipment. ( )A 我们通常直接制造船只, 除非客户要求间接制造。B 我们通常采取直运, 除非客户要求转运。C 我们通常采取直运, 这样客户才要求转运。2. It takes around two working days to unload the containers. ( )A 卸下这些集装箱大概需要用两个工作日。B 卸下这些集装箱需要工作两天。C 卸下这些集装箱工人们需要围绕其工作两天。3 Transport plays an important part in int

    39、ernational business because goods produced have to be delivered to the buyers abroad. ( )A 运输在国际贸易当中担当着重要任务, 因为国外的买者需要发送生产出的产品。B 运输在国际贸易当中承担重要的部分, 因为制造产品需要发送给国外的购买者。C 运输在国际贸易当中起着重要的作用, 因为生产出的产品需要发送给国外的购买者。4 All the boxes should be packed in a carton. ( )A 所有的盒子都应当装在纸板箱里。B 各种盒子都应当装在纸板箱里。C 纸板箱都应当装在所有的

    40、盒子里。5 Modern logistics is one of the most exciting jobs in the world. ( )A 现代物流是世界上最激动人心的工作。B 现代物流是世界上最激动人心的工作之一。C 世界上令人激动的工作是现代物流。一、 选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子, 从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题 1 Oh, but how long will it take to reach LA?_选择一项:A. It takes a long time to reach LA.B. Usually it takes around 1

    41、2 days.C. LA is very far from here.试题 2 Good morning. Far East Logistics Company. This is Lin Hanxue. May I help you? ._选择一项:A. Good morning, Ms. Lin. Nice to meet you.B. Good morning, Ms. Lin. This is Daniel Anderson speaking.C. No, thank you.试题 3 May I know the cost for a 20 feet container from Gu

    42、angzhou to LA?_选择一项:A. It s very expensive.B. The cost is very high.C. It s 2, 300 US dollars.试题 4As a rule, the buyer is responsible for_ a ship or booking the shipping space.选择一项:A. usingB. charteringC. making试题 5I_ packing in wooden cases.选择一项:A. thinkB. preferC. get试题 6二、 听力理解: 请听下面的对话, 根据对话内容填入

    43、相应的句子或短语。Picture-in-Picture1. Could you tell me how you ship the goods?(C )2. But we hope you can make a direct shipment. ( E)3. When can you effect shipment? I m worried about late shipment. ( A)4. That ll be too late. Can you do something about it to advance the shipment to April.( B )5. Will you

    44、take the responsibility of chartering a ship. ( D )A. Around in June.B. It ll be hard to handle. The aerliest possible date of delivery would be the end of May.C. We really ship the goods by regular liner.D. Under FOB terms, the buyer is responsible for chartering a ship or booking the shipping spac

    45、e.E. It ll be hard to handle. The aerliest possible date of delivery would be the end of May.一、 选择填空: 阅读下面的对话或句子, 从 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项。试题 1 When can you effect shipment? I m worried about late shipment._选择一项:A. The shipment won t be late.B. The shipment will be effected soon.C. About in June.试题 2 Mr. Taylor, nice to see you again. Welcome to our company._选择一项:A. Hello, my name is John Taylor, but just call me John.B. This is John Taylor.C. Thank you, Ms. Lin. Ive come to see your packing for our woolen gloves.试题 3


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