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    广东省广州大学附属 2022-2023学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题.pdf

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    广东省广州大学附属 2022-2023学年九年级上学期期末考试英语试题.pdf

    1、1广州大学附属中学广州大学附属中学 2022-2023 学年度第一学期学年度第一学期期末期末质量巩固提升训练质量巩固提升训练英语英语(考试时间 90 分钟,满分 90 分)一、单项选择一、单项选择(0.5 分10 题=5 分)1.-He has never been to the concert,_?-_.He doesnt like music at all.A.does he;Yes,he does.B.hasnt he;No,he hasntC.has he;No,he hasnt.D.has he;Yes,he has.2.We have _ months to study befor

    2、e having the final exam.A.two anotherB.another twoC.more twoD.two other3.Success always belongs to those _ have tried their bestto make their dreamscome true.A.whoB.whomC.whoseD.which4.You have got lots of masks.Could you please tell me _?Sure.I bought them in a shop in the neighborhood a few days a

    3、go.A.when did you buy themB.when will you buy themC.where you will buy themD.where you bought them5.The man and the dog _ are walking in the park live in our neighbourhood.A.thatB.whoC.whichD.where6.The children all looked _ at the broken model plane and felt quite _.A.sad,sadB.sad,sadlyC.sadly,sadl

    4、yD.sadly,sad7.The sentence structure of“She offers me some help.”is _.A.S+V+OB.S+V+IO+DOC.S+V+DO+CD.S+V+P8.Could you say it again?I cant understand _ you are talking about.A.howB.thatC.whatD.which9.We dont understand the passage _ there are few words in it.A.andB.ifC.thoughD.because10.The purpose of

    5、 this organization is _ the disabled.A.helpB.will helpC.helpedD.to help二二、语法选择、语法选择(0.5 分15 题=7.5 分)When something goes wrong,what would you say?It can be very _11_ tosay,“I know Im late,but its not my fault;the car broke down.”It is probably notyour fault,_12_ once you form the habit of blaming som

    6、ebody or something elsefor a bad situation,you are a loser:You have no power and could do nothing_13_ helps change the situation.However,you can have great power over whathappens to you if you stop _14_ on whom to blame.Focus on how to make thesituation _15_ than before.This is the winners key _16_

    7、success.Winners are great at solving problems.For example,if you were late becauseyour car broke down,maybe your car should _17_ more often.Or you may startto take along with you the useful phone numbers,so you _18_ call for help when2youre in need.For _19_ example,if your workmate is lack of _20_,f

    8、indways of dealing with his fault rather than _21_ blame the person.You shouldaccept the fact and find creative ways _22_ successfully,paying no attentionto _23_ your workmate failed to do his job well.Being concentrated is a winners second key.For example,when I feel nervous,it _24_ a lot to repeat

    9、 words such as“calm”“peace”or“focus”,either out loudor silently in my mind.It makes me feel more in control and increases my confidence.This habit can become second nature quite easily and is _25_ powerfulpsychological(心理的)tool.11.A.satisfyingB.satisfiedC.satisfyD.satisfaction12.A.andB.butC.soD.thou

    10、gh13.A.whatB.whoC.whichD.that14.A.focusB.focusingC.focusedD.to focus15.A.goodB.wellC.betterD.best16.A.toB.ofC.byD.with17.A.checkB.checkedC.to checkD.be checked18.A.shouldB.mightC.canD.must19.A.otherB.the otherC.othersD.another20.A.respondB.responsibleC.responsibilityD.responsibly21.A.simpleB.simplyC

    11、.simplifyD.sample22.A.to workB.workingC.of workD.work23.A.howB.whatC.whichD.if24.A.helpB.will helpC.helpedD.would help25.A./B.anC.theD.a三、完形填空完形填空(1 分10 题=10 分)After a long day,Zhang Tian finally got back to his small room,feeling tired.Hehad to prepare his lessons for the following day.This is a(n)

    12、26day for ZhangTian.He had been teaching in Guizhou Province for quite a few27.Zhang Tiangraduated from university last year.His parents hoped he would go to a big city tofind a teaching job.However,Zhang Tian wanted to start a new lifestyle,so hebecame a28teacher in a village school.But not everyth

    13、ing lived up to Zhang Tians29.The school was muchsmaller than he had imagined.Living in the village was also a30.He couldonly shower every four days,and he had to learn how to cook.The thought of leavingonce flashed through his mind,but he quickly gave up on the idea.The school hadthree teachers and

    14、 Zhang Tian was the only English teacher.The two local teacherswere responsible for maths and Chinese.To make the school life more31forhis students,Zhang Tian added more subjectsmusic,art and PE.PE is certainly thekidsfavourite subject!The playground is now full of laughter and music.Zhang Tians fir

    15、st year is almost over.He has enjoyed32for the3children.What made him feel good was that his students were able to read,speak andwrite in English,and they became more33in learning.Zhang Tian alsobrought34to the village.He contacted charity organizations about rebuildingthe playground and setting up

    16、a library,and helped the villagers sell local productsonline.His efforts made him very popular among the villagers.The villages is like hissecond home now.He feels so happy that he followed his heart when he chose what todo with his life,although it may not be what others35.26.A.ordinaryB.excitingC.


    18、.examplesC.changesD.suggestions35.A.decidedB.believedC.promisedD.expected四、阅读理解四、阅读理解(2 分15 题=30 分)AHe was a poet known for the nostalgia(乡愁)he described in his poems.Now,its time for us to express our nostalgia for this great writer.On December 14,2017,the famous Chinese poet Yu Guangzhong passed a

    19、wayin Taiwan.Born in 1928 in Nanjing,Jiangsu,Yu studied in Sichuan when he was young.Atthat time,he had showed great interest in Chinese poems and spent a lot of his freetime trying writing poems himself.Then he managed topublish his first poem at theage of 20.Ayear later,Yu and his family moved to

    20、Taiwan.He lived and worked thereuntil his death.Nostalgia is Yus masterpiece in which he expressed his homesickness for theChinese mainland when he was in Taiwan.Published in 1971,the poem remains highly popular among Chinese speakersworldwide.Even those who know little about literature are familiar

    21、 with lines fromthe poem.The poem is included in Chinese high school textbooks.Besides his achievements in poetry,Yu was also a successful essay writer,criticand translator.He once translated Siegfried Sassoons poem In Me,Past,Present,Future Meet,an English poem,into Chinese.It is regarded as a powe

    22、rful translation,in which the4most famous line is“心有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇”for“In me the tiger sniffs the rose”.Yu spent his whole life writing.“The reason why I stick to writing till todaycomes down to my passion for the Chinese language,he said in an interview in 2015.He then added that this passion was strength

    23、ened by his love for his mother andmotherland.Now,lets enjoy the poem Nostalgia.36.Which of the following statements is true?A.Yu lived with his family in Taiwan all his life.B.Many Chinese people know the poem Nostalgia.C.We can find Nostalgia in primary school textbooks.D.Yu translated Siegfried S

    24、assoons poem into English.37.In what order did the events take place in Yus life?a.Yu and his family moved to Taiwan.b.Yu told the reason why he stuck to writing.c.Yus poem Nostalgia was published.d.Yu passed away in Taiwan.e.Yu wrote and published his first poem.A.a-e-b-d-cB.e-b-a-c-dC.a-e-d-b-cD.e

    25、-a-c-b-d38.Why did Yu spend all his life writing?A.He made a lot of money from writing.B.He had great interest in English poems.C.He loved his family and mainland a lot.D.He had a lot of free time and was bored.39.Whats the best title of the passage?A.How to Write Good PoemsB.Yu Guangzhongs Poem Nos

    26、talgiaC.Chinese Mainland and TaiwanD.Yu Guangzhongs Lifetime of WritingBTHE central library of the Lihu campus of the Shenzhen University(SZU)wasofficially put into use on Saturday.The library covers a construction area of 41,774 square meters,with themaximum collection capacity of 3 million volumes

    27、.It also built a smart vertical book stack(垂直书架),the first of its kind amonglibraries in Chinese mainland universities.The vertical book stack,equipped with asmart warehouse system,can provide students and teachers with great services,according to SZU.On Saturday,Mao Junfa,president of SZU,said duri

    28、ng a ceremony that thelibrary worked as the heart of a university.The library construction is highlyimportant for its scientific research and talent cultivation(培养).From a birdseye view,the central library is like a giant letter K,symbolizing akey to knowledge.Moreover,the library is divided into tw

    29、o areasa silent area for5quiet study and a dynamic(动态的)area for activities such as group discussions andcultural salons.The library also adopts smart systems for daily management,and itsfurniture is made from green materials.SZU now has a total of four libraries on its two campuses in Nanshan Distri

    30、ct.Asof last December,SZU libraries had more than 4.4 million printed books in itscollection.The total library areas of SZU are now among the top 10 universities onthe Chinese mainland,according to SZU.40.What makes the central library of the Lihu campus of the Shenzhen Universityspecial among the l

    31、ibraries in Chinese mainland universities?A.It was officially put to use on a weekend.B.It covers a building area of 4174 square meters.C.It has a collection of 3 million volumes.D.Its smart vertical book stack can provide people with great services.41.What doesitsin the fourth paragraph refer to?A.

    32、the librarysB.the universitysC.the ceremonysD.the hearts42.What do we know about SZU from the last paragraph?A.Lihu campus of the SZU has four libraries in total.B.SZU libraries now has at most 4.4 million books in its collection.C.SZU has become one of the best universities in China.D.The total lib

    33、rary areas of SZU are larger than those of most universities on theChinese mainland.43.Where can we read this passage?A.In a newspaper.B.In a travel guide.C.In an encyclopedia.D.In a fashion magazine.CAs graduation day approached,excitement increased.Being out of high schoolmeant I was finally comin

    34、g of age.Soon I would be on my own,making my owndecisions,doing what I wanted without someone looking over my shoulder and itmeant going to school with boysa welcome change coming from an all-girl highschool.There was never any question in my mind that I would go to a college awayfrom home.My mother

    35、s idea,on the other hand,was just the opposite.Trying her best not toforce her preferences on me,she would subtly ask whether I had considered particularschoolsall of which happened to be located in or near my hometown of Chicago.Then panic set in.My feelings took a 180-degree turn.I really didnt wa

    36、nt toleave high school at all,and it was questionable whether I wanted to grow up after all.It had been nice being respected as a senior by the underclass students for the pastyear;I didnt enjoy the idea of being on the bottom rung of the ladder again.Despite months of expectation,nothing could have

    37、 prepared me for the impact ofthe actual day.As the familiar melody(旋律)of“Pomp and Circumstance”echoed(回6声)in the background,I looked around at the other figures in white caps and gowns aswe seriously lined into the hall.Tears welled up uncontrollably in my eyes,and I wasconsumed by a rush of sadnes

    38、s.As if in a daze(恍惚),I rose from my seat when Iheard my name called and slowly crossed the stage to receive my diploma.As Ireached out my hand,I knew that I was reaching not just for a piece of paper but for abrand-new life.Exciting as the future of a new life seemed,it wasnt easy sayinggood-bye to

    39、 the old onethe familiar faces,the familiar routine.I would even missthat chemistry class I wasnt particularly fond of and the long travel each day betweenhome and school that I hated.Good or bad,it was what I knew.Although going back is impossible,its comforting to know I can revisit myspecial memo

    40、ries any time.44.The authors mother _.A.did not care very much which college her daughter went toB.was greatly disappointed at her decision to go to a college on the East CoastC.willingly allowed her to go to a college of her own choiceD.wished that she would study at a college or university close t

    41、o home45.On the actual graduation day,_.A.she sang a song“Pomp and Circumstance”B.reaching out for diploma,she was aware of a new stage in life ahead of herC.she came to realize that she had a passion for her old schoolD.she went through the whole ceremony in a daze46.What does the underlined part“b

    42、eing on the bottom rung of the ladder”mean?A.Being a freshman.B.Being an unpopular student.C.Being a loser.D.Being a childish person47.What does the author mainly describes in this article?A.her happiness to be admitted to a wonderful universityB.her eagerness to go to a wonderful university far awa

    43、y from homeC.Her excitement during the months leading to the graduation ceremony.D.her mixed feelings during the months before and on graduation day.DMark works at Sunrise Tourist Information Centre.His job is to answer questionsand show tourist brochures to visitors:Welcome to Sunrise Island Touris

    44、t Information Centre25 Green Street,Port George,Sunrise IslandOpen every day except Tuesday,09:00-17:00We can help you find a hotel,choose somewhere interesting to eat and plan yourday.Please take a free map on the island.See Rose Mountains The highest mountains on the island with great views of the

    45、 island in all directions!7 Catch the 22 bus to Rose Town and spend the day climbing to five differentviewpoints.If you are fit,you will love Rose Mountains.Boat trip around Lighthouse Island Two-hour trip leaves each day at 9:00 a.m.Price:$50 each;Free for children under1.2 metres.Lunch included Sw

    46、im in the beautiful water off Lighthouse Island Exciting nightlife The restaurants of Port George are open every night until 4:00 a.m.the latest musicevery night!Two free drinks if you arrive before midnight.Our island story Port George Museum is open every day from 10:00 to 16:00 except Wednesday.F

    47、ind out more about Sunrise Island in the eighteenth century and the story Make friends with our wildlife At Rose Reserve,you will find wildlife that only on Sunrise Island-get close towild horses,deer and parrots.Easy walks and a great teahouse!48.From the brochures,we learn tourists can have all th

    48、ese activities _.A.on an islandB.in a museumC.on a mountainD.at an information centre49.Tom is 1.3 metres.He will take a boat trip with his parents.They should pay _.A.$50.B.$100.C.$150.D.$200.50.If you are in good health and like wildlife as well,you can go to _.A.Rose Reserve and Rose MountainsB.R

    49、ose Mountains and Lighthouse IslandC.The clubs of Port George and Rose ReserveD.Port George Museum and Lighthouse Island五、五、阅读填空阅读填空(1 分5 题=5 分)Many people like to keep pets.Dogs and cats are very popular pets.Some people,however,keep birds or goldfish._51_If you want to have a pet,you can buy one f

    50、rom a pet shop but you must becareful not to buy a sick animal.It is best if you know something about the pet youwant._52_However,if you do not have much money and know very little about animals,you can visit the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals(RSPCA)._53_ It was set up to mak


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