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    2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册Unit 2 Sports cultures 复习(ppt课件).pptx

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    2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册Unit 2 Sports cultures 复习(ppt课件).pptx

    1、participateparticipationparticipantracialraceracialistdiversediversityjointjointlymotivatemotivationdemonstratedemonstration consistentconsistencyconsistentlycompetecompetitorcompetitioncompetitivefaithfaithfulfaithfullyambitionambitiousambitiouslyinsuranceinsureapplaudapplauseunintentionallyintenti

    2、onallyintentionopposingopposeoppositionopposedcomplaincomplaintparticipantsparticipatedcompetitioncompetitorscompetingcompetitivemotivationmotivatedapplaudedapplausediversediversity faithfaithfulintentionintendintendedopposingopposedIt was not until near the end of the letter thatas is shown in the

    3、reportto be awarded the Nobel PrizeIn addition to giving a general introduction to computers1.Sport teaches you character,it teaches you to _(遵守规则),it teaches you to know _(感悟输赢)it teaches you about life.2.Every four years,thousands of _(训练有素的)and talented athletes gather together in the spirit of f

    4、riendship,_(团结,齐心协力)and_(公平竞争),ready to test their abilities against each other _(希望被公认为最优秀的运动员中的佼佼者).3.This is the Olympics_(一项非凡的体育赛事)that was first celebrated about 3,000 years ago.4.They _(参加.的比赛)such events as boxing,running and the long jump.The ancient Olympic Games were held at Olympia in Gr

    5、eece every four years for almost 12 centuries,until they eventually _(消失,灭绝)around the year 393.play by the ruleswhat it feels like to win and losehighly trainedsolidarityfair playin the hope of being recognized as the best of the bestan extraordinary sporting eventcompeted in died out【归纳拓展归纳拓展】comp

    6、ete in参加比赛;在方面竞争compete for为而竞争compete with/against.for.为争取而与对抗/竞争competition n.比赛be in competition with sb/sth 与某人/某物比赛competitive adj.有竞争力的competitor n.竞争者;对手单句填空Thats how I feel just thinking about the spelling(compete)next week.Aggressive wildfire control has left California forests crowded with

    7、 small trees that compete big trees for resources.A (compete)person is eager to be more successful than other petitionwithcompetitive5.It was a Frenchman,Pierre de Coubertin,_(使奥运会重现生机).6.His dream was that the Olympics would help people of different _(种族的)origins and from different cultures _(肩并肩和平

    8、共处).7.For over a century,people from diverse backgrounds have _(共同努力)to help realize Coubertins dream.8.Motivated by the Olympic motto“Faster,Higher,Stronger”,many well-known athletes,both male and female,have _(致力于在体育运动方面追求卓越)and_(突破人类成就的极限).who brought the Olympics back to liferacial live side by

    9、side in peacemade joint effortsdevoted themselves to achieving sporting Excellence pushing the boundaries of human achievement9.Afterwards,this young man_(接着做)become the world heavyweight champion in 1964,and later changed his name to the one we all knowMuhammad Ali.He returned to the 1996 Atlanta O

    10、lympic Games to _(奥运圣火)at the opening ceremony.10.By the time he died in 2016,Ali had _(被公认为)one of the greatest boxers of all time.11.A former _(前田径运动员)from the UK,she won an Olympic gold medal in her home country in 2012.12.As if that were not enough,she returned to the Olympics and won a silver m

    11、edal in 2016,just two years after _(分娩,生育)her first child.proceeded tolight the Olympic flamebeen recognized astrack and field athletegiving birth to【归纳拓展归纳拓展】proceed with sth 继续某事proceed to do sth 接着做某事proceed to前往process n.过程,进行;方法,步骤;作用;程序;推移in the process of在的过程中in the process在过程中,在进行中单句填空Were n

    12、ot sure whether we still want to proceed the project.The beginning of change is upsetting.The(proceed)is tiring.Having said she wasnt hungry,she then proceeded(order)a three-course meal.完成句子除非这些条件得到满足,否则我们不能进行这项交易。Until these conditions are met we cannot .withprocessto orderproceed with the sale13.I

    13、n an interview she revealed that the secret of her _(始终如一的,连续不断的)good performance was the training that she never missed.14.The 2008 Beijing Olympics _(号召全世界人民秉持奥林匹克精神)build a better future for humanity with the slogan“One World,One Dream”.15._(除了举办奥运会)for the first time,China also ranked first inth

    14、e medal table.16.At the 2004 Athens Olympic Games,Liu Xiang became _(第一位获得金牌的亚洲人)in the mens 110-metre hurdles,while at the 2016 Rio Olympic Games,the Chinese womens volleyball team won _(来之不易的胜利)in the final.consistentcalled on the whole world to join in the Olympic spiritIn addition to hosting the

    15、 Olympicsthe first Asian to win the gold medala hard-fought victoryconsistent adj.始终如一的;连续的,与一致的【归纳拓展归纳拓展】be consistent with与一致consist v.由组成;在于;符合consist of由组成consist in在于consist with符合,与一致consistently adv.一贯地;一致地;坚实地单句填空The results are entirely consistent our earlier research.Modern methods of trac

    16、king polar bear populations have been employed only since the mid-1980s,and are expensive to perform _ (consistent)over a large area.Rock music(consistent)of many different styles.withconsistentlyconsists【归纳拓展归纳拓展】call at sp拜访某地call on sb 拜访某人call back回电话call for去接;需要,要求call in召集;退回call off取消call up

    17、打电话;使想起call on/upon sb to do sth正式邀请某人做某事;请求某人做某事单句填空Developing the Yangtze River Economic Belt is a systematic project which calls a clear road map and timetable.This old photo called memories of my childhood.If it rains this weekend,we will have to call our picnic.He calls every house in the stree

    18、t once a month and always asks for a meal and a glass of beer.Cars with serious faults have been called by the manufacturers.完成句子政府已经呼吁市民为慈善事业捐款。The government to charity.forupoffatinhas called on citizens to donate17.As Coubertin believed,“With the Olympic Games,each generation celebrates its _(到来,

    19、出现),its joy of living,its faith in the future,_.(不灭的雄心和攀登高峰的壮志)”18._(绝大多数)these sports _(和完全相同)those at the Olympics but other sports,such as wushu,have been added too.19.The Youth Olympic Games call on young people to learn and share _(在比赛场地之外).20.Official non-sporting roles include Young Reporters

    20、,YOG _(大使,使节)and Athlete Role Models.adventits ambition and its will to ascendThe majority ofare identical to beyond the field of playambassadors【归纳拓展归纳拓展】faith in相信,对信任have faith in对有信心lose faith in对失去信心break faith不忠;失信in good faith真诚地faithful adj.忠实的,忠诚的(be)faithful to对忠诚faithfully adv.忠实地;如实地;诚心诚

    21、意地;深信着地单句填空You should keep an eye on him,for I have lost faith him.Ive always kept up with the newspapers,(faith)read news magazines and learned to really enjoy books.This report was published good faith but we regret any confusion which may have been caused.完成句子我想每个人对他所表现出来的信心已经感动了他。I think _ _ _ _

    22、 _ _ _ _has touched him.infaithfullyinthe faith that everyone has shown in him【归纳拓展归纳拓展】an ambition to do sth/of doing sth想做某事的夙愿ambition for.的目标/夙愿be full of ambition野心勃勃have an/no ambition to do sth 做某事有/没抱负ambitious adj.有抱负的,有雄心的,野心勃勃的be ambitious to do sth 渴望做某事be ambitious for.对有野心ambition n.追求

    23、的目标,夙愿;野心,雄心,壮志单句填空Millions of waterfowl(水禽)were killed at the hands of market hunters and a handful of overly (ambition)sportsmen.They had enough time,if they had gone (ambition)enough,to turn it around but they just didnt.This is ambition a career,but its also a desire for personal autonomy.In ord

    24、er to realize her ambition(set)up a business in China after graduation,she had to adapt to life in a different country.ambitiousambitiouslyforto set21.Many of these talented athletes will proceed to _(参加,参与)the Olympic Games in the future.22.My _(面颊,脸颊)were red,and I could hear myself _(气喘吁吁)as I lo

    25、oked up at the blue sky.23.When my breathing _(恢复正常),I_(深思,反省)what had just been achieved.24.Six weeks ago,my friends told me that a city half-marathon for _(业余爱好者)was being organized to help_(为慈善机构筹款),and encouraged me to take part.25.Despite my _(缺乏)running experience,I agreed.26.Then,we _(就位,代替)a

    26、t the table and quickly started to arrange the bottles and cups so that they looked like an army of(一大批,一大群)soldiers standing in line for inspection.participate incheeksbreathing heavilyreturned to normal reflected on amateurs raise money for charitylack oftook our placeparticipate vi.参加,参与【归纳拓展归纳拓展

    27、】participate in(doing)sth参加(做)某事participate with sb in sth与某人分担某事;同某人参与某事participation n.参与;参加participant n.参与者;参加者单句填空The researchers examined various levels of noise on_ (participate)as they completed tests of creative thinking.Some teachers participated many activities such as quizzes on Party hi

    28、story.A back injury prevented active (participate)in any sports for a while.participantsinparticipation27.I _(后退一步),and looked at the scene with satisfaction.28.The litter was being blown around by the wind as I _(俯身)to pick up a plastic bottle.29._(通常),winning has the victor _(欢天喜地),lost in the glo

    29、ry of the moment,while the loser is left with a bitter taste and _(挫败感).30.Almost nobody likes to _(获得第二名),and sometimes it is difficult to_(正确客观的看待一切).31.Modern society honours winners and successful sports people quickly become _(名人),admired by all.took a step backbent overMore often than notwalki

    30、ng on aira feeling of failurecome second keep everything in perspectivecelebrities32._(在结束时),your competitors will walk away but you will have to _(忍受)your decisions.A true sportsperson33.There is an old and very wise saying,repeated many times,_(赢要谦虚,输要优雅,两者都要有尊严)33._(表彰,表扬)such acts of sportsmansh

    31、ip,the International Fair Play Committee decided to award the Pierre de Coubertin Fair Play Trophy,in 1964.34._(第一位获得该奖项的运动员)was an Italian bobsleigh competitor named Eugenio Monti.35.Monti _(意识到)this,and _(毫不犹豫地),he removed the same part of his own bobsleigh and lent it to his _(对手,竞争者).At the fini

    32、shlive with“Win with humility,lose with grace,and do both with dignity.”In praise of The first athlete to receive the award became aware ofwithout hesitationopponent36.Since sport is an _(不可分离的,不可分割的)part of day-to-day life,there are lots of sports idioms that have_(偶然来到,无意中处于)everyday language.37.A

    33、s you know,in a football match,players try to kick or head the ball into the opposing teams goal,which is the net between two big goalposts _(固定在地面上).38.If someone _(改变条件或规则)in everyday life,it means they unfairly change the rules or requirements for something.40.An _(保险销售员)who_(即将做某事)reach his annu

    34、al sales target,only for the company to make the target higher,could rightly complain about the company moving the goalposts.41._(进乌龙球,无意中做自己吃亏的事)in football means_(意外地)kicking or heading the ball into ones own net,and it is one of the worst things that can happen to a football player.inseparable fo

    35、und their way into fixed to the ground“moves the goalposts”insurance salesman is about to“Scoring an own goal”accidentally【归纳拓展归纳拓展】complain(to sb)about/of sth(向某人)抱怨complain of sth诉说(病痛等)complain(to sb)that.(向某人)抱怨complaint n.抱怨;投诉make a complaint against/about.对进行投诉make a complaint to sb 向某人抱怨/投诉

    36、单句填空Funny(complain)can wear people out.He is a difficult person,for he is always complaining everything.She complained us that no one had been at the airport to meet her.I am now writing to make a complaint the service of your plaintsabout/oftoof/about句式升级Those who are going through the unpleasant t

    37、ime often complain about how hard their lives are.Those who are going through the unpleasant time often how hard their lives are.make a complaint about/of42.If someone makes a bad mistake which _(无意地,非故意地)harms their own interests,they are said to have scored an own goal.43.You might have heard expr

    38、essions like _(差不多)or“_(大致相近地估计)”.44.Another common baseball expression is“_”(给某人出难题).45.We use this expression to describe things that are _(出乎意料的)and difficult to_(对做出反应).46.“_”(三振出局)is another idiom that comes from baseball.unintentionally“in the ballpark”a ballpark estimatethrowing someone a cur

    39、veballunexpected respond toThree strikes and you are out【归纳拓展归纳拓展】intention n.意图;目的with the intention of抱有的目的without intention无意地have the intention of doing sth有意做某事intend v.打算;想要intend(sb)to do sth打算(让某人)做某事be intended to do sth打算做某事be intended for为准备,打算为所用intentional adj.故意的,有意的intentionally adv.故

    40、意地;有意地 单句填空Dr Catherine Hobaiter,who led the research,said that this was the only form of (intend)communication to be recorded in the animal kingdom.(2020全国卷,七选五)Using emojis can add humor and feeling,keeping(intend)clear.Making a full-length clay figure would not exhaust my strengthand that is what

    41、 I intend(do)!The university is known for its language and culture courses intended international students.intentionalintentionto dofor47.English also has a large number of idioms _(与有联系)boxing,which has been a popular sport for thousands of years.48.A boxer is not allowed to use his or her fists to

    42、 _(打对手的腰部以下).49.Hence comes the idiom“_”(不公正的).In day-to-day life,if someone makes an unfair and _(残酷的评论),we can describe it as“below the belt”.50.“_”(认输,承认失败)is another common idiom that comes from boxing.51.When a boxer is losing badly and is too tired or confused to give up on his or her own,the

    43、coach will_(真实地,字面上)throw a towel into the ring to end the fight.connected withhit the opponent below the waistbelow the beltcruel remarkThrowing in the towel literally【归纳拓展归纳拓展】be cruel to对残酷cruelly adv.残酷地;非常cruelty n.残酷;残忍;残酷的行为 单句填空Britain had laws against(cruel)to animals but none to protect ch

    44、ildren.I cant stand people who are cruel animals.You can hardly imagine Tom treating the boy(cruel).完成句子有时候为了某人好你就得对他狠。Sometimes you have to .crueltytocruellyBe cruel to be kind52.In everyday life,this idiom simply means _(认输)and giving up.53.Sport is challenging and _(生活亦是如此).However,when you are t

    45、hrown a curveball,do not throw in the towelwork hard,_(小心不要做某事)score an own goal,and you are sure to _(成功)!54.During the 2015 FIVB Volleyball Womens World Cup,she _(熬夜)the next games by watching videos of the days matches,and slept about six hours every night.admitting defeatso is lifebe careful not

    46、 to make itstayed up late【归纳拓展归纳拓展】make a/no remark on/about对发表评论/不予评论exchange a few remarks交换意见remark that.谈论remark on/upon对发表评论/看法remarkable adj.非凡的;显著的be remarkable for=be known/famous for以著称remarkably adv.引人注目地;明显地 单句填空He showed us that even a single desire,never given up on,can make for a _(rem

    47、ark)life.Prevention is key,scientists say,because once ecosystems pass their tipping point(临界点),it is(remark)difficult for them to return.When she is put in a situation where she has to remark others,she always changes the topic.This park of this city is remarkable a huge man-made fountain.remarkabl

    48、eremarkablyon/uponforwas celebratedwere heldhad been recognizedhad been achievedwas beingorganizedwere being testedhad been raisedwas being treated 强调句型 1It was not until school was over that Itwaswho/thatnotuntilwentwhenIt was my elder sister who/thatas引导非限制性定语从句 2As is reportedAs is known to every

    49、bodyas is often the case in sciencewhich has surprised us allextremelyathat/whoelection athletesreturnedwhohostingto winin主题写作假定你是李华,得知你校举办了运动会,你的新西兰笔友Tom发来邮件询问相关细节。请你给他回一封邮件,内容包括:1.运动会的时间和地点;2.运动会的过程;3.你的感受。How are you going recently?Im very glad to receive your letter in which you asked me about t

    50、he sports meeting.Now,Id like to tell you the details.Last week,the sports meeting was held on the playground of our school,attracting all the teachers and students to get involved.We had an opening ceremony first,where several representatives gave their short speech.Then,different kinds of sports e


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