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    第13课 八下 Modules5-6 2021年中考英语基础知识复习(ppt课件)(外研版).pptx

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    第13课 八下 Modules5-6 2021年中考英语基础知识复习(ppt课件)(外研版).pptx

    1、第一篇第一篇 中考语言基础知识中考语言基础知识第第1313课课 八八下下 Modules 56 56重点易错单词1._(adj.)幽默的2._(n.)脏乱;凌乱3._(n.)天国;天堂4._(v.)期盼;等待5._(n.)艺术家;画家6._(v.)发明;创造7._(adj.)私人的;个人的8._(v.)创造9._(v.)满足;使满意10._(n.)人11._(adj.)值钱的;有价值的12._(n.)活动13._(n.)结果;后果14._(n.)愉悦;快乐15._(v.)保护16._(prep.)对抗;反对17._(n.)成功;成就18._(n.)兴趣;爱好 humorous mess hea

    2、ven expect artist invent private create satisfy person valuable activity result pleasure protect against success interest 一词多义1._(n.)抄本;副本 (v.)抄写;复印;复制2._(n.)便条;笔记;纸币;音符 (v.)记录;记下3._(n.)(电影、运动等的)迷;风扇4._(adj.)自己的 (v.)拥有;有5._(n.)课;经验;教训;课业 (v.)给上课;教训;训斥6._(prep.)像;如同;作为;当作 (adv.)(比较时用)像一样;如同;(指事情以同样的方

    3、式发生)和一 样 (conj.)当时;随着;照方式;因为;由于 copy note fan own lesson as词形变换1.smart(adj.)_(比较级)更机灵的 _(最高级)最机灵的 _(近义词)聪明的2.please(v.)_(n.)高兴;满意 _(adj.)感到满意的;感到高兴的 _(adj.)令人愉快的3.hero(n.)_(pl.)英雄;男主角4.humour(n.)_(adj.)幽默的5.ugly(adj.)_(反义词)漂亮的;英俊的 _(比较级)更丑的 _(最高级)最丑的6.lead(v.)_(n.)领导7.art(n.)_(n.)艺术家;画家 smarter smar

    4、test clever/bright pleasure pleased pleasant heroes humorous handsome uglier ugliest leader artist 词形变换8.invent(v.)_(n.)发明家 _(n.)发明;发明物9.copy(n.)_(pl.)(一)本;(一)份10.create(v.)_(adj.)有创造性的11.satisfy(v.)_(adj.)感到满意的 _(adj.)令人满意的12.tidy(v.)_(adj.)干净的;整洁的13.shelf(n.)_(pl.)搁板;架子14.value(n.)_(adj.)有价值的15.in

    5、terest(n.)_(v.)使感兴趣 _(adj.)有趣的 _(adj.)感兴趣的16.sail(v.)_(n.)航海;航行 inventor invention copies creative satisfied satisfying tidy shelves valuable interest interesting interested sailing 中考词组短语1._ 更现代的2._ 飞过3._ 一个真英雄4._ 赢得某人的心5._ 一群;一组6._ 搞得一团糟7._ 从起8._ 私人世界9._ 使某人满意10._ 出版;出来;(花)开放 more modern fly throu

    6、gh a real hero win the heart of sb.a group of make a terrible mess ever since.private world satisfy e out中考词组短语11._ 苏醒过来12._ 受到的欢迎13._ 日报14._ 进来15._ 有点乱16._ 这么多17._ 英镑18._ 全年19._ 在某人一生中20._ 占据 come to life be popular with.daily newspaper come in a bit of a mess so many British pounds all over the ye

    7、ar in ones life take up中考词组短语21._ 种植蔬菜22._ 培养兴趣23._ 在夏令营24._ 鼓励某人做某事25._ 回来26._ 结果27._ 对感兴趣28._ 空闲时间29._ 对满意 grow vegetables develop an interest at a summer camp encourage sb.to do e back as a result be interested in.free time be satisfied with.中考句型回顾语法句型1.They always _ _ _ more Monkey King cartoons

    8、.他们一直期望看到更多的美猴王卡通片。2.He _ _ popular for over eighty years,ever _ the artist Herg _ him in 1929.自从艺术家艾尔热在1929年把他创作出来后,他已经流行 了八十多年。3.Hobbies can _ you _ as a person.爱好能助你成长。expect to see has been since invented make grow 中考句型回顾语法句型4._ hobbies are relaxing and _ are active.一些爱好是令人放松的,另一些则是让人活跃的。5._ _ _

    9、 the usual activities,such as _ and climbing,there was a writing class.除了像帆船运动和爬山这样常见的活动以外,还有一门写 作课程。Some others As well as sailing 中考句型回顾功能句型1.描述卡通人物:Snoopy lives in his _ _ world and finds real life hard _ _.史努比生活在他自己的私人世界里,他觉得现实生活难以理解。I _ _ _ when I watch them!当我观看时,我会情不自禁地大笑!He _ _ bad people.他坚

    10、持和坏人作战。He _ a group of monkeys _ the Emperor of Heaven and his men.他带领着一群猴子反抗玉皇大帝和他的手下。They _ very different,but both of them have _ the _ of young people all over the world.他们看上去不同,但他们都赢得了全世界年轻人的心。own private to understand cant help laughing keeps fighting leads against look won hearts 中考句型回顾功能句型2.

    11、描述爱好:My hobby _ _ as much as yours.我的爱好没有你们的这么费钱 People also collect things _ _ _ _ _ in their lives.人们也收集东西而只是为了记住他们生命中某些重要的事物。Many young people love his book,and _ _ _,David _ _ a successful young writer.很多年轻人喜欢他的书,戴维因此成为了一名成功的年轻作家。I _ some of my _ time playing volleyball _ my school team.我花一部分业余时

    12、间为校队打排球。doesnt cost just to remember something important as a result has become spend free for 一、as 1.prep.像;如同;作为;当作。如:You can use that glass as a vase.你可以把那个玻璃杯当作花瓶用。2.adv.(比较时用)像一样;如同;(指事情以同样的方式发生)和一样。如:Youre as tall as your father.你和你父亲一样高。3.conj.当时;随着;照方式;因为;由于。如:As she grew older she gained in

    13、 confidence.随着年龄的增长她的信心增强了。As you were out,I left a message.由于你不在,所以我留了一张字条儿。常用搭配:as+adj./adv.原级+as.和一样;not as/so+adj./adv.+as 不如那样;as much+不可数名词+as;as many+复数名词+as;as.as possible尽可能;as.as usual/before像平常/以前那样;as long as.只要(引导条件状语从句),长达之久,和一样长;as soon as.一就;as much as.高达;与一样多。填入适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Th

    14、is film is as interesting _ that one.2.This dictionary is not _ useful as you think.3.Youll succeed as long as you _(work)hard.4.Tom does homework as _(care)as Jim.5.Lucys Chinese is _ so good as yours.6.It took us as _ as three years to carry out the plan.7.He does badly at school and _ study so ha

    15、rd as his brother.8.Ill write to you as soon _ I get there.as as/so work carefully not long doesnt/does not as 二、keep 1.v.保持;保存;继续;保管。如:Im very sorry to keep you waiting.对不起,让你久等了。We huddled together to keep warm.我们挤在一起来保暖。Please keep these things for me while I am away.在我离开期间,请你替我保管这些东西。2.vt.培育;饲养。

    16、如:Ive brought you some eggs.We keep chickens.我给你带了些鸡蛋。我们养鸡。常用搭配:keep healthy 保持健康;keep quiet 保持安静;keep calm 保持镇静;keep(on)doing sth.继续,重复(做某事);keep sb./sth.from doing sth.阻止某人做某事;keep+sb./sth.+adj.保持(处于某种状态);keep+sb./sth.+v.-ing 让某人/某物一直;keep+sb./sth.+v.-ed 让某人/某物被;keep a record 保持纪录;keep apart 把分开;k

    17、eep back ones tears 忍住眼泪;keep in touch(with.)保持(与的)联系;keep.out(of)把关在外面;keep ones/an eye on 照看,密切注视;keep away(from)离开,不接近,戒除;keep in mind 牢记;keep ones word 遵守诺言;keep pace/step with.跟上的步伐;keep up with.与同步,跟上;keep a diary 写日记。填入适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Im sorry Ive kept you _(wait).2.The heavy snow kept us

    18、_ going out.3.Keep _(work)hard and you will succeed.4.Dont keep on _(ask)such silly questions.5.Running is good for us to keep _(health).6.Youd better keep the child _ from the fire.7.She kept her eyes _(shut)and stayed where she was.8.The heavy rain didnt keep them from _(watch)the football match.9

    19、.Remember to keep in touch _ me when you get there.10.Finally she _(keep)her promise to visit them.waiting from working asking healthy away shut watching with kept 三、expect vt.预料;盼望;认为。如:I expect to visit Beijing one day.我期盼有一天能够游览北京。常用搭配:expect to do sth.期望做某事;expect sb.to do sth.期望某 人做某事;expect+th

    20、at从句;“It is expected+that从句”,意为“预 计”。填入适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空。1.The girl expected her mother _(come)to life.2.What can we expect _ the future?3.My English teacher expects _ I can speak English well.4.Its _(expect)that the war will end soon.5._ is expected that he will join our team.6.He is badly ill,and i

    21、s not expected _(last)the night.7.Snow _(expect)by the weekend.8.We are _(expect)the letter to arrive.to come for that expected It to last is expected expecting 四、beat 1.v.敲打;跳动;打败。如:He beat me at chess.他下棋赢了我。2.n.(音乐)节拍。如:This type of music has a strong beat to it.这种音乐节奏感很强。beat,defeat与win1.beat意为“

    22、打败”,后接人或集体等。过去式:beat;过去分词:beaten。如:We beat their team by 10 points.我们赢了他们队10分。2.defeat和beat属一组近义词,它们的宾语必须是人或集体,如a team,a class,a school,an army等。defeat尤指在战场上打败敌人,beat是游戏、比 赛中的专门用词。两者常可互换。3.win意为“赢;获胜”。win的宾语通常是比赛、战争、奖品、金钱等名 词,即race,match,game,competition,war,prize之类的词。与win相对应的 为lose,意为“输掉;失去”。如:lose

    23、 the match输掉比赛。用beat,defeat或win的适当形式填空。1.Our team _ their team yesterday.2.In the end,he _ the game.3.They _ the battle but lost many men.4.The cute mouse always _ the cat!beats beat won won Daming,weve finished our homework.大明,我们做完作业了。Youve made as many mistakes as I have.你犯的错误和我犯的一样多。We watched Su

    24、perman yesterday.我们昨天观看了超人。.,but he climbs up buildings with his hands and feet.但是他用手和脚爬楼。1.以上三个句子用了三种不同的时态。第一句强调已犯错,故用“have made”现在完成时;第二句由yesterday可知是过去时间,故用 “watched”一般过去时;第三句强调的是蜘蛛侠自身所具备的一般技 能,故用“climbs”一般现在时。2.我们已经学过诸多时态,要想辨别清楚句子使用哪种时态,重在对句子 关键的时间状语的把握,如:yesterday,last week,last Sunday.(一般过 去时)

    25、;sometimes,usually,often,every day.(一般现在时);recently,ever since,since,in the past three years,just,already,yet,for.(现在完成 时);soon,next year,next Sunday,tomorrow.(一般将来时);now,at the moment,Its 7:00.(现在进行时);then,at that time,at 7:00 yesterday.(过去进行时)。温馨提示:温馨提示:有些词的现在进行时可表示一般将来时,主要用于表示按计划或安排要发生的动作,常有“意图”“

    26、安排”或“打算”的含义。能这样用的动词有:come,go,leave,return,stay,fly,get,move,arrive等。如:Im leaving tomorrow.我明天走。用所给词的适当形式填空。1.She usually _(play)the piano at 9 oclock every morning.2.I _(ask)my teacher for help tomorrow.3.He _(go)to Beijing last year.4.I have never _(be)to Hangzhou before.5.Listen!A girl _(sing).6.M

    27、y mother _(cook)at 5:30 yesterday afternoon.7.Tom is _(leave)for Tokyo next week.8.Keep working hard and you _(succeed).plays will ask went been is singing was cooking leaving will succeed 一、选词填空 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。1.Tom really needs to _ his room.What a mess!2.Lets put up some _ in the kitchen.

    28、3.I wont waste any more of your _ time.4.Marys favourite _ is visiting museums.5.Harrys been driving all morninghe _ be tired.must activity shelf tidy up value tidy up shelves valuable activity must 二、单词拼写1._(成功)isnt everything,you know.2.Who _(发明)the first electric clock?3.Their team _(打败)ours by a

    29、 large score yesterday.4.You wont be able to _(保守)it secret for ever.5.They were lucky to get a _(结果)on Saturday.6.I do not think much of her _(作为)a musician.7.I cant help _(发笑)when I see his funny action.8.You are _(预计;预料)to complete the work in April.9.My grandfather _(战斗)against the Fascists(法西斯分

    30、子)in Spain.10.Zhong Nanshan is one of the greatest _(英雄)in the world.Success invented beat keep result as laughing expected fought heroes 三、语法填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Once upon a time,an eagle(老鹰)was flying in the sky when he suddenly saw a beautiful hen.The eagle came near the hen and

    31、 said,“My pretty hen,I love you.Will you be 1 (I)wife?”The hen was scared,for the eagle was so strong.Her husband,the cock,had gone out to look for food,and her kids had gone away somewhere to play with other 2 (child).The hen quickly answered,“Im willing to be,but let me first grow wings like yours

    32、,so I can fly 3 high as you.”The eagle replied,“OK!This ring is for you as a sign of our betrothal(订婚).Tie it around your neck till I return.”The hen agreed 4 (do)so,and the eagle flew away.my children asto do When the cock met the hen the next day,he was very 5_(surprise)to see the ring around her

    33、neck.He said,“Where did you get that ring?Throw it away immediately.”The hen did this and the cock was cheerful again.But at the weekend,the eagle came 6 .The frightened hen hid herself behind her door,but the eagle soon found her out.Suddenly he cried,“Where 7 (be)the ring that I gave you?Why are y

    34、ou not wearing it?”The hen was very scared and said,“Forgive me!I lost it yesterday.I was walking in the garden when I met a large snake.I was 8 frightened that I ran fast.When I got home,I couldnt find it.”surprisedback/againisso The eagle looked at the hen 9 (angry)and said,“I dont believe you.You have hurt me.I will punish you.10 you dont marry me,I will snatch(抓)away all your chickens from you.But I will promise to forgive you only if you find my ring.Goodbye!”Ever since,all the hens in the world have been scratching(轻抓)the ground to find the eagles ring.angrily If


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