1、机动战Maneuver WarfareEric K.Clemons and Jason A.Santamaria二十一世纪的商业环境特色:快速的变迁 rapid and disruptive change稍纵即逝的机会 fleeting opportunities不完全的信息incomplete information完全的不确定与失序overall sense of uncertainty and disorder机动战强调利用这种战争中的不确定性与失序,去打败敌人。而不是去避免这些不确定性。Moreover,maneuver warfare doesnt aim to avoid or r
2、esist the uncertainty and disorder that inevitably shape armed conflict;it embraces them as keys to vanquishing the foe.故兵无常势,水无常形。能因敌变化而取胜者谓之神(虚实篇)。机动战不是要你在数目上压倒敌人,而是要你从侧翼包围他,攻击它的弱点,使它无法准确分析情势,让我们得以最少的资源,获得决定性的胜利。Furthermore,the approach with its focus not on overpowering a rival but on outflanking
3、 him,targeting his weakness,and rendering him unable to analyze the situation can help a company to achieve a decisive advantage with a minimal deployment of resources.故用兵之法,十则围之,五则攻之,倍则分之。(谋攻篇)激水之疾至于漂石者,势也。(军势篇)机动战的七个指导原则针对敌方弱点 Targeting critical vulnerabilitiesAnalyze and probe competitors with th
4、e aim of identifying and rapidly exploiting those weaknesses that will do the greatest damage to their competitive position.故善用兵者,避其锐气,击其惰归,此治气者也。以治待乱,以静待哗,此治心者也。以近待远,以佚代劳,以饱待饥,此治力者也。无邀正正之旗,勿击堂堂之阵,此治变者也。(军争篇)胆识 BoldnessTake calculated risks that have the potential to achieve major,market-shifting re
5、sults.谈判也一样,不是不能冒险,而是风险必须是算过的。胜兵先胜而后求战,败兵先战而后求胜。(军形篇)奇袭SurpriseUse stealth,ambiguity,and deception to degrade the quality of information available to competitors and impair their ability to deploy resources efficiently.故善战者致人,而不致于人(虚实篇)出其所不趋,趋其所不意(虚实篇)故形兵之极,至于无形。无形则深间不能窥,智者不能谋。(虚实篇)兵以诈立(军争篇)故能而示之不能,
6、用而示之不用(始计篇)集中焦点FocusConcentrate resources at critical points and times to capitalize on key market opportunities.涂有所不由,军有所不击,城有所不攻,地有所不争(九变篇)分散决策权 Decentralized Decision MakingGive authority to those who are closest to the point of decision and who possess superior local information.Align these indi
7、vidual decisions by communicating“commanders intent”the desired final result throughout the organization.君命有所不受。(九变篇)故战道必胜,主曰无战,必战可也。战道不胜,主曰必战,无战可也。(地形篇)将能,而君不御者,胜。(谋攻篇)迅速的步调 Rapid tempoIdentify opportunities,make decisions,and implement plans more quickly than competitors do in order to seize the i
8、nitiative and force them into a constant state of reaction.进而不可御者,冲其虚也。退而不可追者,速不可及也。(虚实篇)故兵闻拙速,未睹巧之久也。(作战篇)武力结合Combined ArmsLook for ways to combine resources so that the returns generated by the whole are greater than those generated by the individual parts.我专为一,敌分为十,是以十攻其一也。则我众而敌寡,能以众击寡者,则吾之所与战者,约矣。(虚实篇)