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    《跨境电商实用英语(第2版)》课件Unit 4-Chapter 2.pptx

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    《跨境电商实用英语(第2版)》课件Unit 4-Chapter 2.pptx

    1、Payment跨境电商实用英语 Chapter 2Unit 4 On-sale Services of Cross-border E-commerce跨境电商系列教材Acquire basic knowledge about different methods of payment on Cross-border E-commerce platforms1Learn the relative words and expressions2Understand the security insurance of online payment 3Learning GoalsAfter studyin

    2、g this chapter,you are expected to:PART ONEWarming-upPART 1Warming-upWork in group.Look at what the following people say or do and express your own opinions with your group members.Try to relate to your personal experience.A.Mark has never bought anything from an online shop because he is worried ab

    3、out the safety of making the payment online.PART 1Warming-upB.One of the reasons why people tend to choose PayPal is due to its characteristics of capital security,speed,convenience and wider coverage.PART TWOPassage ReadingPART 2Passage Reading Order payment serves as the indispensable key part thr

    4、oughout Cross-border E-commerce,covering both online and offline approach.Offline bank approach is essentially the same as the original payment in international trade,excerpt that the platform of business shifts from offline exhibitions to B2B(A,Made in China,Global sources etc)and B2C websites(AliE

    5、xpress,eBay,Amazon etc).Offline payment methods include Cash,Letter of Credit(L/C),Payment on Delivery,Western Union Transfer and Documentary Collection as well as Documents against Payment(D/P),Installment,Payment on Credit and Deferred Payment,among which the first four are generally the main opti

    6、ons.Comparatively,online approach mainly refers to the payment model of E-account to E-account,touching upon such methods as Alipay,Paypal,MoneyBookers and Google checkout,etc.Payment Some buyers that are new to online shopping may turn out to be not familiar with the payment procedures of Cross-bor

    7、der E-commerce platforms,and thus fail to complete the order after initiating one.In this case,sellers should give in-time communication and patient explanation to related questions.Meanwhile,suppliers should contact purchasers to first of all thank their support,also to enquire of any possible prob

    8、lems occurred in the process of payment and inform them of the procedures and offer help accordingly,when some unpaid orders especially those repeated ones from one buyer are spotted.PART 2Passage Reading Though most of the buyers are able to see through this process,some still may have payment fail

    9、ure after multiple attempts.Therefore,when asked for assistance,sellers shall let buyers know potential reasons for the failure and help them through the payment to finally win the order back.Additionally,some may have no clue to use the shopping cart to combine the purchasing and payment for variou

    10、s types of products in one store,which leads to the inconvenience on both sides caused by redundant orders from one buyer.In this sense,sellers shall guide them to reasonably use the cart and to incorporate the order payments.Some buyers may hesitate to make orders due to the doubts over the securit

    11、y of cross-border online payment.For those,sellers shall dispel their concern and boost their trust by telling them the security insurance of online payment.PART 2Passage Reading Some buyers may hesitate to make orders due to the doubts over the security of cross-border online payment.For those,sell

    12、ers shall dispel their concern and boost their trust by telling them the security insurance of online payment.For example,Secure Payment of A aims to provide a safe payment service for all parties engaged in international trade.By partnering with an independent online payment platform(Alipay),Secure

    13、 Payment provides security to online payment and to online transaction for both buyers and suppliers,and also it ensures money dispute resolution.Efficient transaction is realized here by supporting drafting freight order,online wholesaling and trading as well as online ordering of purchasers,with r

    14、eal-time order process available over platform of .Secure payment also offer diverse payment methods as credit cards,Western Union and bank transfers to guarantee the convenient payment for buyers.PART 2Passage Reading Another typical example is Paypal.Established in December 1998 by Peter Thiel and

    15、 Max Levchin,Paypal is an internet service provider dedicated to enable both individuals and businesses to realize protected,simple and convenient online payment as well as collection via email address.The online electronic account launched by Paypal has dramatically reduced the rate of internet fra

    16、ud,ranking itself one of the safest counterparts.Currently,Paypal has boasted the recognition and the electronic payment choice of more than 90%sellers and over 85%buyers involved in transnational trade.PART 2Passage ReadingNew Wordsindispensable ndspensbl adj.1New Wordtoo important to be without不可或

    17、缺的;必不可少的e.g.)The internet has become an indispensable part in peoples life.网络成了人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。)An intelligent computer will be an indispensable diagnostic tool for doctors.智能计算机将成为医生不可或缺的诊断工具。返回original rdnl adj.01New Word2existing at the beginning of a particular period,process or activity原来的;起初的;最早

    18、的e.g.)Weve altered the original plan to some extent.我们部分地改变了原计划。)I bought the coat as it was considerably reduced from its original price.这件上衣大减价,因此我就把它买下了。返回option pn n.New Word3something that you can choose to have or do;the freedom to choose what you do可选择的事物;选择;选择权;选择的自由e.g.)Cooperation was more

    19、 than just an attractive option,it was an obligation.合作不仅仅是诱人的选择,它也是一种责任。)He was left with no option but to resign.他除了辞职外别无选择。返回comparatively kmprtvli adv.New Word4as compared to sth/sb else比较上;相对地e.g.)The unit is comparatively easy to install and cheap to operate.这种设备比较容易安装而且用起来便宜。)We prefer to wor

    20、k with a comparatively small number of colleagues.我们宁愿与比较少的同事一起工作。返回procedure prsi:d(r)n.5New Worda way of doing sth,especially the usual or correct way(正常)程序,手续,步骤e.g.)He is familiar with export procedure.他熟悉出口手续。)He minuted the procedure of the meeting.他对会议议程做了记录。返回accordingly k:dli adj.01New Word

    21、6in a way that is appropriate to what has been done or said in a particular situation照着;相应地e.g.)It is a difficult job and they should be paid accordingly.这是份棘手的工作,他们应得到相应的报酬。)As the economy develops,the living conditions of the people have been improved accordingly.经济发展了,人民的生活水平也随着提高了。返回redundantrdn

    22、dnt adj.New Word7not needed or useful多余的;不需要的e.g.)The type of computer may be very marketable.这种型号的电脑可能很有销路。)You need both a good plan and a marketable product.你需要一个良好的计划和适销对路的产品。返回incorporate nk:pret v.New Word8to include sth so that it forms a part of sth将包含在内;包含;吸收;使并入 e.g.)Many of your suggestio

    23、ns have been incorporated in the plan.你的很多建议已纳入计划中。)The new car design incorporates all the latest safety features.新的汽车设计包括了所有最新的安全配备。返回hesitate heztet v.9New Wordto be slow to speak or act because you feel uncertain or nervous(对某事)犹豫,迟疑不决e.g.)Dont hesitate to make comments or suggestions if you hav

    24、e any.有意见尽管提好了。)Do not hesitate to laugh at anything you find amusing.只要觉得好笑就尽管笑。返回available velbl adj.01New Word10(of things)that you can get,buy or find可获得的;可购得的;可找到的e.g.)New types of multi-tasking software are now available.现在已经有了新型的多重任务处理软件。)A wide range of colors and patterns are available.各种颜色

    25、和样式都有。返回fraud fr:d n.New Word11the crime of cheating sb in order to get money or goods illegally欺诈罪,欺骗罪e.g.)There was evidence of massive fraud.有证据表明是巨额欺诈。)She was charged with credit card fraud.她被控告信用卡欺骗罪。返回Proper Names1.Letter of Credit(L/C)信用证2.Payment on Delivery 交货付款3.Western Union Transfer 西联汇

    26、款4.Documentary Collection 跟单托收5.Documents against Payment(D/P)付款交单6.Installment 分期付款7.Payment on Credit 记账付款8.Deferred Payment 延期付款Proper NamesPhrases&Expressionsserve as 充当;担任01P&Ee.g.)He volunteered to serve as the manager of our department store.他自荐当我们商场的经理。)They serve as a direct bridge between

    27、manufactures and consumers.他们在生产厂商和消费者之间架起了一个桥梁。Phrases&Expressions01P&E02in the process of 在过程中e.g.)The damage is hard to avoid in the process of long distance transport.在长途运输过程中,搬运时难免有破损的事情。)They are in the process of resolving all the unsettled issues.他们正在着手解决所有悬而未决的问题。Phrases&ExpressionsP&E03eng

    28、age in 经营;参加;从事;忙于e.g.)They engage in the study of economics.他们从事经济学研究。)Graduates have a chance to engage in starting their own businesses.毕业生有机会参与创业。Phrases&Expressionsdedicated to 献给04P&Ee.g.)His whole energies are dedicated to improve the design.他的全部精力都放在改进这项设计上了。)China will continue to be dedica

    29、ted to international cooperation in this area.中国将继续致力于加强在该领域的国际合作。Phrases&Expressions01P&E05involve in 参与;涉及;卷入e.g.)My job involve in the development of software.我的工作涉及软件的开发。)Everyone should involve in the protection of environment.每个人都应参与到保护环境中去。Phrases&ExpressionsTask 1 Work in pairs.Read the pass

    30、age and answer the following questions.1Can you list some the offline payment methods?2What should sellers do if they find that buyer cant use the shopping cart to combine the purchasing and payment?3Whats the function of“Secure Payment”on A?Task 2 1.Students have the _ of studying abroad in their s

    31、econd year.2.All employees _ sales,operations,and finance.3.The family is the _ part in the process of the development and construction of human society.4.I believe he was an honourable man,_ the people and his career.5.When you have filled in the questionnaire,copy it and send the _ one to your emp

    32、loyer.6.Cheap goods are _,but not in sufficient quantities to satisfy demand.7.Management of customer service is an interesting and _ new area of study.8.Police insist that Michael did not follow the correct _ in applying for a visa.Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases in the b

    33、ox.Change the form if necessary.option engage in indispensable dedicated to original available comparatively procedure Task 3 1.我们在设计中纳入了所有最新的安装设置。(incorporate)_2.智能手机成了人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。(indispensable)_3.我们别无选择,只有放弃这次会面。(option)_ 4.如果遇到困难,请尽管和我们的客户服务部联系。(hesitate)_5.我们致力于提供每个客户“可信的产品和有价值的服务”。(dedicated

    34、 to)_6.我们希望制造商能注意到这些结果,并对它们的产品做出相应的改进。(accordingly)_Translate the following sentences into English,using the expressions in brackets.We have incorporated all the latest safety features into the design.The smart mobile phone has become an indispensable part in peoples life.We had no option but to aba

    35、ndon the meeting.In the event of difficulties,please do not hesitate to contact our Customer Service Department.We are dedicated to provide all of our customers with reliable products and valuable Services.We hope that manufacturers will take note of the findings and improve their products according

    36、ly.PART THEREReal Case Analysis询问Sample 1对支付流程的询问和回复Hi,I am interested in your handmade vase and I wish to buy one.Could you please assist me in how to pay for my purchase?Thank you!xxx 在日常的跨境电商交易中,卖家经常会遇到一些买家因不熟悉支付方式、不了解支付流程、甚至支付失败而进行咨询。卖家应给予其专业的回复,做到语言清晰准确,及时帮助买家完成订单支付。当然,还有一些买家下单后又觉得产品价格过高、物流时间太长

    37、等原因犹豫到底要不要支付,针对这种犹豫不决的买家,卖家可以稍稍催一下,简单概括产品的特点和优点,增强买家对产品的信心,甚至可以用库存紧张或产品即将失效为由,给买家留言。回复Sample 1 对支付流程的询问和回复Hi xxx,Thank you for your interest in our vases.You can select the order and click the“Pay Now”button.Choose your preferred payment method on the checkout page.The platform supports Visa,Masterc

    38、ard,Maestro Debit Card,Western Union,and write transfer via banks.Please let me know if I can be of further assistance.Thanks again.Looking forward to hearing from you soon.Best wishes xxx 在以下回复函中,卖家对如何支付订单进行了详细说明。买家可以在订单列表中选中要支付的订单,点击“支付”按键,在跳出的页面中选择中意的付款方式。平台支持Visa卡,万事达卡,借记卡,西联汇款和银行汇款。询问Sample 2对合

    39、并支付的询问和回复Hi,I am impressed by the childrens toys supplied in your store.I want to buy a Barbie doll,a control car and a water gun.But I dont know how to place one order for these items.Would you please tell me how to do?回复Sample 2 对合并支付的询问和回复Dear friend,Thank you for your interest in our childrens t

    40、oys.Our toys are excellent in quality and low in price.If you would like to place one order for many items,please first click“Add to Cart”button,then“Buy Now”button,and check your address and order details carefully before clicking“submit”button.After that,please inform me,and I will cut down the pr

    41、ice to USD XXX.Then you can refresh the page to continue your payment.Thank you very much.Best Regards,xxx 以上买家欲在店铺中购买多样儿童玩具,但不知道如何完成订单的合并支付。在这种情况下,卖家应引导买家进行正确的操作,先把感兴趣的产品放入购物车,点击“购买”,提醒买家先不要立即付款,等待卖家更改价格,刷新页面后继续完成支付。询问Sample 3对支付失败的询问和回复Hello,I want to order 50 bags of milk tea from your store.I am

    42、 ready to pay and I have tried for several times,but it failed.I am really confused and need your help.回复Sample 3 对支付失败的询问和回复Dear friend,Thank you for your interest in our products.If your payment for the order has failed,please check it is not due to the following situations:card security code fail

    43、ed;insufficient fund;exceed limit;the 3-D security code failed;verification failed.Please feel free to contact me if you have any further questions.Best Regards,xxx 卖家收到买家订单支付失败的求助消息后,可以列举一些可能导致支付失败的原因来帮助买家顺利完成支付,争取订单。卖家用心的服务是打动买家并树立良好口碑的关键。询问Sample 4给下单未支付客户的留言模板Dear friend,We have got your order.B

    44、ut it seems that the order is still unpaid.The item you chose is of high quality with competitive price.If there is anything I can help with the price,size,shipment etc.,please feel free to contact us.After the payment is confirmed,I will process the order and ship it out as soon as possible.Thank y

    45、ou!Best Regards,xxx 针对部分已下单却未付款的客户,卖家应及时跟进并了解客户未付款的原因。用专业的素养和诚恳的态度打消客户的种种犹豫。回复Sample 4 给下单未支付客户的留言模板Dear xxx,Thank you for your order.Please note that there are only 3 days left to get 10%off by making payment.The earlier you pay,the sooner we will ship the product to you.Besides,I will send you a g

    46、ift to show my appreciation.If you have any further question,please feel free to contact with us.Best Regards,xxx 如果客户是觉得价格偏高而犹豫支付时,卖家可以适当调整价格。注意在调整价格时,卖家务必给出合适的理由,比如调价只有3天等。回复Sample 4 给下单未支付客户的留言模板Dear xxx,Thank you for your order.We noticed that you havent finished the payment for the order yet.Yo

    47、u have selected the best-selling product in our store.We would like to inform you that this product many be sold out soon since it is very popular for its fashionable design and competitive price.We will deliver your order within 24 hours once your payment is confirmed.If you have any questions,plea

    48、se feel free to let us know.Best Regards,xxx 针对部分犹豫的买家,卖家可以以产品库存不多为由,提醒买家尽快付款,否则有可能会断货,买不到其想买的产品。回复Sample 5 给资金未通过风控审核的客户的留言模板Dear friend,I am sorry to tell you that your order has been cancelled because your credit card has not been approved by Aliexpress.If you still want the item,you can make a n

    49、ew order and you can pay through Western Union,T/T or other ways too.Best Regards,xxx 买家下单后,速卖通风控部门会在24小时内对买家的资金进行审核。如果资金来源有问题,未通过风控部门的审核,平台会关闭交易,这时卖家需及时与买家沟通。HighlightedSentences1.Payment must be made within 14 days._2.Choose your preferred payment method on the checkout page._3.Please first click“

    50、Add to Cart”button,then“Buy Now”button._ 4.After the payment is confirmed,we will process the order and ship it out as soon as possible._5.Our preferred method of payment is PayPal._Highlighted Sentences 付款必须在14天内完成。在跳出的页面中选择您中意的付款方式。请先把感兴趣的产品放入购物车,点击“购买”。确认付款后,我们会尽快处理订单并发货。我们首先的付款方式是PayPal。6.If you


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