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    《 商务英语阅读(第1册 )》课件Unit 3-Markets.pptx

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    《 商务英语阅读(第1册 )》课件Unit 3-Markets.pptx


    2、 1.Lead-in Discussion 4.Cultural Tour 3.Text BLead-in Discussion1.Do you know some familiar advertisements?And discuss the marketing strategies of the products that you mentioned.Lead-in Discussion2.How to improve your ability to make the right marketing decisions?Lead-in Discussion3.Why is marketin

    3、g important?Structural AnalysisMain IdeasPart 1(Para.1)Introduction part.Part 2(Para.2-4)It talks about the importance of marketing.Part III(Para.5-7)It talks about the definition of marketing.Part I(Para.9-10)It talks about what is a marketer and different kinds of markets.tension(para.1)n.(psychol

    4、ogy)a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense 紧张,不安紧张,不安 The tension between the two countries built up to a climax.两国两国间的紧张状态渐渐达到了顶峰。间的紧张状态渐渐达到了顶峰。Text A Words and Expressionsformulated(para.1)adj.devised;developed according to an orderly plan 按计划的,制定的按计划的,制定的 Within the framework of this s

    5、trategic partnership,specific tripartite agreements corresponding to local requirements will be formulated for each beneficiary country.在在这一战略伙伴的框架内,将按照当地的要求为这一战略伙伴的框架内,将按照当地的要求为每一个受援国制定具体的三方协议。每一个受援国制定具体的三方协议。Text A Words and Expressionsintangible(para.2)adj.(of especially business assets)not havin

    6、g physical substance or intrinsic productive value 无形的无形的 intangible cultural heritage 非物质文化遗产非物质文化遗产 The check is not the warehouse receipt itself,but an order to transfer the receipt,which is an intangible open book account on the books of the bank.支票支票本身却不能代表银行票据,它只是一种转移本身却不能代表银行票据,它只是一种转移票据的手续或申

    7、请,在这里票据是无形的,只出票据的手续或申请,在这里票据是无形的,只出现在银行账簿的公开账户里。现在银行账簿的公开账户里。Text A Words and ExpressionsText A Words and Expressionsassets(para.2)n.anything of material value or usefulness that is owned by a person or company 资产资产 On the other hand,your debt is an asset to the bank,but it is your liability.在另一方面,你

    8、的债务是银行的一种资产,但它却在另一方面,你的债务是银行的一种资产,但它却是你的债务。是你的债务。tricky(para.3)adj.not to be trusted 狡猾的,微妙的狡猾的,微妙的 All this shows why setting an offering price for shares in an IPO is so tricky.所有所有这些都显示出为什么为这些都显示出为什么为IPO的公司定的公司定价是一件多么微妙的事情。价是一件多么微妙的事情。Text A Words and Expressionsempowered(para.3)adj.invested with

    9、 legal power or official authority especially as symbolized by having a scepter获得获得授权的授权的 All of our staff must be empowered to identify errors and situations that could lead to errors without fear of retribution.在在没有害怕报复的前提下,我们所有的员工必没有害怕报复的前提下,我们所有的员工必须被授权来鉴定错误可能导致错误的情形。须被授权来鉴定错误可能导致错误的情形。Text A Wo

    10、rds and ExpressionsText A Words and Expressionsmonitor(para.4)v.keep tabs on;keep an eye on;keep under surveillance 监控,监测监控,监测 The country health agency has dedicated one inspector to monitor conditions in nursing homes.该该国卫生机构已指定一名检查员监测各疗养院的国卫生机构已指定一名检查员监测各疗养院的情况。情况。auction(para.5)n.the public sale

    11、 of something to the highest bidder 拍卖拍卖 An auction system allows everyone to discover the real value of online ads.这种这种拍卖系统允许每个人发现网络广告的真实价拍卖系统允许每个人发现网络广告的真实价值。值。Text A Words and Expressionsclearinghouse (para.5)票据交换所票据交换所,交易所,交易所 In the six years since,Google has become the webs default clearinghou

    12、se and principal tollgate.六年六年间,谷歌已经成为了网络世界大家默认的间,谷歌已经成为了网络世界大家默认的交易所和主要的关卡。交易所和主要的关卡。Text A Words and Expressionsdemonstrate(para.5)v.having been demonstrated or verified beyond doubt 演示,示范,展示演示,示范,展示 I demonstrated to them that a new computer would save considerable time.我我通过演示向他们证明使用新计算机将大大节通过演示向

    13、他们证明使用新计算机将大大节省时间。省时间。Text A Words and Expressionssuperfluous(para.7)adj.serving no useful purpose;having no excuse for being过多的过多的;多余的多余的;不必要的不必要的 When we write a contract,we generally hope that it is superfluous,and thankfully,most of the time it is.当当我们编写合同时,我们通常希望它是多余的,我们编写合同时,我们通常希望它是多余的,令人感到欣慰

    14、的是大部分时候都是如此。令人感到欣慰的是大部分时候都是如此。Text A Words and Expressionsdemographic(para.9)adj.relating to or concerning demography 人口(学)人口(学)的;人口统计(学)的;人口统计(学)的的n.In business,a demographic is a group of people in a society,especially people in a particular age group.特定年龄段的人口特定年龄段的人口,特定人群特定人群 Helping customers ge

    15、t what they want based on their demographic profiles helps companies get to know them better.通过通过人口统计学资料来帮助客户得到他们想要的东人口统计学资料来帮助客户得到他们想要的东西,能使得公司西,能使得公司更好地了解更好地了解他们。他们。Text A Words and ExpressionsText A Notes1.Philip Kotler(the author)Philip Kotler(born May 27,1931 in Chicago,Illinois)is an American

    16、marketing author,consultant,and professor;currently the S.C.Johnson Distinguished Professor of International Marketing at the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.He is the author of over 55 marketing books,including Principles of Marketing,Kotler on Marketing:How to Create,Win,an

    17、d Dominate Markets,and Marketing 3.0:From Products to Customers to the Human Spirit.Kotler describes strategic marketing as serving as“the link between societys needs and its pattern of industrial response.”菲利普菲利普科特勒科特勒2.Chief Marketing Officer(CMO):A chief marketing officer(CMO)is a corporate execu

    18、tive responsible for marketing activities in an organization.Most often the position reports to the chief executive officer.The CMO leads sales management,product development,distribution channel management,marketing communications(including advertising and promotions),pricing,market research,and cu

    19、stomer service.首席营销官首席营销官Text A NotesText A Notes3.Chief Executive Officer(CEO):A chief executive officer(CEO)is generally the most senior corporate officer(executive)or administrator in charge of managing a for-profit organization.The CEO of a corporation or company typically reports to the board o

    20、f directors and is charged with maximizing the value of the entity.Titles often used as synonyms for CEO include president,managing director(MD)and chief executive(CE).首席执行官,首席执行官,总裁总裁4.Chief Financial Officer(CFO):The chief financial officer(CFO)is a corporate officer primarily responsible for mana

    21、ging the financial risks of the corporation.This officer is also responsible for financial planning and record-keeping,as well as financial reporting to higher management.The CFO supervises the finance unit and is the chief financial spokesperson for the organization.财务总监,首席财务总监,首席财务官财务官Text A Notes

    22、5.Levis:Levi Strauss&Co.is a privately held American clothing company known worldwide for its Levis brand of denim jeans.It was founded in 1853 when Levi Strauss came from Buttenheim,Bavaria,to San Francisco,California to open a west coast branch of his brothers New York dry goods business.The compa

    23、nys corporate headquarters is located at Levis Plaza in San Francisco.美国李维斯美国李维斯服装公司服装公司Text A Notes6.Xerox:Xerox Corporation Ltd.is an American multinational document management corporation that produces and sells a range of color and black-and-white printers,multifunction systems,photocopiers,digi

    24、tal production printing presses,and related consulting services and supplies.Xerox is headquartered in Norwalk,Connecticut(moved from Stamford,Connecticut in October 2007),though its largest population of employees is based around Rochester,New York,the area in which the company was founded.施乐,美国办公设

    25、备制造公司施乐,美国办公设备制造公司Text A Notes7.Intel:Intel Corporation is an American multinational corporation headquartered in Santa Clara,California.Intel is one of the worlds largest and highest valued semiconductor chip makers,based on revenue.Founded by semiconductor pioneers Robert Noyce and Gordon Moore an

    26、d widely associated with the executive leadership and vision of Andrew Grove,Intel combines advanced chip design capability with a leading-edge manufacturing capability.Though Intel was originally known primarily to engineers and technologists,its“Intel Inside”advertising campaign of the 1990s made

    27、it a household name,along with its Pentium processors.美国美国英特尔公司英特尔公司Text A NotesText A Notes8.Wal-Mart:Wal-Mart Stores,Inc.is an American multinational retail corporation that operates a chain of discount department stores and warehouse stores.Headquartered in Bentonville,Arkansas,the company was fo

    28、unded by Sam Walton in 1962 and incorporated on October 31,1969.It has over 11,000 stores in 27 countries,under a total 71 different brands.The company operates under the Walmart name in the US and Puerto Rico.It has wholly owned operations in Argentina,Brazil,and Canada.沃尔玛公司沃尔玛公司Text A Notes9.Nike

    29、:Nike,Inc.is an American multinational corporation that is engaged in the design,development,manufacturing and worldwide marketing and selling of footwear,apparel,equipment,accessories and services.The company is headquartered near Beaverton,Oregon,in the Portland metropolitan area.It is one of the

    30、worlds largest suppliers of athletic shoes and apparel and a major manufacturer of sports equipment.耐克公司,国际著名运动产品公司耐克公司,国际著名运动产品公司Text A Notes10.Jack Welch:John Francis“Jack”Welch,Jr.(born November 19,1935)is a retired American business executive,author and chemical engineer.He was chairman and CEO

    31、of General Electric between 1981 and 2001.During his tenure at GE,the companys value rose 4000%.In 2006,Welchs net worth was estimated at$720 million.When he retired from GE he took a severance payment of$417 million,the largest such payment in history.杰克杰克韦尔奇(前韦尔奇(前通用电气董事长兼通用电气董事长兼CEO)Text A Notes1

    32、1.GE:General Electric(GE)is an American multinational conglomerate corporation incorporated in New York and headquartered in Fairfield,Connecticut.In 2011,GE ranked among the Fortune 500 as the 26th-largest firm in the U.S.by gross revenue,as well as the 14th most profitable.However,the company is l

    33、isted the fourth-largest in the world among the Forbes Global 2000,further metrics being taken into account.通用电通用电气公司气公司Text A Notes12.American Marketing Association:The American Marketing Association(AMA)is a professional association for marketing professionals with 30,000 members as of 2012.It has

    34、 76 professional chapters and 250 collegiate chapters across the United States.The AMA was formed in 1937 from the merger of two predecessor organizations,the National Association of Marketing Teachers and the American Marketing Society.It also publishes a number of handbooks and research monographs

    35、.美国营销协会美国营销协会Text A Notes13.Peter Drucker:Peter Ferdinand Drucker(19092005)was an Austrian-born American management consultant,educator,and author,whose writings contributed to the philosophical and practical foundations of the modern business corporation.He was also a leader in the development of m

    36、anagement education,he invented the concept known as management by objectives,and he has been described as“the founder of modern management”.彼得彼得德鲁克(现代管理学之父)德鲁克(现代管理学之父)Text A Notes14.Sony:Sony Corporation is a Japanese multinational conglomerate corporation headquartered in Knan Minato,Tokyo,Japan.

    37、Its diversified business is primarily focused on the electronics(TV,gaming consoles,refrigerators),game,entertainment and financial services sectors.The company is one of the leading manufacturers of electronic products for the consumer and professional markets.Sony is ranked 105th on the 2014 list

    38、of Fortune Global 500.索尼索尼(日本电子娱乐公司)(日本电子娱乐公司)Text A Notes15.Toyota:Toyota Motor Corporation is a Japanese automotive manufacturer headquartered in Toyota,Aichi,Japan.In 2013 the multinational corporation consisted of 333,498 employees worldwide and,as of November 2014,is the twelfth-largest company

    39、 in the world by revenue.Toyota was the largest automobile manufacturer in 2012(by production)ahead of the Volkswagen Group and General Motors.In July of that year,the company reported the production of its 200-millionth vehicle.Toyota is the worlds first automobile manufacturer to produce more than

    40、 10 million vehicles per year.日本丰田公司日本丰田公司Text A Questions about the Text1.How to find the customers needs?Give some examples.Take eBay and IKEA as examples.When eBay recognized that people were unable to locate some of the items they desired most,it created an online auction clearinghouse;when IKEA

    41、 noticed that people wanted good furniture at a substantially lower price,it created knock-down furniture.Both of these companies demonstrated marketing savvy and turned a private or social need into a profitable business opportunity.Text A Questions about the Text2.Whats the relationship between ma

    42、rketers and markets?A marketer is someone who seeks a response from another party,called the prospect.If two parties are seeking to sell something to each other,we call them both marketers.(to be continued)Text A Questions about the TextA“market”was a physical place where buyers and sellers gathered

    43、 to buy and sell goods.Economists describe a market as a collection of buyers and sellers who transact over a particular product or product class.On the other hand,marketers often use the term market to cover various groupings of customers and view the sellers as constituting the industry.They talk

    44、about need markets,product markets,demographic markets,and geographic markets;or other types of markets,such as voter markets,labor markets,and donor markets.Text A Questions about the Text3.Using the annual report of a large firm,you try to describe the firms product line or product mix.Does the fi

    45、rm benefit from its brand name?Open answers Text A Questions about the Text4.Suppose your corporate is preparing to promote a new product,and explain how to expand its target market.Open answersText A Questions about the Text5.Explain how a business uses technology or the internet to price its produ

    46、cts.Open answersStructural AnalysisThe structure of the text goes as follow:Part I(Para.1-2):Introduction part.Part II(Para.3-13):It talks about Huaweis recipe for success.Part III(Para.14-19):It talks about the growing pains of Huawei.Part I(Para.20-29):It talks about the bright future of Huawei.en

    47、counter e upon,as if by accident;meet with 不期而不期而遇遇;遭遇遭遇;对抗对抗 If you undertake the project,you are bound to encounter difficulties.如果如果你承接这项工程的话,免不了会遇到许多你承接这项工程的话,免不了会遇到许多困难。困难。Text B Words and Expressionsinnovative adj.being or producing something like nothing done or experienced or created before革

    48、新的革新的;创新的创新的 It is much harder,in an innovative economy today,to tell scientists what they should be inventing.现在现在,在一个创新性的经济体中,告诉科学家他,在一个创新性的经济体中,告诉科学家他们必须创造什么困难了很多。们必须创造什么困难了很多。Text B Words and Expressionstelecommunication n.systems used in transmitting messages over a distance electronically 电信电信

    49、;电通信电通信 This was the result of the opening of African telecommunication markets to competition,coupled with reform of the state-owned enterprises and the establishment of independent regulators.它们它们显著扩大了电讯显著扩大了电讯网络。这网络。这是非洲电讯业开放市是非洲电讯业开放市场竞争,实施国有企业改革和建立独立管理机构产场竞争,实施国有企业改革和建立独立管理机构产生的结果。生的结果。Text B W

    50、ords and Expressionsendeavor vi.attempt by employing effort 努力;尽力努力;尽力 Like any endeavor,there isnt a right way to go about practicingfind those methods that work for you.如同如同任何努力一样,没有一种正确的练习方法任何努力一样,没有一种正确的练习方法只有找出那些对你有效的方法。只有找出那些对你有效的方法。Text B Words and Expressionscohesive adj.cohering or tending


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