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    Unit 8 词汇讲解课件 2022-2023学年人教版英语八年级上册.pptx(纯ppt,可能不含音视频素材)

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    Unit 8 词汇讲解课件 2022-2023学年人教版英语八年级上册.pptx(纯ppt,可能不含音视频素材)

    1、人教版英语人教版英语八八年级上册年级上册Unit 8 Unit 8 词汇讲解词汇讲解shake/ek/n.&v.摇动;抖动(过去式摇动;抖动(过去式shook)e.g.e.g.Please give the bottle a good shake before you open it.She gave him a shake to wake him.The whole house shakes when a train goes past.Do people in Italy shake hands when they meet?1milk shake milk shake 奶昔奶昔 shak

    2、e hands shake hands 握手握手 shake ones head shake ones head 摇头摇头blender/blend(r)/n.(美)搅拌机;掺(美)搅拌机;掺和者;混合物和者;混合物2Pour the milk into the blender.This is a new blender.Lets see how to use it.peel/pil/v.除去,剥去(水果、除去,剥去(水果、蔬菜等的)皮蔬菜等的)皮3Will you peel the potatoes for me?Will you peel the potatoes for me?Peel

    3、an apple for the child.Peel an apple for the child.turn on 接通(电源、煤气、水等);打开接通(电源、煤气、水等);打开 turn on turn on 是动副结构短语。其反义短语为是动副结构短语。其反义短语为turn offturn off,意为,意为“关上(电源、煤关上(电源、煤气、水等)气、水等)”。Mom,may I turn on the TV/turn the TV on?Would you please turn off the light?I cant sleep well with it on.turn turn 构成

    4、的短语:构成的短语:turn down turn down 开小;调低;拒绝开小;调低;拒绝 turn up turn up 开大;调高开大;调高 turn in turn in 上交上交 turn into turn into 变成变成4cut up 切碎切碎 cut up cut up 相当于相当于cut.into piecescut.into pieces,为,为“动词动词+副词副词”型短语,后接代词宾型短语,后接代词宾格时,宾格要放在格时,宾格要放在cut cut 与与up up 之间。后接名词作宾语时,放在中间或后面均之间。后接名词作宾语时,放在中间或后面均可。可。I will cu

    5、t up the beef to make dumplings.Could you please help me to cut it up?5cut out cut out 删除删除 cut in cut in 插嘴插嘴 cut off cut off 中断;打断中断;打断 cut down cut down 削减;砍倒削减;砍倒pour/p(r)/v.倒出;倾倒倒出;倾倒(1)pour.into.(1)pour.into.把把倒进倒进里里 Stop pouring the waste water into the rivers or lakes nearby.(2)pour.out(2)po

    6、ur.out 把把倒出倒出 Please pour the cold water out.(3)pour sth.for sb.=pour sb.sth.(3)pour sth.for sb.=pour sb.sth.给某人倒某物给某人倒某物Can you pour me some coffee,please?=Can you pour some coffee for me,please?pour 作动词,还有“(雨)倾盆而下”之意。e.g.e.g.It never rains but it pours.不雨则已,一雨倾盆。6yogurt/jt/n.yogurt/jt/n.酸奶酸奶 yogur

    7、t yogurt 作不可数名词,若表示它的量,常借助表示计量单位的词。作不可数名词,若表示它的量,常借助表示计量单位的词。e.g.e.g.Id like two cups of yogurt.我想要两杯酸奶。常见的其他与食物有关的不可数名词还有:常见的其他与食物有关的不可数名词还有:honey honey 蜂蜜蜂蜜 salt salt 食盐食盐 sugar sugar 糖糖 cheese cheese 干酪;奶酪干酪;奶酪 popcorn popcorn 爆米花爆米花 corn corn 玉米玉米 butter butter 黄油;奶油黄油;奶油78honey/hni/n.honey/hni/

    8、n.蜂蜜蜂蜜(不可数名词不可数名词)two teaspoons of honeytwo teaspoons of honeyAdd more honey if you have a sweet tooth.Add more honey if you have a sweet tooth.Honey will help your cough.Honey will help your cough.蜂蜜有助于治咳。蜂蜜有助于治咳。9watermelon watermelon/wtmeln/wtmeln/n.n.西瓜西瓜We have watermelon juice,orange juice and

    9、 cucumber juice.我们有西瓜汁、橙汁和黄瓜汁。If you plant watermelon seeds in the spring,you will be eating fresh watermelon in the fall.如果你春天种下西瓜的种子,那你在秋天就能吃上新鲜的西瓜了A watermelon is red inside and green outside.西瓜内红外绿。10spoon/spun/n.spoon/spun/n.匙,勺子匙,勺子two spoons of saltShe feeds the baby with a spoon.Look at my s

    10、poon.My spoon is big.She stirred her coffee with a spoon.add/d/v.add/d/v.增加;添加增加;添加 add to add to 使(数量)增加;使(规模)扩大使(数量)增加;使(规模)扩大 add to add to把把 添加到添加到 add up to add up to 总共是;总共是;总计为总计为 e.g.e.g.The bad weather added to our difficulties.We emptied our pockets,and all our money added up to 50 yuan.ad

    11、d 还有“补充道”之意。e.g.e.g.“Please be careful when you cross the road,”my mother added.11finally/fanli/adv.finally/fanli/adv.最后;最终最后;最终 finally finally 相当于相当于in the end in the end 或或at lastat last,表示顺序。可位于句首或,表示顺序。可位于句首或句中,句中,位于句中时位于位于句中时位于bebe动词、助动词或情态动词之后,行为动动词、助动词或情态动词之后,行为动词之前。词之前。e.g.He finally passed

    12、 the test.e.g.He finally passed the test.他最终通过了考试。他最终通过了考试。Finally,Mike made his dream come true.Finally,Mike made his dream come true.12finally,at last 与in the end的区别 finally finally 表示先后顺序中的“最后”,侧重结果,一般不带感情色彩。at last at last 意为“最后;终于”,在语义上指经过周折、等待或耽搁后,终于得到了期待的结果,感情色彩浓厚。in the end in the end 意为“最后;

    13、终于”,用来表示时间上的“最后”;它还可以用在将来时中,而at last at last 和finally finally 无此用法。e.g.And e.g.And finallyfinally,I would like to thank you all for,I would like to thank you all for coming here ing here today.My sister studied hard,and passed the exam My sister studied hard,and passed the exam at last.at last.Every

    14、one was happy Everyone was happy in the endin the end.salt/slt/n.食盐食盐 salt salt 为不可数名词。为不可数名词。e.g.Please pass me some salt.e.g.Please pass me some salt.请递给我一些盐。请递给我一些盐。The soup is a little salty.The soup is a little salty.汤有点咸。汤有点咸。拓展:拓展:salt salt 作名词,其对应的形容词为作名词,其对应的形容词为saltysalty,意为,意为“咸的;含盐咸的;含盐的

    15、的”。13piece n.piece n.片片;块块;段段 a piece of a piece of 一片,一块,一张一片,一块,一张 e.g.e.g.Its a piece of cake.小菜一碟。谚语 There is a piece of cake in the fridge.冰箱里有一块蛋糕。a piece of a piece of 作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式。表示不可数名词的量时,可用表示不可数名词的量时,可用“基数词基数词+piece(s)of+piece(s)of+不可数名词不可数名词”。1415 sugar/(r)/n.食糖;You nee

    16、d some to help you control your blood sugar.Milk is also sugar free because it is the least fattering.16 cheese/tiz/n.干酪,奶酪 Dont put cheese on the top of your pizza.a cheese sandwich 奶酪三明治He wolfed down the rest of the biscuit and cheese.17 corn/kn/n.corn/kn/n.谷物,谷粒;玉米;谷物,谷粒;玉米;Instead of cows,pigs

    17、and horses,there Instead of cows,pigs and horses,there is is corncorn,beans,strawberries and tomaotes,beans,strawberries and tomaotes around his house.around his house.I was very proud of my I was very proud of my corncorn and rice and worked and rice and worked hard to increase my crops.hard to inc

    18、rease my crops.18 machine/min/n.machine/min/n.机器,机械(装置)机器,机械(装置)I wish there was a I wish there was a machinemachine that helped to that helped to do homework.do homework.washing machine washing machine 洗衣机洗衣机19 dig/d/v.dig/d/v.搜寻,寻找搜寻,寻找 (dugdug)How many holes did you How many holes did you digdig?

    19、One hot afternoon,a poor One hot afternoon,a poor farmer was farmer was diggingdigging his field.his field.20 hole hole/hl/hl/n.n.洞,坑;洞,坑;There are small holes in the windows.There are small holes in the windows.First,dig a big and deep hole.First,dig a big and deep hole.Then put the tree right in t

    20、he hole.Then put the tree right in the hole.Make sure it is straight.Make sure it is straight.Next,cover the hole with Next,cover the hole with soil.soil.Finally,water the tree withFinally,water the tree with enough water.enough water.21 sandwich /snwt/n.sandwich /snwt/n.三明治,夹心面三明治,夹心面包片包片 复数复数 sand

    21、wich sandwicheses Mom can make delcious sandwiches.Mom can make delcious sandwiches.This is your order,a sandwich and an apple This is your order,a sandwich and an apple pie.pie.22 butter/bt(r)/n.butter/bt(r)/n.黄油黄油For breakfast I had a thick slice of bread For breakfast I had a thick slice of bread

    22、 and butter.and butter.I put butter on the biscuits.I put butter on the biscuits.23 turkey/tki/n.turkey/tki/n.火鸡;火鸡肉;火鸡;火鸡肉;This year were going to visit my This year were going to visit my grandparents and well eat a delicious meal grandparents and well eat a delicious meal of turkey.of turkey.The

    23、turkey and all the other food were The turkey and all the other food were gone almost as quickly as they appeared.gone almost as quickly as they appeared.24 lettuce /lets/n.UC a plant with lettuce /lets/n.UC a plant with large green leaves that are eaten raw,large green leaves that are eaten raw,esp

    24、ecially in salad.There are many types of especially in salad.There are many types of lettuce.lettuce.莴苣;生菜莴苣;生菜 a bacon,lettuce and tomato sandwich a bacon,lettuce and tomato sandwich 咸肉、咸肉、生菜加番茄三明治生菜加番茄三明治 traditional/trdnl/adj.traditional/trdnl/adj.传统的;惯例的传统的;惯例的tradition n.tradition n.传统传统 tradit

    25、ionally adv.traditionally adv.传统地传统地 traditionaltraditional是由是由“名词名词tradition+-al”tradition+-al”构成,构成,类似构成的单词还有类似构成的单词还有form+-al formal form+-al formal nation+-al nationalnation+-al national(国家的)(国家的)nature+-alnaturalnature+-alnatural(adj.adj.自然的)自然的)25e.g.The Spring Festival is one of the e.g.The S

    26、pring Festival is one of the traditionaltraditional festivals in China.festivals in China.春节是中国传统的节日之一。春节是中国传统的节日之一。The company has a long The company has a long traditiontradition of fine design.of fine design.这家公司的优秀设计历史悠久。这家公司的优秀设计历史悠久。TraditionallyTraditionally,election campaigns start on Labor

    27、Day.,election campaigns start on Labor Day.根据惯例,竞选活动从劳动节开始。根据惯例,竞选活动从劳动节开始。26 autunm /tm/n.autunm /tm/n.秋天,秋季秋天,秋季Leaves change colour Leaves change colour in autumnin autumn.He visited me twice thatHe visited me twice that autumn autumn and called and called me on the telephone often.me on the tele

    28、phone often.27 gravy/revi/n.gravy/revi/n.肉汁;肉汁;Ill have a chicken pie with Ill have a chicken pie with gravygravy.Another favorite way to eat tice noodles is Another favorite way to eat tice noodles is with meat,vegetables and thick with meat,vegetables and thick gravygravy.28 mashed/mt/adj.mashed/m

    29、t/adj.捣碎的;捣烂的;被捣成糊状的捣碎的;捣烂的;被捣成糊状的People liek to eat potatoes People liek to eat potatoes mashed,boiled and fried.mashed,boiled and fried.I cant stand mashed I cant stand mashed potatoes.potatoes.pumpkin/pmpkn/n.pumpkin/pmpkn/n.南瓜南瓜Pumpkin piePumpkin pie is a traditional American dish is a tradition

    30、al American dish served on Thanksgiving.served on Thanksgiving.There are so manyThere are so many pumpkins pumpkins grwoing on a grwoing on a pumpkinpumpkin tree.tree.2930 pie/pa/n.pie/pa/n.馅饼,果馅饼馅饼,果馅饼Ill have a chicken pie with gravy.Ill have a chicken pie with gravy.The fish pie reminded me of my

    31、 grandma.The fish pie reminded me of my grandma.a piece of piea piece of piecelebrate/selbret/v.celebrate/selbret/v.庆祝;庆贺庆祝;庆贺31作及物动词作及物动词e.g.We e.g.We celebratedcelebrated the New Year with a dance party.the New Year with a dance party.作不及物动词作不及物动词Today is my mothers birthday.Lets Today is my mothe

    32、rs birthday.Lets celebratecelebrate.celebration是 celebratecelebrate的名词形式,意为的名词形式,意为“庆典,庆祝活动庆典,庆祝活动”We gathered in celebration of their wedding anniversary.我们聚在一起庆祝他们的结婚纪念日。celebrate 还有“颂扬;歌颂”之意。e.g.e.g.It is a movie that celebrates the life and work of Martin Luther King.这是一部颂扬马丁路德金生平事迹的影片。prepare/p

    33、rpe/v.使做好准备;把使做好准备;把准备好准备好e.g.We all need to prepare for real life,especially the housework.e.g.We all need to prepare for real life,especially the housework.我们都需要为现实生活做准备,尤其是家务。我们都需要为现实生活做准备,尤其是家务。I was preparing to leave.I was preparing to leave.我正准备离开。我正准备离开。My mother is preparing lunch for us in

    34、 the kitchen.My mother is preparing lunch for us in the kitchen.我妈妈正在厨房为我们准备午饭。我妈妈正在厨房为我们准备午饭。32Careful preparation for the exam is essential.Careful preparation for the exam is essential.认真准备考试十分必要。认真准备考试十分必要。prepare prepare 常见搭配:常见搭配:prepare for sth.prepare for sth.为某事做准备为某事做准备 prepare to do sth.p

    35、repare to do sth.准备做某事准备做某事 prepare sth.for sb.prepare sth.for sb.为某人准备某物为某人准备某物mix/mks/n.mix/mks/n.混合配料混合配料 v.v.(使)混合;融合(使)混合;融合 e.g.e.g.If you mix red and yellow,what color will you get?如果你把红色和黄色混在一起,你会得到什么颜色?Its difficult to mix oil with water.把水和油混合在一起很难。I always mix him up with his brother.They

    36、 look so alike.我总是把他和他的弟弟弄混,他们长得太像了。33 mix mix 作动词,常用短语:作动词,常用短语:mix.and.(together)mix.and.(together)把把和和混合在一起混合在一起 mix.with.mix.with.把把和和混合混合 mix up mix up 弄混;混淆弄混;混淆 mix mix 的相关词汇:的相关词汇:mixture n.mixture n.混合物混合物 mixer n.mixer n.搅拌器搅拌器 mixed adj.mixed adj.混合的混合的34 pepper/pep(r)/n.pepper/pep(r)/n.胡

    37、椒粉;辣椒,甜椒胡椒粉;辣椒,甜椒She shook someShe shook some pepper pepper onto her sandwich.onto her sandwich.她在她的三明治上撒了些胡椒。她在她的三明治上撒了些胡椒。The The pepperpepper makes the food hot.makes the food hot.胡椒使食物变辣。胡椒使食物变辣。fill/fl/v.fill/fl/v.(使)充满;装满(使)充满;装满 fill.with.fill.with.用用装满装满,其被动结构为,其被动结构为be filled withbe filled

    38、with,意,意为为“被装满被装满”,相当于,相当于be full ofbe full of。e.g.e.g.She filled the glass with wine.她把玻璃杯倒满了红酒。The box is filled with books.=The box is full of books.箱子里装满了书。拓展:拓展:fill 对应的形容词为full,意为“满的”。3536 oven/v()n/n.oven/v()n/n.烤炉,烤箱烤炉,烤箱The oven takes a while to heat up.The oven takes a while to heat up.烤箱得

    39、过会儿才能热起来。烤箱得过会儿才能热起来。Put the onions and ginger in the oven and Put the onions and ginger in the oven and let them roast for thirty minutes.let them roast for thirty minutes.cover/kv(r)/v.cover/kv(r)/v.遮盖;覆盖遮盖;覆盖 n.n.覆盖物;盖子覆盖物;盖子 e.g.He covered the table with a newspaper.e.g.He covered the table with

    40、 a newspaper.他用一张报纸盖他用一张报纸盖住了桌子。住了桌子。Look!The ground is covered with snow.Look!The ground is covered with snow.看!地上覆盖着雪。看!地上覆盖着雪。A box usually has a cover.A box usually has a cover.箱子通常都有盖子。箱子通常都有盖子。37(1 1)cover cover 还可以作动词,意为还可以作动词,意为“占(一片面积)占(一片面积)”e.g.The new library covers an area of two square

    41、 kilometers.e.g.The new library covers an area of two square kilometers.(2 2)cover cover 还可以作名词,意为还可以作名词,意为“封面封面”。e.g.Look!Your name is on the cover of the book.e.g.Look!Your name is on the cover of the book.cover.with.cover.with.用用盖住盖住 be covered with.be covered with.被被覆盖着覆盖着serve/s(r)v/v.serve/s(r

    42、)v/v.提供;接待;服务提供;接待;服务 e.g.The waiter served the woman first.e.g.The waiter served the woman first.那个服务生先为那名那个服务生先为那名女士服务。女士服务。She served us(with)a delicious lunch.=She served a She served us(with)a delicious lunch.=She served a delicious lunch to us.delicious lunch to us.她招待我们吃了一顿可口的午餐。她招待我们吃了一顿可口的午

    43、餐。He served as a captain in the army.He served as a captain in the army.他曾在军队里担任上尉。他曾在军队里担任上尉。38serve serve 对应的名词为对应的名词为serviceservice,意为意为“服务;接待服务;接待”。e.g.The hotel provides delicious food and comfortable e.g.The hotel provides delicious food and comfortable rooms,but still some customers complain

    44、about its rooms,but still some customers complain about its service.service.这家旅馆提供美味的事物和舒适的房间,但仍然有一些这家旅馆提供美味的事物和舒适的房间,但仍然有一些顾客抱怨它的服务。顾客抱怨它的服务。temperature/temprt(r)/n.温度;气温;体温温度;气温;体温(1)(1)温度温度 e.g.e.g.Whats the temperature today?It is over zero.(2)(2)气温气温 e.g.e.g.The food should be kept at a low tem

    45、perature.(3)(3)体温体温 e.g.e.g.The nurse took his temperature and found that he had a temperature.39 have a temperature/fever have a temperature/fever 发烧发烧 the temperature of.the temperature of.的温度的温度 表达温度高低用表达温度高低用high high 或或lowlow,询问温度是多少用,询问温度是多少用whatwhat。at a high/low temperature at a high/low temperature 在高温在高温/低温下低温下 take ones temperature take ones temperature 给某人量体温给某人量体温


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