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    《服务外包英语》课件Unit 5 Business Meeting.ppt

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    《服务外包英语》课件Unit 5 Business Meeting.ppt

    1、Contents Passage Two4 Starting Up1Listening&Speaking2Passage One3Language Lab7Tips for Outsourcing Professionals 7Writing5Mini-project6Unit 5 Business MeetingStarting Up1 agenda2 to second3 minutes4 vote5 to propose6 motion7 action points8 chairTask One Match each word or phrase(1-8)with a definitio

    2、n(A-H)Starting up-1A to put forward a plan for considerationB to express your choice or opinion(by raising your hand,etc.)C a list of matters to be discussedD a formal suggestionE a list of things that need to be done after the meetingF the person who leads the meetingG to formally give your support

    3、 to a suggestionH a written record of what was said or decidedUnit 5 Business MeetingStarting up-2Starting UpWrite three things you need to do to chair a meeting effectively.Task Two 1._2._3._1)2)3)1)2)3)1)2)3)Unit 5 Business MeetingStarting up-3Starting UpDiscuss the following 6 questions with your

    4、 partners according to your preference in the meetings and explain the reasons.Task Three A-Like B-Hate1.Every participant is offered the opportunity to speak in the meeting.()2.The host will encourage the audience to ask questions and share their opinions on the speakers comments.()3.Having an agen

    5、da that clearly states the purpose of the meeting.()4.Every participant freely expresses his/her ideas in the meeting without agenda.()5.Participants make long and detailed presentations in the meeting.()6.The meeting is formal and the atmosphere is serious.()Unit 5 Business MeetingListeningListenin

    6、g&SpeakingDialogue OneDialogue TwoListening TaskSpeaking TaskUnit 5 Business MeetingL-Task 1Listening&SpeakingDialogue One Tomorrows Meeting 1.make it:be able to attend(meeting,etc.)能参加,能出席 Example:Im really sorry,but I wont be able to make it on Sunday.非常抱歉,我星期日不能参加。He hadnt been able to make it to

    7、 our dinner.他没能参加我们的晚餐。Key Words and ExpressionsUnit 5 Business MeetingL-Task 1Listening&SpeakingDialogue One Tomorrows Meeting 2.bottom line:n.the fundamental and most important factor底线 Example:The bottom line is you have to spend some time.底线就是你肯定得花费一些时间。The bottom line is that we have to make a

    8、decision today.底线是,我们今天必须做出决定。Key Words and ExpressionsUnit 5 Business MeetingL-Task 1Listening&SpeakingDialogue One Tomorrows Meeting 3.insight:n.the ability to see and understand the truth about people or situations 洞察力,见解 Example:His speech gave us an insight into the financial crisis.他的演讲使我们对金融危

    9、机有了深入的了解。His work provides important insights into language use.他的作品对语言的使用提供了重要的见解。Key Words and ExpressionsUnit 5 Business MeetingL-Task 1Listening&SpeakingDialogue One Tomorrows Meeting 4.strategy:n.a plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose 策略,计策 Example:It is all part of an overall

    10、strategy to gain promotion.这是整个升职计划的一部分。We need to discuss our pricing strategy.我们必须讨论我们的定价策略。Key Words and ExpressionsUnit 5 Business Meeting1.The meeting will be held at _.2.They are going to discuss _ with Fortune Software and make some suggestions on _.3.Michael will also outline some _ strategi

    11、es.4.Bruce will not attend the meeting because_.L-Task 1Listening&SpeakingListening Task:Fill in the blanks with the information from the dialogue hes flying to San Francisco Unit 5 Business Meeting10 0 clockoutsourcing contractimproving the bottom linenew cooperationL-1-ScriptListening&Speaking _1T

    12、omorrows meeting Joanna:Were having a meeting tomorrow.Can you make it?Bill:When is it taking place?Joanna:Were planning at 10 oclock.Is that OK?Bill:Yes,thatll be fine.Joanna:Were going to go over the outsourcing contract with Fortune Software.Bill:Good.I have some suggestions to make.Joanna:Michae

    13、l is also going to make some suggestions on improving the bottom line.Bill:Thatll be interesting.Hes got keen insights.Joanna:Yes,hes going to outline some new cooperation strategies.Bill:Is Bruce attending?Joanna:No,hes flying to San Francisco and wont be able to make it.Bill:Oh well,maybe Hell pho

    14、ne in.Unit 5 Business MeetingL-Task 2Listening&SpeakingDialogue Two:Project Discussion 1.revenue:n.the money that a government receives from taxes or that an organization etc.receives from its business 税收收入,收益Example:Advertising revenue finances the commercial television channels.广告收入给商业电视频道提供资金支持。T

    15、he companys annual revenues rose by 30%.公司的年收入增加了30%。Key Words and ExpressionsUnit 5 Business MeetingL-Task 2Listening&SpeakingDialogue One:Project Discussion 2.modules:n.a unit that can form part of a study course,a computer program,etc.模块Example:The course consists of ten core modules and five opt

    16、ional modules.这门课程包括了十个核心模块和五个选修模块。The price of GPS modules are all over the place.全球定位系统模块的价格是到处都是。Key Words and ExpressionsUnit 5 Business MeetingL-Task 2Listening&SpeakingDialogue One:Project Discussion 3.outlay:n.the money that you have to spend in order to start a new project or to save yoursel

    17、f money or time later(必要的)开支,费用Example:The business quickly repaid the initial outlay on advertising.这家公司很快偿付了初期的广告费。Neither is a cash outlay in the usual sense.这两笔消费都不是一般意义上的现金支出。Key Words and ExpressionsUnit 5 Business MeetingL-Task 2Listening&SpeakingListening Task:Listen to the conversation and

    18、decidewhether the following statements are true(T)or false(F).Then write key words to support your answer:1.The woman suggested hiring some recent graduates to work as calling agents for A&P Telecommunications._ 2.A&P Telecommunications will provide training modules for the chosen candidates._3.They

    19、 invested about$4,320,000 in developing new technologies._ 4.The gross profit margin is at 24%for the year._ Unit 5 Business MeetingT.Since they need graduates so why dont we target the colleges?T.What about the training modules for the chosen candidates?T.Our expenditures are estimated at$4,320,000

    20、.T.The gross operating margin is at 24%for the year.L-2-ScriptListening&Speaking Project DiscussionChairman:Alright,lets begin with todays agendaAlice:We have to arrange for 200 calling agents for A&P Telecommunications by the end of October.That gives us four months.Chairman:Well,the advertisements

    21、 are ready to go in for print.Im certain of meeting the requirement on time.Alice:Since they need graduates so why dont we target the colleges?I mean hiring recent graduates would mean more revenue for us at lesser cost.Chairman:I was thinking on similar lines.So tell Ruth to make relevant changes i

    22、n the ad before it goes for printing.Alice:That will be done by the end of today.Chairman:Hmm good.What about the training modules for the chosen candidates?How is that going?A&P Telecommunications is a very big project for us.I want them to be fully satisfied by our service.Alice:Our training team

    23、is busy customizing the training content.Chairman:Alright,then I want to know the final status on this by the end of this week.Unit 5 Business MeetingL-2-ScriptListening&Speaking Alice:Trust me you wont be disappointed.Chairman:Can we go over some figures please?What has our total outlay been this y

    24、ear?Alice:Our expenditures are estimated at$4,320,000.Chairman:What percentage is that in research and development?Alice:About 27%.Weve invested heavily in developing some new technologies.Chairman:What kind of margin does that represent?Alice:The gross operating margin is at 24%for the year.Chairma

    25、n:Thats impressive.Thats up from last year,isnt it?About 10 points I think.Alice:Thats right.Were solidly in the black.As a matter of fact,this is our fifth year straight.Chairman:Shareholders will be happy.Alice:They should be!This kind of growth in the current market is remarkable.Unit 5 Business

    26、MeetingSpeakingListening&SpeakingSpeaking TaskWork in a group of four and choose any one type of Outsourcing.Get into pairs and imagine that you own a company.One pair would be the owners of a company and the other the outsourcing service provider.Both the pairs need to work together to create a con

    27、versation for the first meeting based on the Following points:1.Purpose of the meeting2.Business Functions to outsource3.Pros and Cons for outsourcing your functions4.Time limit for the outsourced workUnit 5 Business MeetingPassage 1TextKey Words and Expressions Reading Task Passage OneUnit 5 Busine

    28、ss MeetingText 1-1Business Meeting Etiquette Business meetings are one arena in which poor etiquette can have negative effects.By improving your business meeting etiquette you automatically improve your chances of success.Comfort,trust,attentiveness and clear communication are examples of the positi

    29、ve results of demonstrating good etiquette.The article will focus on a few key examples of business meeting etiquette for both formal and informal business meetings.Although these are meant as guides to etiquette in the UK they are very much applicable to other nations too.Formal Meetings Passage On

    30、eUnit 5 Business MeetingText 1-2Formal meetings such as departmental meetings,management meetings,board meetings,negotiations and the like usually have a set format.For example,the chair may always be the same person,minutes,agendas or reports may be pre-distributed or voting may take place.Here are

    31、 10 business etiquette guidelines that are applicable to any formal meeting:Prepare well for the meeting as your contribution may be integral to the proceedings.If you are using statistics,reports or any other information make sure it has been handed out at least three days prior to the meeting.Dres

    32、s well and arrive in good time.Always remember to switch off a mobile phone.If there is an established seating pattern,accept it.If you are unsure,ask.Passage OneUnit 5 Business MeetingText 1-3Acknowledge any introductions or opening remarks with a brief recognition of the chair and other participan

    33、ts.When discussions are under way it is good business etiquette to allow more senior figures to contribute first.Never interrupt anyone-even if you disagree strongly.When speaking,be brief and ensure what you say is relevant.Always address the chair unless it is clear that others are not doing so.It

    34、 is a serious breach of business etiquette to divulge information to others about a meeting.Informal Meetings Informal meetings are generally more relaxed affairs and may not necessarily take place in the office or meeting room.EvenPassage OneUnit 5 Business MeetingText 1-4so a sense of professional

    35、ism and good business etiquette are still required.There are 6 points to consider with informal meetings:The chair should decide the time,place and agenda.The chair must make the purpose of the meeting clear to the attendees,how long it will last and what is expected of them,i.e.particular informati

    36、on or preparation of documents.Punctuality is a must.The chair should strive to ensure the meeting stays within a set framework or agenda so that it is kept as short and effective as possible.The chair should appoint someone to record the proceedings;documenting major decisions or action points.This

    37、 can later be distributed to the attendees for reference.If the results of the meeting have an effect on others who were not present it is considered proper business etiquette to inform them.Passage OneUnit 5 Business Meetingn.the act of listening,looking and thinking carefully 注意力,专注注意力,专注 Passage

    38、Oneattentiveness 1)Dozens of studies have shown that stimulants improve attentiveness.2)When he speaks,I listen with the greatest possible attentiveness.Unit 5 Business Meeting 1)I am too much of a gentleman to divulge her age.2)Be careful not to divulge secret information this week.Passage Onedivul

    39、ge v.to make known(private or sensitive information)透露透露 Unit 5 Business Meeting 1)Punctuality can greatly increase your credibility.2)Our boss urged on us the significance of punctuality.Passage Onepunctuality n.the act of doing sth at the correct time 守时守时 Unit 5 Business Meeting 1)We must strive

    40、to secure steady growth of production.2)We are constantly striving to improve our service Passage Onestrive v.to make great efforts to achieve sth.争取,力争争取,力争 Unit 5 Business Meeting 1)He carefully read the proceedings from the last meetings.2)We are having a conference and would like to transcribe t

    41、he proceedings.Passage Oneproceedings n.the records of business,activities,etc.,at the meetings of an association or club.会议记录;活动记录会议记录;活动记录Unit 5 Business Meeting1-Task 1Reading Task:Decide whether the following statements are true(T)or false(F)according to the passage.Passage One Good business mee

    42、ting etiquette may improve your chance of success.TThe guides to business meeting etiquette mentioned in this passage are only applicable to UK.FAlways accept the pre-arranged seating pattern and allow the seniors to express their point of views first.TGenerally,formal meetings aim to solve more imp

    43、ortant issues than informal meetings,so when speaking at the formal meeting,try to be as detailed as possible.FBoth formal meetings and informal meetings require the attendees to be on time.TThe secretary should take the responsibility to record the major decisions and put them into minutes which wo

    44、uld be later distributed to the attendees for reference.FUnit 5 Business MeetingPassage TwoTextKey Words and Expressions Reading Task Passage TwoUnit 5 Business MeetingText 2-1Video Conferencing-Communication Made Simple For many office professionals,keeping in contact with their offices in other ar

    45、eas of the state or country can be a challenge.It is important that a company is able to act as one team and to follow the same practices,no matter where the office is located.In order to keep communication between the sites,they must look for ways to incorporate all sites into the discussions and t

    46、o do this without the constant expense of making travel arrangements for everyone to meet face to face.Passage TwoUnit 5 Business MeetingText 2-2Passage TwoVideo conferencing is the solution that works best for most companies.They are able to get each of their individual sites,no matter how far apar

    47、t they are,into one central location for meetings.Video conferencing works across state lines and even over seas into foreign countries.Each individual office simply signs in at a specific time(based on the time zone)and the video conference allows them to see what is going on at the other sites.Uni

    48、t 5 Business MeetingText 2-3Passage TwoWhen a company is able to hold training sessions and general conference meetings from the comfort of each of their individual offices,they have found a way to keep everyone on the same page and to keep the company flowing as one unified unit.Video conferencing

    49、allows the company these benefits.There are also other conferencing technologies that are available to help achieve these goals.Unit 5 Business MeetingText 2-4Passage TwoWhen you are using video conferencing,you can also make use of projectors to help get the point across or to start a discussion po

    50、int with the people that are attending the video conference.By adding presentations on the projector you are adding another dimension to the already technology advanced meeting.Using a projector allows you to show all of the meeting attendees certain pieces of information that would be too difficult


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