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    《医学英语视听说(第二版)》课件unit 8.pptx

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    《医学英语视听说(第二版)》课件unit 8.pptx

    1、医学英语视听说(第二版)Unit Eight Nervous SystemMedical English Communication:Listening and Speaking(2nd edition)1ContentsPart I Introduction to the Nervous System Part II Diseases Related to the Nervous SystemPart III Celebrity and DiseasePart IV Medical Terminology Related to the Nervous System2Part V Furthe

    2、r ThinkingPart IVideo:Introduction to the Nervous System3Think and Talk The nervous system is composed of the brain,spinal cord and countless nerve cells spreading all over the body.This system plays a very important role in the body functions.The brain is the massaging center of the nervous system.

    3、It is made up of cerebrum,cerebellum and the brain stem or the medulla.The cerebrum controls different parts of the body.The cerebellum controls motor functions and muscular activity,and regulates voluntary movements.The medulla is responsible for automatic functions and transmits the messages betwe

    4、en the brain and the rest parts of the body.When stimulated,neurons transmit nerve impulses and send messages from the sense organs to the nervous system about the surrounding environment.For example,sensory neurons are responsible for physical stimuli.In terms of such diverse roles,it is obvious th

    5、at the nervous system greatly helps control and maintain the normal functions of different parts of our body.Reference4Task One:Blank Filling(1)Automatically (2)nervous(3)spinal cord(4)functions(5)messaging Watch and Do(6)Controls(7)vision(8)voluntary(9)medulla(10)transmits5Task Two:Error Correction

    6、1.Every single action that you perform is because of the coordination of the nervous system,which is made up of the brain,spinal cord and a large network of nerves that are spread throughout the body.2.The human brain is the messaging center of the nervous system.It is protected by the skull.It cons

    7、ists of cerebrum,cerebellum and the brain stem or the medulla.Watch and Do6Task Two:Error Correction3.The cerebellum located below the cerebrum coordinates voluntary movements like balance,movement and speech.It controls motor functions and muscular activity.The brain is connected to the spinal cord

    8、 through the medulla.It transmits the messages or impulses that the brain and the rest of the body send back and forth.4.The brain has more than 10 billion nerve cells.When you see a mosquito sitting on your hand or feel its bite,neurons are stimulated by the sensation and an impulse is generated.5.

    9、we are able to move because the brain signals the motor nerves to expand or contract the muscles.Spinal nerves perform the functions of both sensory nerves and motor nerves.Watch and Do7 Task Three:Description Our nervous system consists of the brain,spinal cord and a large network of nerves spreadi

    10、ng all over the body.This system plays a very important role in the body functions,and even a single action we perform owes to the coordination of the nervous system.The brain made up of cerebrum,cerebellum and the brain stem or medulla works as the massaging center of the nervous system.The cerebru

    11、m,divided into four areas,controls different parts of the body.The cerebellum controls motor functions and muscular activity,as well as coordinates voluntary movements like balance and speech.The medulla is responsible for all the automatic functions like respiration,and transmits the messages betwe

    12、en the brain and the rest parts of the body.Watch and Do8 Task Three:Description There are 3 types of neurons,sensory neurons,motor nerves and spinal nerves or mixed nerves.When stimulated,neurons transmit nerve impulses and carry messages from the sense organs to the nervous system about surroundin

    13、g environment.For example,sensory neurons are responsible for physical stimuli like light,sound and touch.As for such diverse roles the nervous system plays,we can clearly see it allows the brain to control our body and helps different parts of the body communicate and fulfill respective functions s

    14、uccessfully.Watch and Do9Part II Diseases Related to the Nervous System10Part IIDiseases Related to the Nervous SystemVideo OneVideo TwoDepressionAudioStudy Suggests Many People May Not Understand Their Risk for Dementia11What Is Autism?Video One What Is Autism?12Think and TalkSymptoms of child auti

    15、sm may include:1.Social relationships and interactions.For example,it may be difficult for a child to make eye contact.It also may be difficult for them to understand other peoples feelings,such as sorrow or pain.2.Verbal and nonverbal communication.For example,a child may have difficulty in speakin

    16、g.,or he or she is not even able to speak,or he or she may just repeat some words time and time again.3.Limited interest in play or activities.For example,little kids may only focus on parts of a toy,not the whole one.Older children and adults may be fascinated by certain topics.Reference13Part II-V

    17、ideo OneWatch and DoTask One:Blank Filling(1)spectrum (2)facial expressions (3)evident,speech delays (4)18-24 months (5)genetic mutation14Part II-Video OneTask Two:True or False1.F(1850s 1950s)2.T 3.F(easy difficult)4.T 5.F(not)Watch and DoWatch and Do15Part II-Video OneTask Three:Questions and Answ

    18、ers1.Our basic understanding of autism is a whole spectrum of behavior.But one thing this spectrum has in common is the difficulty or complete failure in understanding that other people have emotions,feelings,and thoughts,the same as the child who is stricken with autism.2.A child with autism may lo

    19、ok at somebodys face,for example,as just another object,which means all the nuances(slight difference)of facial expressions we use to communicate with each other are lost on that child.Likewise,he may have a very difficult time learning words,because words are just random sounds as far as he is conc

    20、erned.Watch and DoWatch and Do16Part II-Video OneTask Three:Questions and Answers 3.Up to 40 percent of autistic children are now known to have some sort of genetic mutation that may contribute to their autistic behavior.But we dont really know the cause exactly as to 60 percent of cases.However,we

    21、are learning more and more that autism is caused by things that happened before birth in the uterus.Watch and DoWatch and Do17Part II-Video OneVideo Two Depression18Think and Talk Depression is a medical disease that can cause a feeling of sorrow and lack of interest.It may affect peoples feelings,b

    22、ehaviors,and thoughts,and result in emotional and physical problems.The symptoms of depression may not be the same for different sufferers.Some people may be hopeless,others may go through irritability,and still others may lose interest in eating or eat too much.Some may even have the thought of com

    23、mitting suicide.Depression may also lead to other illnesses.Although scientists are still not sure about what causes depression,a lot of factors combine to contribute to the occurrence of depression,such as genes,personal experience,and psychological factors etc.In any case,there is hope that even p

    24、eople who get severe depression can be treated to the extent of symptom-free.Reference19Part II-Video TwoTask One:Multiple Choices1.B 2.A 3.D 4.C 5.BWatch and Do20Part II-Video TwoTask Two:Blank Filling1.(1)mood disorder (2)prolonged and deep sadness (3)persistent thoughts 2.(4)all information trans

    25、fer(5)all information storage3.(6)decision-making,personality expression and social behavior4.(7)controls emotional reactions 5.(8)treatable illnessWatch and Do21Part II-Video TwoTask Three:Rearrange the Order2-1-3-4-6-5Watch and Do22Part II-Video TwoAudio Study Suggests Many People May Not Understa

    26、nd Their Risk for Dementia23Think and Talk Dementia is a brain-destroying disease,which gives rise to the mental deterioration of organic or functional origin.A patient with dementia may experience a series of painful sufferings.Alzheimers is the most common kind of it.According to medical studies,a

    27、bout 50 million people worldwide are suffering from dementia.Such relevant factors as genetic risk and living habits may increase the risk of developing dementia.There is no cure now,and current medicines just temporarily ease its harmful effects.Reference24Part II-AudioThink and Talk Then,how to id

    28、entify this disease?Well,the early signs of dementia include the decrease in memory and learning ability,unstable emotions,some changes in personality,etc.,and it may become worse and worse until the patient loses self-control in daily life and finally dies.Faced with this incurable disease,experts

    29、have put forward helpful suggestions for the precautions of dementia,such as physical exercise,a healthy diet,playing chess,reading books,limiting alcohol and smoking and so on.An effective control over high blood pressure and diabetes,two conditions often linked with dementia risk,is another recomm

    30、ended preventive measure against dementia.Reference25Part II-AudioTask One:Blank FillingListen and Do26Part II-Audio(1)chances (2)memory loss (3)dementia risk(4)questionnaire(5)dietary supplements (6)crossword puzzles(7)regular(8)psychiatrist(9)survey(10)diabetesTask Two:Topic Identification The top

    31、ics mentioned are:1,2,4 and 7.Listen and Do27Part II-AudioTask Three:Questions and Answers1.Signs of the condition include changes in personality and memory loss.Alzheimers disease is one form of dementia.2.The research suggests many people did not understand the link between physical health and bra

    32、in health or how racial differences could affect ones dementia risk.3.In October 2018,ne thousand adults at the age of 50 to 64 from across the United States were included in the University of Michigan National Poll on Healthy Aging,and they were asked to complete an online questionnaire Listen and

    33、Do28Part II-AudioTask Three:Questions and Answers4.The most popular method mentioned by many subjects for keeping the mind active was doing crossword puzzles.5.The Alzheimers Association reports that one in three older Americans die with Alzheimers or other dementias.Listen and Do29Part II-AudioTask

    34、 Four:Crossword PuzzleListen and Do30Part II-Audio1.nervous system 2.memory 3.dementia 4.autism 5.diabetes 6.spinal cord 7.neuron 8.Alzheimers 9.amygdala 10.cerebellum 11.nerve 12.depression Part IIICelebrity and DiseaseVideo OneStephen HawkingVideo TwoVan GoghChallenging the“Tortured Genius”MythVid

    35、eo OneVideo Two31Video OneStephen Hawking32Think and Talk Stephen Hawking,the world-famous theoretical physicist,has died at the age of 76.He stands an iconic status that no one can challenge after Einstein in physics.Though an astrophysicist,he never lacked sense of humour.He tried to put what he k

    36、new into simple language so that laymen could also read.His disability with A.L.S.never beat him,instead he made great breakthrough with his black hole theory.He is a guy influential not only in his contribution to physics but also in the inspiration and encouragement brought to people.Reference33Pa

    37、rt III-Video OneTask One:Multiple Choice 1.B 2.C 3.C 4.D 5.AWatch and Do34Part III-Video OneVideo Two Van GoghChallenging the“Tortured Genius”Myth35Think and Talk The world-famous painter Vincent Van Gogh was born on March 30,1853 in Holland and committed suicide at the age of 37.Van Gogh should owe

    38、 his later success in painting to his younger brother Theo who helped him to maintain his living and recommended that he start painting in the first place.Although he had suffered from depressive and manic moods which had affected the style of his paintings in his lifetime,Van Gogh is best known as

    39、a painting genius,and he has left many world-famous painting works,such as The Starry Night,Vase with Fifteen Sunflowers,Van Gogh self-portrait,Bedroom in Arles,etc.Reference36Part III-Video TwoTask One:Blank FillingWatch and Do37Part III-Video TwoAfter his suicide at the age of 37Van Goghs unconven

    40、tional style was seen as a(1)symptom of illness.From the Second World WarVan Gogh has been seen more sympathetically as a hero who(2)struggled against all odds to create his art.TodayWe know that this is a(3)myth.Van Gogh described experiencing low spirits and passions throughout his life.By the age

    41、 of 26Alienated from his parents,unemployed and living in poverty,Van Gogh chose to dedicate his life to art,resisting his familys efforts to enter him into an(4)asylum.Nearly five years laterVan Gogh moved to the quiet town of Arles.The sun,people and scenery were(5)inspirational and he painted som

    42、e of his best-known work there.In 1888Van Gogh experienced the first of eight episodes or“crises”.He experienced(6)extreme anxiety,memory loss,partial paralysis,and started hearing and seeing things.During the 1st episodeVan Gogh(7)severed his ear and was hospitalised.After his 3rd episode,he admitt

    43、ed himself to an asylum.In 1890he decided to leave the asylum to live in a village closer to his brother Theo.At this time,he(8)created a new painting almost every day.In July of that yearVan Gogh shot himself and died two days later.(9)Suicide was then a crime,and so,he was buried quietly.Today1in

    44、4 people experience a(10)mental health problem every year.Half of them say the associated shame and isolation is worse than the condition itself.Task Two:Multiple Choice1.A 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.CWatch and Do38Part III-Video TwoTask Three:Summary After his suicide at the age of 37,Van Goghs unconventional s

    45、tyle was seen as a symptom of illness.But Van Gogh has been seen more sympathetically as a hero who struggled against all odds to create his art from the Second World War,and we know this is a myth today.Van Gogh described experiencing low spirits and passions throughout his life.Alienated from his

    46、parents,unemployed and living in poverty,Van Gogh chose to dedicate his life to art,resisting his familys efforts to enter him into an asylum by the age of 26.Nearly five years later,he moved to the quiet town of Arles,where the sun,people and scenery were inspirational and he painted some of his be

    47、st-known works.In 1888,he experienced the first of eight episodesextreme anxiety,memory loss,partial paralysis,and started hearing and seeing things.Watch and Do39Part III-Video TwoTask Three:Summary During the 1st episode,he severed his ear and was hospitalised,and he admitted himself to an asylum

    48、after the 3rd one.In 1890,he decided to leave the asylum to live in a village closer to his brother Theo.At this time,he created a new painting almost every day.But in July,Van Gogh shot himself and died two days later.Suicide was then a crime,and so,he was buried quietly.Today,1in 4 people experien

    49、ce a mental health problem every year.Half of them say the associated shame and isolation is worse than the condition itself.Goghs story shows,mental health does not and should not define here we are.Watch and Do40Part III-Video TwoPart IVMedical Terminology41Part IVMedical TerminologyRoot 1cerebrum

    50、/oRoot 2neur/o42Root 1cerebrum/43Think and Talkcerebrospinal fluid cortex meninx amygdala brain stem brain damage brainstorm Reference44Part IV-Root 1Task One:Matching1.b 2.d 3.e 4.a 5.c Practice and Produce45Part IV-Root 1Task Two:Explanation-algia:pain -plegia:paralysis -osis:condition-ia:situatio


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