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    《跨境电商实用英语(第2版)》课件Unit 5-Chapter 1.pptx

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    《跨境电商实用英语(第2版)》课件Unit 5-Chapter 1.pptx

    1、Disputes and Complaints跨境电商实用英语 Chapter 1Unit 5 After-sale Services of Cross-border E-commerce跨境电商系列教材Acquire basic knowledge about different types of disputes and complaints on Cross-border E-commerce platforms1Understand the procedure of dealing with disputes and complaints on Cross-border E-comme

    2、rce platforms2Use relevant skills to effectively deal with disputes and complaints on Cross-border E-commerce3Learning GoalsAfter studying this chapter,you are expected to:PART ONEWarming-upPART 1Warming-upWork in group.Look at what the following people say or do and express your own opinions with y

    3、our group members.Try to relate to your personal experience.A.It is often said that customers are always right.This may not be true,but it is always safe to assume that the customer is right.PART 1Warming-upB.A seller said,“Receiving a letter of complaint means that the sellers product or service ha

    4、s room for improvement.”To some extent,its worth receiving a complaint.PART TWOPassage ReadingPART 2Passage Reading There are two types of disputes when buyers apply for a refund in the transaction.One kind of dispute is that buyer does not receive the goods,commonly known as no goods received;the o

    5、ther is that buyer receives the goods,but the goods do not match the agreement,commonly known as unmatched items.The disputes of no goods received from the platform are mainly as follows:no logistics information,the logistics shows goods have been delivered but the buyer complains no goods received,

    6、the customs detention,goods in transit,original goods returned,seller secretly change the logistics method,etc.No logistics information means that no tracking information could be found on the logistics site with the tracking number provided by the seller.There are two cases about the logistics show

    7、s goods have been delivered but the buyer complains no goods received.In one case,the logistics address matches the buyers address on the order,that is,the logistics information shows that the product has been delivered,and the delivered country,province,city,zip code and signature are the same as o

    8、n the order.Disputes and Complaints In the other case,the logistics address does not match the buyers address on the order,that is,the logistics shows the product has been delivered,but the delivered address or signature does not match the information on the order.The goods are detained at the custo

    9、ms means that the logistics information shows that the goods are at the customs,due to the customs requirements of the importing country.PART 2Passage Reading The main reasons are as follows:the importing country has restrictions on imported goods;buyers are reluctant to pay customs clearance fees;g

    10、oods on the order are fake,counterfeit,or prohibited;the declared value and the actual value of the goods do not match;seller cannot present the related documents needed by the importing country;buyer can not present the related documents needed by the importing country,etc.PART 2Passage Reading Goo

    11、ds in transit means that the tracking information shows the package is between“shipped”and“delivered”on the official website of the logistics company.Original goods returned means that there is tracking information and it shows the goods have been returned.Sellers secretly change the logistics metho

    12、ds means that the seller chooses a different logistics method to ship the goods without the permission of the buyer.PART 2Passage ReadingPART 2Passage Reading Unmatched items mean that the goods received by the seller do not match the agreement,including the goods and description do not match,qualit

    13、y problems,fake products,wrong goods,short-shipment,damaged products,etc.The goods and description do not match means that the goods received by the buyer do not match the sellers description of the product on the details page of website,in terms of color,size,product packaging,brand,style,model or

    14、other aspects.Quality problems refer to the quality problem of goods received by the buyer,or problem when in use.For example,the electronic equipment does not work,or the texture of the product is poor and so on.Fake products mean that the buyer request a refund after receiving the goods because th

    15、e goods are counterfeit or suspected to be counterfeit products.Short-shipment means that the number of goods received by the buyer is less than the agreed quantity on the order.Damaged goods mean that the goods received by the buyer have different degrees of packaging damage(except for the packagin

    16、g used by the post office or seller),or the product is damaged.PART 2Passage Reading Once the dispute is filed,it will have impacts in many aspects.It will not only affect the buyers shopping experience,but also affect the buyers trust of the platform.As buyers do not have a good shopping experience

    17、,they will not only question the seller,but it will also indirectly affect the buyers trust of the platform.Thus they will question the platform,other suppliers on the platform and their products,and finally it will create a vicious circle.Nearly every company receives a complaint from a customer at

    18、 one point or another.Handling a customer properly is critical to the success of a company.An organization that handles complaints in the right way can increase customer loyalty and improve its brand.Companies failing to address customer complaints in the proper manner may harm the reputation of the

    19、ir business,lose valuable customers and lose money.Understanding the benefits and objectives of settling customer complaints can help a company develop and implement a proper system to handle complaints.1.Keeping the Customer When a company settles a customers complaint in a positive manner,it posse

    20、sses the opportunity to increase customer loyalty.A company shows that it cares about its customers by taking time to properly listen to the issue the customer is experiencing and trying to find a workable solution that appeases the customer.Keeping a loyal customer is an important objective to many

    21、 companies.It is a true fact that companies spend less money retaining existing customers than implementing marketing strategies to obtain new ones.1PART 2Passage ReadingMaintaining Reputation Another objective to settling customer complaints is to maintain the companys good reputation.One of the mo

    22、st powerful forms of advertising is through word of mouth.When your company makes it a priority to handle customer complaints,positive news is spread about your company through word of mouth.The opposite is true if your fail to handle customer complaints properly.The reputation of a company is an in

    23、tangible asset that can add value to the organization.PART 2Passage Reading2Protect the Bottom Line A customer complaint that is not settled correctly can become a financial burden for a company.When a customer affects profitability,a company must choose to attempt to keep the customer or sever ties

    24、.Times exist when a company must drop a customer to prevent financial damage.For example,if a customer continually complains after the company makes several attempts to rectify the situation,the organization should consider letting the customer go.Customers who complain without satisfaction cost the

    25、 company money by taking up the time of individuals in the human resources department.PART 2Passage Reading3Encourages Improvement An objective of settling complaints is that it allows organizations to see where they need improvement.If a product or service is not living up to customer expectations,

    26、you can evaluate that product or service and attempt to make improvements.If complaints are handled quickly,it may prevent the customer from revealing the problems to the public.Settling complaints also allows the company to keep its customers because the organization recognizes the problem and can

    27、make corrections before receiving any more complaints or losing customers.PART 2Passage Reading4New Wordsrefund ri:fnd n.1New Wordto give sb their money back,especially because they have paid too much or because they are not satisfied with sth they bought退还;退(款);偿付 e.g.)Take the goods back to your r

    28、etailer who will refund you the purchase price.把商品退还给你的零售商,他们会按原价退款的。)We guarantee to refund your money if you are not delighted with your purchase.若您对所购商品不满意,我们保证退款。返回restrictionrstrkn n.01New Word2a rule or law that limits what you can do or what can happen限制规定;限制法规e.g.)There are no restrictions o

    29、n the amount of money you can withdraw.取款没有限额。)There is no restriction on the number of product purchasing.产品购买数量不限。返回counterfeitkantft adj.New Word3(of money and goods for sale)made to look exactly like sth in order to trick people into thinking that they are getting the real thing 伪造的;仿造的;假冒的 e.g.

    30、)Counterfeit products hurt consumers,retailers and manufacturers.假冒产品伤害了消费者、零售商和制造商。)Selling counterfeit goods through E-commerce platforms is a serious problem.通过电子商务平台销售假冒商品是另一个严重的问题。返回prohibit prhbt v.New Word4to stop sth from being done or used especially by law(尤指以法令)禁止 e.g.)The sale of fake go

    31、ods is prohibited.卖假货是禁止的。)Cross-border e-commerce platform prohibits the sale of intangible goods.跨境电商平台禁止出售无形商品。返回impact mpkt n.5New Wordthe powerful effect that sth has on sb/sth巨大影响;强大作用 e.g.)The specific impact of the greenhouse effect is unknowable.温室效应的具体影响无法知道。)The change will have a huge im

    32、pact on the investors.这个改变将对投资者产生巨大影响。返回implement mplment v.01New Word6 to make sth that has been officially decided start to happen or be used使生效;贯彻;执行;实施 e.g.)Leadership is about the ability to implement change.领导才能就是要有实施变革的能力。)The report sets out strict inspection procedures to ensure that the pl

    33、an are properly implemented.报告规定了严格的检查程序,以确保建议得到切实执行。返回 appeasepi:z v.New Word7to make sb calmer or less angry by giving them what they want 安抚;抚慰 e.g.)I tried to appease them by offering to replace the product with a brand-new one.我提议用一款全新的产品取代这个产品,试图安抚他们。)He tried his best to appease the angry cus

    34、tomer by giving him a gift.他尽最大努力以礼物安抚生气的客户。返回priority prarti n.New Word8something that you think is more important than other things and should be dealt with first优先事项;最重要的事;首要事情 e.g.)Education is a top priority.教育是当务之急。)The school will give priority to improve the teachers international level.学校将重

    35、点提高老师的国际化水平。返回intangible ntndbl adj.9New Wordthat exists but that is difficult to describe,understand or measure难以形容(或理解)的;不易度量的 e.g.)Stocks and bonds are intangible property.股票和证券是无形财产。)The intangible assets are more important in the total assets of enterprises with the development of economy.随着经济的

    36、发展,无形资产已在企业的资产总额中占有越来越重要的地位。返回profitability prftblt n.01New Word10the quality of affording gain or benefit or profit获利(状况);盈利(情况)e.g.)Changes were made in operating methods in an effort to increase profitability.为了提高利润,经营方式上发生了改变。)Market share and profitability have both declined since then.此后市场份额和盈

    37、利能力双双下滑。返回 rectify rektfa v.New Word11to put right sth that is wrong矫正;纠正;改正 e.g.)That mistake could have been rectified within 28 days.那个错误原本可以在28天内得以纠正。)Instead of blaming ourselves,we should try to find out what we need to rectify.我们不应该怪自己,而应该试着找出我们需要改变什么。返回Phrases&Expressionsapply for 申请01P&E e.

    38、g.)I wasnt qualified to apply for the job really but I got it anyhow.实际上我并不具备申请这份工作的资格,但不管怎样,我还是被录用了。)What qualification should I possess in order to apply for this major?要申请这个专业,我需要具备哪些资格?Phrases&Expressions01P&E02customs detention 海关扣押Phrases&ExpressionsP&E03be reluctant to 不愿意;不情愿 e.g.)He seems t

    39、o be reluctant to cooperate with us.看来他不愿意和我们合作。)The problem is that you are reluctant to apologize to your customer.问题是你不愿意向你的客户道歉。Phrases&ExpressionsP&E04vicious circle 恶性循环Phrases&Expressions e.g.)Many people get caught in a vicious circle of dieting and weight gain.许多人为节食和体重增加的恶性循环所困扰。)The gover

    40、nment aims to break the vicious circle between poverty and crime.政府力图打破贫困和犯罪之间的恶性循环。be critical to 至关重要05P&E e.g.)Their recommendations will be critical to my final decision.他们的推荐对我的最终决定至关重要。)A reasonable strategy will be critical to your companys future development.合理的战略将对您公司未来的发展至关重要。Phrases&Expre

    41、ssionsP&E06bottom line 底线;最低条件 e.g.)This price is already at our bottom line,and we cant concede any more.这个价钱已经是我们的底线,我们不能再让步了。)Trademark violations can hurt a businessreputation,and its bottom line.商标侵权会伤害到一个企业的声誉和底线。Phrases&ExpressionsP&E07attempt to 尝试,企图;试图做某事Phrases&Expressions e.g.)He attempt

    42、ed to take control of the company.他试图掌控公司。)I will attempt to answer all your questions.我将努力回答您的所有问题。Task 1 Work in pairs.Read the passage and answer the following questions.1Why are some goods detained at the importing countrys customs according to the passage?2What is one of the most powerful forms

    43、 of advertising mentioned in the passage?3What benefits can seller have during the process of settling customers complaint?Task 2 1.We took up this task as a challenge and analyzed how to _the new system.2.If the shoes do not wear well,the seller will _ your money.3.How you finance a business is _ t

    44、o the success of your venture.4._ medical products have long been a threat to public health and patients safety.5.The seller _ to resolve buyers complaints and claims.6.The internet has an _ on the lives of everyone.7.The marketing concept rests on four pillars:target market,customer needs,integrate

    45、d marketing,and _.8.Service is the main mission of the sellers with the _ nature.Complete the following sentences with the words or phrases in the box.Change the form if necessary.implement refund crucial Counterfeit attempted impact profitability intangibleTask 3 1.飞机上禁止使用手机。(prohibit)_2.顾客如不满意可以全额

    46、退货。(refund)_3.我们的头等大事是提高水平。(priority)_4.我们一认识到自己的错误就应尽快改正。(rectify)_5.进口商不愿意降价。(be reluctant to)_ 6.赢得这份合同对这家公司的成败至关重要。(crucial)_Translate the following sentences into English,using the expressions in brackets.It is prohibited to use mobile phone on the plane.Dissatisfied customers can return the pr

    47、oduct for a full refund.Our first priority is to improve standardsOnce we get to realize our mistakes,we should rectify them as soon as possible.The importer is reluctant to reduce the price.Winning this contract is crucial to the success of the company.PART THEREReal Case Analysis 各大跨境电商平台交易中经常会发生各

    48、种各样的纠纷,当买家投诉没有得到卖家的响应,或卖家不能有效处理买家投诉时,买家很可能会将纠纷升级为平台纠纷。虽然纠纷让卖家感到比较棘手,但是大部分卖家都愿意了解买家投诉的原因。这总好于丢掉生意或客户转投他家,同时这也让卖家有机会调查、解释并弥补错误。买家在交易中提起的投诉或纠纷一般有两类:一类是买家未收到货物而产生的纠纷,俗称未收到货;另一类是买家收到货物,但货物与约定不符导致的纠纷,俗称货不对板。PART 3Mini-Project 卖家在应对不满意、不高兴的买家时,请记住收到投诉信后要立即予以回复。态度诚恳,措辞得体,语气恰如其分。如果不能给予圆满的答复,要向对方说明此事正在调查之中,承诺

    49、过后给予回复并给出时限。在回复投诉信时,高明的卖家会感谢买家的投诉,表示赞同买家的观点并且就发生的事情表示歉意,说明采取了哪些措施来解决问题。可以的话,给对方送一份小礼物或代金券。PART 3Mini-Project关于卖家未发货的投诉与回复投诉Sample 1关于卖家未发货的投诉与回复Dear Sirs,I am greatly regretted that it is necessary to complain about the non-delivery of the product I bought from your store on October 3th.In the previ

    50、ous communication,the importance of prompt delivery has been stressed.Failure to receive the product on time is causing great inconvenience to me.I,therefore,believe that you will look into the matter immediately and let me know when my product can be delivered.Yours faithfully,xxx回复Sample 1 关于卖家未发货


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