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    1、The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.经络腧穴各论之十二经脉之十二经脉2023-1-131The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings

    2、theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.十十 二二 经经 脉脉 主宰人体的君王主宰人体的君王 手少阴心经 2023-1-132The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three r

    3、epresents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.手少阴心经手少阴心经一、经脉循行 灵枢经脉:心手少阴之脉,起于心中,出属心系,下膈,络小肠。其支者:从心系,上挟咽,系目系。其直者:复从心系,却上肺,下出腋下,下循臑内后廉,行太阴、心主 之后,下肘内,循臂内后廉,抵掌后锐骨之端,入掌内后廉,循小指之内,出其端。2023-1-133The guiding ideology should be guide

    4、d by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.手少阴心经手少阴心经2023-1-134The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three repr

    5、esents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.手少阴心经手少阴心经循行方向:胸手起止穴:起于极泉止于少冲 共9个穴位联系脏腑器官:心、小肠、肺、心系、咽、目。2023-1-135The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the s

    6、pirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.手少阴心经手少阴心经二、主治概要 1、主要病候:A 脏 腑 病:心 痛、咽 干、口 渴、目 黄、胁 痛。B 经脉:上臂内侧痛、手心热。2、主治概要:本经腧穴主治心、胸、神志病以及经脉循行部位的其他病症。2023-1-136The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought

    7、of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third

    8、 Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.极泉极泉Jqun(HT 1)【定位】在腋窝顶点,腋动脉博动处。

    9、【取法】上臂外展,在腋窝中部有动脉搏动处取穴。【功用】宽胸宁神。2023-1-139The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.极泉极泉Jqun(HT 1)【主治病症】1.循环系统疾病:冠心病,心绞痛,心包炎

    10、,脑血管 病后遗症;2.精神神经系统疾病:肋间神经痛,癔病;3.其它:腋臭,肩周炎,颈淋巴结核,乳汁分泌不足 4.弹拨本穴可预防冠心病,肺心病。【刺灸法】刺法:避开腋动脉,直刺0.30.5寸,整个腋窝酸胀,有麻电感向前臂、指端放散,或上肢抽动,以3次为度。不宜大幅度提插,以免刺伤腋窝部血管,引起腋内出血。灸法:艾炷灸或温针灸35壮,艾条灸510分钟2023-1-1310The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the s

    11、pirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.极泉极泉Jqun(HT 1)【配穴】1、配侠白穴治心痛干呕烦满。针灸资生经 2、配日月穴、肩贞穴、少海穴、内关穴、阳辅穴、丘墟穴治腋窝痛。针灸学手册 3、配日月穴、脾俞穴治四肢不收。针灸资生经 4、配太渊穴、偏历穴、太冲穴、天突穴治咽干咽喉肿痛。5、配神门穴、内关穴、心俞穴治心悸、冠心病,有宁心安神的作用。6、配侠白治肘臂冷痛,有通经活络的作用。2023-1-1311The guiding

    12、 ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.青灵青灵QngLng(HT 2)【定位】在臂内侧,当极泉与少海的连线上,肘横纹上3寸,肱二头肌的内侧沟中。【取法】伸臂,在少海与极泉的连线上,少海穴直上3寸,肱二头肌的尺侧缘。【功用】理

    13、气止痛,宽胸宁心。2023-1-1312The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.青灵青灵QngLng(HT 2)【主治病症】1.循环系统疾病:心绞痛;2.精神神经系统疾病:神经性头痛,肋间神经痛;3.其它

    14、:肩胛及前臂肌肉痉挛。【刺灸法】刺法:直刺0.51寸,局部酸胀,针感可向前臂及腋部放散。灸法:艾炷灸37壮,艾条灸510分钟。2023-1-1313The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.青灵青灵QngL

    15、ng(HT 2)【配穴】配肩髃穴、曲池穴治肩臂痛。2023-1-1314The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.少海少海 Shaohai(HT 3)【定位】屈肘,在肘横纹内侧端与肱骨内上髁连线的中点处。【

    16、取法】屈肘,在肘横纹尺侧纹头凹陷处取穴。【特异性】五输穴之合穴,五行属水。【功用】理气通络,益心安神。2023-1-1315The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.少海少海 Shaohai(HT 3)【主

    17、治病症】1.精神神经系统疾病:神经衰弱,精神分裂症,头痛,眩晕,三叉神经痛,肋间神经痛,尺神经炎;2.呼吸系统疾病:肺结核,胸膜炎;3.运动系统疾病:落枕,前臂麻木及肘关节周围软组织疾患,下肢痿痹;4.其它:心绞痛,淋巴结炎,疔疮。【刺灸法】刺法:直刺0.51.0寸,局部酸胀,有麻电感向前臂放散灸法:艾炷灸或温针灸35壮,艾条灸1015分钟。2023-1-1316The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spir

    18、it of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.少海少海 Shaohai(HT 3)【配穴】1、配合谷、内庭,有清泻阳明热邪的作用,主治牙痛,牙龈肿痛。2、配后溪,有舒筋通络活血的作用,主治手颤,肘臂疼痛。3、配天井,有活血散瘀的作用,主治瘰疬。2023-1-1317The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of t

    19、hree represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.灵道灵道Lingdao(HT 4)【定位】在前臂掌侧,当尺侧腕屈肌腱的桡侧缘,腕横纹上1.5寸【取法】仰掌,在尺侧腕屈肌腱与指浅屈肌之间,腕横纹上1.5寸处取穴。【特异性】五输穴之经穴,五行属金【功用】宁心,安神,通络。2023-1-1318The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiao

    20、pings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.灵道灵道Lingdao(HT 4)【主治病症】1.循环系统疾病:心内膜炎,心绞痛;2.精神神经系统疾病:癔病,失眠,精神分裂症,失语,肘关节神经麻痹或疼痛;3.其它:急性舌骨肌麻痹或萎缩。【刺灸法】刺法:直刺0.30.5寸,局部酸胀,针感可向前臂及手指放散。针刺时

    21、避开尺动、静脉。灸法:艾炷灸13壮,艾条灸1015分钟。2023-1-1319The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.灵道灵道Lingdao(HT 4)【配穴】1、配外关,有舒筋通络活血的作用,主治臂痛,

    22、指麻,关节炎。2、配廉泉,有利舌启闭的作用,主治舌强,暴喑,癔病。3、配郄门,有安神宁心,镇静止痛的作用,主治心悸,怔忡,心痛。2023-1-1320The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.通里通里 To

    23、ngli(HT 5)【定位】在前臂掌侧,当尺侧腕屈肌腱的桡侧缘,腕横纹上1寸。【取法】仰掌,在尺侧腕屈肌腱桡侧缘,当神门与少海连线上,腕横纹上1.5寸处取穴。【特异性】手少阴经之络穴。【功用】清热安神,通经活络。2023-1-1321The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session

    24、 of the 16th CPC Central Committee.通里通里 Tongli(HT 5)【主治病症】1.精神神经系统疾病:头痛,眩晕,神经衰弱,癔病性失语,精神分裂症;2.循环系统疾病:心绞痛,心动过缓;3.呼吸系统疾病:扁桃腺炎,咳嗽,哮喘;4.其它:急性舌骨肌麻痹,胃出血,子宫内膜炎。5.本穴出现压痛、结节等阳性反应,可作为心动过缓的定性诊断。【刺灸法】刺法:直刺0.30.5寸,局部酸胀,针感可下行传到无名指或小指,或循心经上行至前臂、肘窝,个别可走向胸部。灸法:艾炷灸13壮,艾条温灸1020分钟。2023-1-1322The guiding ideology should

    25、 be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.通里通里 Tongli(HT 5)【配穴】1、配太阳、风池,有清利头目的作用,主治头痛目眩,眼花。2、配腕骨,为原络配穴法,有安神定志的作用,主治狂证,精神分裂症。3、配内关、心俞,有宁神志调心气的作用,主治心悸,怔忡

    26、,悲恐畏人。4、配廉泉、哑门、涌泉,有清心启闭开窍的作用,主治舌强,癔病性失音。2023-1-1323The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.阴郄阴郄 Yinxi(HT 6)【定位】在前臂掌侧,当尺侧腕屈

    27、肌腱的桡侧缘,腕横纹上0.5寸【取法】仰掌,在尺侧腕屈肌腱桡侧缘,腕横纹上0.5寸处取穴。【特异性】手少阴经之郄穴。【功用】清心安神。2023-1-1324The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.阴郄阴郄

    28、 Yinxi(HT 6)【主治病症】1.精神神经系统疾病:神经衰弱,癫痫;2.五官科系统疾病:鼻出血,急性舌骨肌麻痹;3.其它:胃出血,心绞痛,肺结核,子宫内膜炎。【刺灸法】刺法:直刺0.30.5寸,局部酸胀,并可循经下行至无名指和小指,或循经上行至前臂、肘窝、上臂内侧,有患者针感还可传向胸部。针刺时避开尺动、静脉。灸法:艾炷灸13壮,艾条灸1015分钟。本穴不宜直接灸,以免烫伤引起疤痕而影响关节活动。2023-1-1325The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought o

    29、f three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.阴郄阴郄 Yinxi(HT 6)【配穴】1、配心俞、巨阙治心痛;2、配大椎治阴虚盗汗。2023-1-1326The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the s

    30、pirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.神门神门Shenmen(HT 7)【定位】在腕部,腕掌侧横纹尺侧端,尺侧腕屈肌腱的桡侧凹陷处。【取法】仰掌,在尺侧腕屈肌桡侧缘,腕横纹上取穴。【特异性】五输穴之输穴,五行属土;心经原穴。【功用】益心安神,通经活络。2023-1-1327The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important t

    31、hought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.神门神门Shenmen(HT 7)【主治病症】本穴为治精神病和心脏病的要穴。1.循环系统疾病:心悸,心脏肥大,心绞痛;2.精神神经系统疾病:神经衰弱,癔病,癫痫,精神病,痴呆;3.五官科系统疾病:舌骨肌麻痹,鼻内膜炎;4.其它:产后失血,淋巴腺炎,扁桃体炎。【刺灸法】刺法:1.直刺0.30.5寸,局部胀痛;2.向上平刺

    32、透灵道穴,局部酸胀,可有麻电感向指端放散。针刺时避开尺动、静脉,以免引起出血。灸法:艾炷灸13壮;艾条温灸1015分钟。2023-1-1328The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.神门神门Shenmen

    33、(HT 7)【配穴】1、配内关、心俞治心痛。2、配内关、三阴交治健忘、失眠。3、配支正为原络配穴法,有益气,养心安神的作用,主治心神失养,健忘失眠,无脉症。4、配大椎、丰隆,有醒脑安神,豁痰开窍的作用,主治癫狂,痫证。5、配关元、中极,有安神益肾的作用,主治遗溺,遗精。6、配膈俞、血海,有活血止血的作用,主治呕血、吐血、便血。2023-1-1329The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of th

    34、e 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.少府少府Shaofu(HT 8)【定位】在手掌面,第4、5掌骨之间,握拳时,当小指尖处。【取法】仰掌屈指,在四、五掌指关节后方,当小指端与无名指端之间处取穴。【特异性】五输穴之荥穴,五行属火【功用】清心泻热,理气活络。2023-1-1330The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of

    35、 three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.少府少府Shaofu(HT 8)【主治病症】1.循环系统疾病:风湿性心脏病,冠心病,心绞痛,心律不齐;2.精神神经系统疾病:癔病,肋间神经痛,臂神经痛;3.泌尿生殖系统疾病:遗尿,尿潴留;4.妇产科系统疾病:阴道及阴部瘙痒症,月经过多。【刺灸法】刺法:直刺0.30.5寸,局部胀痛。灸法:艾炷灸35壮,艾条灸510分钟。2023-1-13

    36、31The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.少府少府Shaofu(HT 8)【配穴】1、配内关穴治心悸。2、配心俞,有清心泻火,镇痛止痒的作用,主治痈疡,阴肿,阴痒。3、配内关,郄门,有宁神志,调心气的作

    37、用,主治悲恐善惊,心悸,胸痛,心绞痛。2023-1-1332The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.少冲少冲Shaochong(HT 9)【定位】在手小指末节桡侧,距指甲根0.1寸(指寸)。【取法】微握拳

    38、,掌心向下,小指上翘,在小指桡侧,去指甲角0.1寸处取穴。【特异性】五输穴之井穴,五行属木【功用】清热熄风,醒神开窍。2023-1-1333The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.少冲少冲Shaochon

    39、g(HT 9)【主治病症】1.精神神经系统疾病:休克,小儿惊厥,癫痫,癔病,肋间神经痛;2.循环系统疾病:脑出血,心肌炎,心绞痛;3.其它:胸膜炎,高热,喉炎。【刺灸法】刺法:1.浅刺0.10.2寸,局部胀痛。2.三棱针点刺出血。灸法:艾炷灸35壮,艾条灸510分钟。2023-1-1334The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress a

    40、nd the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.少冲少冲Shaochong(HT 9)【配穴】1、配太冲、中冲、大椎治热病、昏迷。2、配心俞、内关,有清心安神定志的作用,主治心痛,心悸,癫狂。3、配百会、十宣穴,有醒脑开窍的作用,主治中风昏迷。2023-1-1335The guiding ideology should be guided by Deng Xiaopings theory,the important thought of three represents and the spirit of the 16th CPC National Congress and the third Plenary session of the 16th CPC Central Committee.手少阴心经手少阴心经小结:小结:1 取穴要点:主要掌握肘横纹头、尺侧腕屈肌腱等解剖标志。2 主治重点:神志病:少海治疗癫狂善笑,手颤健忘;通里治疗暴喑心悸,悲恐;神门治疗一切神志病;少府治疗善笑,悲恐善惊;少冲治疗癫狂。血证:通里治疗妇人经血过多,崩漏;神门、少冲治疗大便脓血、吐血3 刺灸注意事项:少海、神门、少府不宜施灸2023-1-1336


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