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    1、英语HBJY专题五 介词和介词短语 中考解读:中考解读:介词在河北中考单项选择中每年必考单项选择中每年必考1道道,题位在第一、第二或第三道小题,考查介词的基本用法和介词的固定搭配。解题技巧:解题技巧:解答此类试题,考生应首先分析介词的基本用法,区分各介词之间的区别,尤其是表时间、地点和方式这三类介词;此外还应积累并熟知一些含有介词的常见固定短语。可结合词汇册记背和练习。命题点1 介词的基本用法辨析(必考,仅2015年未考)考点透析考点透析1.on,in,at与to的用法区别介词用法举例on(2017.27)与表面相接触on the floor 在地板上在任何广阔的面上on the farm/m

    2、oon 在农场/月球与线的接触,意为“濒临”、“紧挨”Wuhan stands on the Yangtze River.武汉紧临长江。地点介词地点介词(10年4考)考向考向 1介词 用法举例in(2018.41)表示一个范围或大地方(国家、城市、乡镇、水域等)in the city 在城市in China 在中国in the schoolbag在书包里at(2020.31,2017.71)表示一个点或小地方at home 在家at the station 在车站at No.3 Middle School在第三中学to表示在某一范围之外的某方位Japan lies to the east of

    3、 China.日本位于中国的东边。介词用法例句below表示“在的下方”,不一定是正下方,也指“低于”The coat reaches below the knees.那件大衣盖过膝盖。under表示“在正下方”My cat is lying under the chair.我的猫正躺在椅子下面。2.below与under的用法区别介词用法例句above表示位置高于某人或某物,但不一定是正上方,反义词是belowThe plane is flying above the clouds.飞机在云层上飞行。over表示“在正上方”,反义词是under。还表示“覆盖;越过”We can build

    4、a bridge over the river.我们可以在河上建一座桥。3.above与over的用法区别词(组)用法例句before在前面David is standing before the mirror.大卫正站在镜子前。in frontof在的前面(范围外)Jack sits in front of John.杰克坐在约翰的前面。in thefront of在的前部(范围内)There are some chairs in the front of the room.屋子的前面有一些椅子。4.before,in front of与in the front of的用法区别方式介词方式介

    5、词(2019.28,2016.28,2014.28)介词 用法举例with(2016.28,2016.28,2014.28)用具体的东西,后接表示工具或身体部位的词with the letters用这些字母with the knife用小刀with your hand用你的手on表示“通过,用”,后接通讯工具等on the radio通过收音机on TV在电视上考向考向 2介词 用法举例by表示“用手段或方式”,后接动名词by selling flowers通过卖花by listening to music通过听音乐in(2019.28)用语言、声音、原材料、颜色、服装等in English用

    6、英语in a low voice用低音 by,in与on表示交通方式1.by+交通工具。如:by bike骑自行车2.in/on+限定词+交通工具。如:in his car开车拓拓 展展介词用法举例on(2012.28)具体某天的某时段星期几日期节假日on Sunday morning在星期天的早上on Saturday在周六on May 5th 在5月5号on Childrens Day在儿童节时间介词时间介词(2020.76,2012.28)1.on,in,at的用法区别考向考向 3介词用法举例in月份年份季节一天中的某段时间in May在五月in the twenty-first cen

    7、tury在21世纪in summer在夏天in the morning在早上介词用法举例at钟点 用餐节日 年龄时间一天中的某段时间at six oclock在六点钟at lunch time在午餐时间at the age of 18在18岁时at noon/night在中午/晚上介词 用法例句since表示从过去某时直至现在,后接时间点,主句用完成时I have learnt English since six years ago.自从6年前我就开始学英语了。from(2020.76)说明开始的时间,谓语动词可用过去、现在、将来的某种时态I learn dancing from from 5

    8、 p.m.to 7 p.m.我从下午5点到7点学跳舞。2.since,from与for的用法区别介词 用法例句for表示动作延续贯穿整个过程,后接时间段,主句用完成时I have studied in the school for two years.我在这所学校读了两年书了。介词用法示例after与将来时连用,表示“之后”,后接时间点Hell arrive at the airport after four oclock.他将于四点之后到机场。与过去时连用,表示“之后”,后接时间段I received the letter after two days.我两天后收到了这封信。反义词为befo

    9、re,表示“在之前”Please bring your homework here before ten oclock.请在十点钟之前把你的家庭作业带到这里来。3.after与in的用法区别介词 用法例句in表示以此时此刻为起点的将来时间之内或之后,常与一般将来时连用I will finish this task in three days.我会在三天之内完成这个任务。介词 用法例句until/till用于否定句中,意为“直到才”,其前谓语动词多用非延续性动词My mother didnt go to bed until I came back last night.昨天晚上直到我回来,我妈妈

    10、才睡觉。用在肯定句中,意为“直到为止”,其前谓语动词须用延续性动词We have to wait until after 12 to check in.我们不得不等到12点后才能登记入住。4.until/till与by的用法区别介词 用法例句by表示最迟在某一时刻或某一日期之前by next Monday 下周一之前by this afternoon今天下午之前by now到现在其他常见介词其他常见介词(10年3考)1.about(1)“关于,对于”。如:The American girl wants to learn about Chinese history.那个美国女孩想要学习中国历史。

    11、(2)“大约,大概”。如:There are about six books in my schoolbag.我的书包里大约有六本书。考向考向 42.with(2019.41,2011.49)(1)“有,具有”(2011.49)。如:a girl with a red hat戴着红色帽子的女孩(2)“和在一起,和,同”。如:She likes to stay with her parents.她喜欢和她的父母待在一起。(3)“随着,由于”,表伴随。如:With the rapid development of science and technology,our life becomes be

    12、tter and better.随着科技的迅速发展,我们的生活变得越来越好。3.without“没有,缺乏”。表示否定。如:It is a bad habit to go to school without breakfast.不吃早餐去上学是一个坏习惯。4.against(1)“反对,违背”,其反义词为for。如:Im sorry he is against your ideas.我很抱歉他反对你的观点。(2)“对抗,和竞争”。如:Our team will play against yours this afternoon.今天下午我们队将和你们队比赛。(3)“紧靠,依”。如:Put th

    13、e piano there,against the door.把钢琴放在那里,靠着门。5.for(2018.80)(1)“为,给,”。如:There is a letter for you.有你一封信。(2)“for+具体的人”表示“对来说”(2018.80)。如:Using computers is difficult for my grandparents.对我爷爷奶奶来说用电脑很难。(3)for与一日三餐名词搭配使用时,表示各餐所吃的食物。如:We often eat rice for lunch.我们午饭经常吃米饭。(4)“赞成”,与against相反,常与系动词be 连用。如:I t

    14、hink youll be for my opinion.我认为你会赞成我的观点。6.in(2018.41)(1)“在(范围或空间内)的某一点”(2018.41)。如:I read the news in the paper.我在报纸上读到这条新闻。(2)“进入”。如:She got in her car and drove off.她上了她的车里,把车开走了。(3)“穿着,戴着”。如:She was in black.她穿着一身黑。7.as(1)“作为,以身份”。如:He had gone to China as a tourist five years ago.他五年前以游客的身份去了中国

    15、。(2)“像,如同,跟一样”。如:She described herself as a reporter.她把自己描述成一位记者。8.of(1)“属于(某人);关于(某人)”,表示所属关系。如:Cant you throw out that old bike of Tommys?难道你不能把汤米那辆旧自行车给扔掉吗?(2)用于表示“计量、时间或年龄”。如:two kilos of potatoes 两公斤马铃薯9.like(1)“相似,类似,像”。如:Hes very like his father.他很像他的父亲。(2)“例如,譬如”。如:He thinks the figure shoul

    16、d be more like 10 million.他认为要是1000万就差不多了。(3)“像一样”。如:He runs like the wind.他跑得像风一样(快)。1.(2020河北31题)When are you arriving?Ill pick you up the station.A.atB.toC.onD.off2.(2019河北28题)This story is simple English.My little sister can read it.A.for B.in C.with D.by3.(2017河北27题)Just walk down this road and

    17、 youll see the museum your right.A.on B.in C.at D.byBA考点测验考点测验A4.(2016河北28题)Class,lets see who can spell the most words these letters.A.at B.into C.on D.with5.(2014河北28题)You see,Kevin is writing his left hand.A.at B.as C.for D.with6.(2013河北28题)age 7,Bruce won second prize in the piano competition.A.

    18、InB.At C.On D.ForDDB7.(2012河北28题)We can be thankful every day,not just Thanksgiving Day.A.in B.on C.toD.by8.(2011河北29题)This school is different others.It has many out-of-class activities.A.off B.fromC.ofD.for9.The Dragon Boat Festival is coming.It comes June 25 this year.A.inB.onC.atD.forB B B10.Lin

    19、da and Lily are doing a survey and they will finish the report August.A.inB.fromC.toD.on11.My brother loves music very much and he often goes to the concert Saturday evening.A.atB.onC.inD.of12.Amy usually takes online classes 8 a.m.from Monday to Friday.A.inB.onC.atD.of A BC13.More and more people g

    20、o to work public transportation instead of driving private cars.A.forB.ofC.byD.with14.Youre pretty healthy.How do you do that?keeping a good lifestyle.A.ForB.ByC.AsD.With15.Who is the boy a blue T-shirt?He is my cousin.A.onB.inC.ofD.with C BB 16.Our life is like a road difficulties.We need to take m

    21、uch courage to face them and try to live a better life.A.withB.inC.forD.by17.We have an art festival at 8 oclock the morning of Thursday.A.atB.inC.onD.in18.Millie is a good swimmer,and she can swim a fish.A.withB.byC.aboutD.likeACD19.Simon is a secretary.He works in an office.He writes letters his b

    22、oss.A.toB.atC.withD.for20.It is well known all people that Beijing is the capital of China.A.asB.inC.toD.for21.It was a real race time to get the project done.Luckily,we made it.A.overB.againstC.forD.byDCB22.All roads lead to Rome.The roads are just your feet.A.underB.inC.onD.up23.You must be carefu

    23、l falling stones.Lets go down this path.A.onB.ofC.inD.for24.Reading is a good way to spend the time on the plane.I never go travelling a book.A.withoutB.fromC.onD.aboutABA25.How does the old man go to the park?He sometimes goes to the park foot.A.inB.onC.forD.of26.Helen,would you like to go shopping

    24、 with us?What a pity!I am free every day today.A.againstB.besidesC.exceptD.amongBC命题点2 介词短语及固定搭配(10年5考)中考解读:中考解读:介词短语及固定搭配是河北中考的高频考点,主要在完形填空、单项选择和词语运用中考查。解题技巧:解题技巧:介词往往同其他词类形成了固定搭配关系,记住这种固定搭配关系,才能正确使用一些常用的介词短语。考生应熟记一些常见介词的固定搭配,可结合词汇册进行记背练习。考点透析考点透析1.常用介词短语(1)at 短语短语at first 起初;开始时 at last 最后at prese

    25、nt现在 at the moment此刻at the age of 在岁时(2013.28)at the same time 同时(2010.85)at the beginning of 在开始时(2)on短语短语on duty 值日 on sale出售;降价出售on time准时 on the way 在路上on the left/right在左边/右边(2011.53)(3)in短语短语in English用英语(2019.28)in all 总共 in danger 处于危险中in time 及时地 in common共同地in fact事实上 in general一般而言in need

    26、在危难中;在危急中in order整齐;井然有序 in public公开地in short总之 in silence沉默,无声地in surprise吃惊地 in total总共in trouble处于困境中 in turn轮流in a hurry匆忙地 in a word总之in the end 最后 in a minute 立刻;马上in the future在将来 in the past在过去in this way用这种方式 in other words换句话说in front of 在前面(指外部)in the front of在前部(指内部)2.介词与副词的搭配介词与副词的搭配at

    27、first首先 at last 最后at least至少(2012.54)at most最多 at once立刻;马上3.介词与形容词介词与形容词/过去分词的搭配过去分词的搭配(1)be+adj./v.-ed+from be absent from 缺席be different from 与不同(2011.29)be separated from 和分开(2)be+adj./v.-ed+aboutbe careful about 对小心be crazy about 对热衷be sorry about 对感到抱歉be sure about 对有把握be worried about 对担忧(3)b

    28、e+adj./v.-ed+atbe amazed at 对感到吃惊be clever at 在方面聪明be good at 在方面擅长be mad at 对愤怒be surprised at 对感到惊奇(4)be+adj./v.-ed+forbe famous/known/well-known for 因而著名be/get ready for 为做好准备be good for 对有好处be late for 迟到be sorry for 为感到遗憾be thankful for 对心存感激be thirsty for 渴望(5)be+adj./v.-ed+inbe different in 在

    29、方面不同be interested in 对感兴趣be poor in 缺乏,贫乏be successful in 在方面成功be weak in 在方面薄弱/差(6)be+adj./v.-ed+ofbe afraid of 害怕be certain/sure of对有把握be full of 充满be proud of 对感到自豪be short of 短缺be tired of 对感到厌倦(7)be+adj./v.-ed+tobe close to 接近,靠近be friendly to 对友好be good to 对好be kind to 对和蔼be nice to 对友好be poli

    30、te to 对有礼貌be related to 与有关be rude to 对粗鲁be similar to 与相似(8)be+adj./v.-ed+withbe angry with 对生气be busy with 忙于be careful with 小心be covered with 被覆盖be filled with 充满be satisfied/pleased with 对感到满意be patient with 对有耐心be strict with sb.对某人要求严格(更多其他介词短语及固定搭配见词汇册更多其他介词短语及固定搭配见词汇册)27.You should explain w

    31、hat you did instead keeping silent.A.forB.ofC.onD.in28.People often lit a fire to ask for help when they were in the old days.A.in troubleB.in personC.such asD.in publicBA考点测验考点测验29.Jerry is duty today.He needs to clean the blackboard and the classroom.A.inB.forC.onD.of30.Most of the wild animals ar

    32、e danger because of their bad living environment.So we must do something to save them.A.inB.onC.ofD.forCA词语运用31.I sometimes help my mother with the housework Saturdays.32.Excuse me.Could you tell me the way the nearest supermarket?33.The little boy was shy and he covered his eyes his hands.34.Accord

    33、ing the traffic rule,everyone in a car must wear the seat belt.35.My English teacher is always smiling to us.She is very patient us.on towith to with36.Jenny often goes to school foot,but today she takes the bus.37.our surprise,the dog found the way back home.38.Although Peter and Rick are brothers,

    34、they have little common.39.Jenny is really good drawing.It only takes her five minutes to draw a nice picture.40.Mr.Li is very strict us.He makes us do a lot of homework every day.onTo in at with41.Yiyang Qianxi is a member of TFBOYS.He was born November.42.Jennys parents are proud her because she s

    35、aved many peoples lives in the accident.43.We missed our train this morning because there was too much traffic the way to the railway station.44.If everyone cares more about others the future,the world will become a better place.45.Grace often gets nervous before she gives a speech public.inofoninin


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