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    第10课 八上 Modules10-12 2021年中考英语基础知识复习(ppt课件)(外研版).pptx

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    第10课 八上 Modules10-12 2021年中考英语基础知识复习(ppt课件)(外研版).pptx

    1、第一篇第一篇 中考语言基础知识中考语言基础知识第第1010课课 八上八上 Modules 1012 1012重点易错单词1._(v.aux.)可能;也许2._(n.)温度3._(adj.)负的;零下的4._(n.)度;度数5._(conj.)然而;尽管6._(adv.)(某人或某事物)也不7._(adj.)使人烦恼的;可怕的8._(adv.)或许;可能9._(adv.)立刻;当即10._(v.)收受;接受11._(n.)月;月份12._(adj.)认真严肃的;不开玩笑的13._(n.)经历;经验14._(n.)肩;肩膀15._(adj.)破碎的might temperature minus d

    2、egree although neitherterrible probably immediately accept month serious experience shoulder broken 重点易错单词16._(adj.)医学的;医疗的17._(n.)问题;烦恼;困难18._(v.)警告;告诫19._(n.)窗;窗户20._(n.)筷子21._(v.)想象 medical trouble warn window chopstick imagine 一词多义1._(n.)(同类事物的)(一)套,(一)副,(一)组 (v.)设置;设定2._(v.)举起;抬起;提起 (n.)电梯3._(n

    3、.)滴 (v.)使落下;投下4._(n.)封面;盖子 (v.)包括;涉及;盖上5._(adj.)清楚的;明亮的;清澈的;不和接触的(v.)清除;清理;移走6._(n.)淋浴器;淋浴间;淋浴;阵雨 (v.)(洗)淋浴 set lift drop cover clear shower一词多义7._(adj.)厚的;浓的8._(prep.)减;减去 (n.)减号;负号 (adj.)负 的;零下的9._(n.)必须做的事;不可少的事物 (v.aux.)必须;应该10._(adj.)认真严肃的;不开玩笑的;严重的11._(n.)停留;逗留 (v.)停留;保持 thick minus must serio

    4、us stay词形变换1.cloud(n.)_(adj.)多云的2.shower(n.)_(adj.)多阵雨的3.snow(n./v.)_(adj.)多雪的4.storm(n.)_(adj.)有暴风雨的5.sun(n.)_(adj.)晴朗的6.wind(n.)_(adj.)多风的7.skate(v.)_(现在分词)溜冰8.thick(adj.)_(比较级)更厚的 _(最高级)最厚的 _(反义词)瘦的;薄的9.ice(n.)_(adj.)冰冷的10.rain(n.)_(adj.)多雨的 cloudy showery snowy stormy sunny windy skating thicker

    5、 thickest thin icy rainy 词形变换11.wet(adj.)_(比较级)更湿的 _(最高级)最湿的12.wish(v.)_(n.)希望;祝福13.probable(adj.)_(adv.)可能14.toy(n.)_(pl.)玩具15.surprise(n.)_(v.)使(某人)吃惊 _(adj.)感到惊讶的 _(adj.)令人惊讶的16.different(adj.)_(n.)不同点17.taste(v.)_(n.)味道 _(adj.)美味的18.sandwich(n.)_(pl.)三明治 wetter wettest wish probably toys surpris

    6、e surprised surprising difference taste tasty sandwiches 词形变换19.gentleman(n.)_(pl.)先生20.break(v.)_(adj.)破碎的21.bottom(n.)_(反义词)顶部22.wrong(adj.)_(反义词)对的;正确的23.harm(n./v.)_(adj.)有害的 _(adj.)无害的24.power(n.)_(adj.)强大的25.train(v.)_(n.)训练;培训26.under(prep.)_(反义词)在正上方27.help(n./v.)_(adj.)有帮助的 _(adj.)无助的 gentl

    7、emen broken top right harmful harmless powerful training over helpful helpless 中考词组短语1._ 相当多2._ 天气预报3._ 快点4._ 变得暖和5._ 变成金黄色6._ 在西北7._ 有时8._ 最好做某事9._ 急救10._ 基本医疗救助11._ 在底部12._ 发出声音 quite a lot weather forecast come on get warm turn gold in the northwest from time to time had better do sth.first aid b

    8、asic medical help at the bottom of.make a sound中考词组短语13._ 做某事有困难14._ 呼救15._ 抬起16._ 医疗培训17._ 确保18._ 用覆盖19._ 警告某人关于20._ 远离21._ 不和接触22._ 保持镇静23._ 当心;小心24._ 跑开25._ 总之 have trouble doing sth.shout for help lift up medical training make sure cover.with.warn sb.about.stay away from keep clear of keep calm

    9、be careful of run away in short中考词组短语26._ 生活方式27._ 在西方28._ 剪头发29._ 喝下午茶30._ 例如31._ 不仅而且32._ 排队33._ 等待34._ 拍某人肩膀35._ 挤着前行36._ 等待轮到某人37._ 迫不及待地想做某事 way of life in the West have ones hair cut have afternoon tea for example not just.but.stand in a line wait for touch sb.on the shoulder push ones way wai

    10、t ones turn cant wait to do sth.中考句型回顾语法句型1.It _ snow.可能会下雪。2.Its _ sunny and hot there.那里可能是晴天而且天气炎热。3.That _ be harmful!那可能有害!4.Thats _ good advice _ you could _ a doctor,Betty!这个建议非常好,贝蒂,你都可以当医生了!5.And you _ break _.你不可以打碎任何东西。6.You _ say Mr and Mrs _ you speak to older people.当你和年长的人说话时,你必须称呼先生和

    11、夫人。might probably could such that be mustnt anything must when 中考句型回顾语法句型7.You _ _ joking.你一定是在开玩笑。8.And youd _ _ have your hair _ during the Spring Festival month 在正月里,你最好不要剪头发。9.I _ think I _ open it now 我认为我不应该现在打开它。10.You _ _ stand in a line and wait your turn .你需要排队等侯。must be better not cut don

    12、t should need to 中考句型回顾功能句型1.谈论天气:Its between _ eight and minus two _!在零下8度到零下2度之间!It is not very cold _ it _ a lot,_ bring an _.天气不是很冷但经常下雨,所以要带一把伞。You _ _ _ in summer 你最好是夏天去。It is usually very hot and sunny _ _ other places.与其他地方相比,通常天气炎热,阳光明媚。The weather _ _,and the green _ start to turn gold,th

    13、en brown 天气变得比较凉爽,绿叶开始变黄,然后变成褐色。minus degrees but rains so umbrella had better go compared to gets cooler leaves 中考句型回顾功能句型2.风俗习惯:At school,you _ _ _ your hand _ you talk 在学校,你必须要在讲话前举起自己的手。At the dining table,you _ talk _ food in your mouth 在餐桌上你不能在满嘴都是食物的时候讲话。3.安全与急救:First of all,_ _ whats wrong _

    14、 him.首先,要查明他怎么了。_ him _.让他舒服些。_ _(that)hes warm.确保他不受凉。_ _ of fires 避开火源。must put up before cant with find out with Make comfortable Make sure Keep clear 一、clear 1.adj.清楚的;明亮的;清澈的;不和接触的;明白清楚的。如:Youll do as youre told,is that clear?叫你做什么你就去做什么,明白吗?The water was so clear that we could see the bottom o

    15、f the lake.湖水清澈见底。2.v.清除;清理;移走。如:Clear all those papers off the desk.把桌子上所有那些文件都拿走。常用搭配:keep clear of避开;clear away 扫除,消除;clear off 离开,逃离;clear out 清除,扫出;clear up(天气)转晴。填入适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空。1.It is a _(clear)and warmer day.2.He waited a moment and _(clear)his desk.3.Everyone kept clear _ the woods now

    16、because of the terrible snake.4.You will have _(clear)it with management.5.Thickly forested land have to _(clear)because the farmers need it.clearer cleared of to clear be cleared 二、set 1.vt.设置(布景,背景);放;置。如:She set a tray down on the table.她把托盘放到桌上。The novel is set in London in the 1960s.这部小说以20世纪60

    17、年代的伦敦为背景。过去式:set;过去分词:set。2.n.装备,设备;一套,一副,一组(类似的东西)。如:There must be one set of laws for the whole country.整个国家必须要有一套统一的法律。相关短语:set out 出发;set up 设立;set off出发,动身;set apart 使分开;set free 释放;set about(doing)sth.着手,开始;set down 放下;set aside 留出,不顾。填入适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空。1.They ate everything that _(set)in fron

    18、t of them.2.Do you know how to set about _(go)on with this work?3.What time are you planning to set _ tomorrow?4.He took the case out of her hand and _(set)it on the floor.5.The play _(set)in a small Midwestern town.6.This theatre is set _ for children.7.He has bought _ colour TV set of 18 inches.wa

    19、s set going off/out set is set up a 三、make vt.制造,做;使得。如:Wine is made from grapes.葡萄酒是用葡萄做的。She tried to make a good impression on the interviewer.她努力给主持面试者留个好印象。常用搭配:make sb./sth.+adj.使某人/某物;make sb.do sth.让某人 做某事;make宾语n.使、让某人/某物(成为);make a mistake犯错误;make noise吵闹,弄出噪声;make a promise答应,许 下诺言;make a

    20、 telephone call 打电话;make friends(with)(与)交朋友;make a contribution to贡献给,捐献;make a decision做出决 定;make faces做鬼脸;make a living谋生,维持生活;make fun of取笑,嘲笑;make it 约定时间,做到,按时到达;make money赚钱;make ones bed/make the bed铺床,收拾床铺;make sure确保,务必,弄清楚;make up ones mind(to do sth.)下定决心(做某事);make up弥补,构成,化妆,编造;be made

    21、of.由做成(看得出材料);be made from.由做成(看不出材料);be made up of.由组成;be made by.被制成;be made in.在制造;make a plan制订计划;make(good)use of(充分)利用。填入适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空。1.The funny story made him _(laugh).2.My English teacher tries to make her class _(wonder).3.The fishers make a _(live)by fishing.4.Dont make fun _ people w

    22、ho are in trouble.5.In the past,workers were often made _(work)over 12 hours.6.The desk _(make)of wood.7.That event made him _ famous man.8.The dumplings are made _ my grandmother.9.I have made up my mind _(learn)English well.10.Dont waste any time.You should make good use _ it.laugh wonderful livin

    23、g of to work is made a by to learn of 四、warn v.提醒注意(可能发生的事);使警惕;劝告(使有所防备);警 告;告诫。如:I tried to warn him,but he wouldnt listen.我设法提醒过他,可他就是不听。常用搭配:warn sb.about/of.提醒/警告某人;warn sb.(not)to do sth.警告某人(不要)做某事;warn sb.against sth./doing sth.警告某人不要做某事;warn(sb.)that.警告(某人)某事。填入适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Our teache

    24、r warned us _(not play)football on the street.2.He warned me _(stay)away from broken glass.3.The weather station warned _ a storm was coming.4.My mother often warns me _ safety.5.My father often warns me against _(play)computer games too much.not to play to stay that about playing 五、example n.实例;例证;

    25、例子;典型;范例;样品;榜样;楷模;模范。如:Can you give me an example of what you mean?你能给我举个实例来解释你的意思吗?for example与such as两者都可作“例如”讲。1.for example用来举例说明,所举的例子既可以是词组,也可以是句 子。如:For example,you must say Mr or Mrs when you meet someone for the first time.例如,当你第一次见到某人时你必须称呼先生或夫人。for example有时可作为插入语,不影响句子其他部分的语法关系。如:For exa

    26、mple,Judy can speak two languages.=Judy,for example,can speak two languages.=Judy can speak two languages,for example.比如,朱蒂会说两门语言。2.such as用来列举事物,放在被列举事物与前面的名词之间。如:The farm grows various kinds of crops,such as wheat,corn,cotton and rice.这个农场种植各种各样的庄稼,例如麦子、玉米、棉花和水稻。用for example或such as填空。1.Ball games

    27、,_,have spread around the world.2._,Tom is my good friend.3.I have some good friends,_ Tom,Kate and Jim.4.Some of the European languages come from Latin,_ French,Italian and Spanish.5.Betty works really hard,_.6.I like eating fruit,_ apples,bananas and pears.for example For example such as such as f

    28、or example such as 六、must v.aux.必须;应该。如:I must go to the bank and get some money.我得上银行取点儿钱。The light is still on,so he must be at home.灯还是亮的,他一定在家。(表推测)must,can,could,may与might它们都是情态动词,后面必须加动词的原形。could为can的过去式,might为may的过去式。1.must,can,could,may和might都可以表示推测。按照可能性大小进行 排序为:must(一定)can/may(也许;可能)could/

    29、might(也许;可能)cant(不可能)。如:You havent eaten anything since this morning.You must be hungry.今天早上开始你就没吃任何东西。你一定饿了。Even experienced teachers can/may make mistakes.即使有经验的老师都可能犯错。That cant be Mary.Shes in hospital.那不可能是玛丽。她在医院里。2.must表示“必须做某事”。如:You must drive on the left-hand side of the road in Britain.在英

    30、国,你必须靠左手边开车。must的否定形式有两种:(1)mustnt,表示“不准/禁止”。如:You mustnt break anything.It is bad luck!千万不要打破东西,这是不吉利的!(2)表示“不必”,用neednt/dont have to。如:Must I finish it today?我今天必须完成吗?No,you neednt./No,you dont have to.不,你不必。3.can有以下几种用法:(1)表示能力,意为“能够”。如:I can play the piano,but I cant play the guitar.我会弹钢琴,但我不会弹吉

    31、他。He could run very fast when he was young.他年轻时能跑得很快。could还可以表示委婉、客气的语气。如:Could you show me how to use the new camera?你能告诉我怎么使用这个新相机吗?(2)cant表示“不能;不许”,即不允许。如:You cant ride your bike on the pavement.你不可以在人行道上骑车。4.may表示许可或征求对方的许可,有“可以”的意思。如:You may go now.你现在可以走了。May I use your computer?我可以用一下你的电脑吗?回答

    32、以may开头的疑问句有如下表达法:May I smoke here?我可以在这儿抽烟吗?Yes,you may./Yes,please.请抽吧。/No,you cant./No,you mustnt./No,youd better not.请不要抽烟。用can,may或must的适当形式填空。1._ you lift this heavy box,Mike?2.You _ get to school late again!3._ I finish the work today?No,you dont have to.4._ I have a look at your licence pleas

    33、e,sir?5.It _ be Miss Wang.She has gone to Beijing.6.Jane _ be in the classroom.I saw her there just now.7.Accidents _ happen on rainy days.8.He _ play basketball when he was only five.Can mustnt Must May cant must may/might could The weather is fine all year round.一年到头天气都很好。What will the weather be

    34、like next week in Beijing?北京下周的天气怎么样?There will be rain.=It will be rainy.将有雨。1.询问现在的天气:A:Whats the weather like?=How is the weather?B1:Its sunny/windy/cold/wet/dry/.(形容词).B2:There is snow/rain/.(名词).B3:Its raining/snowing/.(现在进行时).2.询问将来的天气:A:What will the weather be like?B1:It will be snowy/.(形容词)

    35、.B2:It may/might be sunny/snowy/.(形容词).B3:There may be rain/wind/.(名词).A)填入适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Whats the weather _ in Beijing today?It is foggy.2.Its _(rain)heavily now,but the radio says it will be _ (sun)soon.3._ is the weather in Hangzhou today?Its _(cloud).B)用how或what填空。4._ is the weather like in

    36、 Hangzhou?5._ is the weather today?like raining sunny How cloudy What How 一、选词填空 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。1.Fruit juices can be _ to childrens teeth.2.This was my first _ of living with other people.3._ you have plenty of time to prepare for the new day ahead.4.After such a dry summer,its difficult to

    37、 _ what rain looks like.5.A dog barks at the brushwood gate,as someone gets home on a _ night.imagine harm experience snow make sure harmful experience Make sure imagine snowy 二、单词拼写1.My mother often _(警告)me not to walk home alone.2.Can anyone give me an _(例子)of a transitive verb?3.Accidents _(必须)be

    38、 reported to the safety officer.4.Its _(风大的)today.Why not fly kites this afternoon?5.The _(温度)of the water was just right for swimming.6.It was _(清楚的)to him that Tolkien was a literary genius.7.They met while they were _(制作)a film for Australian TV.8.Her face turned pale when she heard the _(可怕的)new

    39、s.9._(设置)the alarm for 7 oclock so that you can wake up on time.10._(尽管)in poor health,she continued to carry out her duties.warns example must windy temperature clear making terrible Set Although/Though 三、语法填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Justin is a 16-year-old boy.He is thinking about how

    40、1 (spend)his money during winter vacation.He 2 (save)up about 300 dollars already.He plans to buy 3 computer with his money but he also wants to go skating with his friends.He cant do both 4 he doesnt have enough money.What should Justin do?We are often in these kinds of situations.You want to see a

    41、 concert 5_ Saturday,but it is also your mothers birthday and you do not want to let 6_ (she)down.In this case,you dont have enough time to go to both 7_ (place).You must make a decision.You must think about 8_ to spendhas savedabecause/as/sinceonherplaceswhat/whichshould be done first.You must cons

    42、ider the following questions 9_ (serious).Which is more important?Which decision needs my attention more?Which choice would satisfy me more?After youve answered these questions,it may be much 10 (easy)for you to decide what to do.So the next time you must make a decision,remember to prioritise(优先考虑).seriouslyeasier


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