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    Unit 1Developing ideas — Reflection 单词讲解1 ppt课件(2022)高中英语新外研版必修第一册.pptx

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    Unit 1Developing ideas — Reflection 单词讲解1 ppt课件(2022)高中英语新外研版必修第一册.pptx

    1、版本:新外研版本:新外研 单元:单元:必修必修 Book 1 Unit 1 (Developing ideas Reflection)单词课堂本单元词汇梳理本单元词汇梳理1.award:词块win/get/gain/receive an award award sb sth/award sth to sb2.opportunity:词块take/seize/miss an opportunity,an opportunity to do sth/for(doing)sth3.subscribe:词块subscribe to a magazine,subscribe to the view4.v

    2、iew:词源:-vid-看见 view 被看见的 同根词:visit,vision,television 同族词:view viewer review preview interview 词块:come into view,a sea view,in ones view,from ones point of view5.former:词块 the former the latter6.graduate:构词 grad-(grade,步、级)+-u-+-ate 名词词尾 在学业上完成某一步/某一级 毕业;同根词 grade,gradual 词块:graduate from senior high

    3、 school/university 熟词生义:逐渐发展/升级为(I quickly graduated from typical childrens books to ones with fewer pictures and longer chapters.2020 浙江)graduate v和n发音不同;派生词graduation7.fright:fright+-en(使)词族 fright frighten frightened frightening frightened词块:be frightened of;be frightened to death frightened同义词:s

    4、cared,afraid8.sight:意为“景点”时常用复数;sightseeing 词块 in/out of(ones)sight,lose ones sight,at first sight,at the sight of,catch sight of,come into sight,lose sight of,set ones sights on9.figure:一词多义,基本义“形状”词块 figure out;trade figures,a leading figure10.select:精准的汉语释义“精选”,carefully choose 词块 select sb/sth f

    5、or sth,select sb/sth as sth,select sb/sth to do sth11.particular:词块 in particular;be particular about/over 派生词 particularly 12.specific:词块 a specific goal,be specific to13.refer to:一词多义:谈到,提到;查阅,参考;指的是14.keep a journal/diary15.struggle:词块 struggle with/against,struggle for/to do sth;its a struggle f

    6、or sb to do sth16.memorise:memory+-ise(使)17.forward:词块 look forward to(doing)sth n 前锋 v 转发,转寄18.improve:词源 em-(进入,使)+prou (利润,收益)使变成利润、增加收入,原义为“有收益的;有用的”。后拼写受 prove 影响俗化。引申词义为“改进;改善”。派生词 improvement;词块:improve on/upon19.rate:词块 rate.as;birth/heart rate;at a rate/speed of,at any rate,first-rate/secon

    7、d-rate/third-rate20.perform:词族 perform performance performer;performance词块:give/put on a performance;good/poor/bad performance21.exchange:ex-(out)+change 词块:exchange views/ideas,exchange sth with sb,exchange sth for sth;an exchange student,in exchange for,an exchange rate,foreign exchange 分词形容词分词形容词

    8、struggle搭配义搭配义graduatesightrefer toexchange一词多义一词多义搭配义搭配义一词多义一词多义搭配义搭配义一词多义一词多义英语释义英语释义一词多义一词多义figure一词多义一词多义opportunity搭配义搭配义view熟词生义熟词生义perform&performance一词多义一词多义improve搭配义搭配义重难点词精讲opportunity智者创造机会,而不是等待机会。弗朗西斯培根 弗朗西斯培根(Francis Bacon,1561一1626),英国文艺复兴时期散文家、哲学家。英国唯物主义哲学家,实验科学的创始人,是近代归纳法的创始人,又是给科学

    9、研究程序进行逻辑组织化的先驱。主要著作有新工具、论科学的增进以及学术的伟大复兴等。opportunityn C&U 机会;时机机会;时机 (chance):(a)rare/golden/perfect opportunitytake/seize/use/provide/miss an opportunity(to do sth)Orientation Day is a fantastic opportunity for new students to get to know the school and the other students.外研新必修 1May I take this opp

    10、ortunity to thank you for all your hard work.To learn English well,we should find opportunities to hear English spoken as much as we can.2008 江苏Mealtimes are an excellent opportunity for conversation.Therell be plenty of opportunity for relaxing/to relax once the work is done.U 视野;视线视野;视线 the abilit

    11、y to see sth or to be seen from a particular place:There was usually nobody in view except some sheep in the grassland.The lake came into view as we turned the corner.Sit down youre blocking my view.view n词源:来自拉丁语videre,看,词源同visit,evident。同根词还有:visible,vision,video。C 风景;景色风景;景色 what you can see from

    12、 a particular place:While climbing the mountain,we enjoyed the warm sunshine and a beautiful view.2021 北京书面表达Id like a room with a sea view/a commanding view.侧重表示从某处可看到的侧重表示从某处可看到的“远景远景”,尤指从窗口、高处等看到的景色。尤指从窗口、高处等看到的景色。C 观点;看法观点;看法 an opinion or idea about sth(opinion):Jill and I have different views

    13、on/about the subject.In my view,playing computer games is a waste of time.Cant you see things from my point of view?Your view of life is different from mine.in view of 鉴于;考虑到:鉴于;考虑到:In view of the weather,the event will be held indoors.on view 在展出;展览着:在展出;展览着:The painting is currently on view at the

    14、 gallery.view语义网络视觉视觉view肉眼看到肉眼看到的范围的范围看到的景看到的景色色对人或事对人或事物的看法物的看法 视野;视线视野;视线 风景;景色风景;景色 观点;看法观点;看法基本义人到物由外到内由 正式用语正式用语 看;观看;观赏看;观看;观赏:These mountains are a splendid sight when viewed from the valley floor.看待看待 (see):We view film as a type of contemporary art.viewer n C(电视电视)观众;观察者观众;观察者由词根view组成的词:r

    15、e+view=review(v)复习pre+view=preview(v)预习inter+view=interview(v)采访;对进行面试 v vi 获得学位;毕业:获得学位;毕业:He graduated in physics from Cambridge University.He was born in 1942 in Oxford and graduated from Oxford University.vt 使使毕业;授予毕业;授予学位:学位:The college graduated 500 students last year.vi 逐渐升级为:逐渐升级为:I quickly

    16、graduated from typical childrens books to ones with fewer pictures and longer chapters.2020 浙江词源:grad-(grade,步、级)+-u-+-ate 名词词尾 在学业上完成某一步/某一级 毕业 graduate graduation n U 毕业:毕业:a graduation certificate A year after graduation,I was offered a position teaching a writing class.2011 广东 U&C 毕业典礼:毕业典礼:atte

    17、nd the graduation n C 学位获得者;毕业生:学位获得者;毕业生:a graduate school a graduate in medicine/a medicine graduate Hes a graduate of Harvard.词汇拓展词汇拓展 sight词源词源sight 来源于古英语动词来源于古英语动词see,sight 是其名词形式,最初加名词前缀是其名词形式,最初加名词前缀th,后变成,后变成tsight,即,即the act of see。U 视力;视觉:视力;视觉:have good/poor sight When Shaw lost his sigh

    18、t,his wife suggested he apply for a guide dog.U 看见;瞥见:看见;瞥见:Just the sight of the monster made her go all weak.U 视域;眼界;视线:视域;眼界;视线:I glanced around me quickly.There was no one in sight.She never lets her daughter out of her sight.C 看见的事物;景象;情景:看见的事物;景象;情景:The practice of hanging flags is a common si

    19、ght in many parts of the country on National day.These mountains are a splendid sight when viewed from the valley floor.复数复数 名胜;景点名胜;景点 =places of interestsOverseas visitors are impressed by the beautiful sights of Beijing.所见之物所见之物基本义基本义sight看见看见的能力的能力看见看见的行为的行为看见看见的范围的范围看见看见的事物的事物看见看见的名胜古迹的名胜古迹视力;视

    20、觉视力;视觉看见;瞥见看见;瞥见视域;眼界;视域;眼界;视线视线景象;情景景象;情景名胜;景点名胜;景点sight语义网络图at first sight 一见一见(就就);乍一看:;乍一看:At first sight,there is nothing special about the watch,but in fact it is a mobile phone.at the sight of 一看见:一看见:Some people will faint at the sight of blood.catch sight of 看见;发现:看见;发现:Suddenly,I caught si

    21、ght of my English teacher in the e into sight 进入视线;映入眼帘:进入视线;映入眼帘:As the plane came down through the clouds,green fields and white houses came into sight.lose sight of 看不见;忽略;忘记:看不见;忽略;忘记:I lost sight of him in the crowd.set ones sights on 以以为奋斗目标:为奋斗目标:The player said that he had set his sights on

    22、winning the championship in the coming Olympics.sight的搭的搭配配figure的前世今生的前世今生 在圣经中,亚当和夏娃偷吃了禁果之后,有了羞耻感,于是夏娃就想找个树叶子来遮挡自己的身体。柳树叶子太小,梧桐叶子又太大,身边正好有无花果(fig)树,就摘了无花果的叶子作为贴身短衣。因为fig是用来遮挡身体形状的,所以figure的含义引申为“形状”。常用复数常用复数 数字;位数;算术:数字;位数;算术:the latest trade figures have a head for figures He got a job,earning cl

    23、ose to six figures.(尤指女性的尤指女性的)体形体形/身材身材/身影身影:a tall figure in black Every woman wants a slim figure these days.figure n 人物;人士人物;人士 a person who is important or famous:a public/a leading/an authority figure 画像;塑像画像;塑像:a bronze figure of a horse 图表图表;图形图形:See Figure 1.A triangle is a three-sided figu

    24、re.figure v vi 是重要部分;是是重要部分;是的部分的部分 to be an important part of sth:My feeling about the matter didnt seem to figure at all.vt 非正式用语非正式用语 认为认为;估计;估计 to think or guess sth:From the way he behaved,I figured(that)he was drunk.vt(AmE)计算计算:Im just figuring my expenses.figure out 弄清楚;弄明白;计算出:弄清楚;弄明白;计算出:I

    25、couldnt figure out what I had done to annoy my boss.Have you figured out how much the trip will cost?2020福建词源:有了羞耻感的亚当和夏娃“认为”遮挡身体很重要,所以figure又引申出“是重要部分、是的部分”的意思。figure语义网络图语义网络图形状形状figure n(基本义)“数字数字”的的形状形状数字数字体型;身体型;身材;身影材;身影人物;人士人物;人士画像;塑像画像;塑像位数位数算术算术图表图表图形图形“人或动物人或动物”的的形状形状“几何图形几何图形”的的形状形状是重要部分;

    26、是重要部分;是是的部分的部分认为;估计认为;估计计算计算 n vselect玩游戏的时候,你曾为“挑选挑选”角色苦恼过吗?挑选又如何表达呢?I want to read an English book,but I cant choose the right one.The coach has not chosen me to play in the football team.Summer Activities Students should read the list with their parents,and select two activities they would like t

    27、o do.全国 Select something around you that you share with the other person.读下面的句子,体会读下面的句子,体会choose和和select的区别:的区别:In everyday English,people usually say choose rather than select.select vt(经过认真思考而经过认真思考而)挑选;精选挑选;精选 to choose sb/sth,usually carefully,from a number of similar things:He selected a mobil

    28、e phone for personal use.select sb/sth for sth:He had hopes of being selected for the national team.select sb/sth as sth:Mr Clark was selected as the Best Teacher of the Year.select sb/sth to do sth:Hes the only student in the class that has been selected to take part in the Model United Nations con

    29、ference.湖北辨辨 select,choose,pick 三者都有三者都有“选择选择”之意。之意。select 指“精选精选”,是基于要求从同类的许多事物或人中后选出最合适的。select比choose。choose 指挑选自己喜欢喜欢的人或物;决定或更喜欢更喜欢做某事。choose 泛指选择,可不带宾语。选择,可不带宾语。You choose I cant decide.你来选,我决定不了。pick 指从一群人或一组事物中选出一个或一些,可泛指选择,口语用词。choose to do cant choose but do sthchoose from pick out pick one

    30、s words selective adj 慎重选择的;精挑细选的慎重选择的;精挑细选的 selection n U&C 可选之人或物;选集:可选之人或物;选集:make a selection Selections From Charles Dickens狄更斯选集阅读理解中随处可见的阅读理解中随处可见的refer toWhat does the underlined word“stumble”in paragraph 2 refer to?(2019 全国卷I 阅读B篇)What does the word“headwinds”in paragraph 2 refer to?(2018 浙

    31、江 阅读B篇)What does the underlined word“that”in paragraph 3 refer to?(2017全国卷II 阅读D篇)What does the underlined word“it”in Paragraph 2 refer to?(2016全国卷II 阅读C篇)refer to 指的是词源:re-(back)+fer(carry),即为“带回来”。When one thing refers to another,one meaning carries back to the other theres some kind of relation.因

    32、此,refer to的基本义是“使联系”。32refer(.)to 谈到;提到谈到;提到 (mention):The scientist referred to global warming at least three times in his speech.查阅;参考查阅;参考:While giving the English speech,one is not allowed to refer to the notes.refer v 指的是指的是 to describe or be connected to sb/sth:The word business also refers to

    33、 an organization that provides goods and services.2013 全国 把提交给;把委托给:My colleague said that as the situation was unusual he would refer the matter to his editor.33使联系使联系(to relate)refer to在演讲、说话时在演讲、说话时联系联系到某人、某物到某人、某物为获取信息为获取信息联系联系某物某物描述人或事物的描述人或事物的联系联系和专业人士等和专业人士等联系联系查阅;参考查阅;参考指的是指的是把把提交给;提交给;把把委托给委托给谈到;提到谈到;提到refer to语义网络图语义网络图谢谢观赏


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