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    安徽省合肥市第六 2022-2023学年高三上学期第一次限时作业.docx

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    安徽省合肥市第六 2022-2023学年高三上学期第一次限时作业.docx

    1、合肥六中2022-2023高三上学期英语第一次限时作业阅读一.Chinese elements highlighted at Olympic closing ceremony.The curtains came down on the closing ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games Sunday night at Birds Nest in Beijing. During the ceremony, many Chinese cultural elements were put into the design of the g

    2、rand show, expressing some Chinese romance. They became the highlights of the closing ceremony and lets take a look.Festival lanternsThe closing ceremony began with a large snowflake torch appearing in the sky, echoing the moment from the opening ceremony. Then accompanied by cheerful music, childre

    3、n hung traditional Chinese festive lanterns, lighting up the emblem (象征) of the Winter Olympics, which originated from the Chinese character for winter, “dong”.Chinese knotThe 12 Chinese zodiac (生肖)-themed ice cars created an outline of a Chinese knot with its wheel trails. And then it was enlarged,

    4、 and an enormous “Chinese knot” was presented using digital AR technology. Each ribbon could be clearly seen, and all of the ribbons twisted together, symbolizing unity and a good fortune.Fish and richesDuring the closing ceremony, the Malanhua Childrens Choir from a mountainous area of Fuping count

    5、y in Hebei province performed again, this time with different clothes. The Chinese paper-cut of double fish was seen on their clothes, meaning “rich and have a surplus in the next year” in Chinese culture.Willow (柳树) branch for farewellIn ancient times, Chinese people broke a willow branch and gave

    6、it to their friends, family or relatives when seeing them off, as willow sounds like “stay” in Mandarin. Willow branches appeared in the closing ceremony, expressing Chinese peoples hospitality and bidding farewell to the world guests.1. Which of the following is inspired by a Chinese character?AFes

    7、tive lanterns.BA snowflake torch.CThe emblem.DCheerful music.2. What characteristic did “Chinese knot” and “Fish and riches” share?ABoth employed AR technology.BBoth symbolized a wealthy life.CBoth were created by ice cars.DBoth were performed by children.3. Which one can be adopted as a symbol of d

    8、eparture?AFestive lanterns.BChinese knot.CFish and riches.DWillow branch.二."Can we eat this one, Dad?" my four-year-old daughter, Alicia, asks. We're on one of our Thursday adventures, searching the nearby woods for eatable mushrooms. She's pointing at a bright-red cap coveredwith

    9、white dots. I pull out my handy mushroom- identification app, which notes that Amanita muscaria (毒蝇伞), while eatable if prepared properly, is also a knownhallucinogen(致幻剂). I have a firm "tell them the truthand be as precise as possible" philosophy and explainwhat the app says, and that I

    10、don't think our Thursday adventures are ready to get quite that adventurous yet.Watching your kids learn new skills isextraordinarily rewarding, but I've experienced more personal growth than I have at any other point in my life.Last year, after a winter of practicing skiing on the green tra

    11、cks for beginners each week, Alicia was french- frying her way down blues and even attempted her firstblack. That month also witnessed me visiting the mountain more times than in the 15 years combined and I've got myself a partner for life.It's not all easy-but sometimes that's the point

    12、.Alicia practices the violin every day, and although sheenjoys it, even 15 minutes of practice can upset her. The trick, I've found, is to let her watch me try to get better at something, too. I start taking piano lessons at 41 yearsold with the idea that if she sees me struggling as practice an

    13、d then improve, she'll understand that thingsdon't come easy, even for grown-ups. I know there's going to be a time when I'll end up on the sideline cheering her on as she finds her own passions. I'm okay with this, and I'm hoping that by then she'll carry the joy of prac

    14、tice and knowledge through life.1. What does the father imply by saying "I've got myself a partner for life."?A. It is rewarding to learn new skills.B. Skiing has become his lifelong hobby.C. He will explore more with his daughter.D. His daughter will accompany him forever.2. Why does

    15、the father start learning to play the piano?A. To prove it is never too old to learn.B. To set a good example to his daughter.C. To experience the joy of piano practice.D. To share with his daughter musical knowledge.3. Which of the following can best describe the father?A. Rigid and humorous.B. Cau

    16、tious and inspiring.C. Creative and thoughtful.D. Ambitious and patient.4. Which can be a suitable title for the text?A. The Thrill of the SkillB. Practice Makes PerfectC. Like Father, Like DaughterD. The Power of Knowledge三.Can you imagine there being a community where boys and girls growing up tog

    17、ether can finally speak different languages? In Ubang Nigeria, it really happens.It's not exactly clear what percentage of the words in the men's and women's languages are different, but there are enough examples to make sentences sound different when spoken by the opposite sex. For &quo

    18、t;clothing", men use the word "nki", while women say "ariga" "kitchi" means tree for men, while women say "okweng". Theseare not just some slight pronunciation differences, but totally different words. "It's almost like two different lexicons (词汇

    19、集)," a language expert, Chi Chi Undle said. "There are a lot of words that men and women share in common, but there are others which are totally different depending on your sex. They don't sound alike,and don't have the same letters. They are completely different words.Interestingl

    20、y, both men and women are able to understand each other perfectly in Ubang, as both boys and girls grow up around their parents and get to learnboth languages, but by the age of 10, boys are expected to speak in the male tongue. It seems that there is astage the male will reach and he discovers he i

    21、s not using the rightful language. When he starts speaking themen's language, you know the maturity is coming into him.  No one really knows how or why the double-language tradition of Ubang began. Chi Chi Undiebelieves the two languages are the result of a "double-sex culture" wh

    22、ere men and women operate in twoseparate spheres(范围)and live in separate worlds that rarely come together. However, she admits this is a weak theory, as the double-sex culture is present inmany parts of Africa, where there are no different languages for men and women.  Today, with English words

    23、 constantly entering the lexicon of young Nigerians, bang's two languages are in danger of being lost forever. Worse still, neither themale nor female language is written down, so they both rely on young people passing them down to the next generation.1. What do we know about languages in Ubang?

    24、A. Word differences account for a high percentageB. Men and women speak totally different languagesC. Word differences partly exist between the opposite sex.D. Men and women pronounce differently on the same word.2. Why can men and women understand each other easily in Ubang?A. Their lexicons sound

    25、alikeB. They learn both languages at school.C. The men can speak two different languages.D. They are exposed to both languages in their childhood.3. What does Chi Chi Undie want to explore in Paragraph 3?A. The change of double-sex culture.B. The theory of double-sex culture.C. The origin of double-

    26、language tradition.D. The sphere of double-language tradition.4. How does the author feel about the disappearing languages in Ubang?A. Frightened.B. Concerned.C. Confused. D. Stressed.四.Due to the effects of climate change, new species of birds are coming to the UK. A recent study by the RSPB and Du

    27、rham University has found that Europeanbirds have been migrating further north by an average of 300 miles. While fewer birds, such as the tufted duck, are returning for the winter months, there has been anincrease in other species as they seek a new holiday home or a quiet stop-off! It's thought

    28、 that in the UK, we will gain many morespecies than we'll lose through climate change- a 3C change won't affect the migrations of most birds, so birds such as robins, blackbirds, blue tits andgreenfinches will still be regular visitors to our gardens. Climate change has been affecting domest

    29、ic birds though -the Dartford warbler, a species that was literallydown to just a couple of pairs in the UK in the 1960s has been spreading further north from its traditional home in south-east England. Other birds such as greenwoodpeckers and nuthatches have already been regular visitors to the cou

    30、ntry, bustave now started to spread further north, with some even going as far as northernEngland.  Scops owls have also been regular visitors, mostly in the south of England. And over the next 50 years or so, these visitors will eventually start to settle in the UKas they continue to breed(#Hi

    31、) and adapt themselves to the conditions.  Other birds are, for the moment, just passing through on their migration, using the UK as a pitstop The exotic-looking hoopoe- -a striking black-and-white.winged bird, the size of a mistle thrush-regularly passes England's south coast and, although

    32、 It doesn't breed here, up to 100 of them can turn up during the spring.  As climate change continues, there's nothing to suggest that these birds won't continue to breed northwards during the next decade and spotting them will become a regular occurrence throughout the country.1. W

    33、hat can we infer from paragraph 2?A. There are fewer birds in the UK due to the climatechange.B. Birds won't be affected by temperature change within3C. It may get warmer than before in the north of the UK.D. Birds in the UK don't need migrations any more.2. Which birds are expected to live

    34、in the UK in thefuture?A. Scops owls.     B. Robins.C. Dartford warbler.D. Hoopoe.3. What does the underlined word "pitstop" in paragraph 4 probably mean?A. Garage.B. Gas station.C. Resting placeD. Nest.4. What is the main idea of the text?A. Birds visit the UK regularly in winte

    35、r.B. Climate change is affecting the population andmigrations of birds in the UK.C. Birds start to inhabit the northern parts of the UK.D. The population of birds in the world is on the increase due to the climate change.七选五  As the proverb goes, beauty is in the eye of the beholder._(1)_ A pap

    36、er published two years ago in Nature found a connection between people's sense of well-being and the scenicness (美景) of where they lived.The paper's authors measured scenicness byconducting a survey among volunteers.  The connection, the paper's authors found, held true whether a ne

    37、ighborhood was urban or rural._(2)_. Nor did levels of air pollution have any influence on it.The authors also discovered that differences in volunteers' health were better explained by the scenicness of where they lived than by the amount of green space around them.  _(3) _The team behind

    38、that Nature paper have nevertheless decided to have a go. They have adapted a computer program to recognize beautiful landscapes,whether natural or artificial, using the criteria that a human beholder would employ. The program's task wasto work out, by analyzing each photograph's features in

    39、 the context of its Scenic-or-Not ratings, what it is thatmakes a landscape scenic.  Most of the results are not surprising. Lakes and horizons scored well. So did valleys and snowy mountains. In artificial landscapes, castles, churches and cottages were seen as scenic._(4)_ Theanalysis did, ho

    40、wever, confirm one important finding from the team's previous study, which is also a message for town planners. Green spaces alone are not scenic. To be so they need to involve contours (高低起伏的轮廓) and trees._(5)_.A. But surroundings matter.B. Hospitals, garages and motels were not so much.C. So p

    41、eople have a deep affection for where they live.D. It bore no relation to volunteers social and economic status.E. Therefore, less grass and more trees and bushes would be welcome.F. Natural landscapes are rated as scenicness as opposed to artificial landscapes.G. Determining what scenicness is, tho

    42、ugh, has always been frustrating for scientists.完型填空Eradajere Oleita thinks she may have a partial solution for two of their country's persistent problems:garbage and poverty. It's called the Chip Bag Project. As a student and _(1)_she is asking local snack lovers a_(2)_: Rather than throw e

    43、mpty chip bags (3) intothe trash. (4) them! Then she can turn them into sleeping bags for the homeless.  Chip(5) drop off their empty bags at two (6): a print shop and a clothing store, where Oleita and her volunteer helpers collect them. After they sanitize(清洁)the chip bags in soapy hot water,

    44、 they slice them open, (7) them flat, and iron them together. They (8)_ fillings to line the insides.  It takes about four hours to (9) a sleeping bag, and each takes around 150 to 300 chip bags, depending on whether they 're single-serve or family _(10)_ . The _(11)_ is a sleeping bag that

    45、 is "waterproof, lightweight, and easy to carry around," Oleita told the News.  Since its start in 2020, the Chip Bag Project has_(12)_ more than 800, 000 chip bags and,_(13)_last December, created 110 sleeping bags.  Sure, it would be_ (14)_ to raise the money to buy new sleepin

    46、g bags. But the project is only half the_(15)_for Oleita whose family moved to the United States from Nigeria a decade ago with the hope of attaining abetter life - and her fellow volunteers. "We are dedicated to making an impact not only_(16)_but environmentally." she says.  And, of

    47、course, there's the symbolism of recycling bags that would _(17)_ land in the trash and using them to help the homeless. It's a powerful (18) that environmental (19) and poverty often go hand in hand. As Oleita told localnews. com, "I think it's time to show (20) between all of thes

    48、e issues."(1) A. instructor  B. helper         C. environmentalist     D. tailor(2) A. criterionB. qualification    C. questionD. favor(3) A. lightlyB. deliberately     C. occasionallyD. indirectly(4) A. sellB. emptyC. cleanD. donate(5) A.

    49、producersB. eatersC. sponsors D. buyers(6) A. dustbinsB. locationsC. bagsD. streets(7) A. leadB. lieC. layD. print(8) A. checkB. needC. reachD. use(9) A. sewB. design         C. offerD. discover(10) A. memberB. sizeC. missionD. debt(11) A. result      B. reliefC. m

    50、ethodD. produce(12) A. madeB. decoratedC. accumulatedD. charged(13) A. in terms ofB. regardless ofC. instead of D. as of(14) A. busierB. simpler         C. heavierD. smaller(15) A. goalB. stageC. procedureD. chance(16) A. objectivelyB. politicallyC. socially.  D. secretly(17) A. moreover      B. otherwiseC. insteadD. besides(18) A. report       B. blameC. reminderD. solution(19) A. problemsB. groups        C. regulationsD. protection(20) A.divis


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