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    1、榆林市20212022年度第三次模拟考试英语试题考生注意:1本试卷共150分,考试时间120分钟。2请将各题答案填写在答题卡上。第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A.19.15.B.9.18.C.9.15.答案是C。1.W

    2、hy does the man call the woman?A.To change his room.B.To report a wrong lift.C.To invite her to swim.2.Where are the speakers?A.On a farm.B.In a zoo.C.In the mountains.3.What is the probable season now?A.Summer.B.Autumn.C.Winter.4. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A.An accident.B.A driver.

    3、C. An injury.5.How may the woman feel about the mans words at first?A.Delighted.B.Relaxed.C.Nervous.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What does the woman advise the boy to

    4、eat?A.Sweet food.B.Food with fiber.C.Fried chicken.7. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Mother and son.B. Brother and sister.C. Father and daughter. 听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What is the boys favorite?A. Classical music.B. Pop music.C. Rock music.9. What does the boy think of country music?A.

    5、 Noisy.B. Boring.C. Soft.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What makes the woman feel uncomfortable?A. A sea plant.B. The seawater.C. The diving suit.11. What is the most exciting activity for the man?A. Diving.B. Rock climbing.C. Bungee jumping.12. What does the woman imply in the end?A. She loves bungee jumping

    6、.B. She will never dive again.C. She decides to go rock climbing. 听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What does the woman offer to do for the man?A. Phone a hotel.B. Book a restaurant table.C. Change travelers cheques.14. How does the man find the town? A. Modern.B. Large.C. Beautiful.15. What does the man want to

    7、 know?A. The price of a hotel.B. The history of the town.C. The opening time of the banks.16. Where are the speakers now?A. Near a square.B. Opposite a hotel.C. Outside a bank.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. Why does urban golf get its name?A. It is a quite cheap sport.B. It is often played in the city.C. It

    8、can be played in the street.18.How does the speaker like the Moroccan desert race walking?A.Rather hard.B.Very popular.C.Slightly dangerous.19.In which country did Sepak Takraw begin?A.Indonesia.B.Malaysia.C.Thailand.20. What does the speaker say about Sepak Takraw?A. It is similar to tennis.B. It a

    9、ttracts many children.C. It is held every year in Southeast Asia.第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AThe Com fortable Kitchen:105 Laid-Back, Healthy, and Wholesome RecipesHere are healthy meals the whole family can enjoy, night after night.What does comfort mea

    10、n in The Com fortable Kitchen? For Alex Snodgrass,New York Times best-selling author of The Defined Dish , bringing her family around the table to share a home-cooked meal is a favorite way to show love. Her recipes are designed to bring joy into that display of affection, from your own comfort cook

    11、ing for your loved ones delight at the delicious flavors, to knowing that youre caring for your familys nutrition with each bite.There are plenty of recipes with simple, flexible ingredients for a meal when desired perfect for people who are enjoying their “food freedom” stage of their health journe

    12、y. And for those who have diet restrictions, Alex clearly marks each recipe as gluten-free(无麸质), dairy-free and grain-free, as appropriate.Alex brings back the joy of being in the kitchen for those at all levels of cooking skills and provides food for every occasion, with soups, salads, pasta, veget

    13、arian and non-vegetarian, ranging from one-pot meals to not-so-junky junk food-and even cocktails and desserts-with recipes including:Cajun Chicken and Wild Rice SoupGreen Curry Poached Halibut with HerbsTexas Style Brisket TacosHerby Green Olive Pasta with FetaSheet Pan Honey-Sesame CauliflowerClay

    14、tons Margarita7-Ingredient Almond Butter CookiesWith 105 approachable and nutritious recipes for real, busy life, The Com fortable Kitchen is a must-have cookbook for those who care about what they eat and what they make.21.What is The Com fortable Kitchen mainly about?A.Cooking.B.Affection.C.Kitche

    15、n facilities.D.Family parties.22.What can be learnt about The Com fortable Kitchen?A. It contains many recipes.B. It receives many complaints.C. It can only be bought online.D. It is published by New York Times.23. Who are most likely to be interested in the text?A.Environmentalists.B.Dieticians.C.B

    16、usinessmen.D.Publishers.BOne morning I noticed a woman sitting alone at the bus stop. She seemed not to go to work hurriedly. She wasnt going anywhere as well. Was she waiting for the bus? Did mall (商场)buses come this early when the stores wouldnt be open for hours? I felt puzzled. As I drove by, I

    17、heard a voice say,“Give her a bottle of water.”“She looks like she is sleeping. Why would I wake her? What is wrong with me? What is so hard about doing the right thing? Its just a bottle of water!”So I drove by her again and again. Finally, I pulled my car into a parking zone, stepping out with a b

    18、ottle of water in one hand and a twenty-dollar bill in the other. Each step seemed to fill me with purpose and focus. No words can describe what happened between us at that moment. I thought I was bringing her a cold drink, but instead I was bringing her a hope she needed. We sat together for a whil

    19、e as she talked. She had a sad story to tell, but she was no longer sad. Before we parted, I grabbed all the cash I had in my purse and found more water in my car along with some snacks. We stood at the bus stop hugging and said our goodbyes.I still have a thousand questions as to why I struggled to

    20、 act. Why did it take me many circles around the mall and an argument with myself? I was once torn between helping her and ignoring her. All I know for sure is that while walking toward that woman at the bus stop, a miracle happened.There are opportunities for us to love every day. Maybe our doubts

    21、keep us from acting. Maybe we dont want to take the risk or be uncomfortable. That day, I learned how love answers when asked and how love both gives and receives.24.How did the author feel about the woman sitting alone in the beginning?A.Annoyed.B.Confused.C.Terrified.D.Amused.25.Why did the author

    22、 drive by the woman over and over again?A. To observe the poor woman.B.To search for a parking space.C.To evaluate whether to help her.D. To improve the terribly poor driving skills.26.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “torn in paragraph 4?A.ready to acceptB.unable to decideC.gl

    23、ad to receiveD.illegal to choose27.What can we learn from the text?A. The wealth of life is action.B.Love breaks down racial barriers.C.Actions speak louder than words.D. The best act to love is taking action.CEmerging(新兴的) economies struggled to grow through the 2010s and pessimism clouds them now.

    24、 People wonder how they will pay debts piling up during the pandemic and how they can grow rapidly. The freshest answer to this problem is the fast-spreading digital revolution. The worlds largest emerging market has already demonstrated the enormous effects of digital technology. As Chinas old indu

    25、stries have slowed sharply over the past decade,the booming technology industry has kept the economy growing steadily.Now Chinas emerging market peers are getting a push from the same digital engines. Since 2014, more than 10,000 tech firms have been launched in emerging markets-nearly half of them

    26、outside China. From Bangladesh to Egypt, it is easy to find entrepreneurs who worked for Facebook or other US giants before coming home to start their own companies.How can it be that the emerging market countries are adopting common digital technologies faster than the richer countries? One explana

    27、tion is habit and its absence. In societies filled with stores and services, customers are often comfortable with the providers they have and slow to abandon them. In countries where people have difficulty even finding public facilities, a bank or a hospital, they will jump at the first digital opti

    28、on that comes along. Though only 5% of the Kenyans carry credit cards, more than 70% have access to digital banking.The digital impact on productivity is visible on the ground. Many governments are moving services online to make them more transparent and less vulnerable to corruption, perhaps the mo

    29、st feared obstacle to doing business in the emerging world. Since 2010, the cost of starting a business has been steady in developed countries while falling sharply in emerging market countries, from 66% to just 27% of the average annual income. Entrepreneurs can now launch businesses affordably, or

    30、ganizing much of what they need on a smartphone.The era of rapid digitization has only just begun. This offers many developing economies a revolutionary new path to catching up with the living standards of the developed world.28. Which is a result of digital technology for China?A.Stabilizing its ec

    31、onomy.B.Accumulating its debts.C.Keeping its old industries booming.D.Letting its new industries slow sharply.29.Why does the author mention Kenyans in paragraph 3?A. To show mature markets digital technologies.B.To show rich nations unwillingly abandon what they own.C. To show emerging markets acce

    32、pt digital options warmly.D. To show poor nations have difficulty building public facilities.30.What plays a key role in the boom of digital businesses in emerging markets?A.The steady annual income.B.The low cost of launching businesses.C. The simplified procedure of setting up a business.D.The tho

    33、rough removal of the most feared obstacle.31. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?A. Emerging Economies Are Seeking Their FortuneB.The Digital Impact Is Huge on Global ProductivityC.Digital Technology Will Save Slow Emerging MarketsD.The Time of Rapid Digitization Is Around the C

    34、ornerDA study led by Plana-Ripoll, a doctor at Aarhus University in Denmark, tries to deal with a fundamental question that has bothered researchers for more than a century-what exactly causes mental illness?In the hope of finding the answer, scientists have piled up a large amount of data over the

    35、past decade, through studies of genes and brain activity. They have found that many of the same genes underlie seemingly distinct disorders and that changes in the brains decision-making systems could be involved in many conditions.The researchers are also rethinking theories of how our brains go wr

    36、ong. The idea that mental illness can be classified into distinct, separate categories like “anxiety” has been dis-. proved to a large extent. Instead, recently theyve found that disorders shade into each other, and there are no hard dividing lines.The researchers are trying to understand the biolog

    37、y that underlies mental illness. They have a few theories. Perhaps there are several dimensions (维度) of mental illness, so depending on how a person scores on each dimension, they might be more likely to have some disorders than others. An alternative idea is that there is a single factor that makes

    38、 people easier to suffer from mental illness in general. What disorder they develop is then determined by other factors. Both ideas are being taken seriously though the former one is more widely accepted by the researchers.The details are still unclear, but most researchers agree that one thing is s

    39、pecific:The oldsystem of categorizing mental disorders into neat boxes does not work. They are also hopeful that, in the long run, replacing this framework with one that is grounded in biology will lead to new drugs and treatments. The researchers aim to reveal, for instance, the key genes, brain re

    40、gions and neurological processes involved in psychopathology(精神病理学),and target them with treatments. Although it might take a while to get there, they are long-term optimistic if the field really does its work.32. What aspect of mental illness has been puzzling researchers according to the text?A.It

    41、s theories.B.Its symptoms.C.Its categories.D.Its roots.33. What have the researchers found from the recent study?A. There exist links between mental disorders.B.Brain function has little to do with mental illness.C.Mental illness is classified into different categories.D.Genes are completely differe

    42、nt in distinct mental disorders.34.Which one is more widely accepted by the researchers according to paragraph 4?A. The theory of genetic influences.B. The belief of brain abnormalities.C.The concept of multiple dimensions.D.The idea of the determined risk factor.35. What can we learn about mental i

    43、llness from the text?A. Its genes are too complex to study.B.Its new drugs can be available soon.C.Researchers are clear about its details.D.Seeking for its physiology might help.第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)阅读短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。It has been shown that watching English movie trailers(预告片)

    44、 can improve your English vocabulary and thinking skills._36The first step is to find them. Go to YouTube and do a search for something like “official trailer”. 37 You can choose some that look interesting. Animated films can be an especially good choice for English practice no matter how old you ar

    45、e. These films are usually humorous and relatable. To find animated films, try doing a search for something like “animated official trailer”.Make sure the video you choose offers closed captions (字幕),which you will use later. You can find the closed caption mark at the bottom of the video. It may be

    46、 listed as “CC” or something else. Keep in mind that trailers more than five or seven years old may not offer closed captions on YouTube.38Next, watch the video at a normal speed without closed captions. Try to understand what the story is about overall. Then watch it again to seek more details. _39

    47、 It will give you an idea of whether the dialogue is too fast or difficult for your skill level.40 Find the “CC” setting at the bottom of the video and click the captions. This can help you in several ways. You can confirm whether you understand the dialogue in your first viewing, make clearer any d

    48、ialogue you do not understand, and connect the sound of words with their spellings. You can also write down a few of the new words in a notebook or on your mobile phone.A.So choose newer videos.B.Several film trailers will appear.C. They may sound a little strange at a slower speed.D. With this method, you are testing your English skills.E.Th


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