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    Unit2 Lesson 2 & Lesson 3 语言运用(ppt课件) -2022新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

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    Unit2 Lesson 2 & Lesson 3 语言运用(ppt课件) -2022新北师大版(2019)《高中英语》必修第一册.pptx

    1、Period 4Lesson 2&Lesson 3语言运用Unit 2 Sports and Fitness1.Learn the following important languages points:announcement,2.defence,remind,case,occupy,disappointment,particular,benefit,relief,satisfaction,suggest宾语从句中的虚拟语气,“否定词比较级”表示最高级 3.Do some exercises to strengthen these important language points.1an

    2、nouncementn.通告,公告(_ vt.宣布;通告)_下通知;宣布_向某人宣告某事 It is announced that._ 注意:announce不能跟双宾语,如果要表达“向某人宣布某事”要 用announce sth.to sb.。make an announcementannounce sth.to sb.据宣布announce(1)The editor of the China Daily is _ at the moment.此刻,中国日报的编辑此刻正在下达一个重要通知。(2)Please remain seated;the winner of the prize _ so

    3、on.请坐着别动,很快就会公布获奖者名单。(3)_ Tu Youyou is the first Chinese to win the Nobel Prize in medicine.据宣布,屠呦呦是第一个获得诺贝尔医学奖的中国人。making an importantwill be announcedannouncementIt is announced thatdefencen.防守队员,后卫;保卫,防御;辩护(_ vt.保卫;保护;辩护 _ adj.防御的,防守的)2defenddefensivein defence of_ come to ones defence_ in ones d

    4、efence_defend._(doing.)防御;保护以免受 _保护自己;为自己辩护为了保卫/保护;为辩护出来保护某人为某人辩护;站在某人一边against/fromdefend oneself(1)When we are in danger,our parents always rush _ us without hesitation.When we are in danger,our parents always _ without hesitation.当我们遇到危险时,我们的父母总是会毫不犹豫地冲过来保护我们。(2)Its the responsibility of every so

    5、ldier to _.保护国家免受外敌侵害是每位军人的职责。in defence ofcome to our defencedefend our countryagainst/from enemies(3)Children need to know how to _,and how to establish a relationship in a group.孩子们需学会如何保护自己,如何在团队中建立关系。defend themselvesremindvt.使(某人)想起,提醒(_ n.提醒物,引起回忆的东西)_使想起_提醒某人做某事remind sb.that._3reminderremin

    6、d.of.remind sb.to do sth.提醒某人(1)The pictures _ which were rich and colorful.这些照片使我想起了丰富多彩的学生时代。(2)He reminded me _ the announcement again.他提醒我再把通知看一遍。(3)The audience _ no smoking is allowed on this court.观众被提醒在球场上不允许抽烟。reminded me of my school daysto read are reminded that casen.状况,场合;事例,实例_以防万一_在那种

    7、/这种情况下_无论如何_决不(位于句首时,句子用部分倒装语序)4in case(of)in that/this casein any casein no case(1)It was considerate of Jack to inform us of his delay _ we got worried.杰克考虑得很周到,他把自己的延误告诉了我们,以防我们担心。(2)Youd better take more cash with you _ any emergency.你身上最好多带点现金,以防急用。(3)Tomorrow it may rain._,youd better take an

    8、umbrella.明天有可能下雨,如果是那样的话,你最好带把雨伞。in case in case of In that case(4)_ you must arrive there on schedule or you will be punished.无论如何你都要按时到达那里,否则你将受到惩罚。(5)In no case _ who love you forever.你决不能对着永远爱你的父母大喊大叫。In any case should you shout at your parentsoccupyvt.占用,占去(时间);占领_ adj.(人)无暇的;忙碌的;(物)在使用中;已占用;不

    9、空闲_ n.职业;占领5occupiedoccupationoccupy oneself with sth._ occupy oneself in doing sth._be occupied with sth._ be occupied in(doing)sth._使自己忙于某事使自己忙于做某事忙于某事忙于(做)某事(1)During the war,the capital of the country _ German soldiers.战争期间,这个国家的首都被德军占领。(2)I occupied myself in chatting with my friend on the Inte

    10、rnet last night.I _ with my friend on the Internet last night.昨天晚上我忙着在网上跟朋友聊天。was occupied bywas occupied in chatting(3)William used to be a professional boxing athlete _.威廉曾经是一名职业拳击运动员。by occupationdisappointmentn.失望;扫兴;沮丧(_vt.使失望_ adj.令人失望的_ adj.失望的)6_令某人失望的是be disappointed at/with/by/that._ be di

    11、sappointed to do sth._disappointto ones disappointment对感到失望disappointingdisappointed对做某事感到失望(1)I was excited because I knew we were going to win,but _ we were defeated.我很兴奋,因为我知道我们会赢,但是让我失望的是,我们被打败了。(2)Hearing the _ news,there was a _ look on the athletes face.听到这个令人失望的消息,这位运动员的脸上有一种失望的表情。to mydisap

    12、pointmentdisappointing disappointed(3)They _ that their favorite player lost the final round of the game.他们最喜欢的运动员在最后一轮的比赛中失利了,他们对这个结果很失望。(4)We _ the picnic had been canceled.听说野餐被取消了,我们都很失望。were disappointed at the resultwere all disappointed to learn thatparticularn.尤其,特别 adj.特定的(_ adv.特别;尤其)7in p

    13、articular_be particular about/over._particularly尤其,特别对很挑剔/讲究(1)Were trying to raise awareness of the environment and air pollution _.我们正努力提高环境意识,尤其是空气污染方面。(2)The guy _ what he wears and what he eats.这家伙对吃穿都很挑剔。(3)Im interested in traditional Chinese culture,_ the paper-cutting.我对中国传统文化很感兴趣,尤其是剪纸。in

    14、particular is particular about/over particularlybenefitn.好处,益处v.(使)受益;得益于(_ adj.有益的)8beneficial_对有益 _为了的利益benefit from/by._ benefit sb._对有益be of benefit to.for the benefit of.从中受益使某人获益be beneficial to.(1)Working out has a lot of _,especially in the mornings.锻炼有很多好处,尤其是在早上(锻炼)。(2)Some medical workers

    15、 lost their lives _ our country during the COVID-19.新冠疫情期间一些医护人员为了国家的利益献出了自己的生命。benefits for the benefit of(3)The children in the whole country benefit a lot _ the new education system.The new education system _ in the whole country.全国的孩子们都从新的教育体制中受益良多。(4)There is no doubt that a good diet _ health.

    16、There is no doubt that a good diet _ health.毫无疑问,良好的饮食有益于健康。from/bybenefits the children a lotis beneficial to is of benefit to reliefn.减轻,缓解(_ vt.使轻松,宽慰;缓解)9_如释重负;松了口气 _令人感到欣慰的是 Its a relief to do sth._。relieve sb.of._in reliefto ones relief做某事是令人欣慰的解除某人方面的负担relieve(1)Hearing the children returned

    17、home,safe and sound,he _.听说孩子们安然无恙地回到了家里,他宽慰地松了口气。(2)_,the girl finally graduated from university with a teaching certificate.让她父母欣慰的是,这个女孩最终大学毕业了并且获得了教师资格证。sighed inTo her parentsreliefrelief(3)_ be able to talk to someone about it.能和别人谈谈这件事感到舒心多了。(4)Our country has taken a range of measures to _.我

    18、们的国家已经采取了一系列措施来减少学生过重的学习负担。It was a relief torelieve students of too many study burdenssatisfactionn.满足,满意;令人满意的事(_ vt.使满意;使满足_adj.令人满意的_ adj.满意的,满足的)10_使某人满意的是satisfy ones needs/demands/desires_对满意to ones satisfaction满足某人的要求/需求/欲望be satisfied with.satisfysatisfactory/satisfyingsatisfied(1)She looke

    19、d back on her career _.回顾自己的事业,她深感欣慰。(2)He said he wouldnt quit trying unless he got _in his studies.他说他不会停止努力,除非他在学习中取得令人满意的成绩。with great satisfactionsatisfying/satisfactory scores(3)The mayor said the government would try its best to _ in the rural areas.市长说,政府会尽力满足农村地区人民的需求。(4)The boss _ who did

    20、well in the interview.老板对在面试中表现良好的那位求职者很满意。satisfypeoples needs/demands/desireswas satisfied with the applicantsuggest宾语从句中的虚拟语气11suggest引导宾语从句,在表示“建议”时,后面的从句中用_ _构成虚拟语气,其中should_。用法相同的还 有:_等。suggest表示_时,其后的从句用陈述语气。_建议做某事“should动词原形”可以省略order,advise,demand,command,request,require“表明,暗示”suggest doing

    21、 sth.(1)The doctor suggested that _ regularly and his improvement in health suggested that _.医生建议这个病人经常运动,而病人健康的改善则表明医生的建议很有用处。(2)I suggested _ after class every day to keep fit.我建议每天课后打羽毛球来保持健康。the patient(should)do exercise the doctors suggestionwas of great benefit playing badminton“否定词比较级”表示最高级1

    22、2否定词与比较级连用,表示_。最高级含义的多种表达法:(1)not,never,nothing等表示否定意义的词比较级”(2)_ (3)_最高级含义比较级thanany other单数名词the形容词/副词最高级(1)_ is more attractive than the scenery of sunset on the beach.没有什么比沙滩上日落的风景更迷人的了。(2)There is _ to improve yourself except working hard.除了努力工作,没有别的可以提升自己的更好的办法了。Nothingno other better ways(3)He has certainly made more successful films than _ _ in the west.他的确要比西方的任何一个导演拍的电影都要成功。(4)California is _ in the USA but has _.加利福尼亚是美国的第三大州,但却是人口最多的州。any otherdirectorthe third largest statethelargest population


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