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    Unit 5 Developing ideas课件 -(2022)新外研版高中选择性必修第四册《英语》.pptx

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    Unit 5 Developing ideas课件 -(2022)新外研版高中选择性必修第四册《英语》.pptx

    1、Developing ideas新标准新标准英语英语高高中选择性必修第四册中选择性必修第四册 I.Read the passage quickly and get the general idea of the passage.1.Whats the main idea of the passage?A.There are millions of shipwrecks lying under waters.B.Humans exploration deep into the sea.C.The tough environment of the sea bed.D.Some new discov

    2、eries made by the scientists in the deep sea.I.Red the psse crefully and choose the best answer.1.What callenges must sientists overcome if they dive deep into the sea?A.The high pressure of the water.B.The darkness under the water.C.The extreme cold under the sea.D.All the above.2.What possibly cau

    3、sed the city of Neapolis to be buried underwater?A.A tsunami.B.An earthquake.C.A serious flood.D.A volcano eruption.3.What cant we see in the waters more than 200 metres deep?A.Strange creatures.B.Corals.C.Light.D.The barreleyes.4.Which of the fllwing is TRUE according to the passage?A.We have known

    4、 more about the earth than the moon.B.Even a whole eity may be bried under the waters.C.Most of the fishes live in sallow waters.D.Humans have reach the deepest area of the ocean in a submarine(潜艇).2.Read the passage and match the main idea of each paragraph.Para.1 A.We are entering a new age of oce

    5、anic discovery.Para.2 B.We have little knowledge of Earths sea bed.Para.3 C.Many archaeological finds are made in shallow waters.Para.4 D.There are extraordinary creatures in the deep sea.Para.5 E,The oceans are a valuable source of natral resources.Developing ideas新标准新标准英语英语高高中选择性必修第四册中选择性必修第四册潜入深海

    6、 1.Lying under waters across the globe are an estimated three million shipwrecks.All of them represent attempts over the centuries to explore Earths furthest corners.Among these is the Esmeralda,the earliest wreck from the age of the European exploration of Asia.Today,some 500 years after the Esmera

    7、lda set sail,there is lttle-if any-land on our planet left unexplored.We have more detailed maps of the Moon,and even of Venus and Mars,than we do of Earths own sea bed.全球水域下大约沉睡着三百万艘沉船残骸,每艘都代表了若干世纪以来探索地球最远端的努力尝试。其中就包括了“埃斯梅拉达”号,它是欧洲国家探索亚洲时代留下的最早残骸。如今,距离“埃斯梅拉达”号起航已有500多年,我们星球上尚未被人类探索的土地已经少之又少了。然而,我们手

    8、中关于地球自身海底的地图,甚至比不上关于月球乃至金星、火星的天体图详尽。2 Given our limited knowledge,it is perhaps no surprise that exploration of the oceans continues to lead to discoveries in various scientific fields.As with the discovery of the Esmeralda,many archacological finds are made in shallow waters near the coast.These ma

    9、y sometimes include whole cities buried beneath the waves.One such find is the ancient Roman city of Neapolis,discovered off the coast of Tunisia.基于我们有限的认知,探索海洋可以带来许多科学领域的新发现,这也许就显得不足为奇了。就像发现“埃斯梅拉达”号的残骸一样,很多考古学发现都发生在近海岸的浅水水域。这些发现有时会包括埋在海浪下的整座城市,其中之一便是在突尼斯近海发现的古罗马城市奈阿波利斯。2 Believed to have been burie

    10、d underwater by a tsunami in the fourth century AD,the ruins of Naipolis are almost 2,000 years old.The remaining streets and buildings offer a window into a fascinating period in our history.However,we are only beginning to overcome the challenges of pressure,darkness and extreme cold at vast depth

    11、s.Fragments of the past lying deep beneath the oceans are still waiting to be discovered.据悉,在公元4世纪,奈阿波利斯被-场海啸淹没,其废墟至今已有近2,000年的历史。存留下来的街道、建筑为我们打开了一扇窗,让我们得以窥见那段精彩的历史。然而,我们才刚刚开始克服广袤的海洋深处的压强、黑暗和极寒所带来的挑战。过去的碎片仍深藏在大洋底部,等待被发现。3.Amazing biological discoveries are also being made.The dark zones of the ocean

    12、s may contain up to 90 per cent of the planets fish.In these waters,more than 200 metres deep,where light cannot reach,are extraordinary creatures that appear as if they are straight out of science fiction.Imagine bone white coral 6,000 metres below the oceans surface,growing at the rate of only one

    13、 or two millimetres per year.Some of these could be 4,000 years old.生物学领域也有惊人的发现。海洋的黑暗区域里或许生存着多达地球上90%的鱼类。在200多米以下、阳光照不到的深水水域里,住着一些看 起来就像是刚从科幻小说中走出来的奇异的生物。想象一下,在海平面下6,000米深处,骨白色的珊瑚以每年仅一到两毫米的速度缓慢生长着,它们中有些已经存活了4,000年。3.Swimming through these black depths is the barreleye,a strange fish with eyes that

    14、can look upwards through its transparent forehead.In the very deepest ocean trenches that are more than 8,000 metres below the surface,the pressure is equivalent to 50 aeroplanes stacked one on top of another.Yet there is still life to be found,even around the deep-sea volanic openings.These discove

    15、ries all help us understand the capacity for life on our planet,even in the most extreme circumstances.漆黑的深海里管眼鱼游来游去,这是种奇特的鱼,其眼睛可以透过透明的前额向.上看。在海平面以下8,000多米处最深的海沟里,压强相当于50架飞机堆蠱在-起,然而这里仍有生命的存在,甚至在深海海底的火山口周围也有生命。这些深海发现帮助我们理解地球上生命的承受力,甚至是在最极端的环境下的承受力。4 Furthermore,the oceans are a valuable source of nat

    16、ural resources,some of which are completely new to us.Most notable of these is Chinas discovery of an ice-like substance,known as“fire ice,under the South China Sea.In addition,Chinas underwater vessels,such as the Jiaolong and Sbenhai Yonrgsbi,have been exploring waters at depths of thousands of me

    17、tres.此外,海洋还包含着珍贵的自然资源,其中一些对我们来说完全是新的资源。最值得一提的便是中国在南海发现的冰状物质一一可燃冰。此外,中国的水下舰艇如“蛟龙”号和“深海勇士”号,一直在数千米深的水域探索。4 The Jiaolong even holds the record for the deepest dive by a manned submarine,at 7,062 metres,giving China its place alongside the worlds top ocean explorers.The research conducted by these vesse

    18、ls is giving scientists a greater understanding of how the sea bed was formed,as well as helping identify areas for deep-sea drilling,taking deep sea exploration into a whole new era.“蛟龙”号甚至创造了载人潜舰的最深下潜纪录7,062米,使中国跻身于世界顶级海洋探索国之列。借助这些潜水器所完成的研究有利于科学家进一步了解海床的形成过程,帮助确定深海钻探区域,将深海勘探带入一个崭新的时代。5 Being a tou

    19、gh environment of complete darkness,enormous pressure and intense cold,the ocean depths have long been beyond the reach of human exploration.However,through dloser international scientific,economic and cultural cooperation,we are all becoming part of a global mission to open up our planets final fro

    20、nter.Humankind is entering a new age of oceanic discovery,and the world beneath the waves may one day be almost as familiar to us as the land we walk upon today.深海区域环境恶劣,完全黑暗、压强极大、极度寒冷,长期以来都是人类探索无法企及的区域。然而,通过更紧密的国际科学、经济以及文化合作,我们都在成为开拓地球最后疆域这一全球使命的参与者。人类正走向海洋发现的新时代,或许有朝一日,我们会像熟悉脚下的土地一样熟悉那海浪下的世界。Activ

    21、ity 1 Look at the picture and answer the questions.Do further research if necessary.1.What different zones are there in the ocean?2.Which parts of the ocean do you think have been explored?3.What do you know about the deepest part of the ocean?1.The different zones in the ocean are Sunlight Zone,Twi

    22、light Zone,Midnight Zone and Abyssal Zone.Activity 2 Read the passage and find out what has been discovered in the ocean depths.Shipwrecks such as that of the Esmeralda,ruins of ancient cities like Nepolis,extraordinary deep-sea creatures such as bone-white coral and the barreleye,and the substance

    23、known as“fire ice”have been discovered in the ocean depths.Activity 3Think about the structure of the passage and complete the diagram.1.deep sea2.Archaeological3.shallow waters4.vast depths5.the ruins of Nepolis6.Biological7.the planets fish8.the capacity for life on our planet9.bone-white coral10.

    24、the barreleye11.life to be found even around the deep-sea volcanic openings12.the sea bed13.deep-sea drilling14.“fire ice”15.Chinas underwater vesselsThink&Share1.Why do you think the author uses statistics in the passage?2.What other examples of ocean exploration do you know of?Share one with the c

    25、lass.3.What do you think drives the exploration of the oceans?4.What common message do the two reading passages in this unit convey?How do they each build upon this idea?1.The use of statistics makes the passage more convincing.4.Both passages convey the message that humans have the desire and means

    26、 to explore the unknown.The first passage does this by looking at our fascination with historys greatest mysteries,while the second passage looks at pioneering exploration of Earths oceans.Activity 4Work in groups.Give a talk about the influences of ocean exploration on your daily life.1.Look at the

    27、 diagram below and brainstorm examples of how ocean exploration affects your daily life.2.Organise your talk by completing the diagram with your examples.3.Give your talk to the class.Now think about how well you contributed to the group work and what you could do to improve.Activity 51.Why is the 3

    28、0th parallel north mysterious?2.What are some unusual explanations for it?3.What are some possible scientific explanations?Read the magazine article and answer the questions.1.The 30th parallel north is mysterious because it is where numerous sites of ancient civilisations and impressive natural fea

    29、tures lie.2.Some believe that the 30th parallel north is a line of great natural energy,with frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions,and others even claim that its amazing natural features were caused by supernatural powers.3.Possible scientific explanations for the 30th parallel north include t

    30、he generally warm and wet climate that made it a good place for civilisations to develop,and the fact that it is where major tectonic plates meet.Activity 6What is the unexplained phenomenon?Why is it mysterious?What non-scientific explanations are there?How do scientists explain it?Plan an article

    31、about an unexplained phenomenon.Do further research if necessary.Now write your article.Activity 7Work in pairs.Make improvements to each others articles and share them with the class.The Bermuda TriangleFar below the surface of the North Atlantic Ocean,in a roughly triangular area known as the Berm

    32、uda Triangle,lie more than 50 shipwrecks and 20 plane wrecks.What makes these wrecks so mysterious is that the cause of their fate remains largely unknown ships were abandoned without apparent reason,distress signals were never sent and aircraft were lost without trace.Some believe that supernatural

    33、 forces are responsible,while others put the accidents and disappearances down to coincidence.Scientific theories,meanwhile,include pilot error when trying to navigate the area,and huge“rogue waves”caused by terrible storms.Although many ships and planes cross the Bermuda Triangle without incident,the stories behind those doomed vessels fates continue to capture peoples imaginations.


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