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    Unit3 复习(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

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    Unit3 复习(ppt课件)-2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》必修第二册.pptx

    1、 Unit 3 The Internet读后续写之心情篇紧张、焦虑、懊恼名词名词anxiety tension uneasiness(不安)sigh动词动词rub(摩擦)sweat shake pound(重击)beat tremble(颤抖)clutch(握紧)stamp(跺脚)grip(握紧)形容词形容词anxious scared nervous uneasy worried tense pale frustrated(沮丧的)tongue-tied(结结巴巴的)restless suffocated(感到束缚的)harsh(残酷的)副词副词impatiently wildly viol

    2、ently nervously frantically(情绪失控地)词块stress out 过度紧张 well up 涌出tighten ones face 绷紧了脸up and down 上上下下rub ones hands restlessly 不安地搓手with ones hands shaking/trembling 手在发抖sit on pins and needles 如坐针毡have butterflies in ones stomach 忐忑不安检测版检测版stress out well up tighten ones face up and down rub ones ha

    3、nds restlessly with ones hands shaking/trembling sit on pins and needles have butterflies in ones stomach 过度紧张 涌出绷紧了脸 上上下下不安地搓手手在发抖如坐针毡忐忑不安过度紧张涌出绷紧了脸上上下下不安地搓手手在发抖如坐针毡忐忑不安stress out well up tighten ones face up and down rub ones hands restlessly with ones hands shaking/trembling sit on pins and needl

    4、es have butterflies in ones stomach 核心单词1.n.引擎;发动机;火车头 2.vi.聊天;闲聊 3.vt.更新;向提供最新信息 n.更新;最新消息 4.vt.&vi.浏览;冲浪 5.n.益处 vt.使受益 vi.得益于 enginechatupdatesurfbenefit6.n.通道;(使用、查阅、接近或面见的)机会 vt.进入;使用;获取 7.adj.艰难的;严厉的 8.conj.而且;此外 n.加号;优势 prep.加;另加 9.n.功能;作用;机能 vi.起作用;正常工作;运转 10.vt.确认;使确信 accesstoughplusfunction

    5、confirm11.vt.按;压;敦促 12.n.折扣 vt.打折 13.n.账户;描述 14.vt.&vi.点击 15.n.目标;对象;靶子 vt.把作为攻击目标 pressdiscountaccountclicktarget16.adj.假的;错误的 17.adj.心烦的;苦恼的;沮丧的 vt.使烦恼;使生气;搅乱 18.n.忠告;诀窍;实用的提示 19.adj.熟悉;熟知 20.n.盒;箱;情况;案件 falseupsettipfamiliarcase拓展类1.identity n.身份;个性_v.鉴别;识别_n.鉴定;辨别2.convenient adj.方便的;近便的_n.方便;便_

    6、adj.不方便的3.software n.软件_n.硬件4.benefit n.益处 v.受益_adj.有益的;有用_adj.无益的5.distance n.距离_adj.远距离的6.inspire v.鼓励;激励_n.鼓舞,灵感7.access n.通道 v.进入_adj.可接近的;可进入的8.tough adj.艰难的;严厉的_n.韧度;韧性_ v.使变坚强9.function n.功能;作用 v.运转,起作用_adj.功能的_n.实用主义identifyidentificationconvenienceinconvenienthardwarebeneficialunbeneficiald

    7、istantinspirationaccessibletoughnessfunctionalfunctionalismtoughen10.confirm v.确认;使确信_n.确认,证实_adj.确认的,证实的11.press v.按;压_n.压力,压迫12.account n.账户;描述_n.会计学;账单_n.会计13.privacy n.隐私;私密_adj.私人的;秘密的_n.士兵14.theft n.偷;盗窃_n.小偷_v.偷;盗窃15.rude adj.粗鲁的;无礼的_adv.粗鲁地;无礼地_n.粗鲁16.false adj.假的;错误的_adj.正确的17.particular ad

    8、j.特定的;特别的_adv.特别地;格外地confirmationconfirmativepressureaccountingaccountantprivateprivatethiefstealrudelyrudenesscorrectparticularly18.embarrass v.使窘迫;使困惑_ adj.尴尬的;害羞的_n.窘迫;拮据19.familiar adj.熟悉的_ adj.不熟悉的_n.熟悉;亲密20.define v.给.下定义_n.定义_ v.重新定义_ adj.界定的;清晰的21.wonder v.想知道_ adj.奇妙的;极好的_ adj.奇妙的,令人惊奇的22.c

    9、ount v.数数_ adj.不计其数的_ adj.可数的_ adj.不可数的23.apply v.申请_n.申请,应用_n.申请者24.charity n.慈善;宽容_ adj.慈善的;宽容的embarrassingembarrassmentunfamiliarfamiliaritydefinitionredefinedefinedwonderfulwondrouscountableuncountablecountlessapplicaitonapplicantcharitable25.expert n.专家;能手 _ adj.熟练的;内行的_ n.专门技能pare v.比较_ adj.比较

    10、的,对照的_n.比较,对照27.organize v.组织_ adj.组织得好的_n.组织_n.组织者28.blog n.博客 vi.写博客_n.博主;博客作者29.target n.目标;靶子_ v.把.作为攻击目标30.mean adj.刻薄的;不良的_n.意义,意思_ adj.有意义的31.discount n.折扣 vt.打折_ adj.打折的32.upset adj.心烦的,沮丧的_ vt.使生气;是烦恼_ 过去式_过去分词 expertexpertisecomparedcomparisonorganizedorganizationorganizertargetbloggermean

    11、ing meaningfuldiscountedupsetupsetupset短语单击添加标题本模板的所有素材和逻辑图表,均自由编辑替换和移动。1.sb company陪伴某人 2.through经历;度过;通读 3.shape状况良好 4.track of掌握的最新消息;了解的动态 keepgoinkeep5.now that 6.search engine 7.identity card 8.make fun of 9.keep(.)in mind 既然;由于(互联网上的)搜索引擎身份证取笑;戏弄牢记consolidation匹配左边的单词与右边的汉语意思第一组1.blogA.聊天;闲聊聊

    12、天;闲聊2.engine B.方便的;近便的方便的;近便的3.chat C.博客博客4.stream D.引擎;发动机引擎;发动机5.convenient E.流播;流出;小河;溪流流播;流出;小河;溪流6.cash A.软件软件7.update B.现金;金钱现金;金钱8.database C.益处;使受益;得益于益处;使受益;得益于9.software D.更新更新10.benefit E.数据库;资料库数据库;资料库第二组11.distance A.通道;机会;进入通道;机会;进入12.inspire B.艰难的;严厉的艰难的;严厉的13.access C.距离距离14.charity

    13、D.鼓舞;激励鼓舞;激励 15.tough E.慈善;慈善机构慈善;慈善机构第三组单词拼写1He got into the driving seat and started the _(引擎)2I know the person who is _(聊天)with him.3Only when your _(身份)has been checked will you be allowed in.4He writes a _(博客)for parents about career development to help them guide their children.5A group of ch

    14、ildren are playing near the bank of the _(小溪),having fun with each other.enginechattingidentityblog stream6The president of the company will go to attend the _(会议)to be held in Beijing next month.7He is an unregistered _(居民)in Beijing.8It was a _(艰难的)race.9This _(软件)is very useful and you can downlo

    15、ad it from the Internet free of charge.10He gave away most of his money to _(慈善机构)conferenceresidenttough software charity11The picture will look more beautiful at a _(距离)12This tag carries information specific to that object,and the data can be _(更新)13How much _(现金)do you have on you?14The state ma

    16、intains a _(数据库)of names of people allowed to vote.15The total cost was$10,000,_(加)14%interest.distanceupdatedcash databaseplus单句语法填空1.Another student _(blog)admitted that he often worked late into the night.2.There is no denying the fact that private cars do bring _(convenient)to our life.3.Help ot

    17、hers in need and you will be helped when you _(stick)in difficulties!4.I have been eager to do something _(benefit)to the world.5.I like to watch movies,especially when I see the _(inspire)stories,I will feel touched.bloggerconvenienceare stuckbeneficialinspiring6.I am writing to you to apply to reo

    18、pen the access _ the Internet in the classroom.7.X-rays _(confirm)that he has not broken any bones.8.The goods on this counter are sold _ a discount of 25%.9.The _(thief)was a crime.10.The town is situated at a _(distant)of twenty miles from Oxford.tohave confirmedattheftdistance 衔接高考 1).(2019.江苏)Th

    19、ats not our daily style.Besides,_ _.那不是我们的日常生活方式。再说,这也不太方便。2).(2021.全国甲卷求助信)I would appreciate it if you could reply _.如能尽早回复我将不胜感激。3).(2018.全国II)We chatted _ everything and then Ben turned to me.its not very at your earliest convenience convenient about衔接高考4).(2022.新高考全国I)I _(stick)the chicken in t

    20、he freezer.But as days passed,the arugula went bad.5).(2022.新高考全国I)We were stuck _ the middle of the lake with a dead motor.6).(2019北京)Regardless of the weather or the _(distant),Paul Wilson will make sure low-income students in his neighbour-hood arrive at their college classes ontime.7).(2021山东听力)

    21、All of them happen to be _ walking distance from one another,so you wont get wet.stuckin distancewithin衔接高考 8).(2020江苏)If you see humor as an optional form of entertain-ment,youre missing some of its biggest_(benefit).9).(2020新高考)The activity is of great benefit _ us,which not only strengthened our

    22、will but improved our friendship.10).(2021全国新高考)Although popular beliefs regarding emotional intelligence run far ahead of what research can reasonably support,the overall effects of the publicity have been more _(benefit)than harmful.benefitsbeneficial to衔接高考 11).(2020天津第一次)History can inspire us _

    23、(learn)more.12).(2021全国I)The unmanned Change-4 probe(探测器)the name was inspired_ an ancient Chinese moon goddess touched down last week in the South Pole.13).(2021(2021浙江)Leslie Nielsens devotion to acting is wonderfully _(inspire).14).(2020天津第一次)It will provide you with access_University facilities

    24、such as University Libraries,Sports Centre,and Computing Services.byto learn inspiringto衔接高考 15).(2020江苏)The daily number of newly cured and discharged(出院)patients exceeded that of the newly_(confirm)cases.16).(2022全国)Analyses of a language database also _(confirm)that there was a global change in t

    25、he sound of world languages after the.confirmedconfirmed衔接高考17).(2018(2018.浙江浙江)When we were _ the track of the lovely rabbit,we got lost in the forest.18).(2020全国卷)Keep track _how you are feeling.This will make it easier for you to answer questions about your symptoms(症状)and.on of 19).(2020新高考卷读后续写

    26、)John _ the Bernards family a full_his plan of selling popcorn.约翰向伯纳德一家详细说明了他卖爆米花的计划。20).(2021天津高考短文投稿)When choosing my major,I need to _ my interests and career plans.选专业的时候,我需要考虑我的兴趣和职业规划。gave account of take account of衔接高考 21).(2016.全国).However,Mexicans may use silence when instructions are given

    27、 by a person in authority rather than be rude _ that person by arguing with him or her.22).(2020.全国II)Nothing can excuse that kind of _(rude).rudeness to23).(2020 全国I)The far side of the moon is of particular interest _ scientists because it has a lot of deep craters(环形山),more so _ the familiar near

    28、 side.24).(2020 浙江1月)This is _(particular)true in the US.The second reason is that people are living longer.to particularly 衔接高考 25).(2018.天津)Years of living with a lisp(口齿不清)had taught me it was better not to say anything than to speak and risk _(embarrass).26).(2022.全国I)Dont get caught making an _

    29、(embarrass)mistake at a restaurant.27).(2020.全国I)现在你已经列出了你的优点,列出你的缺点。_,list your imperfections.embarrassment embarrassing Now that youve listed your strengths28).(2020(2020.浙江高考浙江高考读后续写)It _ we were trapped to a narrow corner,where we could hear the gasps of the bear.我们被困在一个狭窄的角落里,在那里我们能听到熊的喘息声,这让我很

    30、不安。29).(2021(2021.浙江高考浙江高考读后续写)I _ that my pumpkin had been upset by her brother.我难过地发现我的南瓜被她的弟弟打翻了。30).(2022(2022全国全国II)II)However,some high sugar brands,like Classic Coca Cola,have accepted the sugar tax and are refusing to change for fear of _(upset)consumers.upset me that was upset to find upset

    31、ting 衔接高考31).(2020(2020新高考新高考卷读后续写卷读后续写)Several different approaches _ when they were making popcorn.当孩子们做爆米花时,他们想到了几种不同的方法。32).(2021(2021全国乙卷发言稿全国乙卷发言稿)_)_that we should use online resources properly to make our study more efficient.记住,我们应正确利用网络资源,使我们的学习更有效率33).(2022(2022浙江高考读后续写浙江高考读后续写)I assured

    32、him I would not let him down and he should only _ getting better.我向他保证我不会让他失望,他只管专心恢复健康就好。came to the childrens mind Keep in mind put his mind on 34).因为要参加一个重要的班会,这个周末我不能和你郊游了。(2021北京高考道歉信)_,I cant go outing with you this weekend.在父亲的帮助下,双胞胎很快就把早餐准备好了。(2021新高考卷读后续写)_,the twins soon got the breakfast

    33、 ready.我在课题上投入了更多的时间和精力,最终提交了我们的研究成果,获得了A。(2022浙江高考读后续写)_ the project,I finally presented our findings and we were awarded an A.With an important class meeting to participate in/attend With their father helping them With more time and energy put into选词填空keep sb company,now that,go through,in shape,k

    34、eep track of,make fun of,keep.in mind,in case1.Jogging is a great way to have fun and stay _.2.Our task was to _ the old people _ today.3.This is an app for _ the money in your wallet.4._ you understand my meaning,I dont need to explain again.5.We consider it rude for the disabled to be _ by others.

    35、6.It is located at the foot of a hill and a small river _ our schoolyard.7.Always _ that your own determination to succeed is more than anything.in shapekeepcompanykeeping track ofNow thatmade fun ofgoes throughkeep in mindfound himself in a roomso hard thatNow that you have a good chanceThe more ca

    36、refulthe fewer mistakes根据提示,运用本单元的词汇、短语及句式或使用词汇的正确形式完成下面的语篇With online shopping developing quickly,there appear a number of problems including_(身份盗窃).There is no denying that online shopping brings us _(convenient)along with disadvantages._(牢记以下建议).Firstly,it is _(非常有益)to use strong passwords,which

    37、are hard to crack.Furthermore,do not use public computers to shop online or click on unfamiliar links,_(以防你的私人信息被轻易泄露).Just as the saying goes,“Better safe than sorry.”Hope the network can serve us better and more safely.identity theftconvenienceKeep in mind the following tipsof great benefit/very b

    38、eneficialin case your private information is easily given awayTranslate the following sentences.1.你应当牢记上网的时候要保护隐私。2.在最近一次会议中,提出了应当采取特殊的措施来提升人们的网络安全意识的提议。3.他如此粗鲁,陪在他身边真是让人难堪。4.自从他得了严重疾病被困在家后,他通过上网来随时了解外界的动态。5.有私家车的人口的数量在过去的十年中急剧上升。6.如果你对这份工作感兴趣,请尽快把申请表交给经理。7.我不得不带着一脸僵硬的笑容度过那晚余下的艰难时光。8.市中心正举办一场慈善音乐会,旨

    39、在激励当地居民为灾难的受害者提供援助。9.互联网的最大好处之一就是它能够消除人与人之间存在的隔阂。10.如果你不想成为网络欺凌的目标,请保持礼貌。1.You should keep in mind that privacy should be protected when surfing the Internet.2.A proposal that particular measures should be taken to raise peoples awareness of online safety has already been put forward at a recent con

    40、ference.3.He is such a rude person that it is really embarrassing to keep him company.4.Since he was stuck at home after he developed a serious illness,he has kept track of the outside world by surfing the Internet.5.The number of people who have access to their own cars has risen sharply in the pas

    41、t decade.6.If you are interested in the job,please send an application form at your earliest convenience to the manager.7.I had to go through the rest of the tough evening with a fixed smile on my face.8.A charity concert is being held in the city center,which intends to inspire local residents to offer helping hands to the victims of the disaster.9.One of the greatest benefits of the Internet is its ability to remove the distance that usually exists between people.10.If you dont want to become a target for a troll or cyberbully,please be polite.thank you


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