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    2022年中考英语一轮复习人教版八年级下册Units 1-2(ppt课件).pptx

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    2022年中考英语一轮复习人教版八年级下册Units 1-2(ppt课件).pptx

    1、九年级总复习九年级总复习Period 15 Units 1-2(8B)Period 15 Units 1-2(8B)九年级总复习九年级总复习Review the words of Unit 1.Review the words of Unit 1.Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)1 1问题;事情问题;事情n.n.2 2怎么了?怎么了?3 3疼痛的;酸痛的疼痛的;酸痛的adj.adj.4 4感冒感冒5 5胃痛;腹痛胃痛;腹痛n.n.6 6胃痛胃痛 7 7脚;足脚;足n.n.8 8颈;脖子颈;脖子n.n.9 9胃;腹部

    2、胃;腹部n.n.1010咽喉;喉咙咽喉;喉咙n.n.Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)1 1问题;事情问题;事情n.n.mattermatter2 2怎么了?怎么了?Whats the matter?Whats the matter?3 3疼痛的;酸痛的疼痛的;酸痛的adj.adj.soresore4 4感冒感冒have a coldhave a cold5 5胃痛;腹痛胃痛;腹痛n.n.stomachachestomachache6 6胃痛胃痛 have a stomachachehave a stomachach

    3、e7 7脚;足脚;足n.n.footfoot8 8颈;脖子颈;脖子n.n.neckneck9 9胃;腹部胃;腹部n.n.stomach stomach 1010咽喉;喉咙咽喉;喉咙n.n.throatthroatUnit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)1111发烧发烧n.n.1212躺;平躺躺;平躺v.v.1313躺下躺下1414放松;休息放松;休息v./n.v./n.1515咳嗽咳嗽n./v.n./v.1616X X射线;射线;X X光光n.n.1717牙痛牙痛n.n.1818量体温量体温1919头痛头痛n.n.2020

    4、发烧发烧Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)1111发烧发烧n.n.feverfever1212躺;平躺躺;平躺v.v.lielie1313躺下躺下lie downlie down1414放松;休息放松;休息v./n.v./n.restrest1515咳嗽咳嗽n./v.n./v.coughcough1616X X射线;射线;X X光光n.n.X-rayX-ray1717牙痛牙痛n.n.toothachetoothache1818量体温量体温take ones temperaturetake ones temperatu

    5、re1919头痛头痛n.n.headacheheadache2020发烧发烧have a feverhave a feverUnit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)2121间歇;休息间歇;休息n.n.2222休息休息2323(使)疼痛;受伤(使)疼痛;受伤v.v.2424乘客;旅客乘客;旅客n.n.2525离开(某处)离开(某处)adv.adv.2626下车下车2727使使惊讶的是惊讶的是2828向;朝向;朝prep.prep.2929问题;苦恼问题;苦恼n.n.3030击;打击;打v.v.Unit 1 Whats the

    6、 matter?(8B)Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)2121间歇;休息间歇;休息n.n.breakbreak2222休息休息take breaks(take a break)take breaks(take a break)2323(使)疼痛;受伤(使)疼痛;受伤v.v.hurthurt2424乘客;旅客乘客;旅客n.n.passengerpassenger2525离开(某处)离开(某处)adv.adv.offoff2626下车下车get offget off2727使使惊讶的是惊讶的是to ones surpriseto ones surprise2828向;朝向

    7、;朝prep.prep.ontoonto2929问题;苦恼问题;苦恼n.n.troubletrouble3030击;打击;打v.v.hithitUnit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)3131立即;马上立即;马上3232陷入;参与陷入;参与3333她自己她自己pron.pron.3434绷带;用绷带包扎绷带;用绷带包扎n./v.n./v.3535压;挤;按压;挤;按v.v.3636生病的;有病的生病的;有病的adj.adj.3737膝;膝盖膝;膝盖n.n.3838鼻出血鼻出血n.n.3939呼吸呼吸v.v.4040晒伤的晒

    8、伤的adj.adj.Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)3131立即;马上立即;马上right awayright away3232陷入;参与陷入;参与get intoget into3333她自己她自己pron.pron.herselfherself3434绷带;用绷带包扎绷带;用绷带包扎n./v.n./v.bandagebandage3535压;挤;按压;挤;按v.v.press press 3636生病的;有病的生病的;有病的adj.adj.sicksick3737膝;膝盖膝;膝盖n.n.kneeknee3838

    9、鼻出血鼻出血n.n.nosebleednosebleed3939呼吸呼吸v.v.breathebreathe4040晒伤的晒伤的adj.adj.sunburnedsunburnedUnit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)4141我们自己我们自己pron.pron.4242登山者;攀登者登山者;攀登者n.n.4343习惯于习惯于4444危险;风险;冒险危险;风险;冒险n./v.n./v.4545冒险冒险4646事故;意外遭遇事故;意外遭遇n.n.4747情况;状况情况;状况n.n.4848千克;公斤千克;公斤n.n.4949

    10、岩石岩石n.n.5050用尽;耗尽用尽;耗尽Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)4141我们自己我们自己pron.pron.ourselvesourselves4242登山者;攀登者登山者;攀登者n.n.climberclimber4343习惯于习惯于be used tobe used to4444危险;风险;冒险危险;风险;冒险n./v.n./v.riskrisk4545冒险冒险take risks(take a risk)take risks(take a risk)4646事故;意外遭遇事故;意外遭遇n.n.ac

    11、cidentaccident4747情况;状况情况;状况n.n.situationsituation4848千克;公斤千克;公斤n.n.kilokilo4949岩石岩石n.n.rockrock5050用尽;耗尽用尽;耗尽run out(of)run out(of)Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)5151刀刀n.n.5252切除切除5353血血n.n.5454意思是;打算;意欲意思是;打算;意欲v.v.5555离开;从离开;从出来出来5656重要性;重要重要性;重要n.n.5757决定;抉择决定;抉择n.n.5858

    12、限制;约束;管理限制;约束;管理n./v.n./v.5959掌管;管理掌管;管理6060勇气;意志勇气;意志n.n.6161死;死亡死;死亡n.n.6262放弃放弃6363护士护士n.n.Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)5151刀刀n.n.knifeknife5252切除切除cut offcut off5353血血n.n.bloodblood5454意思是;打算;意欲意思是;打算;意欲v.v.meanmean5555离开;从离开;从出来出来get out ofget out of5656重要性;重要重要性;重要n.

    13、n.importanceimportance5757决定;抉择决定;抉择n.n.decisiondecision5858限制;约束;管理限制;约束;管理n./v.n./v.controlcontrol5959掌管;管理掌管;管理be in control ofbe in control of6060勇气;意志勇气;意志n.n.spiritspirit6161死;死亡死;死亡n.n.deathdeath6262放弃放弃give upgive up6363护士护士n.n.nurse nurse Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)Unit 1 Whats the matter?

    14、(8B)1 1Whats the matter?Whats the matter?怎么了?怎么了?2 2have a(bad)cold have a(bad)cold (重重)感冒感冒3 3have a stomachache have a stomachache 胃痛胃痛4 4have a sore back have a sore back 背痛背痛5 5have a have a(high/low)high/low)fever fever 发发(高高/低低)烧烧6 6have a cough have a cough 咳嗽咳嗽7 7have a sore throat have a so

    15、re throat 咽喉痛咽喉痛8 8have a toothache have a toothache 牙痛牙痛9 9cut myselfcut myself割伤自己割伤自己1010lie down and rest lie down and rest 躺下休息躺下休息Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)1111see a dentist see a dentist 看牙医看牙医1212take ones temperature take ones temperature 量体温量体温1313put some med

    16、icine on itput some medicine on it敷药敷药1414have a headache have a headache 头痛头痛1515What should I do?What should I do?我该怎么办?我该怎么办?1616on the weekend=on weekendson the weekend=on weekends在周末在周末1717(1)(1)情态动词情态动词 need+do need+do(2)(2)行为动词行为动词 need to do need to do sth.(sth.(主语是人主语是人)(3)(3)行为动词行为动词 need

    17、doing need doing sth.(sth.(主语是物主语是物)1818take breaks=take a break take breaks=take a break 休息休息Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)1919go to a/the doctor=see a doctor go to a/the doctor=see a doctor 看医生看医生2020go along go along 沿着沿着走走2121(1)see sb.doing sth.(1)see sb.doing sth.看见某人

    18、正在做某事看见某人正在做某事 (2)see sb.do sth.(2)see sb.do sth.看见某人做了某事看见某人做了某事2222shout for help shout for help 大声呼救大声呼救2323(1)think twice (1)think twice 认真思考认真思考(2)without thinking twice (2)without thinking twice 毫不犹豫毫不犹豫2424get off get off 下车下车2525have a heart problemhave a heart problem有心脏病有心脏病2626wait for wa

    19、it for 等候等候Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)2727to ones surprise to ones surprise 使使惊讶的是;出乎惊讶的是;出乎的意料的意料 2828agree to do sth.agree to do sth.同意去做某事同意去做某事2929thanks to thanks to 幸亏;由于幸亏;由于3030(1)in time (1)in time 及时及时 (2)on time(2)on time 准时准时3131think about think about 考虑考虑32

    20、32right away=at once right away=at once 立即;马上立即;马上3333(1)get into (1)get into 陷入;参与陷入;参与(2)get into trouble (2)get into trouble 陷入麻烦陷入麻烦3434run it under waterrun it under water在水下冲洗在水下冲洗Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)3535put a bandage on itput a bandage on it用绷带包扎用绷带包扎3636ha

    21、ve a nosebleedhave a nosebleed流鼻血流鼻血3737get hit on the headget hit on the head头部受到撞击头部受到撞击3838What happened(to sb.)?What happened(to sb.)?(某人某人)发生了什么事?发生了什么事?3939fall downfall down跌倒跌倒4040(1)have problems breathing(1)have problems breathing呼吸困难呼吸困难(2)have a problem doing sth.(2)have a problem doing

    22、sth.做某事有困难做某事有困难4141get hit by a ballget hit by a ball被球击中被球击中4242get sunburnedget sunburned晒伤晒伤4343be interested in be interested in 对对感兴趣感兴趣Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)4444be used to(doing sth.)be used to(doing sth.)习惯于习惯于;适应于;适应于4545because ofbecause of因为因为4646run out(

    23、of)run out(of)用尽;耗尽用尽;耗尽4747cut off cut off 切除切除4848(1)so that (1)so that 以便;目的是以便;目的是 (2)so that (2)so that 如此如此以至于以至于4949between a rock and a hard place between a rock and a hard place 左右为难;进退两难左右为难;进退两难5050get out ofget out of离开;从离开;从出来出来5151tell of tell of 讲述;谈及讲述;谈及5252(1)make good decisions (1

    24、)make good decisions 正确抉择正确抉择 (2)make a decision (2)make a decision 作出决定作出决定5353be in control of be in control of 掌管;管理掌管;管理5454keep on doing sth.keep on doing sth.继续做某事继续做某事5555give up give up 放弃放弃Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)1.-Whats the matter?1.-Whats the matter?-Im no

    25、t feeling -Im not feeling .A.good B.health C.in health D.well A.good B.health C.in health D.well2.-My mother is ill.2.-My mother is ill.-.A.Dont worry B.No hurry C.Im sorry to hear that D.OK A.Dont worry B.No hurry C.Im sorry to hear that D.OK3.-You look sad,Betty.Whats the matter with you?3.-You lo

    26、ok sad,Betty.Whats the matter with you?-.A.Ive got the first prize B.Im sorry to hear that A.Ive got the first prize B.Im sorry to hear that C.I cant attend the summer camp D.I dont quite agree with you C.I cant attend the summer camp D.I dont quite agree with you4.-Lets go out for a walk.4.-Lets go

    27、 out for a walk.-.A.Thats a good idea B.Thank you very much A.Thats a good idea B.Thank you very much C.Its very kind of you D.Yes,we shall C.Its very kind of you D.Yes,we shall5.-I felt very sick this morning.5.-I felt very sick this morning.-Did you eat -Did you eat?A.something bad B.anything bad

    28、C.bad something D.bad anything A.something bad B.anything bad C.bad something D.bad anythingUnit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)6.The dog is used 6.The dog is used when he meets a stranger.when he meets a stranger.A.to bark B.for bark C.for barking D.to barking A.to bark B.for ba

    29、rk C.for barking D.to barking7.-Whats wrong with Mary?7.-Whats wrong with Mary?-A.She is a nurse.B.She is a mountain climber.A.She is a nurse.B.She is a mountain climber.C.She hurt herself.D.She bought a new bike.C.She hurt herself.D.She bought a new bike.8.There are too 8.There are too fish and too

    30、 fish and too water in the sea.water in the sea.A.much;much B.much;many C.many;much D.many;many A.much;much B.much;many C.many;much D.many;many9.-Is Mrs.Black really badly ill?9.-Is Mrs.Black really badly ill?-.Shes in hospital.Shes in hospital.A.I dont think so B.No,she isnt A.I dont think so B.No,

    31、she isnt C.I dont hope so D.Im afraid so C.I dont hope so D.Im afraid so10.-I have 10.-I have today,so I cant go to school.today,so I cant go to school.-Im -Im to hear that.to hear that.A.cold;sorry B.cool;happy C.a cold;sorry D.a cool;sorry A.cold;sorry B.cool;happy C.a cold;sorry D.a cool;sorry(1)

    32、(1)可数名词,鱼的条数,复数形式为:可数名词,鱼的条数,复数形式为:fishfish(2)(2)可数名词,鱼的种类,复数形式为:可数名词,鱼的种类,复数形式为:fishesfishes(3)(3)不可数名词,鱼肉。不可数名词,鱼肉。Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)Unit 1 Whats the matter?(8B)11.11.她昨晚发高烧。她昨晚发高烧。She She last night.last night.12.12.令他惊讶的是,大家都同意与他一起去。令他惊讶的是,大家都同意与他一起去。,they all agreed to go with him.,th

    33、ey all agreed to go with him.13.13.他不想陷入麻烦。他不想陷入麻烦。He didnt want to He didnt want to .14.14.他习惯于冒险。他习惯于冒险。He He .15.15.我们应该永不言弃。我们应该永不言弃。We should never We should never .had a high fever had a high fever To his surprise To his surprise get into trouble get into trouble is used to taking risks is use

    34、d to taking risks give upgive up九年级总复习九年级总复习Review the words of Unit 2.Review the words of Unit 2.Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(8B)Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(8B)1 1打扫(或清除)干净打扫(或清除)干净2 2欢呼;喝彩欢呼;喝彩v.v.3 3振奋起来振奋起来4 4分发;散发分发;散发5 5义务做;志愿者义务做;志愿者v./n.v./n.6 6想出;提出想出;提出7 7推迟推

    35、迟8 8标志;信号标志;信号n.n.9 9通知;注意到通知;注意到n./v.n./v.1010分发分发 Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(8B)Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(8B)1 1clean upclean up打扫(或清除)干净打扫(或清除)干净2 2cheercheerv.v.欢呼;喝彩欢呼;喝彩3 3cheer upcheer up振奋起来振奋起来4 4give outgive out分发;散发分发;散发5 5volunteervolunteerv./n.v./n.义务做

    36、;志愿者义务做;志愿者6 6come up withcome up with想出;提出想出;提出7 7put offput off推迟推迟8 8signsignn.n.标志;信号标志;信号9 9noticenoticen./v.n./v.通知;注意到通知;注意到1010hand outhand out分发分发 Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(8B)Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(8B)1111打电话给(某人)打电话给(某人)1212曾经曾经;过去;过去1313孤独的;寂寞的孤独的;寂

    37、寞的adj.adj.1414照顾;非常喜欢照顾;非常喜欢1515几个;数个;一些几个;数个;一些pron.pron.1616强烈的;强壮的强烈的;强壮的adj.adj.1717感觉;感触感觉;感触n.n.1818满足;满意满足;满意n.n.1919高兴;愉快高兴;愉快n.n.2020物主;主人物主;主人n.n.Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(8B)Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(8B)1111call upcall up打电话给(某人)打电话给(某人)1212used toused

    38、to曾经曾经;过去;过去1313lonelylonelyadj.adj.孤独的;寂寞的孤独的;寂寞的1414care forcare for照顾;非常喜欢照顾;非常喜欢1515severalseveralpron.pron.几个;数个;一些几个;数个;一些1616strongstrongadj.adj.强烈的;强壮的强烈的;强壮的1717feelingfeelingn.n.感觉;感触感觉;感触1818satisfactionsatisfactionn.n.满足;满意满足;满意1919joyjoyn.n.高兴;愉快高兴;愉快2020ownerownern.n.物主;主人物主;主人Unit 2 I

    39、ll help to clean up the city parks.(8B)Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(8B)2121参加参加选拔;试用选拔;试用2222旅行;行程旅行;行程n.n.2323募集;征集募集;征集v.v.2424午夜;子夜午夜;子夜n.n.2525独自;单独独自;单独adv.adv.2626修理;修补修理;修补v.v.2727修理;安装修理;安装v.v.2828修理;装饰修理;装饰2929赠送;捐赠赠送;捐赠3030(外貌或行为)像(外貌或行为)像Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city

    40、 parks.(8B)Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(8B)2121try outtry out参加参加选拔;试用选拔;试用2222journeyjourneyn.n.旅行;行程旅行;行程2323raiseraisev.v.募集;征集募集;征集2424midnightmidnightn.n.午夜;子夜午夜;子夜2525alonealoneadv.adv.独自;单独独自;单独2626repairrepairv.v.修理;修补修理;修补2727fixfixv.v.修理;安装修理;安装2828fix upfix up修理;装饰修理;装饰2929

    41、give awaygive away赠送;捐赠赠送;捐赠3030take aftertake after(外貌或行为)像(外貌或行为)像Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(8B)Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(8B)3131破损的;残缺的破损的;残缺的adj.adj.3232车轮;轮子车轮;轮子n.n.3333信;函信;函n.n.3434女士;小姐女士;小姐n.n.3535建起;建立建起;建立3636有残疾的有残疾的adj.adj.3737影响;有作用影响;有作用3838瞎的;失明的瞎的

    42、;失明的adj.adj.3939聋的聋的adj.adj.4040想象;设想想象;设想v.v.Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(8B)Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(8B)3131brokenbrokenadj.adj.破损的;残缺的破损的;残缺的3232wheelwheeln.n.车轮;轮子车轮;轮子3333letterlettern.n.信;函信;函3434MissMissn.n.女士;小姐女士;小姐3535set upset up建起;建立建起;建立3636disableddisa

    43、bledadj.adj.有残疾的有残疾的3737make a differencemake a difference影响;有作用影响;有作用3838blindblindadj.adj.瞎的;失明的瞎的;失明的3939deafdeafadj.adj.聋的聋的4040imagineimaginev.v.想象;设想想象;设想Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(8B)Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(8B)4141困难;难题困难;难题n.n.4242开;打开开;打开v.v.4343门门n.n.44

    44、44拿;提;扛拿;提;扛v.v.4545训练;培训训练;培训v.v.4646激动的;兴奋的激动的;兴奋的adj.adj.4747训练;培训训练;培训n.n.4848仁慈;善良仁慈;善良n.n.4949聪明的;聪颖的聪明的;聪颖的adj.adj.5050理解;领会理解;领会v.v.5151变化;改变变化;改变v./n.v./n.5252兴趣;使感兴趣兴趣;使感兴趣n./v.n./v.5353先生先生n.n.5454夫人;女士夫人;女士n.n.Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(8B)Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the

    45、 city parks.(8B)4141difficultydifficultyn.n.困难;难题困难;难题4242openopenv.v.开;打开开;打开4343doordoorn.n.门门4444carrycarryv.v.拿;提;扛拿;提;扛4545traintrainv.v.训练;培训训练;培训4646excitedexcitedadj.adj.激动的;兴奋的激动的;兴奋的4747trainingtrainingn.n.训练;培训训练;培训4848kindnesskindnessn.n.仁慈;善良仁慈;善良4949clevercleveradj.adj.聪明的;聪颖的聪明的;聪颖的50

    46、50understandunderstandv.v.理解;领会理解;领会5151changechangev./n.v./n.变化;改变变化;改变5252interestinterestn./v.n./v.兴趣;使感兴趣兴趣;使感兴趣5353sirsirn.n.先生先生5454madammadamn.n.夫人;女士夫人;女士Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(8B)Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(8B)1 1clean upclean up打扫干净打扫干净2 2give outgive o

    47、ut分发;散发分发;散发(分发给有需要的人分发给有需要的人)3 3cheer upcheer up振奋起来振奋起来4 4come up with=think up come up with=think up 想出;提出想出;提出5 5put off put off 推迟推迟6 6put up put up 张贴张贴7 7hand outhand out分发;散发分发;散发(分发给众人分发给众人)8 8call upcall up打电话给打电话给(某人某人)9 9help out with help out with 帮助做帮助做(某事某事)1010used to used to 曾经曾经;过去

    48、;过去1111care forcare for照顾照顾1212one dayone day有一天有一天Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(8B)Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(8B)1313at the age of four at the age of four 在四岁时在四岁时1414decide to do sth.decide to do sth.决定做某事决定做某事1515try out try out 参加参加选拔;试用选拔;试用1616a dream come truea

    49、dream come true梦想成真梦想成真1717I can do what I love to do.I can do what I love to do.我可以做我喜欢做的事。我可以做我喜欢做的事。1818at the same time at the same time 同时同时1919at least at least 至少至少2020(1)try to do sth.(1)try to do sth.尽力做某事尽力做某事(2)try doing sth.(2)try doing sth.尝试做某事尝试做某事2121be worried about be worried about

    50、 为为忧虑忧虑2222(1)stop doing sth.(1)stop doing sth.停止做某事停止做某事(2)stop to do sth.(2)stop to do sth.停下来去做某事停下来去做某事Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(8B)Unit 2 Ill help to clean up the city parks.(8B)2323not any morenot any more不再不再2424take after=be similar totake after=be similar to像像2525fix up fi


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