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    人教版七年级上册《英语》Starter Unit1-Unit5 单元复习ppt课件(共36张PPT).ppt

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    人教版七年级上册《英语》Starter Unit1-Unit5 单元复习ppt课件(共36张PPT).ppt

    1、初中英语人教版七上Starter Unit1-Unit5单元复习课件Aa Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz/i:/Bb Cc Dd Ee Gg Pp Tt Vv Zz 字 母 按 元 音 因 素 分 类 表/e/Aa Hh Jj Kk/a:/Rr/Oo/u:/Qq Uu Ww /a/Ii Yy/e/Ff Ll Mm Nn Ss Xx Zzad广告 g克 kg千克 S小号 M中号 L大号 mg毫克 m米 cm厘米 mm毫米 ml毫升 a.m.上午 p.m.下午 IQ智商 EQ情商

    2、UK英国 USA美国 UN联合国 HK香港 PRC中华人民共和国 A.D.公元 B.C.公元前 W.C.洗手间 MTV音乐电视 DJ音乐节目主持人 CCTV中国中央电视台 P停车 OK好吧 ID身份 HB硬黑 CD光盘 P.E.体育 UFO不明飞行物 ABC基础知识 PC个人电脑 TV电视 IT信息技术 SARS非典型性肺炎 NBA美国篮球联赛 CBA中国篮球协会 BBC英国广播公司 WTO世贸组织 SOS国际求救信号 WHO世界卫生组织一、问 候 1.Hello!/Hi!2.Good morning/afternoon/evening!3.How are you?Im fine/well/O

    3、K.4.How do you do?5.Nice to meet you!二、询问姓名 Whats your name?Im .Whats her English name?Whats his first/last name?Whats your family/given name?Lee Black White Green Brown Smith KingGiven names(first names)Boys names:Dale Eric Jack Mike Tom Alan David John Frank Bob Tony Bill Paul Mark Ben PeterGirls

    4、names:Cindy Grace Gina Anna Alice Helen Linda Mary Sally Nancy Maria Rose Tina Jenny EmmaFamily names(last names)三、询问年龄 -How old are you?(=)Whats your age?-Im 13 years old.-How old is he/she?(=)Whats his/her age?-He/She is 13 years old.四、询问电话号码 -What is your telephone number?-My telephone number is/

    5、It is-What is his/her telephone number?-His/Her telephone number is/It is第一单数第二单、复第三单数(三单)第一复数第三复数人称代词 我你/你们他她它我们他们主格Iyouhesheitwethey宾格meyouhimheritusthem物主代词 我的你的/你们的他的她的它的我们的他们的形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritsourtheir名词性物主代词mineyourshishersitsourstheirs1.英译汉 有“的”是物主代词,无“的”是人称代词。2.放动词前,作主语人称代词主格。放动词或介词后,作宾

    6、语 人称代词宾格。3.后面不加名词,起名词作用名词性物主代词。后面有名词,起形容词作用 形容词性的物主代词。要点:一、适当形式填空1.Whats _name?(you/your)_ name is Bob.(I)2._ erasers are in _drawer.(she)3.Can _(you)do _(you)homework?4._ is a cat._ name is Mimi.(It)5._ brother can speak Japanese.(He)6.Please take _ keys to school._ are on the table.(they)7._ is th

    7、irteen years old._ birthday is March 1st.(He)8._ favorite vegetable is tomato.(She)9.Can you help _?(we)Please take_ to school.(they)10._ cant see _baseball.Its behind _.(I)Answers:1.your,My 2.Her,her 3.you,your 4.It,Its 5.His 6.their,They 7.He,His 8.Her 9.us,them 10.I,my,me三、完成句子Answers:1.It,it 2.T

    8、hey 3.she 4.They 5.he 6.I 7.She 8.They,them 9.them 10.them1.A:Whats this/that?B:_ is a dresser.A:How do you spell _,please?B:D-R-E-S-S-E-R.2.A:What are these/those?B:_ are tomatoes.3.A:Does Cindy like salad?B:No,_doesnt.4.A:How much are his shoes?B:_ are 100 dollars.5.A:Is Alan your friend?B:Yes,_ i

    9、s.6.A:Do you have a soccer ball?B:Yes,_do.7.A:Who is that girl?B:_ is Jacks sister.8.This is David and this is Tim._are our friends.We often help _.9.Those are strawberries.Sally likes _.10.The pants are nice.Ill take _.grandparentsfather+motheruncle+auntcousin son/daughter(brother sister)grandchild

    10、ren-How many people are there in your family?-There are 4 people in my family.-Is he/she your father/mother?-Yes,he/she is./No,he/she isnt.-Are they your parents?-Yes,they are./No,they arent.-Who is he?-He is my father.-Who is she?-She is my mother.-Who are they?-They are my parents.询问家庭 1.为.而感谢 2.因

    11、为某人做了某事 而表示感谢3.的图画 4.的照片 5.全家福照片6.一张我的全家福照片7.我的朋友 8.一个猫的名字 9.家谱 10.看 11.我的一个朋友12.Dave和 Lucy的哥哥13.谈谈这幅画1.thanks for 2.thank sb.for doing sth.3.a picture of 4.a photo of 5.family photo6.a photo of my family7.my friend 8.the name of a cat9.family tree10.look at 11.a friend of mine12.Dave and Lucys brot

    12、her13.talk about this picture 1.这是我的狗.2.这是Emma的家庭.3.那是我的哥哥Tony.4.看,这是Alice的家庭照。5.那些是我的父母.6.这些是我的祖父母.7.这些是我的朋友,汤姆和莉莉.8.那些是我的表姐妹。This is my dog.This is Emmas family.That is my brother,Tony.Look,this is Alices family photo.Those are my parents.These are my grandparents.These are my friends,Tom and Lily

    13、.Those are my cousins.pen ball-pen pencil rulerpencil box book eraser notebook schoolbag=backpack dictionary ID cards(an ID card)-What is this/that?-It is a pencil.-What are these/those?-Theyre pencils.询问事物 -Whats this/that(in English)?-Its an eraser.-Can you spell it?-Yes,E-R-A-S-E-R,eraser.-Where

    14、is my eraser?-Its in the pencil case.-Is this/that your pencil?-Yes,it is./No,it isnt.-Are these/those your pencils?-Yes,they are./No,they arent.1.你的书包2.她的字典3.他的卷笔刀 4.电脑游戏5.失物招领 6.在失物招领处7.校牌 8.第二中学 9.给Mary打电话 10.一串钥匙 11.请打我的电话315.12.在学校图书馆your schoolbagher dictionaryhis pencil sharpenercomputer game

    15、sLost and Foundin the lost and found caseschool ID cardsNo.2 Middle Schoolcall Marya set of keysPlease call me at 315.in the school library1.-这是你的铅笔吗?-是的,它是。3.-那是Tim的书吗?-不,它不是。4.你怎样拼写它?5.-谢谢你.-不用谢.-Is this your pencil?-Yes,it is.-Is that Tims book?-No,it isnt.How do you spell it?-Thank you.-Thats al

    16、l right./Thats OK./Youre welcome.不可数名词(1)定义:是指表示不能计数的事物的名词。(2)不可数名词前只能用数量词来修饰它。如a box of milk,a piece of bread(3)不可数名词没有复数形式。可数名词(1)定义:是可以计数的名词。(2)可数名词前可以用 具体的数字修饰它。如 a,an,one,two,three (3)可数名词有复数形式。1.一般情况下在名词后加s。(“元音字母+y”结尾的名词,直接加 s.)car carsboy boys2.以辅音字母+y 结尾的名词,变y为i再加es。family families3.以s,x,ch

    17、,sh结尾的名词加es。class classes4.以o结尾的名词(有生命)加 es,(无生命)加 s。hero heroes,potato potatoes,tomato tomatoes5.以f或fe结尾的名词,变f或fe为v再加es。wife wives名词单数变复数的变化规则:将下列句子单复数形式互换1.This is a bus.2.They are my sisters.3.Those are my friends.4.Are these apples?5.The girl likes salad.6.We are students.7.A photo is on the wal

    18、l.8.Is that your cousin?9.Shes a sport star.10.There is a book on my desk.1.These are buses.2.She is my sister.3.That is my friend.4.Is this an apple?5.The girls like salad.6.I am a student.7.Photos are on the wall.8.Are those your cousins?9.Theyre sports stars.10.There are some books on my desk.onb

    19、ehindundernext to=nearbetweenin front of1.在双肩背包里 2.在海伦的椅子上 3.在桌子下面 4.在书柜后面 5.一些东西6.把你的笔记带到学校来 7.一幅中国地图 8.在学校9.在床和沙发之间 10.我不知道.1.in the backpack2.on Helens chair3.under the table4.behind the bookcase5.some things6.bring your notebook to school7.a map of china8.at school9.between the bed and the sofa1

    20、0.I dont know.11.你能把一些东西带到学校来吗?Can you bring some things to school?12.我需要我的帽子.I need my hat.13.你会踢足球吗?是的,我会.Can you play soccer?Yes,I can.14.这是我的房间.Here is my room.15.那些是我的唱片.Those are my CDs.16.我的棒球在床下面的地板上.My baseball is on the floor under the bed.根据答语或问句,补全对话.A:B:His phone number is 3435871.A:Wha

    21、ts twelve and three?B:A:B:Her family name is Brown.A:B:My first name is Lisa.A:B:Yes,they are my drums.A:B:No,Bobs shorts arent in the dresser.A:What is his phone number?B:A:B:It is fifteen.A:What is her family name?B:A:What is your first name?B:A:Are they your drums?B:A:Are Bobs shorts in the dress

    22、er?B:1.网球拍 2.踢足球 3.打排球 4.打电脑游戏 5.戴帽子的男孩 6.穿红衣服的女孩 7.有许多俱乐部 8.在早晨 9.在下午tennis batsplay soccerplay volleyballplay computer gamesthe boy in a hatthe girl in red have many clubsin the morningin the afternoon 10.吃早饭 11.看电视 12.做运动 13.体育俱乐部 14.英语俱乐部 15.一个大型的体育用品收集 16.九个棒球 17.欢迎来到某地have breakfastwatch TVpla

    23、y sports/do sportssports clubEnglish cluba great sports collectionnine baseballswelcome to+地点 18.树上有许多苹果.19.我有一台电视.20.他有一些好朋友.21.他们没有许多体育用品.22.你有网球拍吗?There are many apples on the tree.I have a TV.He has some good friends.They dont have many sports things.Do you have a tennis bat?23.他有一个黄色的帽子吗?24.是的,

    24、他有。25.吉娜有一幅全家福照片吗?26.不,她没有。27.我的妹妹没有铅笔盒.Does he have a yellow hat?Does Gina have a family photo?Yes,he does.No,she doesnt.My sister doesnt have a pencil case.28.让我们一起打篮球吧.29.听起来不错.30.让我们一起看电视吧.31.听起来很无聊.32.他每天做运动.Lets play basketball.Lets watch TV.That sounds good.That sounds boring.He plays sports every day.


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