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    PEP三上英语Unit 4第3课时Part A Letters and sounds优课教案.doc

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    PEP三上英语Unit 4第3课时Part A Letters and sounds优课教案.doc

    1、The third period(第三课时) Part A Letters and sounds教学内容与目标课时教学内容课时教学目标Letters and sounds能够听、说、读、写字母Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn能够初步掌握这五个辅音字母作为单词首字母时的发音教学重点能够听、说、读、写字母Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn。教学难点能够掌握这五个辅音字母的笔顺以及相关例词的发音。教学准备教学课件、课文录音、视频、字母卡片等。教学过程第 9 页 共 8 页Step 1: Warm-up & Revision1. Greetings.T: Hi, boys and girls!S

    2、s: Hello, Miss/ MrT: Good morning!Ss: Good morning!T: Lets play letter games, OK?Teaching purpose以游戏和chant的形式,复习已经学过的字母,激发学生学习字母的兴趣,同时也为接下来的新课的学习做铺垫。Ss: OK!2. Letter games.(1) Find out the adjacent letters.T: (Show the letter card “D” to students.) Look! If I show you “D”, you should say “C” and “E”

    3、 loudly. OK?Ss: OK!(The teacher shows different letter cards. Students say the adjacent letters.)(2) Sort the letters.(There are two groups of disordered letters “AI” on the blackboard. The teacher asks a boy and a girl to compete to sort the letters from A to I. The other students are the judges. T

    4、he faster one is the winner.)T: Now, I need a boy and a girl to come to the front to sort the letters from A to I. The faster one can get a sticker. Who wants to have a try?Ss: 3. Lets chant.T: Now, lets chant and do some actions.Teaching purpose让学生寻找生活中与这五个辅音字母形状相似的物品来增强字母学习的趣味性,强化学生的记忆。将字母教学和单词教学相

    5、结合并融入语音知识,引导学生自主探究字母在单词中的发音规则。通过反复操练,使学生理解并掌握这五个辅音字母作为单词首字母时的发音。注重培养学生的跟读和模仿能力。Step 2: Presentation1. Teach the new letters.(1) Teach the letter “Jj”.Show the letter card “J”.T: Look at the card. I see “J”. Follow me, please. J, J, J!Lead students to read it. Then let students find out J-shaped thin

    6、gs in their daily lives. T: Can you say something that looks like “J”?(Students can say them in Chinese.)S1: 鱼钩。S2: 伞柄。T: You are so clever!(课件出示:一辆吉普车的图片)T: Look, this is a jeep. J, /d/, jeep! J, /d/, jeep!Students follow the teacher and practice.(课件出示:吉普车里跳出一只青蛙的图片) T: Look, the frog is jumping. J

    7、, /d/, jump. J, /d/, jump. The pronunciation of the letter “Jj” in the two words is the same. It pronounces “/d/”. Jj, Jj, Jj, /d/, /d/, /d/, jeep, jump.Students read after the teacher and practice several times. (2) Teach the letter “Kk”.Show the letter card “K”.T: Look! This is the letter “K”. Fol

    8、low me, please. K, K, K!Ss: K, K, K. T: Well done!(课件出示:一只风筝在天空中的图片)T: Look, this is a kite. K, /k/, kite! K, /k/, kite!Students follow the teacher and practice.(课件出示:Kate在放风筝的图片)T: Look. Kate is flying a kite. K, /k/, Kate! K, /k/, Kate! The pronunciation of the letter “Kk” in the two words is the

    9、same. It pronounces “/k/”. Kk, Kk, Kk, /k/, /k/, /k/, kite, Kate.Students read after the teacher and practice several times. T: Now, I say “Kate” or “kite”, and you say “K/k/”. I say “K/k/”, and you say “Kate” or “kite”. OK?Ss: OK.(3) Teach the letter “Ll”.Show the letter card “L”.T: Look! This is t

    10、he letter “L”. L, L, L! Lead students to read it. Then let students find out L-shaped things they are familiar with. T: Can you say something that looks like “L”?(Students can say them in Chinese.)S1: 锄头。T: You are so smart! (Take out a long ruler.) Look. The ruler is long. L, /l/, long! L, /l/, lon

    11、g! Students follow the teacher and practice.(课件出示:一只火烈鸟的图片)T: Look. The legs of the flamingo are very long, too. L, /l/, leg! L, /l/, leg! The pronunciation of the letter “Ll” in the two words is the same. It pronounces “/l/”. Ll, Ll, Ll, /l/, /l/, /l/, long, leg.Students read after the teacher and

    12、practice several times.T: Now, I say “long” or “leg”, and you say “L/l/”. I say “L/l/”, and you say “long” or “leg”. OK?Ss: OK.(4) Teach the letter “Mm”.Show the letter card “M”.T: Look! This is the letter “M”. M, M, M! Lead students to read it. Then let students draw M-shaped things they are famili

    13、ar with.T: Can you draw something that looks like “M”? (Give an example to students first, such as drawing two mountains.)Let students draw some other things that look like “M”. T: Good job!(课件出示:抱着婴儿的“妈妈”的图片)T: Look, this is the babys mum. M, /m/, mum! M, /m/, mum!Students follow the teacher and pr

    14、actice.(课件出示:“妈妈”正在喝牛奶的图片) T: Look! Mum is drinking milk. M, /m/, milk! M, /m/, milk! The pronunciation of the letter “Mm” in the two words is the same. It pronounces “/m/”. Mm, Mm, Mm, /m/, /m/, /m/, mum, milk.Students read after the teacher and practice several times.T: Who wants to be the little

    15、teacher? Now, you say “milk” or “mum”, and the others say “M/m/”. You say “M/m/”, and the others say “milk” or “mum”.S1: Let me try.(5) Teach the letter “Nn”.Show the letter card “N”.T: Look! This is the letter “N”. N, N, N! Lead students to read it. Then let students draw N-shaped things they are f

    16、amiliar with.T: Can you draw something that looks like “N”? (Give an example to students first, such as drawing a door.)Let students draw some other things that look like “N”. T: Well done! (课件出示:Zoom的鼻子的图片)T: Look, this is the nose of Zoom. N, /n/, nose! N, /n/, nose!Students follow the teacher and

    17、 practice.(课件出示:Zoom正在看面条的图片)T: Look. Zoom is staring at the noodles. N, /n/, noodles! N, /n/, noodles! The pronunciation of the letter “Nn” in the two words is the same. It pronounces “/n/”. Nn, Nn, Nn, /n/, /n/, /n/, nose, noodles.Students read after the teacher and practice several times. Teachin

    18、g purpose朗朗上口的韵律诗,既让学生充满兴趣,又能帮助学生按照正确的语音发音,巩固新学的内容。T: Please work in pairs. One says “nose” or “noodles”, and the other says “N/n/”. One says “N/n/”, and the other says “nose” or “noodles”. OK?Ss: OK.2. Listen, repeat and chant.Play the video.(课件出示:教材P40 Listen, repeat and chant的视频) Ask students to

    19、read after the video. Let students pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation.Show the chant of “Listen, repeat and chant”.T: Turn to page 40. Lets listen and chant together!Teaching purpose引导学生观察图片,对图片进行预测,降低学习难度。通过听音圈出听到的字母,巩固新知。以补充首字母的形式让学生进一步在单词中操练新学的字母。Step 3: Practice1. Listen and c

    20、ircle.(1) Present the pictures and talk about them.(课件出示:教材P40 Listen and circle的图片)T: Look, whats in Picture 1?Ss: A jeep.T: You are right! How about Picture 2?Ss: A leg.T: (Point to the picture of the kite.) Who can tell me? Whats this?S1: A kite.T: Wonderful! Next one?S2: Milk.T: Great! The last

    21、one?S3: Zooms nose.T: Cool!(2) Play the recording.(课件出示:教材P40 Listen and circle的音频)T: Now, lets listen and circle the first letter of the word you hear. For example, if you hear “jeep”, you should circle “j”.(3) Check the answers with students.(Answers: j; l; k; m; n)2. Play a gameWhats missing?Show

    22、 some pictures and the words on the PPT. Let students find out the missing letter in each word and fill in the blanks.Check the answers together.Teaching purpose在巩固环节,引导学生在四线三格中正确书写字母,培养学生规范的英文书写习惯。以游戏的形式,进一步加强学生对字母的理解与认识。字母操增强字母语音知识的趣味性。(Answers: j; k; l; m; n)Step 4: Consolidation & Extension1. Wr

    23、ite and say.Write down the letters “Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn” on the blackboard step by step. Ask students to write them down in their exercise books in the correct stroke order.Choose some students to write on the blackboard. Let students pay attention to the correct writing form of the letters.2. Practi

    24、ce the letters and the related words.(1) Prepare five letter cards of “Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn”. Choose one student to come to the front. Let the student hold up the cards one by one. The other students read aloud the letters quickly.(2) Pair work.The teacher leads students to practice the related words

    25、in pairs. One student says a word, and the other student says the first letter of the word and writes it with his/her finger. The teacher gives an example first.T: Jeep. S1: Jj. (Use the finger to write the letter “Jj”.)T: Long.S1: Ll. (Use the finger to write the letter “Ll”.)3. Do the alphabet exe

    26、rcises.Play a video about the alphabet (J, K, L, M, N) exercises. (课件出示:字母操视频的JN片段)Students follow it to sing and do.板书设计作业设计1. Practice the chant of this lesson. 2. Do the exercises.教学反思1.利用TPR教学法进行字母教学,既活跃了课堂氛围,又帮助学生巩固了知识。2.教学活动以学生为主体,培养了学生的自主学习能力,充分发挥了学生的学习主动性。3.活动设计丰富多彩,较大地激发了学生的学习热情,同时也有效地提升了学生

    27、的核心素养。4.板书设计具有规范性,并提醒学生注意字母书写的细节,如大写字母K和小写字母k的区别,为学生正确书写习惯的养成打下了良好的基础。Teaching Contents & Teaching AimsLetters and soundsBe able to listen, speak, read and write the letters “Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn”. Be able to master the pronunciation of these five consonants as the first letter in words.Teaching Prior

    28、itiesBe able to listen, speak, read and write the letters “Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn”.Teaching DifficultiesBe able to master the spellings of these five consonants and the pronunciation of the related words.Teaching ProceduresTeaching StagesTeacher s ActivitiesStudents ActivitiesTeaching PurposesWarm-up&Re

    29、vision1. Greetings.2. Letter games.3. Lets chant.1. Greetings.2. Letter games.(1) Find out the adjacent letters.(2) Sort the letters.3. Chant and do some actions.Use the letter games and the chant to create a pleasant learning environment. Review the letters that have learned and lay a good foundati

    30、on for the next step.Presentation1. Teach the new letters “Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn”. Show the letter cards. Ask students to find out or draw things that look like the letters. Teach the pronunciation of the letters in the related words.Learn the new letters. Find out or draw things that look like the let

    31、ters. Learn the pronunciation of the letters in the related words.Combine the teaching of letters with the teaching of words. Lead students to experience and find out the pronunciation rules of the letters in different words. Let students master the pronunciation of these five consonants as the firs

    32、t letter in words. Develop students autonomous learning ability.2. Listen, repeat and chant.Play the video. Let students read after the video. Show the chant.Read after the video and pay attention to the pronunciation and the intonation. Then listen and chant together.The chant not only makes studen

    33、ts full of interest in learning, but also helps students pronounce correctly and consolidate the new learning content.Practice1. Listen and circle.(1) Present the pictures and talk with students.(2) Play the recording. Let students listen and circle the letters.(3) Check the answers.Talk about the p

    34、ictures. Listen and circle the letters. Check the answers with the teacher.Lead students to observe the pictures. Reduce the difficulty of learning. Use games to arouse students interest in learning and consolidate students learning of the pronunciation of the letters.2. Play a gameWhats missing?Sho

    35、w some pictures and the words on the PPT. Let students find out the missing letter in each word and fill in the blanks.Find out the missing letter in each word and fill in the blanks.Consolidation&Extension1. Write and say.Write down the letters “Jj, Kk, Ll, Mm, Nn” on the blackboard step by step.Pr

    36、actice the writing of the letters.Lead students to write the letters correctly to cultivate students correct writing habit. Strengthen the understanding of the letters through the game. Use the alphabet exercises to make the phonetic learning more interesting.2. Practice the letters and the related

    37、words.(1)Prepare five letter cards.(2)Pair work.Lead students to practice the related words in pairs.Practice the letters and the related words through the letter games.3. Do the alphabet exercises.Play a video.Follow the video to sing and do.Homework1. Practice the chant of this lesson.2. Do the exercises.


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