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    2023届高考英语复习:读后续写 专项练习题(Word版含答案范文).docx

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    2023届高考英语复习:读后续写 专项练习题(Word版含答案范文).docx

    1、2023届高考英语复习:读后续写 专项练习题读后续写(满分25分)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Jayce began noticing when he was in kindergarten that he looked different from his classmates. They had two hands while he had one. Due to their young age, Jayce was encouraged that he was just like an angel with one wing folded to prepa

    2、re for something.It started when one boy laughed at him. From that day, 5-year-old Jayce turned sad. He returned home with questions. “Why am I different? Why me? Why? He cried to ask his mother, Lewis. Seeing Jayce was mad at God for making him that way, the poor mother felt it a hugedagger (匕首) to

    3、 her heart. What made her more sorrowful was that she didnt know what to do atthat point and how to provide answers to her sons questions which she could never find out herself. The white lie burst just like bubbles that day.A few weeks later, Lewis turned on the TV to a news story, where she was sh

    4、ocked to find out the answer. It was Trashaun, an eighth grader, who displayed positive energy from his head tohis toe. The 14-year-old sunny boy performed his slam dunks (大灌篮) on the TV, who had been ahit on the Internet. However, like Jayce, he had missed most of his left arm since his childhood!

    5、Lewis called her son Jayce in. The poor little boy got spellbound (入迷的),watching dunk after dunk.At the time, it seemed that watching Trashaun would simply be an inspiring moment for Jayce. He saw Trashaun as a tough role model who had a seemingly similar born disability but led a brilliant life. An

    6、dhad it stayed just like that, Lewis would have been happy.But little did she know that a family friend had already reached out to Trashaun, asking him to help set up a meeting with Jayce to rebuild hisconfidence.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。The day was not spent drowning in self-pity but fo

    7、r fun.Staring at the shirt he sent Jayce, Trashaun began to talk about their left arms.语言积累:1.因为,由于due to2.感觉好像一把匕首扎他的心feel it a huge dagger to his heart3.一个八年级的学生an eighthgrader4.全身上下,从头到脚from ones head to toe5.(马上)火了go viral, becomean (instant) hit天生当演员的料be cut out for acting, an acting material6.

    8、召集,叫进来callin7.使某人入迷/变得入迷keep. spellbound, be/get spellbound8.行为模范a role model9.为.提供帮助,请求.的帮助reach out to sb.210.重建信心rebuild sbs confidence11.安排/策划一次见面set up a meeting12.像气泡一样爆了burst like a bubble12.他就像一个天使,一只翅膀折叠着,准备着干些什么。He was just like an angel with one wing folded to prepare for something.参考范文:T

    9、he day was not spent drowning in self-pity but for fun.When they met,Trashaun hugged Jayce tightly with his only arm. Excited to meet Trashaunin person,Jayce asked whether he could dunk like him. “Of course!” Trashaun assured him. Hegave him a small basketball and then squatted down, putting his rig

    10、ht arm on the leftshoulder tomake a circlelike the rim of the basket. “Come on, buddy, dunk!” Jaycecouldnt believe what he saw. He picked the ball, jumped up high andput it into thecircle. He then jumped up again and caught Trashauns arm,hanging himself in the air, shouting happily, “Dunk! dunk!” He

    11、 was so spellbound that he did dunk afterdunk until he was exhausted. They had a lot of fun together. To encourage him tomake a good player, Trashaun gave him his shirt as a gift.136Staring at the shirt he sent Jayce, Trashaun began to talk about their left arms.He told Jayce that the shirt was valu

    12、able to him, because it was the shirt he wore whenhe dunked to win the first match. He realized that he could play as well as the otherplayers and made contributions to the victory of their team although he only had onearm. Jayce was motivated and asked how he was able to do it. Trashaun said, We ar

    13、edisabled, but we are not unable. The missing arm is like an invisible challenge,reminding us that we should make more efforts if we want to achieve anything. Jaycelooked up to him, his eyes sparkling with hope and determination. His mum wasgrateful to see Jayce become confident again. Maybe to beco

    14、me a good player likeTrashaun was the very thing his son was waiting for.135阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。April Fools DayNat woke early and jumped out of bed. Today was the best day of the year for him. Nat loved to play tricks, and today was April Fools Day.Some of Nats tricks were big hits.

    15、 Last year, he short-sheeted his sisters bed. She couldnt understand what was going on and started to think that her legs must have grown much longer during the day. When she realized what had happened, she laughed her head off.Some of Nats tricks were not so successful. Mom didnt think finding a fu

    16、rry toy mouse in the fridge was humorous at all. After she calmed down a bit, she said, “Thats it! Theres a ban on Nat tricks for two weeks.”Nat was also the class clown. He was always making jokes in class. He liked it when he made the other kids laugh. Since it was April Fools Dayhe felt like he h

    17、ad to come up with something really good to provide his classmates with some really good entertainment.For that, Nat thought long and hard before he came up with his brilliant idea. He bought two toy frogs which were made out of green plastic and looked very realistic. Nat knew just the trick he wou

    18、ld play on his classmates.Nat arrived at school early. To succeed in his plan, he needed to get into the classroom before anyone else. Nats class had a rainforest terrarium (饲养皿). It had plants, insects, and three frogs in it. Nats idea was to pretend that the frogs had escaped. He knew that Ms. Lop

    19、ez, his teacher, wasnt afraid of frogs but several of his classmates, including him, were.Nat slipped into the classroom. Good! There was nobody here. He put one of the toy frogs on the floor, near the terrarium and the other on his friend Staceys desk. Nat knew that Stacey really didnt not like fro

    20、gs. Also, she played a great trick on him last April Fools Day. To make his trick more convincing, Nat pushed the lid of the terrarium open. Then he rushed off to morning gathering.注意:1.续写词数应为150左右:2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。When the students got back to class, no one noticed the toy frogs at first._Nat re

    21、alized that he had opened the lid of the terrarium._【情节分析】【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述了主人公纳特在愚人节那天,用假青蛙愚弄班上同学,但是最终适得其反,使自己被一只真青蛙吓到的故事。【参考语料库及句型】1、一声尖叫(high-pitched scream) 刺破了教室的安静(pierce),伴随着大家的视线都被吸引到(with.arrested to) 惊慌失措的(panic)Stacey身上。A high-pitched scream pierced the silence of the room, with everyones

    22、 attention/ sight arrested to the Stacey who was in a total panic.2、一看见Stacey课桌里的青蛙,其他学生都纷纷逃向(flee towards)门边,眼睛充满了惊恐和绝望(独立主格)。At the sight of the frog in Staceys desk, other students fled towards the door one after another, their eyes brimmed with terror and desperation.3、僵了(stiffened/ rooted to th

    23、e spot like a statue)几秒钟之后,人群因惊恐而爆发出(explode)大叫声,整个班级处于一片混乱(in chaos)。Stiffened to the spot like a statue for several seconds, the crowd exploded with a burst of cry, the whole class being in a total chaos.4、恐惧控住了(take hold of)每一个人,大家脸色苍白,双腿发颤,撕心裂肺地大喊着(scream at the top of ones lung)冲出班级。Terror took

    24、 hold of everyone, who screamed at the top of their lung and stormed out of the room with a pale face and shaking legs.5、被极度恐惧所占据(seize),Nat,一个害怕真青蛙的男生(定语从句),麻木在原地(paralyze on the scene)。恐惧剥夺了他说话的能力(deprive sb of.), 寸步难行(fail to move an inch)。Seized by overwhelming terror, Nat, a boy who feared the

    25、real frog so much, paralyzed on the scene. Fright deprived him of the power of speech, making him unable to move an inch.6、极度的尴尬夹杂着(mingle)越来越多的愧疚(the mounting guilt),完全压垮了他(overwhelm)。他大脑一片空白(go blank),感到血直向脑门冲(blood rush to ones face),不知道该如何处理这意料之外的紧急情况(unexpected emergency)。Extreme embarrassment

    26、mingled wit the mounting guilt overwhelmed him completely. He felt his mind went blank and the blood was rushing to his face, not knowing how to tackle this unexpected emergency.7、汗水浸湿了(soak)他的衬衫,他感到一丝尴尬夹杂着紧张(a ripple of embarrassment mingled with nervousness)涌上来(well up),让他难以呼吸(make sb unable to br

    27、eathe)。Sweat soaking his shirt, he felt a ripple of embarrassment mingled withnervousness welled up, making him unable to breathe.8、Nat先是感到一阵狂喜(a flicker of ecstasy),随着就被一阵迷惑占据。他尽力地想要隐藏他的不安(endeavor to conceal),但是一切都是徒劳的(but in vain):他的苍白的脸(pale face)和颤抖的双手(shaking hands)出卖了他(betray/ give.away)。At f

    28、irst Nat felt a flicker of ecstasy, but was instantly/ abruptly seized by a surge of confusion. He endeavored to conceal his unease but in vain: His pale face and shaking hands betrayed him apparently.9、Nat难以置信地(in disbelief)快速扫了一眼(cast a quick glance at)乱糟糟的(messy)教室,不敢相信自己的恶作剧竟然如此成功,一股不可抑制的满足感(a s

    29、urge of irresistible contentment)严严实实地包裹住了(engulf sb completely)他。Nat cast a quick glance at the messy room in disbelief, unable to convince himself of the success. He was completely engulfed by a surge of irresistible contentment.高分优秀学生作文-21分阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Whatever life threw

    30、at us each year, our family had one constant tradition atChristmas: our dog Pepper opened our presents for us. Watching our sweet dog unwrap gifts always warmed the holiday, which was often a little bittersweet because college, studying abroad, or work commitments often kept my two sisters and me aw

    31、ay.One year, everyone made it home for a Christmas together. I visited from college, Kaci flew in from Arizona, and Kara was back from Ireland. Moms jubilance kept her busy baking cookies for us all. Our Christmas season should have been perfect.It couldnt feel perfect, though, because Peppers healt

    32、h was deteriorating. Her life had already been longer than we expectedshe was fourteenand yet her mind was still sharp. Her enthusiasm for life made us feel better. But her body could not keep up with her spirit. Shed already shown the usual signs of deafness and stiffness. That year, her hips and b

    33、ack legs started giving out on her. We knew we would soon have to make a difficult decision.It was likely Peppers last Christmas, so we decided to make sure she enjoyed it. On Christmas Eve, we gathered around the tree to open an early present. We each took a turn and then called Pepper to open one

    34、more. But her tangled legs could not navigate the boxes and shredded wrapping paper on the floor. She stumbled over the obstacles, and soon she disappeared into the next room. She crumpled back to the floor, as out of the way as she could get.We were heartbroken. Could Pepper even participate in her

    35、 last Christmas? Pepper stayed on the periphery of all our holiday activities. Throughout the day, we gave gifts but did not feel very giving. We shared stories over cinnamon rolls that tasted bland. We played games by the tree whose twinkles had dimmed.That evening, Kaci said what wed all been thin

    36、king: “I wish Pepper could have helped open presents this year.” We all put down our mugs of spiced tea. “Maybe she still could,” Kara said. “But theres none left,” Mom reminded her. Kara jumped up and left the room. We heard her opening drawers and cabinets in the kitchen.注意:1.词数150左右;2.请按如下格式在答题纸上

    37、作答。Kara returned with a box of dog biscuits, scissors, a pile of color paper, and a roll of tape.Soon, Pepper selected her first Christmas gift.考场作文:Kara returned with a box ofdog biscuits, scissors, a pile ofcolor paper, and a roll oftape.She cut a small section from the paper and wrapped a single

    38、dog treat in it. She held itup as if she had just struck gold. “Now theres a present for her!”Iknelt on the floor next to Kara and wrapped another. Kaci and Mom joined in, too. Soon, we had four elegantly wrapped dog biscuits in a row on the floor. We cleared the floor of discarded wrapping paper. “

    39、Go get Pepper,” we urged, bouncing eagerly. Momwent into the next room.“You wanna open a present, girl?” she coaxed. In amoment, Pepper stuck her head into the room, ears fully perked with anticipation and curiosity.Skiddingon stilted legs to the row of presents, she sniffed all four in order and lo

    40、oked back and forth. Shed never had such a wide choice before.Soon, Pepper selected her first Christmas gift.She nimbly turned the present with her forepaw, just like she was a spry young dog once more. She tugged every last scrap of paper off the dog treat before she chewed it with her customary gr

    41、ace. Our familyswelled with glee. Pepper licked the last crumb from the floor. She eyedthe remaining three presents, then turned to Mom as ifasking, “May Iplease open another?”“Go ahead, girl!” Momencouraged. For the next few minutes, Pepper opened each ofher Christmas presents. While shewas doing so, she reminded us ofthe sheer joy of being together.Our family felt whole - not because we were in the same room, city, or country, but because our love bonded us together.第 14 页 共 14 页


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