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    《跨境电商实用英语(第2版)》课件Unit 4-Chapter 5.pptx

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    《跨境电商实用英语(第2版)》课件Unit 4-Chapter 5.pptx

    1、Shipment and Delivery跨境电商实用英语 Chapter 5Unit 4 On-sale Services of Cross-border E-commerce跨境电商系列教材Acquire basic knowledge about different cross-border logistics methods1Use appropriate expressions and communicative skills to reply to customers inquiry about logistics and costs2Know how to visit the t

    2、racking web and get the latest logistic information3Learning Goals After studying this chapter,you are expected to:PART ONEWarming-upPART 1Warming-upWork in group.Look at what the following people say or do and express your own opinions with your group members.Try to relate to your personal experien

    3、ce.A.A seller said,“I sold a lot of goods out before Christmas.The sudden increase of parcels prevented the post office from having enough time to deal with.At that time the customer was anxiously waiting for the goods.Finally,three of the customers gave a negative comment to me.Thus it can be seen

    4、that choosing a good logistics company is especially important.”PART 1Warming-upB.A buyer complained,“I bought a product online.It is unbelievable that the price of the product is lower than the price of UPS.Free shipping products will be the first choice in my future online shopping”.PART TWOPassag

    5、e ReadingPART 2Passage Reading For Cross-border E-commerce business,the competitive advantage of a company depends primarily on user-centered customer value.User experience is not only reflected in the quality of products provided by Cross-border E-commerce companies,but also reflected in the offlin

    6、e services,especially the product delivery and distribution services throughout the process.It shows that Cross-border E-commerce must rely on the combination of logistics,business flow and information flow to get better development.The key to the quality of logistics service is reflected in the cap

    7、acity of logistics operation,and has the driving effect to the customer value.The logistics information is the lifeblood of e-commerce logistics operation,affecting the entire logistics system,providing favorable conditions to the customer value.The logistics service of Cross-border E-commerce requi

    8、res faster distribution,shorter delivery time,broader coverage,more accurate and efficient logistics information.Shipment and Delivery How to achieve low shipping price,faster distribution,and quick customs clearance is the key for sellers to gain an advantage in the logistics competition.If the sel

    9、ler can communicate with the customer about the delivery method,delivery time,inquiry way for logistics information,receipt time,orders overweight,tariffs and other matters before the sale,he will win more trust and orders.There are many logistics methods for Cross-border E-commerce,including postal

    10、 logistics,commercial express,logistics for special line and overseas warehouses.Prices and services differ a lot for different logistics methods.Shipping fee of EMS is relatively cheaper,with forwarding agent offering up to 50%discount.PART 2Passage Reading UPS is known for its high speed and its g

    11、ood service.It usually takes two to four days to ship to USA.UPS also provides a quick updating of query information and a quick solution to any problems you may have.UPS provides online delivery and on-site pick-up service,shipping to over 200 regions and countries around the world.DHL offers a qui

    12、ck delivery,usually three workdays to Europe and two workdays to South and East Asia.It has a quick updating of query page and a quick solution to problems.Goods over 21 kg is charged in bulk.Shipping fee for bulk to most areas is cheaper than that of EMS.Shipping agents usually offer 50%discount fo

    13、r bulk and charges for smaller parcels are more expensive.PART 2Passage Reading FEDEX has a competitive price for the shipping to South and Central America and Europe with a 15%higher discount than that of other shipping companies,while the price for shipping to other areas is relatively higher.TNT

    14、is quick in shipping and it takes 3 workdays or so to west Europe countries.It can ship to more countries than others.SF is quick in shipping to South Korea,Singapore,Hong Kong,Macao and Taiwan with goods arrival in 2 or 3 workdays.There is no charge except the first weight unit charge and additiona

    15、l weight unit charge.The charge of China Post Air Parcel is relatively cheaper,and it reaches destination countries all over the world,but it takes relatively longer time.PART 2Passage Reading Sellers can set a reasonable shipping template according to the characteristics of the product and the loca

    16、tion of customer.Sellers can describe logistics methods and related matters in details for sellers to choose.As the charge of China Post Air Parcel is relatively cheaper,shipping time not long for some countries,coverage to almost all countries,and highly cost effective,so most of the current cross-

    17、border retail sellers will choose China Post Registered Air Parcel.After the products are shipped,the seller should send a notice of shipment to the customer to inform the buyer of the product logistics,delivery time,tracking number and logistics status link.The shipment notice allows buyers to clea

    18、rly understand the logistics status of the product,feel the sellers quality service,and greatly enhances the customer experience.PART 2Passage Reading As the transaction amount for most of cross-border retail sales are small and the value for parcels are generally low,they did not meet the tariff th

    19、reshold set by the customs authorities in most cases and buyers do not need to worry about the import tariff.But the threshold of some countries is low,which requires the seller to communicate with the buyer,patiently guide buyers to understand the customs policy,and make it clear that if there are

    20、any additional customs Taxes and fees,the buyer need to pay by themselves,so as not to cause unnecessary disputes.PART 2Passage Reading The development of cross-border logistics in China is relatively slow.The development of logistics and Cross-border E-commerce are complementary to each other.Logis

    21、tics occupies an important part in whether Cross-border E-commerce is satisfactory.Companies should compare a variety of cross-border logistics modes for comprehensive consideration and choose the best logistics method of Cross-border E-commerce based on their own situation.They can also create new

    22、logistics methods according to the needs of business and customer,and create more customer value through upgrading logistics services for Cross-border E-commerce.PART 2Passage ReadingNew Wordsprimarily pramerli adj.1New Wordmainly主要地;根本地e.g.)This is primarily a question of economics.这只要是一个经济学问题。)We

    23、primarily deal in electronic products.我们主要经营电子产品。返回distribution dstrbju:n n.01New Word2the act of giving or delivering sth to a number of people分发;分送;配送e.g.)The key focus of the marketing will be on price and distribution.营销的重点将放在价格与配送上。)The packages finally arrived at the end of last week and distr

    24、ibution began.包裹总算在上周末运到并开始分发。返回combination kmbnen n.New Word3two or more things joined or mixed together to form a single unit 结合体;联合体;混合体e.g.)A combination of talent,hard work and good looks have taken her to the top.兼具天赋、勤奋和美貌使她得以出人头地。)Their success is the result of a combination of causes.他们的成功是

    25、各种原因结合的产物。返回capacitykpsti n.New Word4the number of things or people that a container or space can hold 容量;容积;容纳能力e.g.)Whats the carrying capacity of this ship?这艘船载重多少?)The theatre has a seating capacity of 2000.这座剧院能容纳2000名观众。返回logistics ldstks n.5New Wordthe practical organization that is needed to

    26、 make a complicated plan successful when a lot of people and equipment is involved后勤;物流;组织工作e.g.)Logistics is now more important in our industry than technology.物流目前在我们这一行比技术还重要。)Logistics is a combination of technology and business management.物流是科技和运营管理的一个联合。返回differ df(r)v.01New Word6to be differe

    27、nt from sb/sth相异;有区别;不同于e.g.)These two regions differ greatly in climate.这两个地区气候差异很大。)Your needs can differ from day to day.你的需要每天可能都会不同。返回category ktgri n.New Word7a group of people or things with particular features in common(人或事物的)类别,种类e.g.)This is a brand-new product category.这是一个全新的产品门类。)The ta

    28、bles were organized into six different categories.餐桌被编为6个不同的类别。返回coverage kvrd n.New Word8the amount of sth that sth provides;the amount or way that sth covers an area提供的数量;覆盖范围(或方式)e.g.)This is an insurance policy with extensive coverage.这是一项承保范围广泛的保险。)The coverage of the business exceeded our expe

    29、ctation.业务的覆盖率超出了我们的预计。返回thresholdrehld n.9New Wordthe level at which sth starts to happen or have an effect界限;起始点e.g.)To cross the threshold is not difficult,but mastery is another question.入门不难,深造不易。)That raises the cost and the legal threshold to sue an airline.这就提高了起诉航空公司的费用和法律门槛。返回complementary

    30、 kmplmentri adj.01New Word10two people or things that are complementary are different but together form a useful or attractive combination or skills,qualities or physical features互补的;补充的;相互补足的e.g.)Teaching and research are complementary to each other.教学和科研相辅相成。)Our two countries are mutually complem

    31、entary in economy.我们两国的经济是互补的。返回comprehensive kmprhensv adj.New Word11including all,or almost all,the items,details,facts,information,etc.,that may be concerned全部的;所有的;详尽的 e.g.)All the products are labeled with comprehensive instructions.所有产品均标有详尽的使用说明。)We should make the plan as comprehensive as po

    32、ssible.计划要尽量订得周全些。返回consideration knsdren n.New Word12the act of thinking carefully about sth仔细考虑;深思;斟酌e.g.)It was a question which deserved serious consideration.这是一个值得认真考虑的问题。)Objections to the plan will be taken into consideration.对本计划的异议将予以考虑。返回Phrases&Expressionspostal logistics 邮政物流01P&EPhrase

    33、s&Expressions01P&E02commercial express 商业快递Phrases&ExpressionsP&E03logistics for special line 专线物流Phrases&Expressionsoverseas warehouses 海外仓04P&EPhrases&Expressions01P&E05in bulk 大量;整批e.g.)Buying in bulk is more economical than shopping for small quantities.批量采购要比零买实惠很多。)If you purchase books in bul

    34、k,then you will have a discounted price.如果您购买的书籍中的大部分,那么你将能获得折扣。Phrases&ExpressionsP&E06tracking number 追踪编号e.g.)UPS automatically assigns a tracking number to your shipment.UPS将自动为您的货件分配追踪编号。)We will make a delivery in 24 hours and send you the tracking number via email.我们会在24小时内发货,并且会通过邮件形式发给你追踪编号

    35、。Phrases&ExpressionsTask 1 Work in pairs.Read the passage and answer the following questions.1Whats the key for sellers to gain an advantage in the logistics competition?2Why do most of the current cross-border retail sellers choose China Post Registered Air Parcel?3What should seller do after the p

    36、roducts are shipped?Task 2 1.We should conduct a _ survey on the customer satisfaction.2.The vehicle would not have the _ to make the journey on one tank of fuel.3.Discipline and love should be _ to each other.4.We will send you a _ you can use to check the status of the delivery with the shipping c

    37、ompany.5.This sofa cushion clearly falls into the _ of household items.6._ system includes customer service,packaging,transportation,storage,distribution processing and information control.7.We should take all the factors into _ before we release a new product.8.The two products are alike in appeara

    38、nce but _ greatly in quality.Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases in the box.Change the form if prehensive capacity complementary tracking number category Logistics consideration differTask 3 1.这两款产品价格相差很大。(differ)_2.您是否已经创建了新的产品类别?(category)_3.最好的合作关系建立在相互尊重和能力互补的基础上。(compleme

    39、ntary)_4.我考虑成熟后再给你回答。(consideration)_5.我们商店大批量销售水果和蔬菜。(in bulk)_6.您没有发货并给了我一个错误的追踪编号。(tracking number)_Translate the following sentences into English,using the expressions in brackets.These two products differ greatly in price.Have you created a new product category?The best partnerships are based o

    40、n mutual respect and complementary skills.Ill let you have an answer after mature consideration.Our store sells fruit and vegetables in bulk.You didnt deliver my product and gave me a wrong tracking number.PART THEREReal Case Analysis询问Sample 1对运输方式和收货时间的询问与回复Hi,Would you please tell me what the shi

    41、pping method do you offer and when I can get my package if I order the product from your store?Thank you.回复Sample 1 对运输方式和收货时间的询问与回复Dear xxx,Thank you for your inquiry about the shipping and delivery time.We offer free shipping to most countries in the world by China Post Registered Air Mail.It usua

    42、lly takes 7-21 days to reach your country.If you need the item urgently,we also offer the following express shipping options:UPS,FedEx,DHL,TNT,EMS,and TOLL.But you have to pay the extra freight according to the real cost.Best Wishes,xxx 该卖家在收到买家咨询产品的物流运输方式和收货时间的消息后,首先感谢买家的询问,并告知产品通常以中国挂号邮政小包的方式免费发送到

    43、大部分的国家。一般在发货后7-21天抵达。但如果买家急着收货,可以选择UPS,FedEx,DHL,TNT,EMS,TOLL。不过买家须根据实际货品产生的物流成本支付额外的费用。回复Sample 1 对运输方式和收货时间的询问与回复Dear xxx,I am sorry to inform you that we are not able to provide shipping service to your country.However,if you plan to ship your order to other country,please let us know.Thank you f

    44、or your understanding.Best Wishes,xxx 针对一些特殊国家(如国家发生战争等),物流暂时无法向买家所在国发货。在此情况下,卖家应及时和买家沟通,询问是否可以寄往其他国家或地区。回复Sample 1 对运输方式和收货时间的询问与回复Dear xxx,I am sorry to inform you that the free shipping for your item is unavailable since the free shipping service is only for the package weighing less than 2kg whi

    45、ch can be shipped by China Post Air Mail.However,the total weight of the items you would like to purchase is more than 2kg.You can either choose other logistic products,such as UPS or DHL(which will cost more,but much faster)or you can place the orders separately,ensuring each order weighs less than

    46、 2kg.If you take the latter suggestion,you can enjoy the free shipping service.Thank you for your understanding.Best Regards,xxx 邮政小包是大多数中国卖家普遍使用的物流产品,邮政小包要求商品重量在2kg以下。当买家购买多个产品,导致订单超过2kg时就无法使用邮政小包。此时,卖家可以建议买家使用其他物流产品,或者将一个大订单拆分成若干个小于2kg的订单。询问Sample 2对运费的询问与回复 Hi,How much does it cost to ship to my

    47、country?回复Sample 2 对运费的询问与回复Dear friend,Thank you for your inquiry.Package less than 2kg will be shipped by China Post Airmail or Hong Kong Post Airmail.The free shipping countries are as following:United States;Australia;Brazil;Canada;Italy;Turkey;Spain;Malaysia;France;Russia;Sweden;New Zealand;Nor

    48、way;Switzerland;Japan;Thailand;Ireland;Israel;Belgium;Poland;South Korea;Austria;Germany;Denmark;Singapore.Other countries and package over 2kg,buyers have to afford entire shipping cost.Best Regards,xxx 在跨境电商平台,运费也是买家十分关心的问题。下面的卖家就运费问题给予耐心回复和详细说明,让买家对运费的设置一目了然。询问Sample 3对快递单号的询问与回复Hello,We ordered

    49、50 dozen socks on July 12th under the order number xxxxxx.But we cant track my package.Why?回复Sample 3 对快递单号的询问与回复Dear friend,Dont worry.I have inquired the China Post Air Mail and they told me that the tracking number is xxxxxx.The tracking web is:http:/.You can view its updated shipment on the web.

    50、Our after-sale service will also keep tracking it and send message to you when there is any delay in shipping.Best Regards,xxx 某店铺卖家收到买家关于查不到包裹信息的询问。此时,卖家应先安抚买家焦虑的情绪,帮助买家查询物流信息并告知买家包裹运单号和物流查询网站,以便买家及时获取最新的物流信息。该卖家表明店铺客服人员会持续跟踪此包裹,如果有延误将会在第一时间通知买家。让买家体验到卖家周到的服务,从而拥有满意的购物体验。询问Sample 4对海关税的询问与回复Hello,S


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