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    1、被动语态被动语态之中考语法复习专练之中考语法复习专练 英语动词有两种语态:英语动词有两种语态:主动主动语态和语态和被动被动语态语态 1.1.当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者当我们不知道谁是动作的执行者,2.2.或只需强调动作的承受者时,要用或只需强调动作的承受者时,要用 被动语态被动语态。时态:时态:1.一般现在时:一般现在时:2.一般过去时:一般过去时:3.一般将来时:一般将来时:4.情态动词的被动语态:情态动词的被动语态:被动语态被动语态结构:结构:be+过去分词过去分词(PP)+(by)am/is/are+pp was(were)+ppwill(shall)/be going to+be+p

    2、pmust(can,may等等)+be+pp例句例句 The storm damaged the crops.暴风雨破坏了农作物。The crops were damaged by the storm.农作物被暴风雨破坏了。主动语态被动语态主语动词(一般过去时)宾语被动语态的使用及形式被动语态的使用及形式 语态主动语态 例:Kevin scolded the girl.Kevin 责骂了那女孩。被动语态 例:The girl was scolded by Kevin.那女孩被Kevin责骂。主动123 被动321His brother washes bowls every day.主主谓谓宾宾

    3、(受动者受动者)Bowls are washed by his brother every day.将下列句子改为被动语态将下列句子改为被动语态将下列句子改为被动语态 We clean our classroom every day.Our classroom is cleaned(by us)every day.时态时态主动语态主动语态被动语态被动语态1 1一般现一般现在时在时do/doesdo/doesam/is/are+am/is/are+过去分过去分词词2 2一般过一般过去时去时diddidwas/were+was/were+过去分词过去分词3 3一般将一般将来时来时will/be g

    4、oing to+will/be going to+动词原形动词原形will/be going will/be going to+be+to+be+过去分词过去分词一般现在时的被动语态:一般现在时的被动语态:am/are/is+1.People play football all over the world.2.Mr.Green teaches us this term.Football all over the world We this term.m.by peopleare taught(by Mr.Green)1.They make shoes in that factory.主语主语

    5、+及物动词及物动词+宾语宾语Shoes are made (by them)in that factory.Football is played by them on Sunday.The homework is done by Lucy in the evening.你知道这些被动句的否定句和一般疑问句吗?你知道这些被动句的否定句和一般疑问句吗?一般过去时的被动语态:一般过去时的被动语态:1.People built the Great Wall long ago.2.Two years ago we used the machinesto make shoes for children.T

    6、he Great Wall long ago.Two years ago those machines shoes for children.was built(by people)were used(by us)to make 2.They bought ten computers last term Ten computers were bought (by them)last term.一般将来时的被动语态:一般将来时的被动语态:will/be going to+be+1.We will write a diary next class.2.Tom is going to hold a

    7、birthday party.A diary next class.A birthday party .will be written(by us)is going to be held(by Tom)3.They will finish the work in ten days.The work will be finished(by them)in ten days.1.Some workers are painting the rooms nowby some workers now.The rooms are being paintedThe pen writes well.这支钢笔很

    8、好用。这支钢笔很好用。2.某些感官动词和系动词接形容词可表示被动意义。如,look,smell,taste,feel,sound等。1.The music sounds very peaceful.2.The fish tastes a little salty.(2)试题解析与方法小结试题解析与方法小结 例:1.-Have you heard of Earth Day?_Yes.The first Earth Day _in 1970 to educate us to protect our planet.A.celebrates B.celebrated C.is celebrated D

    9、.was celebrated 试题解析:根据本题的上下语境判断,本题的主语是动作的承受者,因此要用被动语态,所以排除A、B,又因为“in 1970”是过去的时间,因此要用一般过去时的被动语态,故选D.D仿照对上题的解析,完成下列题目,然后和你的同伴一起核对答案,并互相说说解题的思路和根据。()1.Many trees and flowers in our city every year.A.planted B.plant C.are planted D.were planted()2.The car _by the policeman because the driver was drunk

    10、.A.stopped B.was stopped C.were stopped ()3.A football match between Class Two and Class Three _tomorrow afternoon.A.is held B.was held C.must be held D.will be heldBD.Class feedback(课内训练巩固)(课内训练巩固)()1.Chinese by more and more people from all over the world today.A.learn B.learned C.is learned D.was

    11、 learn()2.Its reported that Nanjing South Railway Station _ at the end of this month.A.has been completed B.is completed C.was completed D.will be completed()3.-May I use your cup,Tom?-Sorry,it _ by my sister just now.A was broken B is broken C broke CDA()4.More money _when we use both sides of pape

    12、r.A.will save B.was saved C.has saved D.will be saved()5.-Do you have Jays CDs?-sorry,they are _.But well get some more next week because they_.A.sold well;are on sale B.sold out;sell wellC.selling well;sell well D.for sale;sell wellDB()6.You have to stay behind if your homework before five oclock.A

    13、.isnt done B.wont be done C.doesnt do D.wasnt done()7.The cake _ delicious.A.smell B.smells C.is smelt D.was smelt AB即时练习:把下列句子改为被动语态1.People use metal for making machines.Metal _ _ _making machines.2.He made me do that for him.I _ _ _ _ that for him.3.Did they build a bridge here a year ago?_ a bri

    14、dge _ here by them a year ago?4.The children will sing an English song.An English song _ _ _ by the children.5.They are watching the football match.The football match _ _ _ by them.Was builtwill be sung is being watched即时练习:单选()1 Our room must _ clean.A.keep B.be kept C.to be kept D.to keep()2 New c

    15、omputers _ all over the world.A.is used B.are using C.are used D.have used()3 His new book_ next month.A.will be published B.is publishing C.is being published D.has been published()4 Who was the book_?A.write B.wrote C.written D.written by()5 The coat_her sister.A.made to B.were made for C.was made

    16、 for D.was made toDCMickey MousemkiMickey Mouse is loved by lots of children.Donald DuckdnldDonald Duck is also liked by many people.cartoon charactersn.漫画漫画n.(书、剧本、电书、剧本、电影等中的影等中的)人物,)人物,角色;(汉)字角色;(汉)字 These cartoon characters are designed by foreigners.frn(r)外国人外国人They come from Disneyland.dznilnd

    17、迪士尼乐园迪士尼乐园k:tu:ncartoonkrkt(r)characterwadliwidelyru:atthroughoutfrn(r)foreigner*根据音标读单词*n.卡通,漫画卡通,漫画n.(书、剧本、(书、剧本、电影里的)电影里的)角色,汉字角色,汉字adv.普通地,普通地,广泛地广泛地prep.遍及,遍及,贯穿贯穿n.外国人外国人Disneyland was opened in shanghai in 2016.Disneyland was opened in Hongkong in 2005.Mickey Mouse is loved by lots of childre

    18、n.Donald Duck is also liked by many people.These cartoon characters are designed by foreigners.Disneyland was opened in Shanghai in 2016.Disneyland was opened in Hongkong in 2005.Disneyland is built near Los Angeles.Disneyland is located in the southwest.be+done表能干某事,可以用can do,但情态动词can 只有一般现在时,和一般过去

    19、式could do,表将有能力干某事只能用will be able to do.如果我多练习,我将能参加中国好声音。If I practice more,I _ the Voice of China.1.I will see more cartoon characters.我将我将 可以看到更多的卡通人物。可以看到更多的卡通人物。迫不及待做某事迫不及待做某事Summer is coming,and I _ to the countryside to see my grandparents.2.I cant wait to fly there.我都等不及飞到那里了。我都等不及飞到那里了。cant

    20、 wait to do sth.暑假到了,我迫不及待要回到农村看望我的祖父母.cant help doing sth 情不自禁做某事3.Im going to Cuba on business tonight.出差出差我爸爸要到北京出差,我要帮助他整理行李。我爸爸要到北京出差,我要帮助他整理行李。e.g.My father will _ _ _ _ _,and I will help him to _ _ _.on businessbe similar to 和和相似相似我的自行车和她的差不多。我的自行车和她的差不多。e.g.My bike is similar to hers.go to B

    21、eijing on businesspack his bag4.Is Spanish similar to English?Its possible/impossible(for sb.)to do sth.某人有可能/不可能做 (2)我们不可能在两个小时内解决这个问题。solve the problem in two hours.e.g.(1)Its possible for me _ (到达机场)before 6 p.m.5.Is it possible for you to have trouble communicating?那你交流起来可能会有困难吗?做某事有困难 如果有必要(2)如

    22、果有必要,你可以打电话向我求助。,you can call me for help.e.g.(1)You can keep a diary to improve your English _.(如果有可能)如果有可能 如果你喜欢 如果是这样6.If necessary,Ill ask an interpreter for help.如果必要的话,我会找一个翻译帮忙。8.Recent surveys show that over 500 million people speak English as their mother tongue.最近的调查显示,有超过最近的调查显示,有超过5亿的人把英

    23、语作为亿的人把英语作为母语。母语。7.There are more than 3000 languages are spoken in the world.世界上有世界上有3000多种语言在流通。多种语言在流通。overover“超过,多于”+数词 e.g:more than ten men 十多人more than 比更,more后面跟n./多音节adj./adv.E.g:I have _ He is _than Jim.(careful)more friends than you.more carefulshow sb.sth./show sth to sb.出示某物给某人showv.sh

    24、ow sb.the way to 告诉某人去的路n.表演fashion show/talk show/flower show2.Complete the sentences with the given phrases.1.His new pen looks _ one of mine.2.There are only _ potatoes left.3.The twin sisters have _ nose.4.Bob is coming to Beijing _ next Sunday.5.Many kids _ getting along with their parents nowa

    25、days.6.When you are in trouble,you can _ your teacher _.the samesimilar toa fewadj.双胞胎之一的双胞胎之一的 n.双胞胎之一双胞胎之一on businesshave troubleaskfor help2.Words used Fill in the blanks1.His mother t_ is Chinese.2.Leaning a _(外国的)language is useful and helpful.3.There are many English s_ in the world.They think

    26、 speaking English is very popular.4.Mr.Wang is invited to take part in an international _(会议).5.Russia is a _(欧洲的)country.6.Bei Jing has many places of interest,and every year many _(游客)come to visit them.pzndvad pafl ksplen brtnlektuntrstlid 1.Today is Lucys birthday.We plan to have a birthday part

    27、y for her _ tnat.2.English is necessary for_(communicate)on the Internet.3.The man is a great _(speak).And he is giving a speech for us in the hall.4.Its _(possible)for us to learn English well without enough practice.5.Dont _ d holes in the desk.We should protect all the school things.6.Germany is

    28、a _(Europe)country and China is an Asian country.Read through Section A-C and fill in the blanks with the correct words.tonightcommunicatingspeakerimpossibledigEuropean1.你想告诉父母你迫不及待地要飞往西班牙,可以这么说:_ Spain.2.你想鼓励英语不好的Lucy 尽力而为,从现在起更加努力,你可以这样说:_ and _.3.你的爸爸要去古巴出差,你希望他旅行愉快,可以这么说:_.4.Helen要去参加比赛,你希望她取得成功

    29、,可以这样对她说:_,Helen!I cant wait to fly toTry your bestHave a good trip.Functionswork much harder from now onI wish you success“in the+序数词+century”in the nineteenth century 在19世纪在几世纪e.g.In the twenty-first century 在21世纪In the 1880s 在19世纪80 年代在几世纪几十年代in the+年份se.g.在十一世纪在十八世纪二十年代in the eleventh centuryin

    30、the 1720s19世纪时,英国成为了一个十分强大的国家,因此英语也成为了国际性的语言。Have you finished your report yet?No.Ill finish it in 10 minutes.A.another B.other C.more D.lessI have 6 colored pencils;one is blue,another is red,and are green.A.other B.another C.others D.the others I dont like this pen.Show me one.A.another B.the othe

    31、r C.other D.othersThere are 28 students in the class.10 of them are girls and are boys.A.the other B.the others C.others D.otherHe has 2 sons.One is a doctor,is a student.He is now studying at university.A.another;a B.the other,an C.the other,a D.another,anHe bought 2 bikes.One was for his wife,and was for his son.A.another B.other C.the other D.oneI dont like those shoes.Please show me .A.another B.other C.the other D.some othersThis is not the only answer to the question.There are .A.the others B.others C.another D.the other


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