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    高考英语总复习 第一部分 Unit 4 Pygmalion课件 新人教版选修8.ppt(纯ppt,无音视频)

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    高考英语总复习 第一部分 Unit 4 Pygmalion课件 新人教版选修8.ppt(纯ppt,无音视频)

    1、选修选修 Unit 4 Pygmalion要点考点梳理要点考点梳理 1._ n.结果;效果结果;效果 2._ n.身份;地位身份;地位 3._ n.&vi.妥协;折衷妥协;折衷 4._ adj.错误的;不正确的错误的;不正确的 outcome(注意注意:income意为意为“收入收入”)status compromisemistaken重点单词重点单词5._ vt.俯视;忽视;不理会俯视;忽视;不理会6._ adj.带来麻烦的;使人心烦的带来麻烦的;使人心烦的7._ vt.&vi.(使使)褪色;减弱;逐渐消失褪色;减弱;逐渐消失8._ adj.经典的;第一流的经典的;第一流的 n.经典著作经典

    2、著作overlooktroublesomefadeclassic 9._ adj.古时的;珍贵的古时的;珍贵的 n.古董;古董;古玩古玩 10._ n.谈论;言论;评述谈论;言论;评述 v.谈论;评论谈论;评论 11._ vt.谴责谴责_ n.谴责谴责antiqueremark condemncondemnation 12._ vt.背叛背叛_ n.背叛;背叛;辜负辜负 13._ adj.毛纺的;纯毛的毛纺的;纯毛的_ n.羊毛;毛线羊毛;毛线 14._ vt.把把分类;把分类;把归类归类_ n.分类分类betraybetrayalwoolenwoolclassifyclassificatio

    3、n 15._ adv.适当地;恰当地适当地;恰当地_ adj.合适的;恰当的合适的;恰当的 _ adj.不合适的不合适的 16._ n.相识;了解;熟人相识;了解;熟人_ adj.熟知的;相识的熟知的;相识的 17._ n.机会;运气;大笔的钱机会;运气;大笔的钱_ adj.幸运的;侥幸的幸运的;侥幸的properlyproperacquaintanceacquainted fortunefortunateimproper 18._ vi.犹豫;踌躇犹豫;踌躇_ adj.犹豫的犹豫的_ n.犹豫犹豫 19._ adj.使人反感的;令人厌使人反感的;令人厌恶的恶的_ vt.使作呕;使厌恶使作呕;

    4、使厌恶 n.厌厌恶;反感恶;反感 20._ vt.抢劫;盗窃;剥夺抢劫;盗窃;剥夺_ n.抢劫;盗窃抢劫;盗窃_ n.强盗;盗贼强盗;盗贼hesitatehesitanthesitationdisgustingdisgustrobrobberyrobber 1.结识;与结识;与相见相见_ 2.一般来说一般来说_ 3.需要需要 _ 4.带带/领领进来进来_ 5.再一次再一次_ 6.就就来说;从来说;从角度角度_ 7.逐渐模糊;渐淡逐渐模糊;渐淡_ make ones acquaintance generally speakingin need of show.inonce more in ter

    5、ms of fade out 重点短语重点短语 8.乔装;伪装乔装;伪装_ 9.震惊;惊讶震惊;惊讶_ 10.(把某人把某人)改变或冒充成改变或冒充成 _ 11.一心想;有雄心做一心想;有雄心做_ 12.某人注定某人注定 _ 13.上流社会上流社会_ 14.一把一把;一小撮;一小撮 _ in disguise in amazement pass.off as be ambitious to do condemn sb.to sth./to do sth.upper class a handful of 15.地道的英语地道的英语_ 16.把某人当下流人对待把某人当下流人对待_ 17.发财;赚大

    6、钱发财;赚大钱_ 18.不赞成;不同意不赞成;不同意_ 19.抢夺某人某物抢夺某人某物_ 20.向某人妥协向某人妥协_authentic English treat sb.like dirt make a fortune disapprove of rob sb.of promise to sb.1.Now _ taught by me,shed become _ upper class lady.一旦让我教,她就一旦让我教,她就会变成一个上流社会的淑女。会变成一个上流社会的淑女。2.the English that will condemn her _ the gutter to the e

    7、nd of her days.那姑娘英那姑娘英语说得那么糟糕,命中注定要在贫民窟里语说得那么糟糕,命中注定要在贫民窟里呆一辈子了。呆一辈子了。oncean to 优美句子优美句子 3.But they betray _ every time they open _ mouth.但每一但每一次张口说话,他们就原形毕露。次张口说话,他们就原形毕露。themselves their 4.Id never have come _ Id known about this disgusting thing you want _ to do.要是我知道你们要我做这种可恶的要是我知道你们要我做这种可恶的事事,

    8、我是决不会来。我是决不会来。5.There you are and you were born in Lisson Grove _ _ _ _.你呀,如果我没弄错的话,你出生在里森你呀,如果我没弄错的话,你出生在里森格罗佛。格罗佛。ifmeif Imnotmistaken George Bernard Shaw was interested in the way people spoke.He argued that he was never _(mistake)about a persons status.Generally speaking,he thought that (low)cla

    9、ss people betrayed themselves with their remarks they spoke,and that he could classify peoples social position only a few minutes observation.mistakenlowerwheneverafter课文语法填空课文语法填空However,he never put _to the test like Henry Higgins_ tried to pass someone of the lower class off as _ authentic member

    10、 of the upper class.Higgins thought that a superior social position was more _(depend)on grammar and pronunciation than on a persons fortune.Actually _ view was only accepted by a handful of his followers.These people never realized that ideas _(form)the plot for one of Bernard Shaws most famous and

    11、 classic plays!andependent hiswould form himself and重点难点突破重点难点突破1.mistaken adj.(见解或判断上见解或判断上)错误的;错误的;不正确的不正确的 用法自测用法自测 用适当的介词与所给词的适当用适当的介词与所给词的适当形式填空或完成句子。形式填空或完成句子。(1)_(如果我没有如果我没有搞错的话搞错的话),he is likely to be one of your acquaintances.If I am not mistaken(2)I owed him an apology,for I was _(mistake)

    12、about his remarks.mistaken(3)Only when I approached did I realize that I mistook this old lady _ my girlfriend.(4)He replaced the umbrella he had taken _ mistake.for by be mistaken about 误解误解 mistakefor 把把错当成错当成 by mistake 错误地;弄错错误地;弄错 make a mistake 犯错犯错归纳总结归纳总结写作运用写作运用 翻译合并下列句子。翻译合并下列句子。(1)让我惊讶的是让

    13、我惊讶的是,他,他再一次误解再一次误解了我说了我说的话。的话。Much to my amazement,he was mistaken about what I said once more.(2)这这让我非常沮丧让我非常沮丧。This really cast me down/made me depressed.(用非限定性定语从句用非限定性定语从句)合并:合并:Much to my amazement,he was mistaken about what I said once more,which really cast me down/made me promise vi.&n.妥协;折

    14、衷妥协;折衷 用法自测用法自测 用适当的介词与所给词的适当形用适当的介词与所给词的适当形式填空或完成句子。式填空或完成句子。(1)The professor hesitated for a while,then _(compromise).compromised(=made a compromise)(2)Eventually we _ _(与那个公司妥协了与那个公司妥协了)in terms of the price.(3)Is the government prepared to compromise with the workers _ their pay demand?made a co

    15、mpromise with the firm over/on(4)After lengthy talks,the two sides finally _(达成妥协达成妥协).(5)The disagreement about the boundary between the two countries was settled _ compromise.reached/arrived at/worked out a compromiseby make a compromise 妥协;作出让步妥协;作出让步 make a compromise with 与与妥协妥协 compromise with

    16、 sb.over/on sth.与某人就某与某人就某事妥协事妥协 by compromise 通过妥协通过妥协 reach/arrive at/work out a compromise 达成达成妥协妥协归纳总结归纳总结写作运用写作运用 翻译合并下列句子。翻译合并下列句子。(1)我们双方我们双方达成了妥协达成了妥协。We reached a compromise on both sides.(2)合同中有些合同中有些细节细节仍仍需要需要进一步进一步协商协商。Some details in the contract were still in need of further negotiatio

    17、n.(用让步状语从句用让步状语从句)合并:合并:Although we reached a compromise on both sides,some details in the contract were still in need of further negotiation.3.hesitate vi.踌躇;犹豫踌躇;犹豫 用法自测用法自测 用适当的介词与所给词的适当形用适当的介词与所给词的适当形式填空或完成句子。式填空或完成句子。(1)Generally speaking,I never hesitate _(offer)my seat to those in need on the

    18、 subway.(2)At that moment I condemned his uncivilized behaviour _(毫不犹豫地毫不犹豫地).to offer without hesitation(3)I do believe that many students have ever hesitated _ whether to go to college for further study or to find a job after graduation from high school.about hesitate to do sth.犹豫做某事;不犹豫做某事;不愿做某事愿

    19、做某事 hesitate about(doing)sth.在在(做做)某某事上犹豫不决事上犹豫不决 without hesitation 毫不犹豫地毫不犹豫地(=without delay)归纳总结归纳总结写作运用写作运用 翻译合并下列句子。翻译合并下列句子。(1)他他犹豫犹豫了一会儿。了一会儿。He hesitated for a while.(2)他最后还是他最后还是作出了让步作出了让步。He made a compromise in the end.(用现在分词作状语用现在分词作状语)合并:合并:Hesitating for a while,he made a compromise in

    20、 the end.4.condemn vt.谴责;判刑;定罪;声讨;谴责;判刑;定罪;声讨;使使注定注定 用法自测用法自测 用适当的介词填空或完成句子。用适当的介词填空或完成句子。(1)Political leaders united yesterday to _(谴谴责最近的责最近的暴力暴力事件事件).(2)In my view,his laziness and pessimism _(注定注定他一事无成他一事无成).condemn the latest events of violencecondemn him to no accomplishment (3)The judge conde

    21、mned Anderson _ three years imprisonment for his guilt.(4)He was condemned as a betrayer _ letting out commercial secrets.tofor condemn sb.for(doing)sth.因因(做做)某事而责某事而责怪某人怪某人 condemn sb.to.判刑;使某人陷于判刑;使某人陷于境地境地 condemn sb.to do sth.(判判)罚某人做某事罚某人做某事 condemn sb./sth.as.谴责谴责/指责某人指责某人/某事某事为为 联想:联想:accuse

    22、sb.of sth.=charge sb.with sth.因某事指责因某事指责/控告某人控告某人归纳总结归纳总结写作运用写作运用 翻译合并下列句子。翻译合并下列句子。(1)中国人民爱好和平。中国人民爱好和平。The Chinese people love peace.(2)中国人民中国人民谴责谴责和和反对反对任何任何暴力行为暴力行为。The Chinese people condemn and oppose/object to any violence.(用现在分词作伴随状语用现在分词作伴随状语)合并:合并:The Chinese people love peace,condemning a

    23、nd opposing/objecting to any violence.5.acquaintance n.熟人熟人;相识相识;了解了解;知道知道 用法自测用法自测 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。(1)_(在我所认识在我所认识的人当中的人当中),perhaps none is more brilliant than Bruce.(2)I am delighted to _(与您相识与您相识),Mrs.Baker.Of all my acquaintancesmake your acquaintance(3)He _(对德语有点熟悉对德语有点熟悉),but doe

    24、snt speak it fluently.(4)_(初次见面时初次见面时),she could be mistaken for a judge.has some acquaintance with GermanOn first acquaintance make ones acquaintance=make the acquaintance of sb.与某人相识;结识某人与某人相识;结识某人 have some acquaintance with.有点熟悉有点熟悉;有点了解有点了解 have no/little acquaintance with.不熟悉不熟悉;不了解不了解 on firs

    25、t acquaintance 初次见面初次见面 提醒:提醒:acquaintance作作“熟悉、认识熟悉、认识”讲时,为不讲时,为不可数名词;而作可数名词;而作“熟悉的人熟悉的人”讲时,为可数名词。讲时,为可数名词。归纳总结归纳总结写作运用写作运用 翻译合并下列句子。翻译合并下列句子。(1)他们他们不熟悉不熟悉英语和英国文化。英语和英国文化。They had no/little acquaintance with English and English culture.(2)他们无法他们无法适应适应在英国的生活。在英国的生活。They failed to adapt themselves to

    26、 the life in England.(用并列复合句用并列复合句)合并:合并:They had no/little acquaintance with English and English culture,so they failed to adapt/adjust themselves to the life in England.6.in terms of 就就来说;在来说;在方面;方面;从从的角度的角度 用法自测用法自测 根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。根据括号内的汉语提示完成句子。(1)_(就记就记单词来说单词来说),memorizing the spelling of a wor

    27、d through its pronunciation is superior to through its letter order.In terms of the memory of a word(2)He thought of everything _ _(从钱的角度从钱的角度).(3)He distinguishes himself from all his fellows _(在在能力能力方面方面).in terms of in terms of competencemoney 表示表示“就就来说;从来说;从的角度的角度”的常用短语还有:的常用短语还有:as far as.is co

    28、ncerned,with respect to.,in/with regard to.等。等。归纳总结归纳总结写作运用写作运用 翻译合并下列句子。翻译合并下列句子。(1)学生在能力方面是彼此有差异的。学生在能力方面是彼此有差异的。Students differ from each other in terms of competences/abilities.(2)老师不应该只凭考试分数来辨别他们。老师不应该只凭考试分数来辨别他们。A teacher is not supposed to distinguish/judge his students only by their marks in

    29、 examinations.(用原因状语从句用原因状语从句)合并:合并:As students differ from each other in terms of competences/abilities,a teacher is not supposed to distinguish/judge his students only by their marks in examinations.7.show in 领某人进来领某人进来 用法自测用法自测 用所给词的适当形式填空或完成用所给词的适当形式填空或完成句子。句子。(1)The servant _(把我领了进把我领了进来来)and a

    30、sked me take a seat.(2)I _(show)to the door by his secretary.showed me inwas shown(3)It is my _(show)off that caused the unnecessary accident.(4)The ambassador _(带领我参观了办公室带领我参观了办公室)and introduced me to all the staff.showing showed me aroundthe office show sb.around 带领某人参观带领某人参观 show sb.to/into 带某人到带

    31、某人到 show off 炫耀炫耀 show up=turn up 出现出现归纳总结归纳总结写作运用写作运用 翻译合并下列句子。翻译合并下列句子。(1)经理正在会议室里将书经理正在会议室里将书分类分类。The manager was classifying the books in the meeting room.(2)他的他的秘书把秘书把那些那些求职者领了进来求职者领了进来。His secretary showed those applicants in.(用并列复合句用并列复合句)合并:合并:The manager was classifying the books in the mee

    32、ting room when his secretary showed those applicants in.写作句型运用写作句型运用1.What if?如果如果将会怎么样将会怎么样?说明说明 本句型相当于:本句型相当于:“What will/would happen if?如果?如果(假如假如)将会怎么样?将会怎么样?”运用运用 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思完成英文句子。如果这个烟头引起了森林大火将会如果这个烟头引起了森林大火将会怎么样呢?怎么样呢?_ a thrown cigarette butt?What if a big forest fire broke out owin

    33、gto/due to 要是还是有学生无视禁令继续违反要是还是有学生无视禁令继续违反校规呢?校规呢?What if some students overlook/ignore/turn a blind eye to the ban and keep on breaking the school regulations/rules?2.suppose(that)假设假设;假假如如;就当就当说明说明 suppose用来表示条件时用来表示条件时,相相当于当于if(假设假设);也可表示一项提议;也可表示一项提议或建议,意为让或建议,意为让;如何?。如何?。运用运用 根据汉语意思完成英文句子。根据汉语意思

    34、完成英文句子。现在假设你两星期后就要参加高考。现在假设你两星期后就要参加高考。请把你的学习计划写下来请把你的学习计划写下来!Now _ _._Please write down your study plan.suppose youre going to attendthe college entrance examination in a couple of weeks 我们明天去街上呼吁大家重我们明天去街上呼吁大家重视环保吧。视环保吧。Suppose _ _ we go to the street tocall on people to be aware ofthe importance

    35、of environmental protection.3.every time 每次每次 说明说明 every time作连词用,引导一作连词用,引导一个时间状语从句,类似的还有:个时间状语从句,类似的还有:the moment,the minute,directly,next time,the first(second,third)time等。等。运用运用 将下列中文句子翻译成英文。将下列中文句子翻译成英文。第一次来南京时,他给我打了电话。第一次来南京时,他给我打了电话。下次来时,你就会见到他。下次来时,你就会见到他。He called me the first time he came to Nanjing.Next time you come,youll see him.


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