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    Module 1 Unit 3 (ppt课件)-2023新外研版九年级下册《英语》.pptx

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    Module 1 Unit 3 (ppt课件)-2023新外研版九年级下册《英语》.pptx

    1、Module 1 TravelUnit 3 Unit 3 Language in useLanguage in use1总结和巩固不定冠词、定冠词和零冠词的用法总结和巩固不定冠词、定冠词和零冠词的用法;1复习和巩固本模块的词汇和句型;复习和巩固本模块的词汇和句型;23能谈论自己的旅行经历。能谈论自己的旅行经历。Learning objectivesLead in Talk about your journey by car/train/plane.A:How do you most like to travel?B:I most like to travel by train.Language

    2、 practice1.Read through the example sentences.2.Repeat the sentences.He went to stay with his family in the UK.Why is travel so difficult in winter?We flew direct to Hong Kong.We took a tour by coach to the Summer Palace.Then we took a boat to Lantau Island and went to Disneyland.This is Seat 12A,bu

    3、t you should be in Car 9.This is Car 8.What do you find special about them?GrammarArticle冠词冠词零冠词零冠词vsvs冠词不定冠词不定冠词a/an定冠词定冠词the用在单数可数名词前面表示“一个”a用在以辅音音素开头的词前an用在以元音音素开头的词前a boy,an hour,a university,an elephantGrammarArticle用于可数的单/复数名词或不可数名词前表示“这(那)个(些)”零冠词还有许多情况下名词前不加冠词the apple1.“一个”(意思接近one)。Rome wa

    4、s not built in a day.(谚)罗马不是一天建成的。2.“某一个”(=a certain,但仍可译作“一个”)。A man is waiting for you there.有个人在那里等你。3.表示某一类人或事物中的个体,常修饰表职业的名词,可作表语。His father is a teacher.他父亲是个老师。4.表示某一类人或事物中的任何一个,可做主语。A child needs love.孩子需要爱。5.用于一些固定搭配中。a few几个 have a look at 看看GrammarArticle不定冠词不定冠词a/an1.特指人或事物。He has a big

    5、house.The books in it are very interesting.他有一个大房子,里面的书很有趣。2.指谈话双方都知道的人或事物。Where is the teacher?老师在哪里?3.第二次提到某人或某事物。I bought a book,and the book is very interesting.我买了一本书,这本书很有趣。4.用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前。the Summer Palace 颐和园 the Great Wall 长城GrammarArticle定冠词定冠词the5.用在序数词或形容词最高级前。The first lesson is as di

    6、fficult as the last one.第一课和最后一课一样难。He is the tallest one in our class.他是我们班上个子最高的。6.在姓氏的复数前表示某某一家人或夫妇二人。The Greens are watching TV now.格林一家人现在正在看电视。7.用于一些固定搭配中。in the morning 在早上(上午)by the way 顺便问一下GrammarArticle定冠词定冠词theGrammarArticle1.专有名词前不加冠词。Hong Kong 香港 Hainan Island 海南岛 John 约翰2.在表示季节、月份、星期的

    7、名词前不加冠词。Its very hot in summer.夏季天气很热。She was born in April.她是四月出生的。3.当抽象名词或物质名词表示一般概念时不加冠词。The girl enjoys music very much.这个女孩非常热爱音乐。4.在表示交通方式的介词短语中不加冠词。He goes to work by bus every day.他每天坐公交车上班。零冠词零冠词5.名词+基数词表示序数概念时名词前不加冠词。This is Car 9.这是第9车厢。6.在三餐、球类、棋类名词前不加冠词。He often plays football after sch

    8、ool.他放学后经常踢足球。7.用于一些固定搭配中。go to school 去上学 on time 按时;准时 GrammarArticle零冠词零冠词Complete the conversation with a,an,the or zero article where necessary.A:Im really looking forward to(1)_ summer holiday.Were taking(2)_ trip to(3)_ Paris!B:How wonderful!Its(4)_ interesting and beautiful city.How long wil

    9、l(5)_ flight take?thea/anthePracticeA:The flight takes about(6)_ hour.When we arrive,we will get to our hotel by(7)_ bus.(8)_ hotel is right in(9)_ centre of(10)_ city,so we can visit all the famous places.B:Are you planning to visit(11)_ Louvre Museum?A:Yes,we are.an/ThethethethePracticeComplete th

    10、e conversation with a,an,the or zero article where necessary.1)Children have to go to school/the school when they are six years old.2)Im a teacher at school/the school on the corner.3)Hes got a lovely garden.Flowers/The flowers in it are really beautiful.4)Make sure you get to the airport in time/in

    11、 the time for your plane.1)Children have to go to school/the school when they are six years old.2)Im a teacher at school/the school on the corner.3)Hes got a lovely garden.Flowers/The flowers in it are really beautiful.4)Make sure you get to the airport in time/in the time for your plane.PracticeUnd

    12、erline the correct words.5)How many CDs have you got?Only few/a few.6)Thats most/the most interesting news Ive heard for a long time.7)How long have Whites/the Whites lived here?5)How many CDs have you got?Only few/a few.6)Thats most/the most interesting news Ive heard for a long time.7)How long hav

    13、e Whites/the Whites lived here?PracticeUnderline the correct words.1.She had an important meeting that afternoon,so she had to take an earlier _.2.Please take your _.3.Sam went with Jane to the railway _ to see her off.fightseatstationPracticeComplete the sentences with the words in the box.flight l

    14、anded ready seat station tour4.It is wonderful to _ the streets of the city.5.Flight KA846 from Hong Kong _ five minutes ago.6.“Please have your tickets _,”said the ticket officer.tourlandedready PracticeComplete the sentences with the words in the box.flight landed ready seat station tourComplete t

    15、he sentences with the expressions in the box.as long as because of full of looking forward tomake yourself comfortable 1.They will not arrive on time _ the bad weather.2.Everyone in China is _ seeing their family members during the Spring Festival.because oflooking forward toPractice 3.Lie down on y

    16、our bed and _.4.The journey was _ exciting experiences.5._ you can come by six,I will be here.make yourself comfortablefull ofAs long as PracticeComplete the sentences with the expressions in the box.as long as because of full of looking forward tomake yourself comfortable London to Sydney London Ho

    17、ng Kong:_ hour(s)Hong Kong Sydney:_ hour(s)From airport to centre of Hong Kong:_ hour(s)Price of flight:_ Price of flight and hotel:_1291,19911,247PracticeListen and complete the notes.Sydney to London Sydney London:_ hour(s)Price of flight:_ Price of flight and hotel near airport:_ From airport to

    18、centre of Sydney:_ kilometers241,1191,18920Look at the notes you have made in Activity 5.Work in pairsWhich flight takes a longer time?Which is more expensive?Concorde could carry one hundred passengers and flew faster than the speed of sound.Many people think Concorde was one of the greatest planes

    19、.But now Concorde is just part of history.Listen and read the passage.For twenty-seven years,passengers travelled across the Atlantic Ocean on this plane.Most of them were businesspeople,film stars,rock stars and sports heroes.Flying at more than twice the speed of sound,Concorde took people from Lo

    20、ndon or Paris to New York in just over three hours.Listen and read the passage.The invention of Concorde was a huge step forward.The plane was like a time machine.If Concorde left London at 10:30 am,it arrived in New York at about 8:30 am(1:30 pm London time)the same day.Listen and read the passage.

    21、However,the plane had many problems.It was very noisy.Some believed that its noise was bad for the environment,and that it could hurt peoples ears.In a terrible accident in 2000,near Paris,113 people died,and after that fewer people wanted to fly on Concorde.It became too expensive to continue the s

    22、ervice.At the end of October 2003,Concorde stopped flying.Listen and read the passage.Advantage of Concorde Disadvantage of Concorde Faster than the speed of sound.Crossed the Atlantic in just over 3 hours.Carried only 100 passengers.Only suited to rich people.Possibly unsafe113 people killed in a c

    23、rash.Very noisy.Complete the table.Read the passage again and answer the questions.1.How many passengers could Concorde carry?2.Why do many people think Concorde was one of the greatest planes?It could carry one hundred passengers.Many people think it was one of the greatest planes because it was ve

    24、ry fast.Read and answer.3.How many hours did Concorde take to fly from London or Pairs to New York?It took about three hours to fly from London or Pairs to New York.Read and answer.Read the passage again and answer the questions.1.Work in pairs.Talk about your recent travel experience.Say:how you tr

    25、avelled how long the journey took how you felt about it2.Now write a passage about your experience.Work in pairs.The first pilot to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean Around the worldAround the worldThe first pilot to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean 查尔斯奥古斯都林德伯格(Charles Augustus Lindbergh,又译林白,1

    26、902年2月4日1974年8月26日)是一位著名美国飞行员、作家、发明家、探险家与社会活动家。Around the worldThe first pilot to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean 他于1927年驾驶单引擎飞机圣路易斯精神号(Spirit of St.Louis.),从纽约市罗斯福飞行场横跨大西洋飞至巴黎巴黎勒布尔热机场,成为历史上首位成功完成单人不着陆飞行横跨大西洋的人,并因此获赠荣誉勋章。美国圣地亚哥林德伯格国际机场即以他的名字命名。Read the passage and answer the questions:1.Who was

    27、the first pilot to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean?Charles Lindbergh was the first pilot to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean.2.When was his plane completed?It was completed in April,1927.3.What was the plane like?It was three metres high and weighed 975 kilos.Read and answer.4.Where did he ta

    28、ke off in May 1927?He took off from New York.5.How long did he fly?He flew for about thirty-three hours.Read and answer.Read the passage and answer the questions:1.Find a news story about a good deed and turn it into a short play.Decide:the characters the place and time the plot2.Now write the play.

    29、Write and act out a short play.Group work3.Decide who will play each character.4.Act out the play to the whole class.Complete the sentences with a,an,the or zero article where necessary.1.There isnt _ river near where I live._ nearest river is 500 kilometers away.2.This is _ interesting story and it

    30、 is also _ moving one.3._ Smiths are going to the park this Sunday.Why dont we go for _ walk?aTheanaThea Exercises4.My brother is playing _ basketball while my sister is playing _ piano.5._ old lady with white hair spoke _ English well at _ meeting./theThe/the ExercisesComplete the sentences with a,an,the or zero article where necessary.WordsPhrases SummaryAnything else?Thank you!


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