1、Language teaching case of kindergarten middle class“its raining”活动目标活动目标兴致勃勃知道雷雨天会下雨听雨看雨观察下雨玩雨下雨了听下雨的声音As the little mole was getting ready for bed,there was a rustling sound outside 小 鼹 鼠 正 准 备 睡 觉 时,外 面 传 来 了 哗 啦 啦 的 声 音So the little mole went out to see what was going on于是小鼹鼠打算出去看看外面发生了什么Its rain
2、ing,Id better go back to sleep在“夏雨”,我还是回去睡觉吧When the mole got ready to go to bed again there were other noises coming from outside小鼹鼠再次准备睡觉时,外面又传来了其他声音“Sand sand sand,grass,is that you”“沙沙沙,小草,是你吗”Sample Footer Text11/15/20229“Ding ding ding,small window,is that you”“叮叮叮,小窗,是你吗”“Dong dong dong,small door,is that you”“咚咚咚,小门,是你吗”小草 沙沙沙小窗 叮叮叮小门 咚咚咚They make a few sounds when they make a sound它们发出声音的时候发了几声?三声 例如:沙 沙 沙感谢观看