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    Unit 2 词汇语法等 学案-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册.doc

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    Unit 2 词汇语法等 学案-(2022新)人教版高中英语选择性必修第一册.doc

    1、人教版(2019版)高中英语选择性必修第一册第一单元学案【词汇语法等】UNIT TWO1.phrasefrez: n. 短语; 词组expression kspren: n. 词语; 表达法; 表情paraphrase prfrez: v. 解释; 意译word: n. 单词; 话语vocabulary vkbjlr: n. 词汇; 词汇量2. persuadepswed: vt. 劝说; 说服persuasionpswen: n. 说服; 劝说persuade sb to do= persuade sb into doing: 说服某人做什么persuade sb not to do= pe

    2、rsuade sb out of doing: 说服某人不做什么【=后的短语, persuade可以改为talk或reason】3. switchswt: vt. 转换; 交换; (使)改变; 转变n. 开关; 转换器; 改变switch off/on = turn on/off: 关/开(电灯、机器、电器、燃气、水、手机等)4. distant dstnt: adj. 遥远的; 远处的; 疏远的; 心不在焉的distancedstns:n. 距离; 远处 in the distance: 在远处in the not too distant future: 在不久的将来in the near

    3、future: 在不久的将来in the far/distant future: 在遥远的将来5. secure skj(r): adj. 安全的; 安心的;可靠的; 牢固的vt. 获得; 拴牢; 保护securityskjrti: n. 安全; 平安; 保护措施; 安全工作safe:adj. 安全的; 平安的; 可靠的curekj: v. 治疗; 治好6. applianceplans: n. 电器; 器具tool tul:n. 工具device dvas: n. 方法; 技巧; 装置; 仪器electrical/household appliances: 电器/家用器具7. remoter

    4、mt: adj. 远程的; 偏远的distant: adj. 遥远的; 久远的 (指在空间或时间上遥远的)faraway: adj. 遥远的; 远方的 (多指距离很远的,只作定语)far:adj. 远的; 遥远的 (指空间距离远的)be far from.:距远be near to: 距近in the remote past/future: 在遥远的过去/将来a remote database: 远程数据库8. air conditioner: 空调机; 空调设备fridge/refrigeratorfrd rfrdret: n. 冰箱9. automatic tmtk: adj. 自动的au

    5、tomatically: adv. 自动地10. integratedntretd: adj. 各部分密切协调的; 综合的integrate ntgret: vi./vt. (使)合并; 成为一体combinekmban:v. 联合; 合并combine/integrate with: 把与合并11. efficientfnt: adj. 效率高的; 有功效的efficiently: adv. 有效地;效率高地effective fektv: adj. 有效的12. modemd: n. 模式; 方式; 风格stylestal: n. 风格; 方式; 特点; 作风 method /approa

    6、ch /manner/ means /mode/ way : 方法; 方式13. routine rutin: n. 常规; 正常顺序adj. 常规的; 日常的daily routine: 日常生活14. preference prefrns: n. 爱好; 偏爱prefer (-rred/-rring) prf:v. 宁愿; 更喜欢prefer doing A to doing B: 喜欢做A事胜过做B事in preference to sb/sth: 而不是haveapreferencefor.: 喜欢reference ref()rns:n. 参考; 参照; 提及15. instantn

    7、stnt: n. 瞬间; 片刻adj. 立即的; 速食的; 速溶的instantly: adv. 立刻; 马上 immediately: adv. 立刻; 马上 at once : 立刻; 马上right away: 立刻; 马上the instant /moment/second/minute + 陈述句: 一.就.moment mmnt:n. 片刻; 瞬间while: n. 一段时间; 一会儿for an instant/ a moment/a while/a minute: 一会儿in an instant/a moment/a while/a minute: 一会儿16. comman

    8、d kmnd: n. 指令; 命令; 控制vt. 命令; 控制control: v./n. 控制; 统治; 指挥; 支配contain:v. 控制; 克制; 含有; 包含; 容纳have (a) good command of: 精通; 通晓; 掌握take command of.: 控制under ones command: 由.控制/指挥/管辖be at ones command: 听候吩咐; 服从支配at ones command: 可自由使用; 可支配desire, suggest, propose, recommend, order/instruct/command, demand,

    9、 request, require, ask, urge(强烈要求),insist(坚决要求), advocate(主张)等接that宾语从句时,从句用 should do/be 结构,should可省。The general commanded that his troops (should) attack theenemy at once.17. obeybe: vi./vt. 服从; 遵守obey sb/sth: 服从/遵守.obey a command/an order: 服从指挥/命令obey the rule/ law: 遵守规章/法律18. warning wn: n. 警告;

    10、警示; 先兆warn:v. 警告; 告戒; 提醒注意19. constantknstnt: adj. 不断的; 重复的; 不变的n. 常数; 常量constantly: adv. 始终; 一直; 重复不断地20. early on: 在初期; 早先21. abnormal bnml: adj. 不正常的; 反常的normalnml:n. 常态; 正常adj. 正常的; 平常的【in- im- un- dis- -less il- ab-】22. critical krtkl: adj. 严重的; 关键的; 批判性的crucialkrul: adj. 至关重要的; 关键性的serioussrs:

    11、 adj. 严重的; 危险的; 严肃的; 认真的23. potentially ptenli: adv. 潜在地; 可能地【maybe/perhaps/possibly/likely/probably: 可能】potential ptenl: adj. 可能的; 潜在的n. 潜力; 可能性havethepotentialto do.: 有潜力做什么possibility:n. 可能性chance:n. 可能性; 机会24. leak lik: vi./vt. 漏; 渗漏; 透露n. 漏洞; 裂缝; 透露crack: n. 裂纹; 裂缝25. electricallektrkl: adj. 电的

    12、; 用电的electricity ,lektrst:n. 电power: n. 力量; 电源; 电; 电力electric lektrk:adj. 电的; 用电的; 带电的; 发电的; 电动的electrical equipment/appliances/power/energy/wiring/signal/engineer/shock: 电气设备/电器/电力/电能/电线线路/电信号/电气工程师/触电electric light(lamp)/guitar/drill/chair/clock/bell/ fan /iron/stove/power/shock: 电灯/电吉他/电钻/电椅/电钟/电

    13、铃/电扇/电熨斗/电炉/电力/触电26. wiring war: n. 电线线路; 线路系统wire wa: n. 电线; 金属丝/线v. 接通电源; 将连接到wire .( up) to.: 将连接到.27. relevantrelvnt: adj. 有关的; 有意义的related: adj. 相关的;有联系的 (be related to.)meaningful: adj. 意义明显的28. catch fire: 着火(动作) be on fire:着火(状态) set on fire: 放火烧; 使着火set fire to.: 放火烧29. available velbl: adj

    14、. 可获得的; 可购得的;(人)有空的30. in this sense (insense): 从这种(某种)意义上来讲in a/one way = in some ways: 在某种程度上in a sense:在某种意义上to some degree: 在某种程度上inno sense: 决不 In this sense, the home of tomorrow is already the home of today.31. neverthelessnevles: adj. 尽管如此; 不过; 然而Nevertheless, it will take some years before

    15、most new homes begin to use this new technology.32. structurestrkt(r): n. 结构; 体系. 系统安排; 精心组织systemsstm: n. 体系; 方法; 制度; 系统33. securityskjrti: n. 保护措施; 安全工作secure skj(r): adj. 安全的; 安心的;可靠的; 牢固的vt. 获得; 拴牢; 保护34. crimekram: n. 犯罪活动; 不法行为petty/serious crime: 轻微的/严重的犯罪commit a/the crime: 犯罪law l:n. 法律; 法学

    16、; 法规; 定律 break the law: 犯法legal li()l: adj. 合法的; 法律的illegal : adj. 非法的 35. combinekmban: vt./vi. (使)结合; 混合combine and/with: 把与合并combinationkmbnen: n. 联合体; 混合体; 结合; 联合; 混合36. nanobot nnubt: n. 纳米机器人robot rbt: n. 机器人android ndrd: n. 人形机器人37. artificialtfl: adj. 人工的; 人造的; 假的artificial flower/emotion/sm

    17、ile: 假花/情感/笑artificial light/material/product/fur/leather/diamond/pearl/silk: 人造的光/材料/产品/皮毛/皮革/钻石/珠宝/丝false: 假的(指非天然的、非天生的)false tooth/ beard/diamond /pearl/silk/door/passport/friend: 假牙/胡子/钻石/珠宝/丝/门/护照/朋友man-made: 人造的(非天然的)man-made satellite/material/product: 人造卫星/材料/产品fake: 假的(指伪造的、冒充的)fake news/

    18、fur/ leather/diamond /pearl/silk/laugh: 假新闻/皮毛/皮革/钻石/珠宝/丝/笑real: adj. 真的(not artificial/false )real flower/gold/leather/diamond /pearl/silk: 真花/金/皮革/钻石/珠宝/丝(指物品是真的而非假冒或人造的时,常可与 genuine 换用)true: adj. 真实的; 符合事实的(指信息等与事实相符的,而非妄言或虚假的)38. artificial intelligence (AI ): 人工智能nteldns: n. 智力; 才智; 智慧; 情报39. p

    19、redict prdkt: vt. 预测; 预言; 预料prediction prdkn: n. 预测; 预言; 预告40. forecast (forecast /forecasted) fkst: vt./n. 预测; 预报weather forecast: 天气预报41. occupationkjupen: n. 职业; 占领occupykjpa: v. 占领; 占据; 担任 profession prfen: n. 职业; 行业career kr(r): n. 职业; 事业 42. opposepz: vt. 反对; 抵制; 阻挠oppose doing: 反对做be opposed

    20、to 名词/doing: 反对(做)43. hence hens: adv. 因此; 由此 (正式用词)therefore : adv. 因此; 所以thus: adv. 因此; 所以(与 therefore 基本同义。正式,多用于书面语中)so: conj. 因此; 所以1)Hence, the final exam is of great importance to all the students.2)Mary studied hard; thus/therefore/hence she made rapid progress.3)Mary studied hard, and thus/

    21、therefore/hence she made rapid progress.44. ceasesis: vi./vt. (使)停止; 终止 (正式用词)cease doing.: 停止做什么cease to do.: 停止做什么stop doing:停止做.stop to do: 停下来做. 45. deceaseddsist: adj. 已死的; 亡故的 (正式用词)dead: adj. 死的; 去世的 (普通用词)the dead/deceased: 死人; 死者46. absence bsns: n. 不存在; 缺乏; 缺席in the absence of: 缺乏during on

    22、es absence: 某人不在期间absent bsnt : adj. 缺席; 缺少; 无be absent from: 缺席.47. rural rrl: adj. 乡村的; 农村的urban: adj. 城市的; 城镇的country:n. 国家; 农村countryside:n. 农村in the countryside: 在农村city: n. 大城市town: n. 城镇 48. advocatedvket: v. 提倡; 支持; 拥护n. 提倡者; 支持者; 拥护者advocate doing.: 提倡/支持/拥护做什么advocate that句子 (should). 49.

    23、emphasisemfss: n. 强调; 重视; 重要性 emphasis - emphases (复数)analysis(分析) analyses (复数)basis(基础) bases (复数) emphasize/ emphasise emfsaz: v. 强调; 重视put/lay/place emphasis on sth: 强调/重视某事 50. keep in touch (with.): (与)保持联系;了解(某课题或领域的情况)keep/stay/be in touch with: 与保持联系lose touch with: 与失去联系51. prospect prspek

    24、t: n. 可能性; 前景possibility:n. 可能性chance:n. 机会; 可能性52. resistrzst: vi./vt. 抵制; 反抗; 抵挡resist doing.: 反对/忍住做什么resistancerzstns: n. 抵制; 反对; 抗拒53. paragraphprrf: n. 段; 段落passage psd: n. 段落54. essayese : n. 文章article tkl:n. 文章; 论文; 冠词composition,kmpzn:n. 作文; 成分; 结构55. accuratekjrt: adj. 精确的; 准确的accurately:

    25、adv. 准确地; 正确地56. librarian labrerin: n. 图书管理员; 图书馆馆长library labrr:n. 图书馆/室musician: n. 音乐家physician: n. 医师; (尤指)内科医生historian: n. 历史学家Egyptian: n. 埃及人57. the pros and cons: 利弊; 优缺点; 正反两方面advantages and disadvantages: 优缺点1)We balanced the pros and cons of the situation.2)We should hear all the pros a

    26、nd cons of the matter before we make a decision.3)What are the advantages and disadvantages of robots?58. happen to do: 碰巧happen to sb/sth: 发生; 遭到; 遇到happen with sb/sth: 发生(与第二个差不多)1)What happened to the scientist/panda last night?2)The scientist happened to know his telephone number.3)No one knows

    27、what is going to happen with thepeople and the animals in this region.59. 以下不定式短语的介词不能省去:1)These smart homes will provide a more comfortable environment to live in.2)You should find a bright house to live in.3)I will find a chair to sit on/in.4)The soft bed is very comfortable to sleep on.60.just ab

    28、out: 几乎; 差不多= almost/nearly。大约; 大概 = about1)In the future, we will be using advanced technology every day for automatic control of just abouteverything in our home.2)Ive just about finished my essay.3)The company has lost just about a million pounds this year.61.(all) by oneself: 单独; 独自; 独立地62. come

    29、 on: 开始运行/运转; 开始The light/heating will come on tomorrow.63. the instant/second/moment/minute + 陈述句: 一.就.64. along with.: 与.同样地; 除.以外(还)together with.: 和; 连同; 包含.在内as well as.: 也; 还有1)Yourlightswillcomeonthe instant/second/moment/minuteyou enterthedoor.2) Along with Mike, Tom attended the meeting.3)H

    30、e sent her some roses, together/along with a nice letter.4)The man, as well as his three children, is going out for hiking this weekend. (as well as可以改为 along/together with)65. It will take/be 一段时间 before + 句子。 将需要/将过多少时间才做。It took/was一段时间 before + 句子。 花费了/过了多少时间才做了。 1)It will take some years before

    31、 most new homes begin to use this new technology.2)It will be some time before David gets back.3)It was/took four months before the man came back to life.66. big data: 大数据67. go sightseeing: 去观光/旅游68. in rural America/China: 在美国/中国农村69. cant (help) but do sth: 只好做;不得不cant help doing sth: 情不自禁做cant h

    32、elp (to)do sth:不能帮助做cant/can hardly wait to do: 巴不得做;迫不及待要做70. hang out with.: 与.在一起; 与.一起瞎混/鬼混71. the Summer Palace: 颐和园the Palace Museum: 故宫; 故宫博物院watch Beijing/Peking Opera: 看京剧72. save/lose ones life: 救命/丧生 (lives)73. a network of friends: 朋友圈74. 定语从句的先行词是way时, 定语从句的连接词在句子如果作状语, 定语从句就用that/in wh

    33、ich或者不用连接词开始; 如果连接词作主语或者宾语, 就用that或者which。1)When new technology changes the way we live, it could be a scary prospect. (状语)2)I dont like the way (in which)/that you treat your children. (状语)3)Mr. Brown has a gift for explaining mathematical concepts in ways that make them seem clear and obvious. (主语

    34、)75. late let:adj./adv. 迟到; 晚lately:adv. 最近; 近来later: adv. 后来; 过后the latest .: adj. 最新的; 最近的76. on the one hand., on the other (hand). 一方面., 另一方面.1)On the one hand the hotel is near the sea, but on the other hand it costs too much.2)On the one hand he is very clever, but on the other hand he does no

    35、t work very hard.3) On the one hand, you shouldnt be shy; but on the other hand, you mustnt forget your manners.77. I cant/couldnt agree more. 我完全赞同/同意。78. 你认为.怎么样?1)How do you find.?2)How do you like.?3)What do you think of.?79. start/begin with.: 以什么开始 80. in place of: 代替; 顶替81. put ones mind at r

    36、est: 使.放心/安心82. people skill: 人际能力; 人际交往能力83. sit/stand doing.: 坐着/站着做什么sit/stand + 地方 + doing.: 坐在/站在某处做什么1)Many old people are sitting/standing under the big tree drinking tea.2)She often sits/stands playing computer games.84. in that + 句子:因为1)He didnt attend the lecture in that he was ill.2)The g

    37、irl is lucky in that she has friends to help her.3)Human beings are different from animals in that they can use languages as a tool to communicate.85. 本单元语法: 将来进行时:一般将来时: 表示将要发生的动作或者状态。 有时也可用来表示坚定的承诺。结构: 主语 + will + do/be.将来进行时: 将来某个时间正在进行的动作。有时也可用来表示计划或者安排。结构: 主语 + will + be doing.1)Inthefuture,wew

    38、illuseadvancedtechnologyeveryday forautomaticcontrolofjustabout everythinginourhome.2)Inthefuture,wewillbeusingadvancedtechnologyeverydayforautomaticcontrolofjust abouteverythinginourhome.3)In the near future we will live in smart homes.4)In the near future we will be living in smart homes.5)Inaddit

    39、ion,yoursmarthomewillbe monitoringyourhealthforyouevery day.6)Inaddition,yoursmarthomewill monitoryourhealth foryoueveryday.7)Smarttoiletswillbekeepingconstanttrack ofyourhealthaswell.8)Smarttoiletswill keepconstanttrackofyourhealthaswell.9)Will you work this weekend?10)Will you be working this week

    40、end?.11)I will be sleeping at 11:00 p.m. tonight.12)You can call me then. I wont be sleeping.13)Youd better not hang out with Sam then. He will be working on his article on critical thinking.14)She will be studying in university at the age of 20.15)What will you be doing this time tomorrow?16)She wi

    41、ll be having a meeting at the office at 8:00 a.m.tomorrow.17)They will be flying to Paris at 7 tomorrow morning.18)Im afraid I wont be available then. I will be seeing a friend off.19)We wont be able to watch the concert on TV tonight, because wewill/shall be doingour homework at that time.20)Mr. Green will not be able to attend the meeting thisafternoon, because he will be giving lessonsto his students then.8


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