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    读后续写公开课(ppt课件):a meaningful ending(ppt课件) -2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx

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    读后续写公开课(ppt课件):a meaningful ending(ppt课件) -2022新人教版(2019)《高中英语》选择性必修第四册.pptx

    1、Continuation WritingContinuation Writing -A-A Meaningful EndingMeaningful Ending l逻辑逻辑语言语言结构结构阅读下面短文,根据阅读下面短文,根据其内容和其内容和所给所给段落开头语段落开头语续写续写两段两段,使之构成一个完整的故事。,使之构成一个完整的故事。1.One fall,my wife Elli and I had a single goal:to photograph polar bears.We were staying at a research camp outside“the polar bear

    2、capital of the world”-the town of Churchill in Manitoba,Canada.2.Taking pictures of polar bears is amazing but also dangerous.Polar bears-like all wild animals-should be photographed from a safe distance.When Im face to face with a polar bear,I like it to be through a camera with a telephoto lens.Bu

    3、t sometimes,that is easier said than done.This was one of those times.3.As Elli and I cooked dinner,a young male polar bear who was playing in a nearby lake sniffed,and smelled our garlic bread.4.The hungry bear followed his nose to our camp,which was surrounded by a high wire fence.He pulled and bi

    4、t the wire.He stood on his back legs and pushed at the wooden fence posts.5.Terrified,Elli and I tried all the bear defense actions we knew.We yelled at the bear,hit pots hard,and fired blank shotgun shells into the air.Sometimes loud noises like these will scare bears off.Not this polar bear though

    5、-he just kept trying to tear down the fence with his massive paws(爪子).6.I radioed the camp manager for help.He told me a helicopter was on its way,but it would be 30 minutes before it arrived.Making the best of this close encounter(相遇),I took some pictures of the bear.7.Elli and I feared the fence w

    6、ouldnt last through 30 more minutes of the bears punishment.The camp manager suggested I use pepper spray.The spray burns the bears eyes,but doesnt hurt them.So I approached our uninvited guest slowly and,through the fence,sprayed him in the face.With an angry roar(吼叫),the bear ran to the lake to wa

    7、sh his eyes.A few minutes later,the bear headed back to our camp._ At that very moment,the helicopter arrived._ 2020年年7月浙江高考读后续写月浙江高考读后续写 A.Man and Nature(Adventure)B.Man and Society(Love&Kindness)Man and Nature-Man and Nature-People and animals live in harmonyPart 1:What should you do when you enco

    8、unter a polar bear?keep calmmake some noiseask for helpuse pepper spray helicopter howhowwherewherewhenwhenwhowhowhatwhat1.Characters(5):,a_,a camper manager,a_my wife ElliI polar bearhelicopter(pilot)helicopterhowhowwherewherewhenwhenwhowhowhatwhat2.Three scenes in the story Scene1:(Para.1-2)One fa

    9、ll,my wife Elli and I came to a research _ to _ polar bear.Scene2:(Para.3-4)As we cooked dinner at camp,a young male polar bear was attracted by our _,intending to.It desperately tried to tear down the _ surrounding the camp.Scene3:(Para.5-7)We tried all _ actions to scare the polar bear off,and we

    10、radioed the camp manager for help,who told us a _ was on its way,but it took _ minutes before it arrived.At this moment,the bear was running to the lake to wash his eyes,which were burned by our _ _.campphotographgarlic breadfencedefense30pepper sprayWhats the main idea of the story?My wife Elli and

    11、 I encountered a hungry polar bear at a research camp,and a helicopter is on its way to rescue us.howhowwherewherewhenwhenwhowhowhatwhatParagraph 1:What did the polar bear do and feel?How did we react and feel?Possibly,the bear attempted to attack us again.And we desperately defend ourselves against

    12、 it.It got annoyed and mad,while we were scared but determined.Paragraph 2:What did the pilot do?Whats the bears reaction to the helicopter?Did the helicopter succeed to rescue us and how did we feel?Probably,we were saved.BeginningClimaxHappy&PositiveEndingAt that very moment,the helicopter arrived

    13、._A few minutes later,the bear headed back to our camp._首尾呼应结尾首尾呼应结尾自然结尾自然结尾主题升华结尾主题升华结尾融情于景结尾融情于景结尾画面定格结尾画面定格结尾 对话式结尾对话式结尾Part 2:Ending Classification in Continuation Writing A.A.对话收尾对话收尾(Dialogue Ending)B.(Dialogue Ending)B.融情于景融情于景(Surrounding Ending)C.(Surrounding Ending)C.画面定格画面定格(Scene(Scene E

    14、nding)D.Ending)D.自然结尾自然结尾(Natural Ending)(Natural Ending)E.E.首尾呼应式结尾首尾呼应式结尾(Echo Ending)(Echo Ending)F.F.主题升华主题升华(Theme Sublimation Ending)(Theme Sublimation Ending)E.g.1(Para2)At that very moment,the helicopter arrived.The helicopter went across the fence,running to the bear.The bear was put into a

    15、 cage.With the assistance of them,Elli and I were saved.E.g.2.Match ending examples with different ending types:D F B C A E Para2:At that very moment,the helicopter arrived.Several persons jumped out of the helicopter with specialized clothes which were able to defend against the bear in case of bei

    16、ng hunted.The helicopter went across the fence,running to the bear.The bear was put into a cage.With the assistance of them,Elli and I were saved.Advantages Disadvantages Tips 根据情节自然发展,简洁、自然 常结合个人感悟个人感悟,否则易趋于平淡 自然结尾常见的元素有:获救,平安回家,团聚获救,平安回家,团聚一、自然结尾一、自然结尾(Natural Ending)(Natural Ending)Useful pattern

    17、s:1.We made it home,safe and sound.2.We reunited,and had a big dinner to celebrate our rescue.How scaring the day was!/What an unforgettable/memorable experience!(结合个人感悟个人感悟)3.We went back home,tired but relieved.This thrilling experience would take root in my mind forever.(结合个人感个人感悟悟)Para2:At that

    18、very moment,the helicopter arrived.It dawns on me that animals are to us what water is to fish.To protect the environment is to protect ourselves.It is time for us to take measures to protect our surroundings and give the bear a safe home.Advantages Disadvantages Tips 主题突出主题突出,哲理性语言赋予文章思想性思想性对学生思维深度

    19、要求较高,容易套路 哲理性语言可以是个人感悟个人感悟,或名言警句名言警句;常见句式有:It句式、句式、强调句、倒装句、强调句、倒装句、what从句从句二、主题升华二、主题升华(Theme Sublimation Ending)(Theme Sublimation Ending)Useful patterns:1.It dawns on me that.(It句式)2.It was then that I had a sudden burst of understanding that.(强调句)3.Its A(not B)that matters/counts/make a great dif

    20、ference.(强调句)4.In no case will you give up especially in trouble.God is fair to everyone.(倒装句)5.After a storm comes a rainbow.(名言警句)6.Determination and optimism are what it takes to conquer your fear and accomplish your goal.(what从句)7.Sometimes,a small act of kindness may be powerful to make a huge

    21、difference.(助人为乐)8.Never had I had such a thrilling yet dangerous trip before,which was deeply engraved in my mind.(感悟)Para2:At that very moment,the helicopter arrived.Eventually,we were saved.A ripple of joy swept over me.Looking around,I felt I had never seen such white snow and breathed such fres

    22、h air.三、融情于景三、融情于景(Surrounding Ending)(Surrounding Ending)Advantages Disadvantages Tips 融情于景,以景烘托心情 易生搬硬套,不贴合语境语境 结尾常是温馨美好温馨美好的自然环境描写,所涉及的元素有:阳光、微风、蓝阳光、微风、蓝天、星空、树梢天、星空、树梢等Useful patterns:1.The mist cleared off and the rest of the day was fine.(迷雾消散)2.By the time we got home,the storm had given way t

    23、o the darkness.(风暴过后)3.The moon appeared in all its elegant whiteness,lightening up the cloudless sky.(月光皎洁)4.The day was bright,with a fresh breeze blowing.(和风,天晴)5.A soft wind kissed the tree tops.(和风,树梢)6.The hills were bathed in the sunlight.(群山,阳光)7.Dotted with glittering stars,the sky,midnight

    24、 blue,gave the scene a fairy-tale quality.(星空)四、画面定格四、画面定格(Scene Ending)(Scene Ending)Advantages Disadvantages Tips 通过定格画面,营造圆满结局的喜悦,或物是人非的落差感 对场景画面的分析和表达能力要求高要求高描述画面常用动作描写和神态描写动作描写和神态描写,如:笑声、拥抱、脸部、手部等等;有时结合个人感个人感悟悟来表达温馨感动、如释重负Para2:At that very moment,the helicopter.I lay on the plane with my heart

    25、 pounding violently,eyes fixed on drifting cloud out of the window.Had it not been for the prompt rescue,I would have been a ghost,drifting in the air like the cloud.What a narrow escape!Useful patterns:1.Her face lit up/brightened/glowed.(脸部)2.The laughter lingered around the house/echoed through t

    26、he house.(笑声)3.A bright smile appeared on his face/crossed his face/played around his mouth.(微笑)4.Speechless and happy,she held her son tightly into her arms,with tears welling up in her eyes.(拥抱)Para2:At that very moment,the helicopter arrived.I embraced my wife tightly,saying“Honey,dont worry,and

    27、we are safe now.”Elli answered with tears welling up in her eyes,“Yes,but the animals are losing their homes.Returning home,we should post the pictures of the bears on the Moments to appeal to more people to protect our surroundings to give the animals safe homes”五、对话收尾五、对话收尾(Dialogue Ending)(Dialog

    28、ue Ending)Advantages Disadvantages Tips 简洁、自然 选好对话的立意角度,否则易趋于平淡对话内容与主题主题相结合,配合动作神态描写动作神态描写更出彩;用介词短语、副词介词短语、副词修饰“说”Useful patterns:1.“I didnt mean to,”said Alice in a low voice.(in a loud/soft/trembling/frightened/.voice)2.“I will never do it again,”I replied with certainty.(with delight/pride/patien

    29、ce/excitement.)3.“I can make it!”Jack answered firmly.(calmly/coldly/softly/excitedly/regretfully)Beginning:One fall,my wife Elli and I had a single goal:to photograph polar bears.We were staying at a research camp outside“the polar bear capital of the world”-the town of Churchill in Manitoba,Canada

    30、.Ending2:Though we lost our camp,we got the most valuable things:lots of close photographs of the polar bear!Ending1:Eventually,we achieved our goal with such an exciting and dangerous experience!Advantages Disadvantages Skills 首尾呼应,深化主题使文章浑然一体 对原文结构有要求,不是所有文章都适合 适合适合总分类文章总分类文章六、首尾呼应式结尾六、首尾呼应式结尾(Ech

    31、o Ending)(Echo Ending)阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。Mama and I spend mornings cleaning up the dirt that blows into our house.Mama says all the dust is due to the drought.The dirt is everywhere.It covers our clothes.We have to wash the dishes before each meal.We rarely d

    32、rive the truck because Papa fears the dust from the road will ruin the motor.So it became our amusement park,where we flash the lights and sound the horn,pretending to be real drivers When my sister,Faye,and I walk to school,we wear scarfs over our mouths so we dont breathe in the dirt.On days when

    33、the air is so bad that they close the school,we stay home and help Mama put wet sheets over the windows.But the dirt always finds a way in.Last Sunday,there was no dirt in the air,only bright spring sunshine and a clear blue sky.After church,Papa headed out to the field to check on the cattle while

    34、Mama start dinner.Faye and I played in the yard.The temperature suddenly droppedit felt good.The heat has been building since dawn.Then Mama shouted from the house,“Iris,you and Faye get inside,real quickly now!”I looked to the west and saw a huge black cloud of dust,like thick smoke from a railway

    35、engines stack.All the birds flew away.“Faye,go with Mama!”I shouted.“I ll warn Papa.”Faye ran towards the house.The storm hit so fast I barely saw her climb the steps.Fine sand beat against my face and in an instant the day turned into night.I tripped over our bicycles left carelessly in the yard.I

    36、screamed for Papa,hoping my voice would lead him back.The dirt and sand stung my skin like a thousand bees.I needed to get to shelter.Covering my face with one hand,I felt my way towards the truck and opened the door.Dirt flew in with me as I pulled the door closed.Papa is still out there and I need

    37、ed to help him find the way to the truck._ Suddenly,Papas face appeared at the window._Whats the theme of the story?A.Adventure B.Family affectionPart 3:EndingBeginningClimaxA storm cameI helped Papa find the way.(Para.1)Papa appeared at the window.(Para.2)We lived in a place full of dust and dirtPa

    38、pa was still out thereI felt my way to the truck howhowwherewherewhenwhenwhowhowhatwhat2.Can you infer the ending of the story?Para1:Papa is still out there and I needed to help him find the way to the truck._Para2:Suddenly,Papas face appeared at the window._1.Whats the main idea of the story?We liv

    39、e in a place full of _.One day,_ came.I asked my sister Faye to get inside with Mama,and I felt my way to _,trying to lead _ back,who was still out there.dust and dirta stormthe truckPapaAt last,Papa succeeded in getting in the truck.I felt relieved and Papa was proud of me.Our family reunited.Happy

    40、&PositiveEndingPara2:Suddenly,Papas face appeared at the window.So delighted was I that I automatically pulled the door open despite the dirt and sand.“Thank you,my dear son.Without your guidance,I would have got lost in the darkness.”Dad hugged me tightly,his voice trembling a bit.When the storm en

    41、ded with everything covered in sand,we reunited with Mama and Feya.From that day on,it dawns on me that someone who loves you will always guide your way home through darkness.(K二7 施宏涛)画面定格结尾 对话式结尾融情于景结尾主题升华结尾首尾呼应结尾自然结尾主题升华主题升华结尾结尾画面定格结尾 对话式结尾融情于景结尾主题升华结尾首尾呼应结尾自然结尾Para2:Suddenly,Papas face appeared a

    42、t the window.Papa!I screamed,dizzy with wild joy.After papa entered the truck,we were locked in a wam embrace,tears blurring our eyes.Immersed in the happiness,we forgot the storm.After a while,the storm escaped like a thief,without warning.Out of the truck,the trees were bathed in the amber-like su

    43、nshine again.It was then that I have a sudden burst of understanding that calmness was really of great importance in emergency.(K二6 黄臻贤)融情于景融情于景+主题升华结尾主题升华结尾Para2:Suddenly,Papas face appeared at the window.Without hesitation,I opened the door delightedly.Papa rushed into the truck and gave me a big

    44、hug.He wiped the tears from my face with his huge hands.“Thank you,my dear.Papa said in a trembling voice.I could clearly felt his excitement.The wind gradually slowed down.We went home and reunited with Mama and Faye.Through the window,I smiled at the truck-it serves as not only a loyal partner she

    45、ltering us from danger,but a time capsule reminding us of the thrilling experience.(K二二7 陈昕语)陈昕语)画面定格结尾 对话式结尾融情于景结尾主题升华结尾首尾呼应结尾自然结尾画面定格画面定格+首尾呼应结尾首尾呼应结尾Para2:Suddenly,Papas face appeared at the window.A wave of happiness and wild joy flooded over me.I opened the door for Papa without delay.Worn-out

    46、and dirty,poor Papa was engulfed by the dirt from head to toe.“Papa!”I threw myself into Papas hug,feeling it too dramatic to be true.“Dear,we are safe now!Papa wiped my tears with his rough hands,You have done a definitely good job!Papas words swept over my fear and horror.After a few hours,we made

    47、 it home,safe and sound.What a thrilling experience!(K二6 蔡佳宝)画面定格结尾 对话式结尾融情于景结尾主题升华结尾首尾呼应结尾自然结尾对话对话+自然结尾自然结尾+感悟感悟 single typeormixed type Para2:Suddenly,Papas face appeared at the window.My heart leaped with excitement and relief.He opened the door and climbed onto the seat next to me.He coughed and

    48、 wiped his eyes with dirty hands,then pulled me into his arms.I held Papa tightly and sobbed.I could feel the tears streaming down my dirty cheeks.Papa looked into my face.“Im so proud of you,”Papa said.“The horn and lights led me to shelter.”_自然结尾主题升华结尾融情于景结尾画面定格结尾 对话式结尾首尾呼应结尾 Write a meaningful en

    49、dingPolish your ending in the final exam or rewrite a meaningful ending for the story.Useful patterns for different ending types:1.We made it home,safe and sound.2.We were reunited,and we had a big family dinner to celebrate our rescue.What a scaring/thrilling/an unforgettable experience.(结合个人感悟结合个人

    50、感悟)1.It dawns on me that.我渐渐明白了我渐渐明白了.(It句式句式)2.Its A(not B)that matters/counts/make a great difference.(强调句强调句)3.It was then that I had a burst of understanding that.(强调句强调句)4.In no case will you give up especially in trouble.God is fair to everyone.(倒装句倒装句)1.The mist cleared off and the rest of th


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