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    人教版中考英语教材知识复习:八年级下 Units 5~6.pptx

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    人教版中考英语教材知识复习:八年级下 Units 5~6.pptx

    1、八年级下 Units 56,.单词拼写 1.I bought a pair of shoes yesterday and they f (适合) my feet well. 2.She has a beautiful v (声音) and all of us like to enjoy her songs. 3.Do you think our basketball team will b (打败) theirs tomorrow?,it,oice,eat,4.She is shy and she is afraid to speak in front of the w (整个的) schoo

    2、l. 5.I told them that we wouldnt go for a picnic because of the s (暴风雨).,hole,torm,.单项选择 ( )1.Did you the first place of the league match? Of course we did. We all the other teams. A.beat; beat B.beat; won C.win; won D.win; beat,D,( )2.Ann is busy she cant have a picnic with us this weekend. A.so; t

    3、hat B.too; to C.as; as D.either; or,A,( )3.Did you see Mr. White just now? Yes. He his car when I met him. A.parked B.was parking C.is parking D.parks,B,( )4.The policemen came and started to at the mad dog when they received the call. A.shout B.look C.shoot D.kill,C,( )5.Did the big noise keep a lo

    4、ng time? No, it didnt. It began to about five minutes later. A.write down B.lie down C.sit down D.die down,D,.补全对话 A:How strong the wind was just now! B:Yes, it really was. 1. A:Me neither. The tall tree in front of house fell down in the strong wind. B:2. A:I was in the house. B:Thats too dangerous

    5、! 3.,G,D,A,A:No, luckily it didnt. The wind was blowing from the back of the house. B:You were really lucky! A:What were you doing when the strong wind came? B:I was riding on the road. 4. A:You were lucky, too. Look! 5. Shall we go and help them? B:Thats a good idea. Lets go.,C,F,A.Did the tree fal

    6、l on your house? B.Did the strong wind stop in a few minute? C.I fell off my bike, but luckily I didnt get hurt. D.Where were you when the strong wind came? E.Some workers are cutting down the trees. F.Some workers are moving away the fallen trees. G.I have never seen such a strong wind before.,When

    7、 he woke up, the sun was rising.当他醒来时,太阳正在升起。(Unit 5, P35) rise是不及物动词,意思是“上升,升起,升高,起立”。如: The sun rises in the east and sets down in the west every day.太阳每天东升西落。 Look! The smoke is rising from the top of the hill.看!烟正在从那山顶上升。,辨析rise与raise,raise是及物动词,意思是“提高,举起,筹集,饲养”。如: They raised the price of oil l

    8、ast week.上周他们提高了油价。 The boy raised his hand to show that he could answer the teachers question.那个男孩举起手,表示他能回答老师提出的问题。,辨析rise与raise,If they raise the price of wheat, cakes price will certainly rise.如果他们提高小麦的价格,饼的价格一定会上涨。,根据句意,选rise和raise并用其适当的形式填空 1.At the party, we all our glasses and drank to each

    9、others health. 2.When I traveled by boat, I could feel that the boat and fell.,辨析rise与raise,raised,rose,Then they hear an old womans voice from inside the house.接下来,他们听到屋里传来一个老妇人的声音。(Unit 6, P47) voice指人或动物的“嗓音”,属可数名词。如: Your younger sisters voice is really beautiful.你妹妹的嗓音真的很美。 Some people have bea

    10、utiful voices at birth.有些人生来就有一副好嗓子。,辨析voice与noise,noise的意思是“噪音,响声,声音”。表示“噪音”时属不可数名词,表示“响声,声音”时属可数名词。如: There is more noise in big cities.大城市里噪音更大。 Suddenly they heard a big noise.突然,他们听到一声巨响。,辨析voice与noise,He raised his voice but I still couldnt hear him because of much noise there.他提高了嗓门,但由于那儿噪音太大

    11、,我依然听不见他在说什么。,根据句意,选voice和noise填空 1.I didnt sleep well last night because of the from cars and trucks. 2. She used to speak in a high childish when she was a little girl.,辨析voice与noise,noise,voice,He finally fell asleep when the wind was dying down at around 3:00 a.m.他终于在凌晨三点左右风渐渐停时睡着了。(Unit 5, P35)

    12、 fall asleep和feel sleepy属不同的短语,意思也不一样。fall asleep表示“入睡,睡着”,而feel sleepy表示“感到昏昏欲睡,感到犯困”。比较例句:,辨析fall asleep与feel sleepy,I have drunk too much tea. Im afraid I couldnt fall asleep tonight.我喝了太多的茶,恐怕我今晚会睡不着。 He felt sleepy at about 8:00 p.m., so he went to bed early.他晚上八点左右就觉得很困,所以便早早地去睡觉了。,辨析fall asle

    13、ep与feel sleepy,单项填空 ( )1.Peter said that he often fell in class. A.sleep B.sleeping C.asleep D.sleepy,辨析instead与instead of,C,( )2.Peter said that he often felt in class. A.sleep B.sleeping C.asleep D.sleepy,辨析instead与instead of,D,Look! Its leading us to that wonderful house made of bread, cake and c

    14、andy.看!它把我们带到了那个由面包、蛋糕和糖果做成的漂亮房子。(Unit 6, P47) lead的意思是“率领,领导,引导”,属及物动词,可用主动式,也可用被动式。lead的过去式和过去分词都是led。如: The Party leads us from victory to victory.党领导我们从胜利走向胜利。,lead的用法,lead to表示“通往;导致(结果)”,to后接的是名词。表示“导致(结果)”时相当于cause。如: All roads lead to Rome.条条大道通罗马。 Changing plans may lead to different result

    15、s.改变计划会导致不同的结果。,根据句意,选lead和lead to填空 1.If you never eat vegetables, it may your health problems. 2.Ask someone to the way, or you will get lost in the forest.,lead的用法,lead to,lead,This story reminds us that you can never know whats possible unless you try to make it happen.这个故事提醒我们,除非你努力去实现,否则你永远也不知

    16、道什么是可能的。(Unit 6, P42) 【点拨】remind是动词,意思是“提醒,使想起”。常用结构是“remind sb.+从句(提醒/提示某人),remind sb. to do sth.(提醒某人去做某事)和remind sb. of sth./sb.(使某人想起了某事/某人)”。如:,remind的用法,Who can remind me what I should do next?谁能提醒我下一步该做什么? Remind her to come earlier tomorrow morning.提醒她明天上午早点来。 You reminded me of your father

    17、when you said that.你说那样的话,使我想起了你的父亲。,remind的用法,单项填空 ( )1.This beautiful park another place we have been to. A.reminds that of B.reminds of C.reminds me that D.reminds me of,remind的用法,D,( )2.His words an apple a day keeps the doctor away. A.remind that of B.remind of C.remind me that D.remind me of,r

    18、emind的用法,C,写“过去发生的事”,实际上也就是写故事。因此,写作时要注意故事的完整性和可读性。要清楚地介绍某事发生的时间、地点,涉及哪些人物及事情发生的经过。结尾通常要表述对这件事的看法或感受。 由于记述的是过去发生的事,因此全文的主体时态是“一般过去时”。但根据需要,有时也要用到“过去进行时”和“过去将来时”。,中考常考作文话题闯关,话题12 记叙过去发生的事,【常用句型】 1.This is a true story. It happened. 2.When I/he was., I/he saw. 3.Just at that moment, . 4.I/He tried. be

    19、st to. 5.Finally/At last/As a result, . 6.I/He thought that.,中考常考作文话题闯关,话题12 记叙过去发生的事,【题目要求】 几天前,在放学回家路上,我看到地里有一只小山羊。恰在那时,有个年轻人正要朝那只山羊射击。我大叫一声,小山羊跑了,那个年轻人非常生气。大家都应该爱护动物,我认为自己这么做是对的。 请根据以上信息写一篇英语短文。 要求:1.故事内容完整; 2.词数:80左右。,【审题指导】 本篇写作是介绍自己亲身经历的一件事,因此要以第一人称来讲述这个故事。写作步骤是“起因,过程,结果,感受”,主要运用与过去相关的时态。,【写作指

    20、导】 一、时态运用 本篇写作中,我们可以运用“过去进行时”来构成时间状语从句,如“When I was walking along the road, I saw a small goat in the field.”;可以运用“过去将来时”表示过去将要发生的动作,如“Just at that moment, a young man was going to shoot at the goat.”。,二、语句添加 本篇写作所给的信息较少,因此写作时要适当添加相关语句使故事完整。如:在表述“我看到一只小山羊”后,我们可以添加“It was eating grass happily.”;在表述“我

    21、大叫一声”之前,可以添加一个时间状语“When I saw what was happening”;在描写“小山羊跑了”时,可以添加“as fast as it could”。又如:在表述“那个年轻人非常生气”时,可以添加“He looked at me angrily.”。再如:当写到“大家都应该爱护动物”时,我们可以添加“Animals are our friends.”为“Everyone should love animals.”提供充足的理由。,【佳作展示】 I went home after school the other day. When I was walking alon

    22、g the road, I saw a small goat in the field. It was eating grass happily. Just at that moment, I saw a young man nearby. He was going to shoot at the goat. When I saw what was happening, I shouted loudly. The goat heard it and ran away as fast as it could. This made the man very angry. He looked at me angrily. Animals are our friends, so everyone should love them. I thought I did right that day.,


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