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    Unit 1 Laugh out loud Developing ideas & Presenting ideas课件 -(2022)新外研版高中《英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

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    Unit 1 Laugh out loud Developing ideas & Presenting ideas课件 -(2022)新外研版高中《英语》选择性必修第一册.pptx

    1、UNIT 1 Laugh out loudDeveloping ideasRead the short introductions to Mark Twain and Lin Yutang and share what else you know about them with the class.Mark Twain(18351910)was an American writer,humorist,lecturer and adventurer,who acquired international fame for his travel narratives,in particular Th

    2、e Innocents Abroad,and for his adventure stories of boyhood,such as The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.He is regarded as one of North Americas best and most beloved writers due to his wit and satire.Lin Yutang(18951976)was a Chinese writer,translator,linguist,philosopher

    3、 and inventor.His informal but sophisticated style of writing,in both Chinese and English,made him one of the most influential writers of his generation.His most famous works include My Country and My People and The Importance of Living.Hes also known as a wise and witty populariser of Chinese philo

    4、sophy and the Chinese way of life.Read the passage and find out Mark Twain and Lins attitude towards humour.Mark Twain and Lins attitude towards humour is positive/favourable.And they practised what they preached.Organise information from the passage and complete the diagram.human behaviourentertain

    5、sensitive or emotive issuescombine humourserious messagesfunny and often mischievousThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer“Thats just my luck.I always haveto stand when that fellow lectures!”He borrowed“youmo”from Ancient Chinese as the translation for the English word“humour”.a master of humourHe told a stor

    6、y about a cruel Roman emperor who tried to feed a man to wild animals during the dinner at auniversity.way of lifeilluminate the worldThink&Share 1Why is Lin Yutang s joke about the man and wild animals funny?2Do you agree with Mark Twains remark on humour at the end of the passage?Give your reasons

    7、.3How can a sense of humour help you in your daily life?Give an example.4 In what ways do the two reading passages in this unit help you t o better understand the meaning of having a light-hearted attitude towards life?Because with the little joke,Lin was able to make people laugh,while gently telli

    8、ng off the president.Yes.Humour is mankinds greatest blessing.Humour can make our life easier.It can help us deal with our problems in a simple and easy way.For example,when my parents quarrel,I can deal with their problem by entertaining them with a funny story.The two reading passages use specific

    9、 examples to let me know that we can deal with the problems in our daily life in a simple and easy way.Read the blog post and match the headings to the paragraphs.Charlie Chaplins Unique Acting StylePara.2 The Power of Charlie Chaplins WorksPara.4 My Favourite Charlie Chaplin FilmPara.3 General Intr

    10、oduction to Charlie ChaplinPara.1 Read the blog post again.Find the information:an example of the actors works a reason why the actor is one of the best a funny scene a famous character played by the actor the authors comments on the actor Modern Times.Because he knew how to use his body and facial

    11、features to make people laugh.He is working on a production line in a factory.When a bee starts circling around his face,he falls behind with his work.The way that he tries to keep up is very funny.The Tramp.Charlie Chaplin was one of the best comedy actors of his time.Choose a comedian who makes yo

    12、u laugh.Think of the information you want to include and complete the notes below.General introduction:Why I like him/her:His/Her funniest work:My comments:Rowan Atkinson(Mr.Bean)is a British comedian.He rarely speaks,but he uses his own brand of humour to make us laugh and make us relaxed.Hair by M

    13、r.Bean of LondonHe is one of the famous comedians in the world.Presenting ideas Work in groups.Think about the stand-up comedy acts you have seen and answer the questions.1What were the main topics of these acts?2How many people were there on the stage?3How did they make the audience laugh?4Were any

    14、 props used?Using language to reveal social reality.One.By their humorous words.No.课文预习自测 阅读理解阅读理解(根据课文内容选择正确答案)1.As far as the author is concerned,.A.humour can explain some human behaviourB.ancient Greek jokes are as humorous to us now as they were thenC.humour is only a way of entertainmentD.humo

    15、ur can throw new light on sensitive or emotive issues2.What is Mark Twain well known for?A.He had the ability to combine humour with more serious messages.B.He was good at writing and crossing out the wrong words in his writing.C.He was expert at giving lectures.D.He liked everyday interactions with

    16、 people.3.According to the passage,where did the word“youmo”come from?A.Modern Chinese literature.B.Ancient Chinese.C.English literature.D.A bilingual book.4.Why did Lin Yutang create the equation?A.To show he was superior to Mark Twain.B.To tell us humour is a way of life and a tool to explain the

    17、world.C.To argue that humour is not so important as reality and dreams.D.To brighten peoples lives.语法填空语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文)Humour has been an essential part of human behaviour for thousands of years.Mark Twain is remembered for his ability 1 (combine)humour with serious messages.But he is 2_(equal)

    18、well known for his witty 3(remark)in his everyday interactions 4 people.Like Mark Twain,Lin Yutang was to become famous for his humour.In 1924,he creatively 5(borrow)“youmo”from Ancient Chinese as the translation for the English word“humour”.Once,6 (invite)to dinner,he was put on 7 spot when the pre

    19、sident asked him to make a speech.Lin made up a joke to make people laugh,while gently 8(tell)off the president.Mark Twain and Lin Yutang both understood that humour is a way of life and a tool 9 an be used to illuminate the world.Living and working with others can sometimes be complicated,and humou

    20、r makes this 10(easy).to combineequallyremarkswithborrowedhaving been invitedthetellingthat/whicheasierLanguage points题组练领悟方法核心词汇教材原句教材原句p.8 .their authors understood that humour could not only entertain but also throw new light on sensitive or emotive issues.它们的作者明白,幽默不只是一种娱乐的方式,它们的作者明白,幽默不只是一种娱乐的方

    21、式,它还可以使人们对敏感问题或有争议的问题产生新的认识。它还可以使人们对敏感问题或有争议的问题产生新的认识。1 throw light on 使更容易理解,阐明 This information may throw light on the mystery.这一消息可能有助于解开这个谜。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】(同义短语)cast/shed light on 使更容易理解,阐明 come to light(新信息)为人所知,被披露出来 bring sth.to light 揭露,披露,暴露,揭发 in(the)light of sth.考虑到,鉴于 A researcher has now cas

    22、t light on the mystery of why the animals died.一名研究人员现在已经揭开了这些动物死亡的秘密。Some important evidence has come to light about the murder.关于那起谋杀案的一些重要证据已被发现。单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)Please keep calm and the police will throw light the cause of the fire.(2)Recent research has cast new light the causes of the disease.(3

    23、)This evidence did not come light until after the trial.(4)These facts have only just been brought light.完成句子完成句子(5)Recent research has (帮助弄清楚)the cause of the destruction of our environment.(6)The secret did not (被披露出来)until he came.on on to to thrown light on come to light 教材原句教材原句p.8 But he is eq

    24、ually well known for his witty remarks in his everyday interactions with people.但他日常与人交流中的诙谐言论同样出名。但他日常与人交流中的诙谐言论同样出名。2 remark n.&v.(1)n.言论;意见,评论 搭配:搭配:make a remark(about/on.)(对)发表评论 In the light of his remarks,we rejected her offer.鉴于他的评语,我们拒绝了她的提议。The teacher made a remark about the high grades t

    25、he class received on the test.教师就这个班在考试中获得的高分发表了评论。(2)v.评论;谈到,说起搭配:搭配:remark on/upon.评论 They remarked on the quality of the new product.他们评论了新产品的质量。The employer remarked that he would make efforts to cheer up the workers.雇主说他会努力使工人们振作起来。词汇复现【单词积累单词积累】remarkable adj.非凡的;不寻常的;显著的单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)词汇复现Peo

    26、ple made a number of rude remarks the clown.(2)The similarities between the two have often been remarked .(3)He has displayed (remark)courage in his efforts to reform the company.完成句子完成句子(4)Its impolite to (发表评论)on others personal affairs.(5)The teacher asked the students to (对发表评论)this passage.abou

    27、t/on on/uponremarkable make remarks make a remark on/remark on/remark upon教材原句教材原句p.8 .Lin Yutang was soon to become famous for his unique brand of humour.林语堂很快也因其独特的幽默风格而出名。林语堂很快也因其独特的幽默风格而出名。3 brand n.品牌,牌子brand of humour 某种类型的幽默brand image 品牌形象trade brand 商标name brand 名牌a brand of cigarette 香烟品牌

    28、brand new崭新的完成句子完成句子(1)词汇复现The clown in the circus has his own (某种类型的幽默).(2)Can I follow you to your (全新的冒险)?(3)(哪个牌子的牙膏)do you use?brand of humour brand new adventure Which brand of toothpaste 教材原句教材原句p.9.he was put on the spot when the president suddenly asked him to give a speech.当校长突然让他做当校长突然让他做

    29、演讲时,他感到很为难。演讲时,他感到很为难。4 spot n.&v.(1)n.地点,处所;斑点;污渍 on the spot 当场,马上;在现场 put sb.on the spot(故意提出难以回答或尴尬的问题)使某人难堪 搭配搭配 the exact spot 确切的地点 a black skirt with white spots 一条黑底白点的裙子 a few spots of blood 一些血渍He answered the question on the spot.他当场就回答了那个问题。An ambulance was on the spot within minutes.几分

    30、钟之内,一辆救护车赶到现场。His rude remarks put his wife on the spot.他粗鲁的话语使他的妻子很难堪。词汇复现(2)v.发现,注意到;看出,认出 spot sb./sth.doing sth.发现某人/某物在做某事 be spotted with.满是斑点 She spotted the barber shaving himself in front of the mirror.她看见理发师在镜子前刮胡子。词汇复现 His boots were spotted with mud.他的靴子上满是泥渍。【误区警示误区警示】spot 作动词时,其过去式、过去分

    31、词均为spotted。spotted 也可作形容词,意为“有圆点的,有斑点的”,如a spotted dog(一只身上有斑点的狗)。搭配搭配单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)We will go to Mount Huang,one of the most famous tourist (spot)in China.(2)词汇复现When the fellow was trying to break into the bank,he was caught by the police the spot.(3)The travellers finally spotted smoke (come)out

    32、 of the houses in the distance,which made them very excited.(4)The murderer (spot)by the detective boarding the plane for Paris.完成句子完成句子(5)The interviewers questions really (使他难堪).(6)词汇复现The amusement park sits (就在那个地方)where there used to be a deserted land.(7)The police were (在现场)within a few minut

    33、es after the old mans phone call.spots on coming was spotted put him on the spot on the exact spot on the spot 教材原句教材原句p.9 Thinking on his feet,Lin started to tell a story about a cruel Roman emperor who tried to feed a man to wild animals.林语堂急中生智,开始讲述一个残忍的罗马皇帝要把一个人喂林语堂急中生智,开始讲述一个残忍的罗马皇帝要把一个人喂给野兽的故事

    34、。给野兽的故事。5 think on ones feet 思路敏捷,反应迅速In the face of danger,the boy thought on his feet and stopped the accident from happening.面对危险,那个男孩反应迅速,阻止了事故的发生。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来rise to ones feet 站起身来 be on ones feet 站立着stand on ones own feet 独立,自立Hearing the doorbell ring,she rose to her

    35、 feet and walked downstairs to open the door.听到门铃响了,她站起身,走下楼去开门。单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)This is a very demanding job and you need to think your feet.(2)When I turned around,I saw him struggling his feet.(3)词汇复现Rise your feet when the employer comes in.(4)Ive been my feet all day and Im exhausted.(5)词汇复现What

    36、impressed me most is that such a little boy should stand his own feet.on to to on on教材原句教材原句p.9 The man whispered something in the lions ear.那人对狮子耳语了几句那人对狮子耳语了几句 6 whisper v.悄声说,低语 n.耳语;低语 whisper about 低声谈论 whisper sth.to sb.把某事悄悄告诉某人 搭配搭配 whisper sth.in ones ear 在某人耳边低声说某事 It is whispered that.有人私

    37、下说 in a whisper(=in a low voice)低声地What are you two whispering about?你们两个在低声说些什么?She is whispering a story to her daughter.她低声地给女儿讲着故事。She whispered the shocking news in my ear.她在我耳边低声说出那个令人震惊的消息。It is whispered that the fellow is heavily in debt.有人私下说那家伙负债累累。词汇复现 She said it in a whisper,so I didnt

    38、 hear.她是悄声说的,所以我没有听见。单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)词汇复现He whispered his daughter to cheer her up.(2)I felt that everyone was whispering me.(3)The little girl likes to whisper everything her mothers ear.完成句子完成句子(4)(有人私底下说)he shouldnt serve as an experiment volunteer although he is eager to learn science.(5)She told

    39、 me (低声地)the news that I was eager to know all the time.to about in It is whispered that in a whisper/in a low voice 教材原句教材原句p.9 With this little joke,Lin was able to make people laugh,while gently telling o the president.通过这个小笑话,林语堂既能让大家哈哈大笑,同时也委婉地表达了对校长的不满。通过这个小笑话,林语堂既能让大家哈哈大笑,同时也委婉地表达了对校长的不满。7 te

    40、ll off 斥责,责骂斥责,责骂 tell sb.off for doing sth.因做某事而斥责某人 be/get told off 挨训 He was told off for being careless.他因粗心大意而受到责备。The teenage boys were told off because of their rude remarks.那些十几岁的男孩因出言不逊而受到责备。词汇复现【归纳拓展归纳拓展】blame sb.for(doing)sth.因(做)某事而责备某人 scold sb.for(doing)sth.因(做)某事而斥责某人The other driver

    41、blamed me for the accident.对方司机指责说这场事故责任在我。The boy was scolded by his mother for breaking the mirror.那个男孩因打破了镜子而受到母亲的责骂。搭配搭配单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)He never listened to us when we told him .(2)His mother is always telling him off making a mess in his room.(3)She scolded her son for (break)the window.=She tol

    42、d her son off breaking the window.完成句子完成句子(4)词汇复现Their teacher (因他们窃窃私语而斥责他们)in the lesson.(5)Shelly was one of those kids who were always (挨训)at school.off for breakingfor told them off for whispering getting told off 教材原句教材原句p.10 A punch line concludes a joke and is intended to make people laugh.妙

    43、语是笑话的结尾,妙语是笑话的结尾,意在引人发笑。意在引人发笑。8 conclude v.结束,终止;推断出 to conclude 最后 conclude with.以作为结束搭配搭配 conclude by doing sth.以做某事结束 conclude from sth.that.从中推断出 To conclude,I wish the conference a complete success!最后,预祝本次会议取得圆满成功!The concert concluded with the national anthem.音乐会最后以演奏国歌结束。I would like to conc

    44、lude by saying that I do enjoy your magazine.最后,我想说我确实喜欢你们的杂志。He concluded from her look that the problem was rather complicated.他从她的表情推断出,这个问题相当复杂。词汇复现【单词积累单词积累】conclusion n.结论;结尾,末尾 come to/draw/reach a conclusion 得出结论jump to conclusions 匆忙下结论 bring.to a conclusion 使结束in conclusion 最后 I came to th

    45、e conclusion that the fellow was rather cruel.我得出结论,那家伙相当残忍。词汇复现 In conclusion,I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself.最后,我想说我过得很愉快。单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)(conclude),Id like to thank you for all youve done for me.(2)Each chapter concludes a short summary.(3)词汇复现He concluded their remarks that the

    46、y were not in favour of the plan.(4)So far,no final (conclude)has been reached on this matter.(5)词汇复现I come the conclusion that advertising is essential when we want to have our products promoted.完成句子完成句子(6)词汇复现 (最后),I would like to say how much the clown has entertained us today.(7)他讲话结束时祝愿大家回家一路平安

    47、。He everyone a safe trip home.(8)The local committee has (得出相同结论)as before.To conclude with from conclusion to To conclude/In conclusion concluded his speech by wishing come to/drawn/reached the same conclusion 教材原句教材原句p.11 When a bee starts circling around Charlies face,he falls behind with his wor

    48、k.当一当一只蜜蜂开始在查理的脸上盘旋时,他的工作就落后了。只蜜蜂开始在查理的脸上盘旋时,他的工作就落后了。9 fall behind 不能按时完成(工作);落在(某人/某物的)后面;落后于(某人/某物)Hes fallen behind with his schoolwork again.他又没有按时完成他的作业。His mother was chatting and didnt notice that he had fallen behind.他妈妈在聊天,没注意到他已经落在后面了。We cant afford to fall behind our competitors.我们可不能落后于

    49、我们的竞争对手。【归纳拓展归纳拓展】fall down 跌倒;倒塌 fall off(sth.)(从某物上)掉下,脱落fall apart 崩溃;破碎;垮掉fall out(牙齿或头发)掉落,脱落;争吵 fall asleep 入睡,睡着Many buildings fell down during the earthquake.在地震中许多建筑物倒塌了。Their marriage finally fell apart.他们的婚姻最终破裂了。单句语法填空单句语法填空(1)词汇复现She hurt her ankle and fell the others.(2)The drugs made

    50、her hair fall and she was very annoyed about it.完成句子完成句子(3)His little brother was ill for more than six weeks and (落后)with his studies.(4)Some people gain a goal and direction from their tensions;others (崩溃)under pressure.(5)When she finally (入睡),she began to dream.behind out fell behind fall apart


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