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    2022年中考英语一轮复习人教版九年级Units 1-2(ppt课件).pptx

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    2022年中考英语一轮复习人教版九年级Units 1-2(ppt课件).pptx

    1、九年级总复习九年级总复习Period 20 Units 1-2(9)Period 20 Units 1-2(9)九年级总复习九年级总复习Review the words of Unit 1.Review the words of Unit 1.Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)1 1教科书;课本教科书;课本n.n.2 2交谈;谈话交谈;谈话n.n.3 3大声地;出声地大声地;出声地adv.adv.4 4发音;读音发音;读音n.n.5 5句子句子n.n.6 6有耐

    2、心的;有耐心的;/病人病人adj./n.adj./n.7 7表情;表示;表达方式表情;表示;表达方式n.n.8 8发现;发觉发现;发觉v.v.9 9秘密;秘诀;秘密;秘诀;/秘密的;保密的秘密的;保密的n./adj.n./adj.1010(在词典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅;抬头看(在词典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅;抬头看Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)1 1textbooktextbookn.n.教科书;课本教科书;课本2 2conversationconve

    3、rsationn.n.交谈;谈话交谈;谈话3 3aloudaloudadv.adv.大声地;出声地大声地;出声地4 4pronunciationpronunciationn.n.发音;读音发音;读音5 5sentencesentencen.n.句子句子6 6patientpatientadj./n.adj./n.有耐心的;有耐心的;/病人病人7 7expressionexpressionn.n.表情;表示;表达方式表情;表示;表达方式8 8discoverdiscoverv.v.发现;发觉发现;发觉9 9secretsecretn./adj.n./adj.秘密;秘诀;秘密;秘诀;/秘密的;保密

    4、的秘密的;保密的1010look uplook up(在词典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅;抬头看(在词典、参考书中或通过电脑)查阅;抬头看Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)1111语法语法n.n.1212重复;重做重复;重做v.v.1313笔记;记录;笔记;记录;/注意;指出注意;指出n./v.n./v.1414朋友;伙伴朋友;伙伴n.n.1515物理;物理学物理;物理学n.n.1616化学化学n.n.1717记忆;记住记忆;记住v.v.1818模式;方式模式;方

    5、式n.n.1919发音发音v.v.2020增加;增长增加;增长v.v.Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)1111grammargrammarn.n.语法语法1212repeatrepeatv.v.重复;重做重复;重做1313notenoten./v.n./v.笔记;记录;笔记;记录;/注意;指出注意;指出1414palpaln.n.朋友;伙伴朋友;伙伴1515physicsphysicsn.n.物理;物理学物理;物理学1616chemistrychemistry

    6、n.n.化学化学1717memorizememorizev.v.记忆;记住记忆;记住1818patternpatternn.n.模式;方式模式;方式1919pronouncepronouncev.v.发音发音2020increaseincreasev.v.增加;增长增加;增长Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)2121速度速度n.n.2222搭档;同伴搭档;同伴n.n.2323出生;出生;/天生的天生的v./adj.v./adj.2424天生具有天生具有2525能

    7、力;才能能力;才能n.n.2626创造;创建创造;创建v.v.2727大脑大脑n.n.2828活跃的;积极的活跃的;积极的adj.adj.2929注意;关注注意;关注n.n.3030注意;关注注意;关注Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)2121speedspeedn.n.速度速度2222partnerpartnern.n.搭档;同伴搭档;同伴2323bornbornv./adj.v./adj.出生;出生;/天生的天生的2424be born withbe bor

    8、n with天生具有天生具有2525abilityabilityn.n.能力;才能能力;才能2626createcreatev.v.创造;创建创造;创建2727brainbrainn.n.大脑大脑2828activeactiveadj.adj.活跃的;积极的活跃的;积极的2929attentionattentionn.n.注意;关注注意;关注3030pay attention topay attention to注意;关注注意;关注Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(

    9、9)3131(使)连接;与(使)连接;与有联系有联系v.v.3232把把和和连接或联系起来连接或联系起来3333一夜之间;在夜间一夜之间;在夜间adv.adv.3434回顾;复习回顾;复习v./n.v./n.3535知识;学问知识;学问n.n.3636终身的;毕生的终身的;毕生的adj.adj.3737明智地;聪明地明智地;聪明地adv.adv.Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)3131connectconnectv.v.(使)连接;与(使)连接;与有联系有联系

    10、3232connect withconnect with把把和和连接或联系起来连接或联系起来3333overnightovernightadv.adv.一夜之间;在夜间一夜之间;在夜间3434reviewreviewv./n.v./n.回顾;复习回顾;复习3535knowledgeknowledgen.n.知识;学问知识;学问3636lifelonglifelongadj.adj.终身的;毕生的终身的;毕生的3737wiselywiselyadv.adv.明智地;聪明地明智地;聪明地Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)Unit 1 How can

    11、 we become good learners?(9)1 1listen to tapeslisten to tapes听磁带听磁带2 2ask sb.for helpask sb.for help向某人求助向某人求助3 3study for a teststudy for a test准备考试准备考试4 4finish doing sth.finish doing sth.做完某事做完某事5 5give a reportgive a report做报告做报告6 6get the main ideasget the main ideas了解大意了解大意7 7at firstat first首

    12、先;起初首先;起初8 8Dont read word by word.Dont read word by word.不要一个字一个字地读。不要一个字一个字地读。9 9try to do sth.try to do sth.尽力做某事尽力做某事1010be patientbe patient耐心点耐心点1111It takes time.It takes time.慢慢来。慢慢来。1212the+the+比较级比较级,the+,the+比较级比较级越越,就越,就越1313find it+adj.+to do sth.find it+adj.+to do sth.发现做某事怎么样发现做某事怎么样1

    13、414the secret to language learningthe secret to language learning语言学习的秘诀语言学习的秘诀1515learn to do sth.learn to do sth.学会做某事学会做某事Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)1616(1)so that(1)so that 如此如此以至于以至于(2)so that(2)so that以便;目的是以便;目的是1717(1)be afraid to do s

    14、th.(1)be afraid to do sth.害怕做某事害怕做某事(2)be afraid of(doing)sth.(2)be afraid of(doing)sth.害怕害怕(做做)某事某事1818fall in love withfall in love with爱上爱上1919as wellas well也也(通常用于肯定句或疑问句句末通常用于肯定句或疑问句句末)2020Its a piece of cake.Its a piece of cake.这简直是小菜一碟。这简直是小菜一碟。2121It serves you right.It serves you right.你活该。

    15、你活该。2222look uplook up查阅;抬头看查阅;抬头看2323practice doing sth.practice doing sth.练习做某事练习做某事2424take notestake notes作笔记作笔记2525do exercisesdo exercises做练习做练习2626keep a diarykeep a diary写日记写日记2727make mistakes in grammarmake mistakes in grammar犯语法错误犯语法错误2828be born withbe born with天生具有天生具有Unit 1 How can we

    16、become good learners?(9)Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)2929depend ondepend on依靠;取决于依靠;取决于3030have in commonhave in common有有相同特征相同特征3131pay attention topay attention to注意;关注注意;关注3232connect with connect with 把把和和联系起来联系起来3333get boredget bored感到乏味感到乏味3434even if=even thougheven if=even thou

    17、gh即使即使3535Practice makes perfect.Practice makes perfect.熟能生巧。熟能生巧。3636keep doing sth.keep doing sth.坚持做某事坚持做某事3737each other=one anothereach other=one another互相互相3838find outfind out查明;弄清查明;弄清3939be stressed outbe stressed out紧张的;有压力的紧张的;有压力的4040bit by bitbit by bit逐渐地;一点儿一点儿地逐渐地;一点儿一点儿地4141instead

    18、ofinstead of代替;而不是代替;而不是4242over and over againover and over again反复地反复地Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)1.-1.-_ do you study for a test?do you study for a test?-_ reading the textbook.reading the textbook.A.What;On B.How;By C.What;By D.How;On A.Wha

    19、t;On B.How;By C.What;By D.How;On2 2.I got up early.I got up early _ I could catch the first bus,but I failed.I could catch the first bus,but I failed.A.so that B.such that C.when D.until A.so that B.such that C.when D.until3.This sentence is too hard 3.This sentence is too hard _ me me _ understand.

    20、understand.A.to;to B.to;for C.on;to D.for;to A.to;to B.to;for C.on;to D.for;to4.4._ you read,you read,_ you will be.you will be.A.The more;the fast B.The more;fast C.The more;the faster D.More;the faster A.The more;the fast B.The more;fast C.The more;the faster D.More;the faster5.-I cant understand

    21、these new words.5.-I cant understand these new words.-You should -You should _ _ in the dictionary.in the dictionary.A.look them up B.look up them C.look it up D.look up it A.look them up B.look up them C.look it up D.look up itUnit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)Unit 1 How can we become good

    22、learners?(9)6 6.-Its not easy to learn math well!.-Its not easy to learn math well!-Why dont you learn by -Why dont you learn by _ your teacher carefully?your teacher carefully?A.listen B.listening C.listening to D.listen to A.listen B.listening C.listening to D.listen to7 7.Do you often practice.Do

    23、 you often practice _ English with foreigners?English with foreigners?A.speaking B.to speak C.speak D.spoke A.speaking B.to speak C.speak D.spoke8 8.Its not useful to read.Its not useful to read _.A.word in word B.words by words C.word to word D.word by word A.word in word B.words by words C.word to

    24、 word D.word by word9 9.Dont worry.It wont.Dont worry.It wont _ you much time to fly from Chengdu to Wuhan.you much time to fly from Chengdu to Wuhan.A.cost B.take C.spend D.use A.cost B.take C.spend D.use1 10 0.I found.I found _ very important to study English well.very important to study English w

    25、ell.A.myself B.it C.that D.this A.myself B.it C.that D.thisUnit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)1111.他发现学英语是重要的。他发现学英语是重要的。He He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ learn English.learn English.1212.他太小了而不能去上学。他太小了而不能去上学。Hes Hes _ _ _ _ _ he cant go to school.he cant go to sc

    26、hool.1313.他害怕犯错。他害怕犯错。He He _ _ _ _ _ make mistakes.make mistakes.1414.每个人的学习能力与生俱来。每个人的学习能力与生俱来。Everyone Everyone _ _ _ _ _ the ability to learn.the ability to learn.1515.你应该更多的关注你的学习而不是打游戏。你应该更多的关注你的学习而不是打游戏。You should You should _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your study your study _ _ _ playing computer games.pla

    27、ying computer games.Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)1.-1.-_ do you study for a test?do you study for a test?-_ reading the textbook.reading the textbook.A.What;On B.How;By C.What;By D.How;On A.What;On B.How;By C.What;By D.How;On2 2.I got up early.I

    28、 got up early _ I could catch the first bus,but I failed.I could catch the first bus,but I failed.A.so that B.such that C.when D.until A.so that B.such that C.when D.until3.This sentence is too hard 3.This sentence is too hard _ me me _ understand.understand.A.to;to B.to;for C.on;to D.for;to A.to;to

    29、 B.to;for C.on;to D.for;to4.4._ you read,you read,_ you will be.you will be.A.The more;the fast B.The more;fast C.The more;the faster D.More;the faster A.The more;the fast B.The more;fast C.The more;the faster D.More;the faster5.-I cant understand these new words.5.-I cant understand these new words

    30、.-You should -You should _ _ in the dictionary.in the dictionary.A.look them up B.look up them C.look it up D.look up it A.look them up B.look up them C.look it up D.look up itUnit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)6 6.-Its not easy to learn math well!.-I

    31、ts not easy to learn math well!-Why dont you learn by -Why dont you learn by _ your teacher carefully?your teacher carefully?A.listen B.listening C.listening to D.listen to A.listen B.listening C.listening to D.listen to7 7.Do you often practice.Do you often practice _ English with foreigners?Englis

    32、h with foreigners?A.speaking B.to speak C.speak D.spoke A.speaking B.to speak C.speak D.spoke8 8.Its not useful to read.Its not useful to read _.A.word in word B.words by words C.word to word D.word by word A.word in word B.words by words C.word to word D.word by word9 9.Dont worry.It wont.Dont worr

    33、y.It wont _ you much time to fly from Chengdu to Wuhan.you much time to fly from Chengdu to Wuhan.A.cost B.take C.spend D.use A.cost B.take C.spend D.use1 10 0.I found.I found _ very important to study English well.very important to study English well.A.myself B.it C.that D.this A.myself B.it C.that

    34、 D.thisUnit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)Unit 1 How can we become good learners?(9)1111.他发现学英语是重要的。他发现学英语是重要的。He He _ _ _ _ _ _ _ learn English.learn English.1212.他太小了而不能去上学。他太小了而不能去上学。Hes Hes _ _ _ _ _ he cant go to school.he cant go to school.1313.他害怕犯错。他害怕犯错。He He _ _ _ _ _ make mistakes.

    35、make mistakes.1414.每个人的学习能力与生俱来。每个人的学习能力与生俱来。Everyone Everyone _ _ _ _ _ the ability to learn.the ability to learn.1515.你应该更多的关注你的学习而不是打游戏。你应该更多的关注你的学习而不是打游戏。You should You should _ _ _ _ _ _ _ your study your study _ _ _ playing computer games.playing computer games.finds it important tofinds it im

    36、portant to so young thatso young that is afraid tois afraid to is born withis born with pay more attention topay more attention toinstead ofinstead of九年级总复习九年级总复习Review the words of Unit 2.Review the words of Unit 2.Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!(9)Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are del

    37、icious!(9)1 1月饼月饼n.n.2 2灯笼灯笼n.n.3 3陌生人陌生人n.n.4 4亲属;亲戚亲属;亲戚n.n.5 5增加(体重);发胖增加(体重);发胖6 6磅(重量单位);英镑(英国货币单位)磅(重量单位);英镑(英国货币单位)n.n.7 7民间的;民俗的民间的;民俗的adj.adj.8 8女神女神n.n.9 9无论谁;不管什么人无论谁;不管什么人pron.pron.1010偷;窃取偷;窃取v.v.Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!(9)Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!

    38、(9)1 1mooncakemooncaken.n.月饼月饼2 2lanternlanternn.n.灯笼灯笼3 3strangerstrangern.n.陌生人陌生人4 4relativerelativen.n.亲属;亲戚亲属;亲戚5 5put onput on增加(体重);发胖增加(体重);发胖6 6poundpoundn.n.磅(重量单位);英镑(英国货币单位)磅(重量单位);英镑(英国货币单位)7 7folkfolkadj.adj.民间的;民俗的民间的;民俗的8 8goddessgoddessn.n.女神女神9 9whoeverwhoeverpron.pron.无论谁;不管什么人无论谁

    39、;不管什么人1010stealstealv.v.偷;窃取偷;窃取Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!(9)Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!(9)1111放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋)放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋)v.v.1212摆开;布置摆开;布置1313(饭后)甜点;甜食(饭后)甜点;甜食n.n.1414花园;园子花园;园子n.n.1515传统传统n.n.1616欣赏;仰慕欣赏;仰慕v.v.1717领带;领带;/捆;束捆;束n./v.n./v.1818有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的有鬼魂出没的;

    40、闹鬼的adj.adj.1919鬼;鬼魂鬼;鬼魂n.n.2020花招;把戏花招;把戏n.n.Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!(9)Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!(9)1111laylayv.v.放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋)放置;安放;产(卵);下(蛋)1212lay outlay out摆开;布置摆开;布置1313dessertdessertn.n.(饭后)甜点;甜食(饭后)甜点;甜食1414gardengardenn.n.花园;园子花园;园子1515traditiontradit

    41、ionn.n.传统传统1616admireadmirev.v.欣赏;仰慕欣赏;仰慕1717tietien./v.n./v.领带;领带;/捆;束捆;束1818hauntedhauntedadj.adj.有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的有鬼魂出没的;闹鬼的1919ghostghostn.n.鬼;鬼魂鬼;鬼魂2020tricktrickn.n.花招;把戏花招;把戏Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!(9)Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!(9)2121款待;招待;款待;招待;/招待;请(客)招待;请(客)n

    42、./v.n./v.2222蜘蛛蜘蛛n.n.2323圣诞节圣诞节n.n.2424存在;平躺;处于存在;平躺;处于v.v.2525(长篇)小说(长篇)小说n.n.2626前夕;前夜前夕;前夜n.n.2727死的;失去生命的死的;失去生命的adj.adj.2828生意;商业生意;商业n.n.2929处罚;惩罚处罚;惩罚v.v.3030警告;告诫警告;告诫v.v.3131最终成为;最后处于最终成为;最后处于3232现在;礼物;现在;礼物;/现在的现在的n./adj.n./adj.3333温暖;暖和温暖;暖和n.n.3434传播;展开;传播;展开;/蔓延;传播蔓延;传播v./n.v./n.Unit 2

    43、I think that mooncakes are delicious!(9)Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!(9)2121treattreatn./v.n./v.款待;招待;款待;招待;/招待;请(客)招待;请(客)2222spiderspidern.n.蜘蛛蜘蛛2323ChristmasChristmasn.n.圣诞节圣诞节2424lieliev.v.存在;平躺;处于存在;平躺;处于2525novelnoveln.n.(长篇)小说(长篇)小说2626eveeven.n.前夕;前夜前夕;前夜2727deaddeadadj.adj.死的

    44、;失去生命的死的;失去生命的2828businessbusinessn.n.生意;商业生意;商业2929punishpunishv.v.处罚;惩罚处罚;惩罚3030warnwarnv.v.警告;告诫警告;告诫3131end upend up最终成为;最后处于最终成为;最后处于3232presentpresentn./adj.n./adj.现在;礼物;现在;礼物;/现在的现在的3333warmthwarmthn.n.温暖;暖和温暖;暖和3434spreadspreadv./n.v./n.传播;展开;传播;展开;/蔓延;传播蔓延;传播Unit 2 I think that mooncakes ar

    45、e delicious!(9)Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!(9)1 1What do you like best?What do you like best?你最喜欢什么?你最喜欢什么?2 2Ive put on five pounds!Ive put on five pounds!我长胖了五磅。我长胖了五磅。3 3(1)put on(1)put on增加增加(体重体重);发胖;发胖(2)put on weight(2)put on weight长胖长胖4 4Guess what?Guess what?你猜怎么着?你猜怎么着?5 5f

    46、rom to from to 从从到到6 6be similar tobe similar to与与相像的相像的7 7(1)I think so.(1)I think so.我认为是这样的。我认为是这样的。(2)I dont think so.(2)I dont think so.我认为不是这样的。我认为不是这样的。8 8(1)throw water at each other(1)throw water at each other互相泼水互相泼水(2)throw at(2)throw at 泼向;抛向泼向;抛向9 9carry ones wishes to sb.carry ones wis

    47、hes to sb.把祝愿带给某人把祝愿带给某人Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!(9)Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!(9)1010 shoot downshoot down击落击落1111 call outcall out叫喊叫喊1212 lay outlay out摆开;布置摆开;布置1313 admire the moonadmire the moon赏月赏月1414 share sth.with sb.share sth.with sb.与某人分享某物与某人分享某物1515

    48、take sb.out for lunchtake sb.out for lunch带某人外出吃午饭带某人外出吃午饭1616(1)dress up(1)dress up装扮;乔装打扮装扮;乔装打扮(2)dress up as(2)dress up as装扮成装扮成1717 Trick or treat!Trick or treat!不招待就捣乱!不招待就捣乱!1818 play a trick on sb.play a trick on sb.捉弄某人捉弄某人1919 lie the true meaninglie the true meaning隐含的真正意义隐含的真正意义2020 care

    49、 aboutcare about关心;在意关心;在意Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!(9)Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!(9)2121 warn sb.to do sth.warn sb.to do sth.告诫某人做某事告诫某人做某事2222 end upend up最终成为;最后处于最终成为;最后处于2323(1)remind sb.of sth.(1)remind sb.of sth.使某人想起某物使某人想起某物(2)remind sb.to do sth.(2)remind

    50、 sb.to do sth.提醒某人做某事提醒某人做某事2424 wake upwake up醒来醒来2525 find outfind out发现发现2626 in needin need在危难中;在危急中在危难中;在危急中2727 the beginning ofthe beginning of的开始的开始2828 a symbol ofa symbol of的象征的象征2929 not only but also not only but also 不但不但而且而且3030 spread aroundspread around分散分散Unit 2 I think that mooncak


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