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    湖南省长沙市第一 2022-2023学年高三上学期入学考试英语试题.docx

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    湖南省长沙市第一 2022-2023学年高三上学期入学考试英语试题.docx

    1、2022-2023-1长沙市一中高三上入学考试英语第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)略第二部分阅读(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共11小题;每小题2.5分,满分27.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AJames Dyson is the inventor of the cyclone(气旋) Dyson vacuum cleaner that completely transformed the way vacuum cleaners are designed. Traditional vacuum cleaners would suck up air a

    2、nd dust using a fan and then the dust was filtered by the pores(气孔) in the bag. The dust stayed in the bag and the air escaped. The problem with that design was that the pores in the bag very quickly get blocked with the dust, the air couldnt escape and so the sucking power and cleaning efficiency d

    3、rops.Dysons cyclone technology doesnt use any bags at all. Air is sucked into a plastic cone-shaped object. The dust is separated from the air thanks to centrifugal forces(离心力). The dust falls to the bottom and is collected in a tray and pure air escapes. No blocking, no loss of suction and no smell

    4、s.It took him 15 years of his life and over 5,000 prototypes working in his garage to come up with a working model! Completing the design of the cyclone cleaner was just the start of Dysons incredible story. You would think that the manufacturers of traditional cleaners would have been eager to do a

    5、 deal with Dyson in order to license his superior product. Wrong! From their short-sighted perspective, they didnt want to pay Dyson licensing fees for his invention because that would reduce their net profit. In their opinion, they could just carry on with their inferior product and continue making

    6、 their massive profits. They refused to do business with Dyson, certain that his invention would go away without their investment.Most people would have just given up there. Not Dyson. He made the decision to start his own manufacturing company and to beat them at their own game. In 1993, he set up

    7、a factory in the UK to produce the Dyson Dual Cyclone and then started advertising it directly to the British public using TV ads with the slogan “Say goodbye to the bag”. It was a huge success and went on to outsell cleaners made by the very same manufacturers that had rejected him. Sweet revenge.1

    8、. What is the major difference between Dysons product and other vacuum cleaners?A. It uses fewer bags.B. It produces less noise.C. It allows for the free flow of air.D. It sucks up air and dust using a fan.2. Why didnt the manufacturers cooperate with Dyson?A. Because the public were not interested

    9、in his ads.B. Because Dyson had already set up his own company.C. Because they believed his product was less profitable.DBecause they thought their existing products were superior.3. What qualities contributed to Dysons success?A. Teamwork spirit and generosity.B. Commitment and persistence.C. Integ

    10、rity and kindness.D. Punctuality and creativity.BMusic makes life better in many ways. The fact that music can make a difficult task more tolerable may be why students often choose to listen to it while doing their homework. But is listening to music the smart choice for students who want to optimiz

    11、e their learning? A new study suggests that for some students, listening to music is a wise strategy, but for others, it isnt. The effect of music on cognitive(认知的) functioning appears to depend partly on your personality specifically, on your need for external stimulation.Researchers not only asses

    12、sed listeners personality but also changed the difficulty of the task and the complexity of the music. Participants first completed a personality test used to determine the need for external stimulation. They then engaged in an easy cognitive task (searching for the letter A in lists of words) and a

    13、 more challenging one (remembering word pairs). Participants finished both tasks under one of two sound conditions: (1) no music, (2) with music.The data suggest that for those with a high need of external stimulation, on the simple task of finding As, such subjects scores for the music condition we

    14、re significantly worse than those for the silent condition. On the complex task of learning word pairs, their performance was worse whenever music was played. For those with a low need of external stimulation, however, on the simple task of findings As, such participants scores for the music conditi

    15、on were dramatically better than those for the silent condition. On the complex task of learning word pairs, the participants showed a small but reliable benefit when listening to music.According to the study, there are substantial individual differences in the impact of music on cognitive function,

    16、 resulting in personalized recommendations regarding its presence in the classroom. Students who are easily bored and who seek out stimulation should be cautious of adding music to the mix. On the other hand, students with a low need for stimulation may benefit significantly from the presence of mus

    17、ic.With the right personality, the right music and the right task, the presence of music may significantly improve cognitive functioning. Given the benefits of music, subscription to Spotify just might pay for itself.4. What can we learn about the study in paragraph 2?A. It only involved the partici

    18、pants response to music.B. The difficulty of the two tasks decreased in the experiment.C. Participants completed two tasks when composing songs.D. Participants were grouped by their need for external stimulation.5. What can we infer from the results shown in paragraphs 3-4?A. The complexity of tasks

    19、 might reduce the benefit of music.B. Students should listen to music when performing complex tasks.C. Students with less external stimulation perform badly with music.D. The presence of music suits students seeking for external stimulation.6. What might the underlined word “Spotify” be?A. A psychol

    20、ogy journal.B. A music platform.C. A travel guide.D. A personality test.7. What could be the best title for the article?A. Why is music essential in your study?B. Is music beneficial to your personality?C. Does music boost your cognitive performance?D. How can music affect your external stimulation?

    21、CGeothermal(地热的) power generation is one of our most stable renewable energy resources. Heat generated below the Earths surface can provide an almost unlimited supply to power and heat homes. And while geothermal electricity only accounts for around one percent of global generation, that is set to a

    22、t least triple by 2050.The Geysers in California is the worlds largest geothermal electricity complex. It produces enough electricity from its 18 power plants for 725,000 homes, totaling 20 percent of the states renewable energy. Superheated “dry steam” is channeled from a large sandstone reservoir

    23、heated by a large magma chamber(岩浆房) more than four miles beneath the surface.Heat is captured from its passage through the rock and the heated water converts into electricity. Cooled water is then recycled and pumped back to gather more heat. EGS (enhanced geothermal systems) technologies will open

    24、 up many more sites for geothermal energy. “You can effectively put a power plant anywhere,” said Will Pettit, director of the Geothermal Resources Council. “All you have to do is drill(钻孔) deep enough and you will find hot rock.” Most geothermal plants actually use a flash steam technique, where ho

    25、t water (at 360F or 180C) is drawn up, passed into lower pressure tanks and flashed into steam to power a turbine(涡轮机). Binary cycle(双元循环) plants are the growth technology because they can operate at lower water temperatures and more diverse geographical locations. They use moderately hot water to h

    26、eat a secondary fluid with a lower boiling point as low as 135F to drive turbines.Geothermal plants already emit 11 times less carbon dioxide per unit of electricity than the average US coal power plant. They can also operate 24 hours a day to provide a solid base load for homes and businesses.There

    27、 are drawbacks too Seismic activity around drilling wells is a factor. High investment costs are another. But the US government is backing the sector with multi-million dollar funds to push forward advanced EGS research. Geothermal energy is set to play a big part in the low-carbon electricity futur

    28、e.8. What do Will Pettits words suggest in paragraph 3?A. It takes great effort to develop geothermal power.B. Geothermal power development is money-consuming.C. Geothermal power plants can be set up in certain places.D. More geothermal energy can be found with advanced technology.9. What can be inf

    29、erred from paragraph 4?A. Power plants are not affected by water.B. Hot water is used to power a turbine directly.C. Binary cycle plants are less restricted to locations.D. A flash steam technique is a must in geothermal plants.10. What is the main idea of the article?A. Traditional power has been r

    30、eplaced by geothermal power in America.B. Businesses are competing to gain an advantage in geothermal power.C. Geothermal power is likely to be the best chance to sustainable power.D. EGS technologies have come into widespread application around the world.11. What is the writers attitude towards geo

    31、thermal power?A. Optimistic.B. Pessimistic.C. Indifferent.D. Concerned.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。As time goes on, neuroscientists learn more about the wonders of human brains. The deeper understanding offers ways to enhance your brain to work in your favor. Y

    32、ou dont have to be a brain scientist to do it! _12_When you hear the word hack, you might be reminded of the snaky computer science term. Computer hackers need to understand the inner workings of a computer to break into its system. _13_ They need to know how the brain works to change its neural net

    33、work. With this knowledge, people have come up with ways to optimize brain performance and stick to healthier habits.Neurohackers use their knowledge of how the brain works to change though patterns, like daily habits. Doing this requires understanding the way habits form in the brain. Whenever you

    34、repeat a task, the brain connects its wires together between brain cells. Over time, these habits become hardwired into the brains. _14_ They help carry out simple everyday tasks without much thought or attention. The trouble comes up when your brain wires unhealthy habits, such as negative self-tal

    35、k. _15_ You need to rewire! And that requires mindfulness a conscious awareness of your brains behaviors and patterns at the very moment when they occur. In this way, you can change those habits in the direction that you want. Below the conscious mind lives the subconscious, a deeper mental space th

    36、at hosts what you have previously engraved into your mind. _16_ Then, you can “hack” brain patterns, train thoughts toward positive circuits, and slowly develop healthier habits over time.A. Find out what neurohacking is.B. The same goes for neurohackers.C. Just learn how to hack your brain.D. How c

    37、an you improve your mindfulness?E. How do you change those undesirable habits?F. Habits free up our brains so that we can learn new things.G. With proper practices, youll build a deeper awareness of your own brain.第三部分语言运用(共三节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My so

    38、n had just gotten his driving license. On the way home, I _17_ the car to a side road, unfastened my seat belt, and _18_ places with him. “Okay,” I said. “I want you to drive home.”Sitting behind the steering wheel his body looked tense and _19_. “Mom,” he said quietly, “I cant do this. Im not ready

    39、.”“Its okay,” I said. “Youre _20_ going to feel ready. At some point, you just have to go for it.”“No,” he took a deep breath and _21_ my fathers words. “Dont ever apologize for knowing your limits. You told me that!”For a brief moment, time _22_. I saw the very old photograph forever _23_ in my mem

    40、ory. It shows my family standing arm in arm and _24_ for the camera, with the then tallest roller coaster(过山车) we decided to ride together in the background. No one knew I was _25_ terrified. I just didnt want to be the one to stay behind. We _26_ our way up the line and finally reached the end. Sud

    41、denly, my body was stiff with _27_, and I knew: I just couldnt do it.Too _28_ to face my family, I simply called over my shoulder to Dad that I was leaving. Dad asked me what happened. “I guess I was too chicken. Sorry.” What Dad said next _29_ surprised me. “Dont ever apologize for knowing your lim

    42、its,” he said. “And dont let someone make you do something youre not comfortable with. Im proud of you for the choice you made.” This was the exact _30_ of what I expected him to say.Instantly, I understood exactly how my son felt. Knowing the limits isnt an _31_ of weakness. Its actually a sign of

    43、strength.17. A. plugged inB. pulled overC. stepped inD. swung over18. A. tradedB. providedC. sharedD. refreshed19. A. immatureB. indifferentC. uncomfortableD. irrelevant20. A. alwaysB. surelyC. foreverD. never21. A. expectedB. wonderedC. recalledD. imagined22. A. passedB. fadedC. frozeD. flew23. A.

    44、pressedB. draftedC. polishedD. carved24. A. lookingB. applyingC. smilingD. inquiring25. A. scarcelyB. secretlyC. similarlyD. still26. A. inchedB. foundC. ledD. bounced27. A. regretB. fearC. sadnessD. dizziness28. A. embarrassedB. disappointedC. discouragedD. pessimistic29A. hardlyB. completelyC. nor

    45、mallyD. rarely30. A. remarkB. commentC. comfortD. opposite31. A. assumptionB. introductionC. anticipationD. indication第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Navigating human emotions can sometimes feel like walking through minefields(布雷区), especially when these emotions are negative

    46、.Envy is one of such emotions with certain negativity when it _32_ (direct) at our loved ones. However, just like all other emotions, envy is human and normal and its morality depends on _33_ we do with the way we feel. It only becomes negative when it is handled _34_ a weapon or an excuse for bad b

    47、ehaviour.Envy could cause serious damage to relationships if _35_ (leave) to worsen, because people dislike to admit they feel that way towards someone they love, which tends to get worse and transforms into _36_ (hate) when you silently think over it.Its impractical to completely prevent envy, but it is possible to refine the way we process it. Envy is not something to hide away. Being honest with ourselves about the way we feel _37_ (help) us better understand what exactly were envious of and ma


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