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    《 商务英语阅读(第1册 )》课件Unit 5-Employees.ppt

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    《 商务英语阅读(第1册 )》课件Unit 5-Employees.ppt

    1、商务英语阅读商务英语阅读1 1Unit 5 EmployeesContents 2.Text B 1.Text A 4.Reading Skills 3.Cultural TourLead-in Discussion1.Do you know you own strengths and weaknesses?What are they?Lead-in Discussion2.Do you have an experience that praise from your parents,teachers or friends motivated you to do things well?Lea

    2、d-in Discussion3.Which kind of leaders do you like,someone who can let you work on your strengths or someone who always asks you to improve on your weaknesses?Why?Structural AnalysisPara.Main TopicsPara.1-6The study shows that focusing on employees strengths makes good business sense in terms of six

    3、 outcomes.Para.7-12Five suggestions on how corporations can optimize employees strengths positivity and reach high level performance increases.Structural AnalysisPara.Main TopicsPara.13Conclusion:focusing energy on improving employees strengths reaps high returns,as employees and organizations that

    4、involve strengths as a strategy tend to realize significantly positive business results.Part I Words and Expressionsentail(Para.1)vt.to involve something as a necessary part or result 使必要;需要使必要;需要Some foreign travel is entailed in the job.做这份工作有时要到国外出差。做这份工作有时要到国外出差。enrich(Para.4)vt.to make better o

    5、r improve quality 充实,丰富充实,丰富International students enrich classrooms and communities with their ideas,perspectives,and cultures.国际学生带来的看法、视角和文化丰富了我们的国际学生带来的看法、视角和文化丰富了我们的课堂和社区。课堂和社区。turnover(Para.5)n.the rate at which people leave and are replaced in an organization or place.人员流动率人员流动率Short-term con

    6、tracts increase staff turnover.短期合同会增加员工的流动率。短期合同会增加员工的流动率。initiative(Para.7)N-UNCOUNTIfyouhaveinitiative,youhavetheabilitytodecidewhattodonextandtodoit,withoutneedingotherpeopletotellyouwhattodo.主动性Shewasdisappointedbyhislackofinitiative.她对他缺乏主动性感到失望。Part II Words and Expressionson board(Para.9)to

    7、support and agree with 支持的,赞同的支持的,赞同的We were able to keep some moderate and conservative Democrats on board.我们能够继续使一些温和保守的民主党议员支持我们能够继续使一些温和保守的民主党议员支持我们。我们。Part II Words and Expressionsplummet(Para.9)vi.To decreases quickly by a large amount.(数量、数量、比率、价格比率、价格)暴跌暴跌In Tokyo share prices have plummeted

    8、 for the sixth successive day.在东京,股价已经是连续第在东京,股价已经是连续第6天暴跌了。天暴跌了。Part II Words and Expressionsalignment(Para.9)n.support for a particular group,especially in politics,or for a side in a quarrel or struggle.结盟结盟A major reason for the tension is a lack of alignment between physicians and their organiz

    9、ations vision and goals.紧张的一个主要原因是医生与其所在组织的愿景紧张的一个主要原因是医生与其所在组织的愿景和目标之间缺乏一致性。和目标之间缺乏一致性。Part II Words and Expressionscubicle(Para.10)n.an area in an office that is separated from the rest of the room by thin walls.(办公室内的办公室内的)格子间格子间Im not the kind of person to sit in a cubicle behind a desk.我不是那种能在格

    10、子间办公桌后坐得住的人。我不是那种能在格子间办公桌后坐得住的人。Part II Words and Expressionsdeliver(Para.10)v.to give a lecture or speech in public.发表发表The president will deliver a speech about schools.校长将发表关于学校的演讲。校长将发表关于学校的演讲。Part II Words and Expressionsassemble(Para.11)v.to come together in a group,usually for a particular pu

    11、rpose such as a meeting.集合集合There wasnt even a convenient place for students to assemble between classes.甚至没有一个学生们课间集合的方便的地方。甚至没有一个学生们课间集合的方便的地方。Part II Words and Expressionsperformance review(Para.12)performance appraisal 业绩评价业绩评价One of the primary ways employee effectiveness is judged is the perfo

    12、rmance review.考察雇员工作成效的一个主要方式就是绩效考核。考察雇员工作成效的一个主要方式就是绩效考核。Part II Words and Expressionscapitalize on(Para.12)to make use of 利用利用But if you do not train,your victory may be like a one-time lottery win,which you cannot capitalize on over the long run.但是如果你不训练,你的胜利可能就像赢得了一但是如果你不训练,你的胜利可能就像赢得了一次乐透彩,而这种运

    13、气并不能供你长久利用。次乐透彩,而这种运气并不能供你长久利用。Part II Words and Expressionsreap(Para.13)v.to enjoy the good things that happen as a result of it.获得获得The company is only just starting to reap the rewards of long-term investments这家公司才刚刚开始收获长期投资的回报。这家公司才刚刚开始收获长期投资的回报。Part III Words and ExpressionsPart I NotesGallup:(

    14、Para.4)Gallup,Inc.is an American research-based,global performance-management consulting company.Founded by George Gallup in 1935,the company became known for its public opinion polls conducted in worldwide.It provides research and strategic consulting to large organizations in many countries.Some o

    15、f Gallups stated key practice areas are employee engagement,customer engagement,talent management,and well-being.盖洛普咨询公司盖洛普咨询公司Part I NotesWorkgroup:(Para.6)A workgroup in a scientific experiment is the group where the experimental procedures are performed.实验组实验组Part I NotesControl group:(Para.6)A c

    16、ontrol group in a scientific experiment is a group separated from the rest of the experiment where the independent variable being tested cannot influence the results.This isolates the independent variables effects on the experiment and can help rule out alternate explanations of the experimental res

    17、ults.对照组,控制组对照组,控制组Part II NotesPerformance review:(Para.12)A performance review,also referred to as a performance appraisal(PA),performance evaluation,(career)development discussion,or employee appraisal is a method by which the job performance of an employee is documented and evaluated.Performance

    18、 reviews are a part of career development and consist of regular reviews of employee performance within organizations.绩绩效评估,绩效考核效评估,绩效考核Part I Questions1.What is the finding of the study about effects on workgroup performance by developing peoples strengths?On average,workgroups that received a stre

    19、ngths intervention improved on all of these measures including sales,profit,customer engagement,turnover,employee engagement,and safety by a significant amount compared with control groups that received less-intensive interventions or none at all.Part I I Questions2.What are the five best practices

    20、for optimizing employees strengths?This research identified five best practices for optimizing strengths initiatives including starting with leadership,getting managers on board,generating awareness and enthusiasm company-wide,mindful of strengths when creating project teams and focusing performance

    21、 reviews on the recognition and development of employees strengths.Part I I Questions3.How does managers involvement in strengths interventions change employees engagement?If employees strongly agree that their managers focus on their strengths or positive characteristics,almost seven in 10 employee

    22、s are engaged.On the contrast,when employees strongly disagree that their strengths are maximized by their managers,the percentage of engaged employees drops significantly to only 1%.Part I I Questions4.How should performance reviews be conducted?Managers should conduct performance reviews that enco

    23、urage and make use of employees talents and offer recognition and development which is in consistent with their strengths.Managers should also provide clear performance expectations and help workers set demanding achievable goals.Part III Questions5.Do you think developing employees strengths can bo

    24、ost sales,profit,and engagement?Why?Based on the text,discuss the question with the whole class.Structural AnalysisPara.Main TopicsPara.1-6Mr.Gornic is leading a discussion with other executives on how to handle their workforce with fast-rising wages,changing demographics and the differing needs of

    25、millennials.Para.7-22Managers from international factories,such as Mr.Jamet,Mr.Gornic,and Mr.Hadjisotirioiu,and the professor Ms.Choi present their opinions and practices on how to respond to the changing labor market in the discussion.Words and Expressionsenlightened adj.characterized by full compr

    26、ehension of the problem involved 开明的开明的Books like this one point to a more enlightened road:the future depends on us taking it.像这样一本书指向一条更加开明的道路:未来取像这样一本书指向一条更加开明的道路:未来取决于我们是否走那条路。决于我们是否走那条路。Words and Expressionsblast v.to make a sudden,loud sound 大声放(音乐)大声放(音乐)The sound of western music blasted as

    27、she entered.她一进门便听到西部音乐震天的响声。她一进门便听到西部音乐震天的响声。Words and Expressionsveteran n.&adj.someone who has been involved in a particular activity for a long time.经验丰富的;经验丰富的;The veteran worker ranks high in public love and esteem.那位老工人深受大伙的爱戴。那位老工人深受大伙的爱戴。Words and Expressionsshift n.If a group of factory wo

    28、rkers,nurses,or other people work shifts,they work for a set period before being replaced by another group,so that there is always a group working.Each of these set periods is called a shift.轮班轮班His father worked shifts in a steel mill.他的父亲在一家钢铁厂轮班工作。他的父亲在一家钢铁厂轮班工作。Words and Expressionsageing popula

    29、tion 老龄化人口老龄化人口Besides inflexible labour markets,Europe needs to tackle the problems caused by a rapidly ageing population.除了劳动力市场不灵活之外,欧洲还需要解决人除了劳动力市场不灵活之外,欧洲还需要解决人口老龄化所带来的问题。口老龄化所带来的问题。Words and Expressionsclutch n.the pedal that you press before you change gear in a vehicle 离合器踏板离合器踏板 Laura let o

    30、ut the clutch and pulled slowly away down the drive.劳拉松开离合器踏板,慢慢沿着车道把车开走了劳拉松开离合器踏板,慢慢沿着车道把车开走了。Words and Expressionsaccommodation n.buildings or rooms where people live or stay.住住所所,宿舍宿舍The government will provide temporary accommodation for up to three thousand homeless people.政府将为多达三千无家可归的人提供临时住所。

    31、政府将为多达三千无家可归的人提供临时住所。Words and Expressionssupervisory adj.involved in supervising people,activities,or places.管理的管理的;监督的监督的Most supervisory boards meet only twice a year.大多数监理会一年只开两次会。大多数监理会一年只开两次会。Words and Expressionsmigrant workers 打工者,外来务工人员打工者,外来务工人员Superficially,the city looks good-cleaned and

    32、 greened by tens of thousands of migrant workers.表面上看,这座城市非常好;是数以万计的外来表面上看,这座城市非常好;是数以万计的外来务工人员将城市清洁和绿化。务工人员将城市清洁和绿化。Words and Expressionscohort n.a group of people having approximately the same age 年龄差不多的一群人年龄差不多的一群人Tests were carried out by teachers on the entire cohort of eight to nine year-olds

    33、in their third year at primary school 测试是由老师在小学三年级所有八岁到九岁的学测试是由老师在小学三年级所有八岁到九岁的学生中进行的。生中进行的。Words and Expressionsmatchmaking n.the activity of encouraging people you know to form relationships or get married.做媒做媒;牵线搭桥牵线搭桥Dating sitesclaims of matchmaking prowess also need to be treated with caution

    34、given that the data on which these are based come from research they have paid for themselves.对于社交网站宣称其卓越的做媒能力也要谨慎对对于社交网站宣称其卓越的做媒能力也要谨慎对待,因为他们基于的研究数据都是自己付费获待,因为他们基于的研究数据都是自己付费获得的。得的。Words and Expressionsimbue v.to fill with an idea,feeling,or quality.灌输灌输;使充使充满满The film is imbued with the stars rebe

    35、llious spirit.这部电影充满了那位明星的反叛精神。这部电影充满了那位明星的反叛精神。Words and Expressionssegmented adj.divided into parts that are loosely connected to each other 分割的分割的Almost all segmented customers can select a favorite model which can meet their requirements.几乎所有的细分客户都能选出能满足要求的最适几乎所有的细分客户都能选出能满足要求的最适合的型号。合的型号。NotesZ

    36、obele:The Zobele Group is a world player in the field of air care and pest control.Founded more than ninety years ago,the Zobele Group is a worldwide company with more than 4,000 employees,6 industrial sites,4 development centres and 2 innovation hubs in 8 countries.意大利沙彼高集意大利沙彼高集团团NotesAltra Indust

    37、rial Motion:Altra Industrial Motion is a manufacturer of mechanical power transmission products-brakes,clutches,couplings,and the like.The company is headquartered in Braintree,Massachusetts.美国美国奥创动力传动奥创动力传动NotesEuropean Chamber of Commerce in China:The European Union Chamber of Commerce in China wa

    38、s founded in 2000 by 51 member companies that shared a goal of establishing a common voice for the various business sectors of the European Union and European businesses operating in China.中国欧盟商会中国欧盟商会NotesReckitt Benceiser:Reckitt Benckiser Group plc is a British multinational consumer goods compan

    39、y headquartered in Slough,England.It is a producer of health,hygiene and home products.It was formed in 1999 by the merger of the UK-based Reckitt&Colman plc and the Netherlands-based Benckiser NV.利洁时集团利洁时集团NotesProcter&Gamble:Procter&Gamble Co.,also known as P&G,is an American multinational consume

    40、r goods company headquartered in downtown Cincinnati,Ohio,United States,founded by William Procter and James Gamble,both from the United Kingdom.Its products include cleaning agents and personal care products.宝洁公司宝洁公司NotesKaizen:Kaizen is Japanese for“improvement”.When used in the business sense and

    41、 applied to the workplace,kaizen refers to activities that continuously improve all functions and involve all employees from the CEO to the assembly line workers.It also applies to processes,such as purchasing and logistics,that cross organizational boundaries into the supply chain.It has been appli

    42、ed in healthcare,psychotherapy,life-coaching,government,banking,fantasy hockey,and other industries.持续改善持续改善NotesChinese University of Hong Kong:The Chinese University of Hong Kong(CUHK)is a public research university in Shatin,Hong Kong formally established in 1963 by a charter granted by the Legis

    43、lative Council of Hong Kong.It is the territorys second oldest university and was founded as a federation of three existing colleges Chung Chi College,New Asia College and United College the oldest of which was founded in 1949.香港中文大学香港中文大学NotesOberthur Technologies:Oberthur Technologies is a French

    44、digital security company,providing secure technology solutions for Smart Transactions,Mobile Financial Services,Machine-to-Machine,Digital Identity and Transport&Access Control.欧贝特科技公司欧贝特科技公司Questions for the Text1.How do companies do respectively in response to the changing labour market in Guangdo

    45、ng?As wages of unskilled factory operators have risen in Guangdong,some companies have responded by investing in industrial robots and automation,while others have moved to areas with cheaper labour such as western China,Southeast Asia or Africa.Questions for the Text2.According to Thierry Jamet,wha

    46、t is the key point to solve the problem with workforce?He argued that companies should improve productivity,thats the root cause of the problem.Questions for the Text3.What programmes are developed by Mr.Gornic to keep employees?He has developed one programme that brings in graduates and trains them

    47、 for the top management posts as well as another one designed to help the best of the unskilled workers on the factory floor move into senior supervisory roles.Questions for the Text4.Do you think matchmaking can help companies win workforce?Why or why not?Based on the text,discuss the question with

    48、 the whole class.Questions for the Text5.In your opinion,what is the difference between millennial workers and baby boomers?How should companies deal with this issue of Y generation?Based on the text,discuss the question with the whole class.Reading Comprehension1.What is the authors attitude toward

    49、s the issue of workforce nowadays in China?A.biased B.indifferent C.objective D.puzzling Reading Comprehension1.What is the authors attitude towards the issue of workforce nowadays in China?A.biased B.indifferent C.objective D.puzzling Reading Comprehension2.What do international factory managers fe

    50、el about the economic environment in Guangdong?A.optimistic B.B.confused C.C.carefree D.D.panickedReading Comprehension2.What do international factory managers feel about the economic environment in Guangdong?A.optimistic B.confused C.carefree D.panickedReading Comprehension3.According to the passag


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