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    2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册Unit 1 单元复习(ppt课件) .pptx

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    2022新牛津译林版(2020)《高中英语》选择性必修第二册Unit 1 单元复习(ppt课件) .pptx

    1、用括号中的词的正确形式填空。1.The novelist_(expect)to make a lot of money,but he lost money.2.She took out some cigarettes,none of which I _(meet)before.3.A rescue team saved two dwellers who _(trap)in the mountains for two days.4.Last week,he received a rejection of the interview,for which he _(prepare)for dozen

    2、s of days.5.That was the fifth time our team_(win)the triumph,which earned us fame.had expected had met had been trappedhad prepared had won6.She_(save)enough money;hence she was going to take a yoga class.7.I didnt encounter the linguist in the university.How I wish I_(see)him!8.The cage wasnt good

    3、,but I _(use)many worse ones before.9.By the time the police arrived,the fellow in debt_(escape).10.Hardly she_(get)the reward when she burst into tears.had savedhad seenhad usedhad escaped had got关键词语关键词语迅速出现,突然兴起 很多,许多(尺寸和数量上)增加,上升 在方面存在不同,例如,比如 揭露,披露 满足某人的好奇心 (使)增添乐趣;使更艳丽 spring updozens ofmount

    4、updiffer infor instancebring sth.to light satisfy ones curiositybrighten upThe Advantages or We mediapersuade sb.to do sth.be committed toraise ones discrimination完成句子完成句子近几年,自媒体突然兴起。In recent years,We Media_现在,很多公民建立自己的账号,在平台上发布各 种信息。Now,_citizens found their own accounts,_ of information _自媒体的会员迅速

    5、增长。Membership of We Media has _has sprung up dozens ofbroadcasting all categorieson the platform mounted up 致力于说服某人做某事 提高某人的分辨力 人们对此有不同的观点。Peoples opinions_ 自媒体可以发布关键信息,如曝光伪劣产品等。We Media can_ information,_自媒体可以满足人们的好奇心,供人们消遣娱乐,增加乐趣。We Media can_,amusing them and _有些人做广告并提供折扣来说服大家购买他们的产品。Some people

    6、advertise and offer discounts _differ in release criticalfor instancebringing false things to light satisfy peoples curiositybrightening up their lives to persuade people to purchase their products相关部门应致力于加强监管。Relevant departments should_strengthening supervision.我们应该提高分辨力,对那些与事实相矛盾的言论 进行谴责。We shoul

    7、d_,and those statements which_be committed to raise our discriminationaccuse contradict the factsThe Advantages or we mediaIn recent years,We Media has sprung up.Now,dozens of citizens found their own accounts,broadcasting all categories of-information on the platform.Its membership has mounted up.P

    8、eoples opinions differ in it.We Media can release critical information,for instance,bringing false things to light.And We Media can satisfy peoples curiosity,amusing them and brightening up their lives.Some people advertise and offer discounts to persuade people to purchase their products.In my opin

    9、ion,relevant departments should be committed to strengthening supervision.We should raise our discrimination,and accuse those statements which contradict the facts.5月1日,高二(3)班的学生志愿者李越和张华去阳光 敬老院(Sunshine Nursing Home)开展志愿者活动(送鲜花 和水果、打扫卫生、与老人聊天等)。假设你是校英语报的 记者陈杰,请按下面要点用英语写一篇。(1)时间、地点、人物、活动等;(2)老人们的反应;(

    10、3)简短评论;(4)词数80左右(结尾已给出,不计入总词数)STUDENT VOLUNTEERS BROUGHT SUNSHINE TO THE ELDERLY_ BY ChenJie School Newspaper新闻报道新闻报道 Student Volunteers Brought Sunshine to the Elderly On May Day,Li Yue and Zhang Hua,students from Class Three,Grade Two,went to Sunshine Nursing Home and did some voluntary work.They

    11、respectfully presented the elderly with flowers and fruit they purchased.Then,they started working at once,for instance,cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor.Everything done,they chatted with the elderly people and even performed a drama for them.There was lively interaction between them.The s

    12、enior citizens thanked them for their kindness.Li Yue and Zhang Hua were very happy.What they did has brought joy to others and enriched their own lives.By Chen Jie,School Newspaper重点单词1.critical adj.批评的,批判性的;关键的;危急的 _ n.评论家;批评家 _ adv.批判地,危急地 以批判的眼光 _非常关键的_在 方面起关键作用 _她以批判的眼光环视着房间。She looked round th

    13、e room _2.release vt.发布;释放;松开;发泄 n.释放;发行;排放,泄漏把某人从中释放出来;解除某人(的职务或工作_criticcriticallywith a critical eyehighly criticalplay a critical role inwith a critical eyerelease sb.from.松开,放开,松手_把某物释放/排放到中 _(电影)已经上映 _她下令释放囚犯。She commanded the _the prisoners.3.extend vi.&vt.延伸(距离);扩大;延长;伸展 _ adj.延长了的 _ n.拓展;延伸

    14、把某物给予某人 _延长了/到某时间 _延伸/越过/穿过 _延伸到/超出_精心保养可延长你的小汽车的寿命。Careful maintenance can _release ones griprelease sth.into sthbe on releaserelease ofextendedextensionextend sth.to sbextend sth.for/by/until sth.extend across/over/through extend to/beyondextend the life of your car4.construction n.建筑,建造;建造物;解释,说明

    15、一 建造,修建;组成,创建 在建设中 _的建设_说明某事物,解释某事物 _用某物建造某物_这座桥上的施工工程确实减慢了交通通行。_ has really slowed the traffic.5.automatic adj.自动的;无意识的,不假思索的_ adv.自动地一 _ n.自动,自动化 自动武器 _全自动_3她把照相机调到自动状态。She set the camera _constructunder constructionput a construction on sthconstruct sth.from/of/in|sthConstruction on the bridgeaut

    16、omaticallyautomationan automatic weaponfully automaticon automatic6.investigate vt.&vi.侦查,调查;研究一_ n.调查;审查:调查研究一 _ adj.调查研究的 1调查研究报道/报告/工作 对进行调查 正在调查中4他觉得有必要做进一步调查。He felt further_.7.priority n.优先事项,首要事情;优先权,重点,首先/最重要的!主要的优先事项,对享有优先权在这个交叉路口,公共汽车应有优先通行权。Buses should _at this junction.investigationinve

    17、stigativeinvestigative journalism/report/workinvestigate into under investigation impelled to investigatefirst/top/main prioritypriority overhave priority8.contradict vt.相矛盾,相皮;反驳,驳斥-_ n.矛 盾;否认;反驳 自相矛盾_自相矛盾的说法_(说法、信念、观点等的)矛盾/不一致/对立 _与某事相反,和某事背道而驰 _这两种说法相互抵触。The two stories _ each other.9.differ vi.相

    18、异;意见相左 与不同:区别于 _承认意见分歧_恕难苟同。/抱歉,我不赞同。_在抚育子女方面父母的观点可能迥然不同。Ideas on childcare may considerably _the parents.contradiction contradict oneselfa contradiction in termscontradiction between.and.in(direct)contradiction to sthcontradictdiffer fromagree to differI beg to differdiffer between10.conclusion n.结

    19、论,推论;结束,结果;签订,达成一_ v.推断;决定,得出结论;结束 最后,总之 _ 得出结论_ 以结束_ 达成协议/签订合同_ 会议开到最后,没有取得多少进展。_the meeting,little progress had been made.11.sum a.金额,款项;总和,总数;全部vt.总结,概括-_ n.摘(概)要 adj.概括的,扼要的_V.概括(述),总结一 _ n.求和;总数 1总之:总而言之 _ 2)总结,概括_ 3这就是我目前的全部成就。This is the _my achievements so fat.conclude in conclusioncome to/r

    20、each/arrive at a conclusionconclude withconclude an agreement/a contractAt the conclusion of summarysummarize summationin sumsum upsum of12.accurate adj.正确无误的;精确的一 _ adv正(准,精)确地 _ n.正(准,精)确 相当准确_ 精确的测量至关重要。_measurement is mit v.承诺,保证;犯(罪);花(钱或时间)vi全心全意投入;忠于一_ n.承诺,许诺;献身,投入;花费 _ adj.尽心尽力的 致力于(做)某事 _)

    21、犯谋杀罪 _ 自杀使承担义务,作出保证_ 和他们会面并不表示我们会承诺什么。Meeting them doesnt_ us to anything accuratelyaccuracy fairly accurateAccurate commitmentcommitted be committed to(doing)sthcommit murdercommit suicidecommit sb./oneself(to sth/to doing sth.)commit14.discrimination n.辨别力,识别力;歧视,区别对待 偏袒_ 种族/性别/宗教信仰歧视 _ 区别,辨别_ 他们已

    22、经保证在诸如就业等方面停止种族歧视。They have pledged to end _in areas such as employment.15.accuse vt.谴责,控诉控告/指责某人做某事 _ 指责某人某事_ 她的助手被警方指控偷窃和诈骗。Her assistant _theft and fraud by police.discrimination in favor ofracial/sex/religious discriminationdiscriminate sth.from sthracial discriminationaccuse sb.of doing sthaccu

    23、se sb.of sthwas accused of17.advertising n.广告活动,广告业一_ n.广告,启事;广告活动,广告宣传一_ vt.&vi.做广告,登 广告;公布,征聘;展现,宣传 在报纸上登广告 是某事物的典范在电视/报纸上为(某事物)做广告 被宣传为 你也许不喜欢广告,但它能促销。You may not like it butadvertisementadvertiseput place an advertisement in a newspaperbe an advertisement for sthadvertise(sth.)on TV/in a newspap

    24、erbe advertised as sthadvertising sells18.persuasion n.说服,劝说;信仰一 _ v.说服;使信服劝某人做某事 说服某人做某事 她的游说能力极强。She has great19.absorb vt.理解,掌握;吸收;吸引全部注意力_ adj.全神贯注的一 _ adj.吸引人的;吸收(液体、气体或其他物质)到某物中,被某物吸引_ 使并人,吸纳;同化 _市立学校被并入了新学区。City schools_ the new school district.persuadepersuade sb.to do sthpersuade sb.into doing sthabsorbed absorbing absorb sth.into sthbe absorbed in sthbe absorbed into sthwere absorbed into


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