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    1、国开电大专科商务英语1机考题库第二大题词汇与结构of the EU members have replaced their national currencies by Euro notes and coins 2002.A.forB.atC.since答案CA conversation between the teacher and his student.A.goes byB.goes onC.goes up答案BA modern European style cafe is in the area.A.downB.townC.downtown答案CA week ago,I sent hi

    2、m a statement the amount overdue.A.showB.showingC.showed答案BActually, buyers are the group of people want to buy certain goods or services.A.theyB.whoC.which答案B Actually, buyers are the group of people want to buy certain goods or services.A.theyB.whichC.who答案CAfter that,we have to post letters.A.a s

    3、et ofB.a lotC.a series of答案CAfter that,we have to post letters.A.a series ofB.a set ofC.a lot of 答案A As a rule,the buyer is responsible for a ship or booking the shipping space.A.charteringB.makingC.using答案AAt university I have never my assignments in late.A.handB.handedC.has handed答案BAt universityI

    4、 never my assignments in late.A.have.handB.have.handedC.has.handed答案BBut the charge will be and it also slows down delivery.A.higherB.more valuableC.cheaper答案ABut the charge will be and it also slows down delivery.A.more valuableB.cheaperC.higher答案CChina held the 22nd APEC economic leaders meeting i

    5、n Beijing in 20.A.carelessB.hardC.informal答案CCould you use cardboard boxes the shoes?A.packB.packingC.to pack答案CDo you think you could cut it 30%?A.byB.downC.at答案ADomingo Caf,a modern European style cafe,is in the area.B.downtownC.town答案BDont worry so much is my job!A.worriedB.worryC.worrying答案CDont

    6、 worry so much is my job!A.worryB.worryingC.worried答案BEvery business has its ups and downs,and so every person.A.isB.doesC.do答案BEvery business has its ups and downs,and so every person.A.isB.doC.does答案CFew people realized the value of a brand, ?A.were theyB.did theyC.didnt they答案BFor Europeans,red c

    7、an danger.A.look forB.stand forC.wait for答案BFor larger sums we take legal steps to the money.A.coverB.recoverC.discover答案BFor larger sums we take legal steps to the money.A.coverB.discoverC.recover答案CGoods are carried by several of transport-on road or rail,by sea or air.A.meansB.roadsC.ships答案AHave

    8、 you got some water to drink?-Here you are.There still some in the bottle.A.haveB.wasC.is答案CHe didnt seem to any actions.A.makeB.takeC.do答案BHelen is honest man.A.theB.aC.an答案CHow many children in the picture?-Three.A.are thereB.is thereC.have there答案AHowever nowadays,people often find such advertise

    9、ments on a website.A.a littleB.moreC.much答案BI01 is very important t hat you dont make any mistakes when you calculate those figures.A.ItB.WhatC.That答案A is very important that you dont make any mistakes when you calculate those figures.A.ThatB.ItC.What答案B is very important that you dont make any mist

    10、akes when you calculate those figures.A.ThatB.WhatC.It答案C improve your service,you need to make market surveys so as to know what your customers are thinking and demanding.A.In order thatB.In order toC.So as to答案BI believe team work important.A.areB.isC.was答案BI bet that Mike wished you him that earl

    11、ier.A.toldB.have toldC.had told答案CT07 I bet that Mike wished you him that earlier.A.had toldB.have toldC.told答案AIfound difficult to talk in public.A.itB.thatC.him答案AI have finished your project plan.A.readB.to readC.reading答案CI have finished your project plan.A.readB.readingC.to read答案BI have to the

    12、 profit from last month.A.look forB.work outC.work for 答案BI hope our plan will by the board.A.approveB.be approvingC.be approved答案CI was in of the northwest region of China.A.chargeB.dutyC.change答案AI was the of the StudentsUnion.A.manB.chairC.host答案BI was the of the StudentsUnion.A.fundB.treasureC.t

    13、reasurer答案CI packing in wooden cases.A.getB.preferC.think答案B I packing in wooden cases.A.preferB.getC.think答案AId like to know what time we can get the container it is in the port.A.whereB.whenC.why答案BIll get your RMB for you while youre these forms.A.filling outB.working ouC.taking out答案AIll the rem

    14、ittance for you in our records.A. check inB.check outC.check up答案CIm particularly proud of I organized the finances.A.howB.whoC.which答案AIm particularly proud of I organized the finances.A.whoB.whichC.how答案CIm sure you can things out.A.straightB.lookC.straighten答案CT24 Ive learned today.A.something ne

    15、wB.new somethingC.new some thing答案AId like to know what time we can get the container it is in the port.A.whyB.whenC.where答案BIf you need any help,please feel free contact me.A.ofB.onC.to答案C If you want to pay something in another currency,you have to change your money into the other money,A.inB.forC

    16、.back答案BIn this way you will stay in these changing times.A.competenceB.competitiveC.compete答案BIt is a fact his wife,Josephine Dickson,always had some minor accidents.A.thatB.whatC.which答案AIt is better to tell someone to get it .A.fixB.fixedC.fixing答案BIt seems that the new project in Nanjing will be

    17、 even than your current project.A.bestB.goodC.better答案BIts better to ask for help you meet a problem.A.thatB.whenC.which答案BIve learned today.A.something newB.new somethingC.new something答案AListen,everybody.I have to tell you.A.something importantB.anything necessaryC.nothing interesting答案APrices may

    18、 change quickly if supply or demand A.changesB.changeC.will change答案AMany companies spend a lot of money and time their trademarks.A.registeringB.to registerC.register答案AMarkets are the system that some peoples demands and some other peoples supplies.A.rejectsB. meetsC.bridges答案CMarkets are the syst

    19、em that some peoples demands and some other peoples supplies.A.meetsB.bridgesC.rejects答案BMy sister stories when I was young.A.used to tellB.was used to tellC.used to telling答案ANot only Tom but also Alice and Mary busy.A.isB.wasC.are答案CNow,we have enlarged and our domestic market and European market.

    20、A.consolidatedB.mergedC.purchased答案ANow,we have enlarged and our domestic market and European market. A.mergedB.consolidatedC.purchased答案BPrices may change quickly if supply or demand A.changeB.will changeC.changes答案CPrices may change quickly if supply or demand .A.changesB.changeC.will change答案ASma

    21、ll holes should be made in the cloth to let the moisture out.A.dryB.waterproofC.wet答案BSometimes buyers only purchase some ,tangible or intangible.A.housesB.assetsC.real estates答案BSunday the first day of the week.A.isB.areC.am答案A the expansion of international trade,the container service has become p

    22、opular.A.ForB.LikeC.With答案CThe company will select some people to an interview.A.attendB.pretendC.intend答案AThe companys Human Resources department will then select the most suitable people to an interview.A.attendB.goC.join答案AThe marketing department the sales for the last six months.A.has summarize

    23、dB.summarizeC.was summarize答案AThe meeting suggested the loan first.A.to replyB.repliedC.repaying答案AThe next shareholders meeting was at the end of this year.A.scheduledB.usedC.made答案AThe population of the world still now.A.has;grownB.will;growC.is;growing答案CT08 The quality,specifications and prices

    24、are in our contract.A.clarityB.clarifiedC.clear答案BT09 The question we should use this brand name will be decided by our marketing team.A.whichB.whetherC.what答案BThe question we should use this brand name will be decided by our marketing team.A.whatB.whichC.whether答案CThe re-examination results indicat

    25、e that one-third of the goods are not standard.A.withinB.up toC.on答案BThe seminar is about the new staff members.A.trainB.trainingC.trained答案BThe ten-day display and sale finished tomorrow.A.isB.will beC.would be答案BThe ten-day display a nd sale finished tomorrow.A.isB.would beC.will be答案CThe third pa

    26、rt is the results.A.expectB.expectingC.expected答案CThe third part is the results.B.expectedC.expecting答案BThe whole family enjoying the beautiful music now.A. are allB. all isC. all are答案AT18 The woolen gloves should in twenty boxes.A.be packedB.packC.be packing答案AT19 The woolen gloves should in twent

    27、y boxes.A.be packingB.packC.be packed答案CThen people, are interested,can apply for the job.A.thoseB.theyC.who答案CT21 Then people, are interested,can apply for the job.A.whoB.theyC.those答案AThere are some visitors to our marketing department next week.A.comeB.comingC.to coming答案BThere are some visitors

    28、to our marketing department next week.A.comeB.to comingC.coming答案CThere are twenty in our school.A.girls studentsB.girl studentsC.girl student答案BThere was in the meeting room as the general manager predicted the companys sales target.A.silenceB.silentC.silently答案AThere many people running in the par

    29、k every morning.A.isB.wereC.are答案CThere-examination results indicate that one-third of the goods are not standard.A.up toB.withinC.on答案AThese police often the children across the street.A.helpB.helpsC.is helping答案AThey have no good plan for advertising on TV.A.look toB.see toC.seem to答案CThis is a re

    30、al bank is operated by students between 10 and 12 years old.A.whomB.whichC.who答案BThis story is about some American students learned business skills by operating their ownbanks.A.whoB.whichC.whom答案AThis story is about some American students learned business skills by operating their ownbanks.A.whichB

    31、.whomC.who答案CThose numbers come to mean the world to you they give you the record of how much money youve earned or lost.A.so thatB.in caseC.because答案CThose numbers come to mean the world to you they give you the record of how muchmoney youve earned or lost.A.becauseB.so thatC.in case答案AWe are an au

    32、thorized foreign exchange bank and can 17 kinds of currencies into RMB.A.extrovertB.invertC.convert答案CWe are entitled to cancel it if you fail to the contract.A.honorB.signC.draw up答案AWe are usually very prompt settling your accounts.A.inB.onC.at答案AWe are usually very prompt settling your accounts.A

    33、.onB.inC.at答案BWe try our best to your requirement.A.makeB.meetC.get答案BWe try our best to your requirement.A.getB.meetC.make答案BWe usually ship the goods by regular A.checkB.dateC.liner答案CWell A.takeB.makeC.give答案BWell A.makeB.giveC.take答案AWell A.takeB.giveC.make答案CWhen a company needs to new people,i

    34、t may advertise the job in a newspaper or on a website.A.employB.retainC.apply答案AWherever you go,exchanging money you in touch with international finance.A.asksB.putsC.takes答案B Would you like to a personal interview?A.getB.arrangeC.see答案B your check is received within a week we shall have no alterna

    35、tive .A.UnlessB.AsC.If答案A your check is received within a week we shall have no alternative.A.IfB.AsC.Unless答案C your customers what they need and more than they expect will lead customers to return to you.A.GivingB.GiveC.Given答案AYou are planning to export this product to Europe, ?A.are youB.dont you

    36、C.arent you答案CYou are planning to export this product to Europe, ?A.dont youB.arent youC.are you答案BYou look much after vacation.A.goodB.bestC.better答案CYou wont choose this brand name, ?A.will youB.dont youC.wont you答案A供参考国开大商务英语4自测试题及答案1、_ behalf of Vancouver C&S Intl Trade Corp., I am pleased to invite you and your colleagues to visit us.答案On2、_ the situation may be, make sure that you dont leave your customer with an unanswered question.答案Whatever3、_ has good reputation will sooner or later be successful in his business.答案Whoever4、_ you have a


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