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    第十节 被动语态 2021年广东中考英语复习ppt课件.pptx

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    第十节 被动语态 2021年广东中考英语复习ppt课件.pptx

    1、考考点点精精讲讲一般现在时的被动语态主语am/is/are+及物动词的过去分词(+by人代宾格)其他Jack,you are wanted on the phone.杰克,电话里有人找你。续表续表一般过去时的被动语态主语be动词的过去式(was/were)及物动词的过去分词(+by人代宾格)其他Shortly after we were seated,a waiter came over to our table with a smile.我们刚坐下,就有一个服务员微笑着来到我们桌旁服务。续表续表一般将来时的被动语态1.主语shall/will be及物动词的过去分词(by人代宾格)其他He

    2、will be taken to the park on Sunday.星期天有人要带他去公园。2.主语be going to be及物动词的过去分词(by人代宾格)其他More factories are going to be built in my hometown.我的家乡将会建更多的工厂。续表续表情态动词的被动语态主语情态动词或be about to,used to,be to,have to等be及物动词的过去分词(by人代宾格)其他This bike can be mended in two hours.两个小时内可以修好这辆自行车。知知识识补补充充1.1.使役动词和感官动词的被

    3、动语态使役动词和感官动词的被动语态常用的使役动词有make等,感官动词有see,watch,notice,hear等。其主动语态中宾语后接不带to的不定式作宾补,但在被动语态句子中要还原不定式to。如:He made me do the work.他让我做这项工作。(主动语态,do前没有to)I was made to do the work.我被派去做这项工作。(被动语态,do前还原to)注注意 其他复合宾语(宾+宾补)中的宾补(包括带to 的不等式、现在分词、非动词等)在改为被动语态时照抄。如:I saw Mike cleaning the classroom just now.我刚刚看到

    4、迈克正在打扫教室。Mike was seen cleaning the classroom by me just now.迈克刚刚被我看见正在打扫教室。2.2.主动形式表被动意义主动形式表被动意义(1)系动词(look,sound,smell,feel,taste,prove,seem,turn,get,become等)要用主动形式表被动意义,因为连系动词为不及物动词,它们没有被动语态形式。如:The garden looks very beautiful.这个花园看上去很美。Your idea proved to be wrong.你的想法证实是错的。(2)动词不定式作定语时常用主动形式表被

    5、动意义。如:I have many things to do every day.我每天有许多事情要做。(3)need doing(=need to be done)用主动形式表被动意义。如:The room needs sweeping every day.=The room needs to be swept every day.这个房间每天都要打扫。注注意 当人作主语时,need to do sth.意为“需要做某事”,need doing 意为“需要被做”。如:The boy needs helping.=The boy needs to be helped.这男孩需要帮助(被帮助)。

    6、The boy needs to help others.这个男孩需要帮助别人。3.3.不及物动词或不及物动词短语不及物动词或不及物动词短语(如如happenhappen,take place take place,break outbreak out,come out come out,cost cost,belong to belong to,rise rise,take take part inpart in等等)没有被动语态。如:没有被动语态。如:Great changes took place in China.中国发生了很大的变化。An accident happened just

    7、 now.刚才发生了一起事故。4.4.动词短语变为被动语态时,介词或副词不能省略。如:动词短语变为被动语态时,介词或副词不能省略。如:The patient is well looked after by the nurse.病人得到了护士的精心照料。The new word can be looked up in the dictionary.可以在字典中查找这个生词。5.5.汉语中有一些句子不出现主语,在英语中一般可用被动结汉语中有一些句子不出现主语,在英语中一般可用被动结构表示。如:构表示。如:It is believed that 据信;人们认为It is generally cons

    8、idered that 通常认为;人们普遍认为It is said that 据说It is well-known that 众所周知It is supposed that 据推测It is reported that 据报道6.have/get sth.done 6.have/get sth.done 让让/叫叫/使使/请别人做某事请别人做某事(让让某事由别人做某事由别人做)。The patient has his temperature taken.=The patient asks somebody to take his temperature.这个病人叫别人量体温。Teenagers

    9、 shouldnt be allowed to get their ears pierced.青少年不允许穿耳洞。结构:主语+have/get+sth.+done=主语+ask+somebody+to+do+sth.7.7.双宾语结构中的被动语态双宾语结构中的被动语态被动(1):()+被动谓语+()(+by宾语)+主动:主语(执行者)+主动谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语+被动(2):()+被动谓语+介词to/for()(+by宾语)+如:He may give you a pen as a present.他可能会送你一支钢笔作为礼物。被动(1):You may be given a pen as

    10、a present(by him).你可能会被(他)送一支钢笔作为礼物。被动(2):A pen may be given to you as a present(by him).一支钢笔可能会被(他)送给你作为礼物。注注意 使用的介词为主动结构变化中所需介词:谓语动词+sb.+sth.=谓语动词+sth.+to/for+sb.如:He bought me a book yesterday.A book was bought for me(by him)yesterday.他昨天送我一本书。()1.The pet dog is warm and lovely.It _ as a daughter

    11、 of my family.A.treats B.treated C.is treated D.was treated()2.I want to know if an English singing competition _ next month.A.will hold B.will be held C.holds D.is held考考点点演演练练C CB B()3.A report about the invention of tea _ in the school hall the day after tomorrow.A.is givenB.will giveC.will be gi

    12、venD.was given()4.Jack,stop playing computer games now.Your homework _ first.A.must be finishedB.will be finishedC.must finishD.will finishC CA A()5.Because of the support from the government,beautiful buildings _ here and there in Sichuan.A.can seeB.can be seenC.will seeD.will be seen()6.I wonder w

    13、hen subway _ in my hometown.When the day comes,Ill spend less time going to school every day.A.is finish B.will be finished C.was finished D.finishB BB B()7.Everybody _ deeply after they heard the story.A.moves B.moved C.is moved D.was moved()8.Can you go to the movies with me tonight?I have to ask

    14、my mom.If I _,I will go with you.A.allow B.allowed C.am allowedD.was allowedD DC C()9.Can you see the picture on the wall?It looks beautiful.Yes.It _ by Mr.Black two months ago.A.painted B.is painted C.paints D.was painted()10.When Tim _ why he was late for school,he just kept silent.A.was asked B.a

    15、sked C.was asking D.is askedD DA A被动语态主要在语法选择和短文填空中考查。具体如下:1.语法选择:主要考查三种被动语态的用法,包括一般现在时被动语态、一般过去时被动语态和一般将来时被动语态。针对此类试题,考生先要判断是否属于被动语态,如果是的话要用时间标志词去判断属于哪一种被动语态,并结合前后语境来选择正确选项。如:He told them that kites _32_ in China more than 2,000 years ago.(2020广东)A.inventB.inventedC.are inventedD.were invented解析解析:

    16、此句意为:“他告诉他们风筝是在2000多年前在中国被发明的。”根据标志词ago,所以选一般过去时的被动语态。答案为D。2.短文填空:短文填空对被动时态的考查主要是在学生知道句子的意思时,根据句意判断是否为被动语态。然后根据上下文判断其属于哪一种被动语态,再根据该被动语态的结构看原文中少了哪个部分,最后把词填进去即可。如:Once,Will and his brother Harry _73_ given a job to rebuild a broken brick(砖)wall in the yard.(2018广东)解析:解析:此句意为:“曾经,威尔和他的哥哥哈里被给了一份工作:在院子里重

    17、建一个破砖墙。”由句意和标志词once以及空后的given可知此处是一般过去时的被动语态。对照一般过去时被动语态的结构特征,答案填were。一、语法选择(专练)一、语法选择(专练)Lin Zexu was a famous hero at the end of the Qing Dynasty.He _ in 1785 in Fujian Province.When he grew up,he was an official in 13 provinces for more than 40 years.In 1839,he _ the commissioner(长官)of Guangdong

    18、Province.1 12 2When he _ in Guangdong,he knew that the people there liked to smoke opium(鸦片).But smoking opium was bad for them.They not only _ all their money on opium,but also were addicted to it and couldnt control themselves.In this case,Lin Zexu reported to the Qing government and _ the governm

    19、ent to ban(禁止)the opium trade.Then he _ to carry out his plan.It took him a month and a half to collect the opium from the foreign 3 34 45 56 6traders even though he _ many difficulties.And 500 workers spent 22 days destroying the opium with lime(石灰)and salt and throwing it into the ocean outside of

    20、 Humen Town.He _ in banning opium smoking.Up to now Lin Zexus story _ by many people in China.He also appears in todays history textbook.His spirit of fighting with enemies _ on from generation to generation.7 78 89 91010()1.A.bornB.was bornC.is bornD.will be born()2.A.nameB.is namedC.was namedD.wil

    21、l be named()3.A.arrivedB.was arrivedC.will arriveD.will be arrived()4.A.spentB.was spentC.is spentD.has spent()5.A.is askedB.was askedC.asksD.asked B BC CA AA AD D()6.A.allowB.will allowC.was allowedD.will be allowed()7.A.meetB.metC.is meetingD.will meet()8.A.succeedsB.succeededC.is succeededD.was s

    22、ucceeded()9.A.rememberB.rememberedC.is rememberedD.was remembered()10.A.passB.is passedC.will passD.will be passedC CB BB BC CD D二、短文填空二、短文填空(专练专练)请用适当的词完成下面的短文,并把所缺单词填写在横线上。每个空只能填写一个形式正确、意义相符的单词。Nowadays mobile phones are popular for all of us.We are _ to taking them whenever we go.Even when we som

    23、etimes go a long way away from home,we find that our mobile phones werent _ with us,we will go back to take them as soon as possible.Clearly the mobile phone becomes _ important part of our life.But do you know the history of it?111112121313It is said that the mobile phone was first _ by Dr.Martin C

    24、ooper,a former general manager of Systems Division of Motorola in 1973 in New York.At that time it was very big and heavy.It _ only used for talking with each other.After that more and more companies were interested in it and _ a lot of money studying it.In this case,the mobile phone developed quick

    25、ly.They were _ 1414151516161717smaller and smaller,thinner and thinner.But they have powerful functions.Now the mobile phone can _ used to do many things,such as taking photos,listening to music,sending messages,playing games and so on.Some mobile phones,such as Huawei,one of the most _ mobile phone

    26、s all over the world,can not only do the things talked above,but also can receive your e-mails,help you find an unfamiliar place,design _ photos and so on.So even though people need to pay more money,they still try their best to chase(追逐)the fashion of new mobile phones.18181919202011._12._13._14._15._16._17._18._19._20._usedusedtakentakenananinventedinventedwaswasspentspentbecomingbecomingbebepopularpopularyouryour


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