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    第2课 七上 Modules 1-5 2021年中考英语基础知识复习(ppt课件)(外研版).pptx

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    第2课 七上 Modules 1-5 2021年中考英语基础知识复习(ppt课件)(外研版).pptx

    1、第一篇第一篇 中考语言基础知识中考语言基础知识第第2 2课课 七上七上 Modules 15 15重点易错单词1.(n.)首都;省会2.(n.)女儿3.(n.)家;家庭4.(n.)男警察5.(n.)司机6.(n.)医生7.(num.)三十8.(num.)四十9.(num.)五十10.(adv.)真正地;非常11.(n.)世界12.(n.)建筑物13.(n.)图书馆14.(n.)操场15.(prep.)在后面16.(prep.)在之间17.(n.)蔬菜18.(adj.)健康的19.(adj.)美味的20.(adj.)重要的capitaldaughterfamilypoliceman driver

    2、doctorthirtyfortyfiftyreallyworldbuildinglibraryplaygroundbehindbetweenvegetable healthydeliciousimportant 重点易错单词21.(v.)记住;想起22.(n.)历史23.(adj.)困难的;难懂的24.(n.)科目25.(conj.)因为26.(adj.)有趣的27.(n.)分钟28.(pron.)大家;每人29.(n.)土豆rememberhistorydifficultsubjectbecauseinteresting minuteeveryone potato一词多义1.(n.)首都;

    3、省会;大写字母2.(n.)权利;右边 (adj.)正确的;右边的;合适的;恰 当的 (int.)好了(用于变换话题或活动);是的;好3.(v.)逛商店;购物 (n.)商店4.(n.)水 (v.)浇水5.(adj.)最近的;最后的 (adv.)最后地 (v.)持续6.(n.)饮料 (v.)喝7.(n.)牛奶 (v.)挤奶8.(n.)种类 (adj.)善良的;友好的9.(n.)鱼;鱼肉 (v.)钓鱼;捕鱼capitalrightshopwaterlastdrinkmilkkindfish一词多义10.(adv.)过;经过 (n.)过去;昔日 (prep.)晚于,过 (几点);经过某处11.(n.)

    4、学习;工作;事情;作品 (v.)工作;(机器、器 官等)运转;活动12.(n.)课间休息 (v.)打破(断,碎);损坏;撕开13.(v.)看;观看 (n.)手表14.(adv.)好地 (n.)井;油井 (adj.)(身体)健康的 (int.)好啦;唉15.(n.)脸;正面;面容 (v.)面对;承认pastworkbreakwatchwellface词形变换1.China(n.)(adj.)中国的;中国人的 (n.)中国人2.America(n.)(n.)美国人;美洲人 (adj.)美国的;美洲的3.big(adj.)(反义词)小的4.first(adv.)(反义词)最后;最末5.bad(adj

    5、.)(反义词)好的 (比较级)更坏的 (最高级)最坏的6.brother(n.)(对应词)姐;妹7.son(n.)(对应词)女儿8.family(n.)(pl.)家;家庭9.child(n.)(pl.)小孩;儿童 ChineseChineseAmerican Americansmalllastgoodworseworstsisterdaughterfamilies children词形变换10.photo(n.)(pl.)照片;相片11.they(pron.)(形容词性物主代词)他们的 (名词性物主代词)他们的 (宾格)他们 (反身代词)他们自己12.left(n.)(反义词)右边13.wom

    6、an(n.)(pl.)成年女子;妇女14.husband(n.)(对应词)妻子15.tooth(n.)(pl.)牙齿16.bus(n.)(pl.)公共汽车17.drive(v.)(n.)司机photostheirtheirsthemthemselvesrightwomenwifeteethbuses driver词形变换18.difficult(adj.)(n.)困难 (反义词)容易的 (近义词)困难的 (比较级)更困难的 (最高级)最困难的19.forty(num.)(序数词)第四十20.busy(adj.)(反义词)空闲的 (n.)商业;生意21.library(n.)(pl.)图书馆22

    7、.important(adj.)(n.)重要性23.tomato(n.)(pl.)西红柿24.shop(v.)(n.)商店 (动名词)购物difficultyeasy hardmore difficult most difficultfortiethfreebusinesslibrariesimportancetomatoesshopshopping词形变换24.shop(v.)(n.)商店 (动名词)购物25.have(v.)(第三人称单数一般现在式)有26.healthy(adj.)(反义词)不健康的 (adv.)健康地 (n.)健康27.buy(v.)(反义词)卖28.interesti

    8、ng(adj.)(v.)使感兴趣 (n.)兴趣 (反义词)无聊的shopshopping hasunhealthy healthilyhealthsellinterestinterestboring中考词组短语1.来自2.十二岁3.在一班4.看书5.姓6.名7.打篮球8.一名工厂经理9.在医院10.在大学11.一张的照片12.讲台13.在前面14.在旁边15.看16.因感谢某人17.家谱18.在某人家里19.在左边/右边20.多少21.在的中间22.在和之间23.擅长24.和某人谈话25.起床26.看电视be/come fromtwelve years oldin Class Oneread

    9、booksfamily/last namegiven/first nameplay basketballa factory managerat the hospitalin a universitya photo of.teachers deskin front of.next to.look atthank sb.for.family treein ones familyon the left/righthow manyin the middle of.between.and.be good attalk to sb.get upwatch TV中考句型回顾语法句型1.your grandp

    10、arents?这些是你爷爷奶奶吗?Yes,are.是的,他们是。2.this?这是谁?my dad.那是我爸。3.are Pauls son and daughter.那些是保罗的儿子和女儿。puters on everyones desk?大家的桌子上有电脑吗?Yes,there are./No,there .是的,有。/不,没有。ArethesetheyWhosThatsThoseAretherearent中考句型回顾语法句型5.a map of the world?有一幅世界地图吗?Yes,there is./No,there .是的,有。/不,没有。6.students _ there

    11、 in your class?你班有几个学生?There thirty students in my class.我班有三十个学生。7.we got any chocolate?我们有巧克力吗?,we have./No,we .是的,我们有。/不,我们没有。IsthereisntHowmanyareHaveYeshaventare中考句型回顾语法句型8.you like maths,Tony?托尼,你喜欢数学吗?Yes,I .是的,我喜欢。9.We have art and history,but we have maths 我们上美术课和历史课,但是不上数学课。10.we have on F

    12、riday?周五我们上什么课?DododontWhat lessonsdo中考句型回顾功能句型关于购物:1.Tony,go shopping food and drink.托尼,让我们去买些食物和饮料吧。2.fruit?什么种类的水果?3.about tea?买些茶怎么样?表达想法和感情:1.is important remember.记住很重要。2.Its big.它非常大。3.big family!好大的一个家庭啊!询问时间:What is it?/Whats time?几点了?Its twenty one.一点二十。letsforWhatkindofHow/WhatsomeIt tore

    13、allyWhatatime thepast一、kind 1.n.同类的人(或事物);种类。如:What kind of house do you live in?你住的房子是哪一种?2.adj.体贴的;慈祥的;友好的;善良的。如:It was really kind of you to help me.你帮我的忙,我太感激了。常用搭配:all kinds of各种各样的;many kinds of许多种类的;a kind of一 种;different kinds of不同种类的;be kind to善待。相关变形:kindly(adv.)体贴地;慈祥地;友好地;宽容地。kindness (n

    14、.)仁慈;善良;善举。a kind of与kind of(1)a kind of意为“一种”。如:A whale is a kind of mammal.鲸是一种哺乳动物。(2)kind of意为“有点”。如:Im kind of hungry.Id like to eat something.我有些饿了。我想要吃点东西。填入适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空。1.He has (kind)agreed to help me.2.Im kind tired and I want to have a rest.3.I had kind of feeling that this might happ

    15、en.4.I shall always remember your (kind)to me.5.He makes his living by doing all (kind)of jobs.6.It is very important to be kind ourselves and control ourselves by keeping our balance.kindlyof a kindnesskindsto二、last 1.adj.最后的;上一个的。如:We caught the last bus home in the end.最后我们赶上了回家的末班公共汽车。The last t

    16、ime I saw him was in May.我上次见到他是在五月份。2.v.持续。如:The meeting lasted only a few minutes.会议只开了几分钟。相关搭配:at last 最后,终于;last year 去年;last but not least 最后但并非最不重要的。根据句意,在横线上填入适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Usually each game (last)about an hour.2.last,he promised to take care of my little cat.3.I (go)to Beijing with my p

    17、arents last year.4.He is last one to arrive at the airport.5.The meeting tomorrow (last)three hours.lastsAtwentthe will last三、face 1.n.脸;面孔。如:You should have seen the look on her face when I told her!我告诉她的时候你真该看看她的脸色!2.v.面对;面向。如:Which direction are you facing?你面朝哪个方向?常用搭配:make faces做鬼脸;face to face(

    18、with)面对面;in the face of面对;lose face丢面子;be faced with面临;save face保全面子。填入适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空。1.They are all faced the same problem.2.He stood face face with her.3.He showed great bravery in the face danger.4.From then on,he never made any (face)in class.withtooffaces四、talk 1.v.说话;讲话;谈话;讨论;谈论。如:We talked

    19、on the phone for over an hour.我们在电话里谈了一个多小时。2.n.交谈;谈话;(专题)报告;演讲。如:I had to have a heart-to-heart talk with her.我得推心置腹地和她谈一谈。say,speak,talk与tell1.say一般作及物动词用,着重说话的内容,它的宾语可以是名词、代 词或宾语从句。如:He can say his name.他会说他的名字。(名词作宾语)Please say it in English.请用英语说。(代词作宾语)He always says that he will study hard,bu

    20、t he doesnt.他总说要努力学习,但并没有。(宾语从句)常用搭配:say to sb.(后跟引语)对某人说;say it again(后常跟it)再说一遍;say sth.to sb.对某人说某事。2.speak强调说的动作,不强调所说的内容。(1)作及物动词时,常以某种语言作宾语。如:speak English 说英语。(2)作不及物动词时,常见的搭配形式有:speak of sth./sb.谈到某事/某人;speak to sb.跟某人讲话。(3)此外,speak 还可用于在较为正式场合的演讲或演说。如:He spoke at the meeting yesterday.他昨天在会

    21、上讲了话。常用搭配:speak at the meeting 在会上发言;learn to speak.学说;speak to sb.about sth.跟某人讲有关某事(物)。3.talk一般作不及物动词,意为“交谈;谈话”,着重强调两者之间的相 互说话。如:She is talking with Lucy in English.她正在和露西用英语交谈。What are you talking about?你们在谈论什么?常用搭配:talk about sth.谈论某事;talk with sb.和某人交谈;talk to sb./talk to sb.about sth.和某人谈话(非正式

    22、的)/就某事和某人谈。4.tell常作及物动词,意为“讲述;告诉”,后常跟双宾语。如:He is telling the children a story.他正在给孩子们讲一个故事。Did you tell her the news?Did you tell the news to her?你把这个消息告诉她了吗?常用搭配:tell sb.(not)to do sth.叫某人(不要)做某事;tell sb.about sth.告诉某人关于某事;tell the time 报时;tell a story 讲故事;tell sb.sth./tell sth.to sb.告诉某人某事/把某事告诉某人

    23、。用speak,say,talk或tell的适当形式填空1.Dont in class.2.Can you me a story?3.I can a little English.4.Can you it in English?5.He is talking his mother.6.Mary likes to her friends on Sundays.7.I have to leave now and goodbye to you.8.My grandfather always stories to me when I was young.9.I passed her some coff

    24、ee,but she that she didnt like it.10.The English teacher us to English in class as much as possible.talktellspeaksaywith/totalking saytoldsaidtoldspeak五、because conj.因为。如:Just because I dont complain,people think Im satisfied.就因为我不发牢骚,大家便以为我满意了。because与because of 两者都意为“因为;由于”,但用法有别:1.because是连词,引导原因

    25、状语从句。回答why引导的问句时,用 because+原因状语从句回答。如:He is called Mitch,because his name is Mitchell.人们叫他米奇,因为他大名叫米切尔。Why is she absent?她为什么缺席?Because she is sick.因为她病了。注意:在一个句子中,不能同时使用because和so(因此;所以)。2.because of是复合介词,其后接名词、动名词、代词或what引导的名 词性从句。如:Mr Li didnt go to work because of his illness.由于生病,李先生没去上班。(接名词)W

    26、e said nothing about it because of his fathers being there.因为他父亲在那儿,我们对此只字未提。(接动名词)He is here because of you.他为你而来这里。(接代词宾格)He knew she was crying because of what he had said.他知道她哭是因为他说的话。(接what引导的名词性从句)根据句意,用because,because of或so完成下列句子。1.Tom didnt go to school his illness.=Tom didnt go to school he

    27、 was ill.2.The sports meeting had to be put off the bad weather.=The sports meeting had to be put off the weather was bad.=The weather was bad,the sports meeting had to be put off.because ofbecausebecause of becauseso一、There are thirty students in my class.在我的班里有30个学生。例句展示的为There be句型。There be句型是表示“

    28、存在”的一种基本表 达方式,其句型结构通常为There be+sb./sth.+somewhere/doing sth.。使用 There be句型要注意以下事项:1.在There be引导的句子中,当有两个或两个以上的名词作并列主语时,be动词的单复数形式和第一个名词保持一致(就近原则)。如:There are some books and a pencil box in my bag.=There is a pencil box and some books in my bag.我包里有一些书和一个铅笔盒。2.在There be句型中,除be之外,某些表示存在概念的不及物动词也可以用 于这

    29、种句型。这些动词大致是live,come,stand,lie等。如:There once lived an old fisherman near the sea.从前在海边住着一位老渔夫。3.根据需要,我们可在There与be之间用上适当的情态动词,如will,may must,can,should等,构成There will/may/must/can be.等。如:There will be an interesting talk on English next week.下个星期有个关于英语方面的有趣报告。4.There be句型的各种句式举例。如:Is there any water i

    30、n the fridge?冰箱里有水吗?(一般疑问句)There are not any students in the classroom.教室里没有学生。(否定句)Whats in the bag?包里有什么?(特殊疑问句)There is an apple and some pears.有一个苹果和一些梨。(肯定句)There is a cup on the table,isnt there?桌上有个杯子,是吗?(反意疑问句)There be句型与have两者都表示汉语中的“有”。但是在用法上有区别:There be句型表示“某处(某时)有某物”;而have则表示“某人或某物拥有某物”,

    31、强调主语和宾语的所属关系。如:There are quite a few pine trees on the campus.校园里有许多松树。We have ten copies,but we shall need more.我们有10册,但是我们还需要更多。温馨提示:温馨提示:There be句型没有语态形式,但是却有比较复杂的时态形式。如:There is some apple juice in the bottle.瓶子里有些苹果汁。(一般现在时)There was a football match in our school yesterday.昨天我们学校有一场足球赛。(一般过去时)

    32、There will be a class meeting this afternoon.今天下午有个班会。(一般将来时)There are going to be two English parties next week.下周有两场英语聚会。(一般将来时)There have been great changes in China in the past twenty years.在过去20年里中国发生了巨大变化。(现在完成时)填入适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空。1.Then came a knock at the door.2.There must something wrong wi

    33、th the computer.3.There two bottles and a bowl on the table.4.There going (be)a meeting tonight.5.Once upon a time,there (live)a king in China.6.There (not)been any rain for a week.7.There (not)a meeting yesterday.8.there a cake on the table?9.How many students are in your school?10.There are a lot

    34、of letters in the mailbox,there?therebe areisto be livedhasntwasnt/was notIstherearent二、Weve got lots of apples.我们有许多苹果。have/has got表示“有”,主语为第三人称单数时用has got,主语为第 一、二人称以及第三人称复数时用have got。如:I have got a brother and a sister.我有一个兄弟和一个姐妹。She has got a nice dress.她有一条漂亮的裙子。Have you got a pen?你有一支钢笔吗?Yes,

    35、I have./No,I havent.是的,我有。/不,我没有。Has he got a bike?他有一辆自行车吗?填入适当的词或用所给词的适当形式填空。1.I (have)got a son.2.He (have)got a pencil.3.They (not)got any apples.4.(have)you got any books?Yes,I ./No,I .havehashavent Havehavehavent一、选词填空 用方框中所给词语的适当形式填空。每词限用一次。1.Most of my classmates China,but Mary is from Ameri

    36、ca.2.Twenty and thirty is .3.Betty is in a school in China.4.There are two in my school.5.Beans,and carrots are vegetables.fifty potato middle library come from come fromfiftymiddlelibrariespotatoes二、单词拼写1.To keep (健康的),youd better not stay up.2.There are (四十)students in my class.3.Anna was the (最后的

    37、)person to see him alive.4.English people love to (谈论)about the weather.5.Those are my two brothers,and thats me in the (中间).6.Her (脸)was white with fear when she found a bear behind her.7.In my grandpas garden,there are many lovely (西红柿).8.By the time she went to the (医院),the pain was really bad.9.

    38、I decided to go with them,mainly (因为)I had nothing better to do.10.Its important to (记住)several words every day when you learn English.healthyfortylasttalkmiddlefacetomatoeshospital becauseremember三、语法填空 阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。It was our schools yearly dancing show.I 1 (be)excited that

    39、I was chosen by the teacher this time although I didnt have any experience of dancing for a show.I would dance in front of all the students and 2_ (teacher).It made me very proud.However,I was a bit sad 3 my father had no time to watch me dance.He 4 (invite)to have a business meeting.I knew that my

    40、father would surely come to my show if he could.5 _ (lucky),my mother and my elder sister were still coming to watch my show.wasteachersbecause/since/aswas invitedLuckily 6 the beginning of the day,I was very nervous.After changing into the dress and getting my makeup done,I felt 7 (relax).Then I we

    41、nt onto the stage bravely.I was very glad to see my mother and sister sitting in 8 second row.Just before the lights turned dark,I saw my father rush into the hall and take the seat beside my mother.9 a pleasant surprise it was!The sight of my father made 10 (I)smile.I began dancing confidently.Soon after the show,my family came backstage to congratulate me.I was so happy and lucky to have my familys support.Atrelaxed theWhatme


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