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    Unit 4 Breaking boundaries 单元检测(含音频)-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第二册.rar

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    Unit 4 Breaking boundaries 单元检测(含音频)-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第二册.rar

    1、UnitUnit 4 4BreakingBreaking boundariesboundaries单元检测单元检测(时间:120 分钟,满分:150 分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Where does the conversation probably take place?AAt a TV store.BIn a restaurant. CI

    2、n a hotel.2Whats the most probable relationship between the speakers?ACustomer and waiter.BTeacher and student.CDoctor and patient.3What does the man say about turtles?ATheyre ugly and lazy.BTheyre cute and smart.CTheyre noisy and dirty.4What does the woman mean?AThe man doesnt have to move at all.B

    3、The mans new apartment is near his school.CShe once lived on Victoria Street.5What does the woman advise the man to do?ABuy an iPad this week.BPlay games on iPad.CSurf the Internet together.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小

    4、题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6What kind of job did the woman take after graduation?ATeaching.BMarketing.CVolunteering.7What does the woman think the man should do?ATake his job immediately.BDont worry about the money.CMake a decision and stick to it.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。8W

    5、here does the woman advise the man to apply for a job?AIn a newspaper office.BIn a travel agency.CIn a car factory.9What does the man ask the woman about the job?AThe pay.BThe experience.CThe working conditions.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10Why didnt the man realize his childhood dream?AHis parents didnt

    6、 support him.BHe was offered another good job.CHe lost interest in it later.11What did the woman want to be when she was a little girl?AA pilot. BA scientist. CA teacher.12What languages is the woman good at?AJapanese and French.BChinese and Italian.CFrench and Italian.听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13Who i

    7、s Jenny?AThe mans wife.BThe mans sister.CThe womans colleague.14How long has it been since the speakers graduation?AThree years. BTen years. CThirteen years.学科网(北京)股份有限公司15What do we know about the man?AHe continued his studies after graduation.BHe once worked at a law firm.CHe is working in a trade

    8、 company.16When will the speakers meet each other again?A.This Saturday. BThis Sunday. CNext Saturday.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17What is Bill Gates famous for according to the speaker?AHis family background.BHis position in society.CHis educational background.18What did Bill Gates do in 1975?AHe went

    9、 to Harvard University.BHe began to develop new software.CHe sold his inventions to MITS.19When did Bill Gates leave Microsoft?AIn 2000. BIn 2008. CIn 2014.20Which of the following is TRUE, according to the talk?ABill Gates grew up in Washington.BBill Gates mother worked as a lawyer.CIBM partnered w

    10、ith Microsoft for a short time.第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。A ATheThe LouvreLouvre MuseumMuseum inin Paris:Paris: A A CompleteComplete GuideGuide forfor VisitorsVisitorsThe Louvre Museum is quite a large museum. The word “museum” may not be en

    11、ough:the collections are so vast, diverse, and breathtaking that visitors may have the impression of navigating a maze (迷宫)of distinct artistic and cultural worlds.Housed in the Louvre Palace, the former seat of French royalty,the Louvre emerged in the 12th century as a medieval castle, slowly evolv

    12、ing toward its status as a public arts museum during the French Revolution in the late 18th century. Since then, it has become the globes mostvisited museum, and a symbol of French excellence in the arts. The Louvre has eight major thematic departments and 35,000 works of art dating from ancient tim

    13、es to the early modern period.OpeningOpening HoursHours:Open on Thursday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, 9 am.6 pm.;Wednesday and Friday 9 am.10 pm. The museum is closed on Tuesdays.TicketsTickets:Admission to the entire museum costs 15 euros. Admission is free for those under 18.ShoppingShopping and

    14、and DiningDining:The museum houses several restaurants and snack bars in addition to a cafeteria:Just below the Pyramid, the restaurant Le Grand Louvre offers gourmet (美食家) specialties in a classic setting. Open from 12 am. to 3 pm. and from 7 pm. to 12 pm. on Wednesdays and Fridays.On the lower gro

    15、und floor, the Cafe Denon offers snacks and casual meals. Open from 9:30 am. to 5:00 pm.On the second floor(European “first floor”), the Cafe Richelieu offers more casual dining possibilities:sandwiches, salads, cold and hot drinks, etc. Open from 10:15 am. to 5:00 pm.The Carrousel du Louvre is a po

    16、pular shopping center housed within the Louvre palace and accessible via the Rue de Rivoli entrance. Open seven days a week, the Carrousel du Louvre offers designer fashion, home design shops, and fine gifts.21When can you visit the Louvre Museum?AAt 7:00 pm. on Monday.BAt 10:00 am. on Tuesday.CAt 9

    17、:00 pm. on Friday.DAt 8:00 am. on Sunday.22How much should a couple with their 10yearold son pay for the tickets?A15 euros. B30 euros.C45 euros. D48 euros.23Which should you choose if you want to have snacks at 10 am. on Thursday?ALe Grand Louvre.BThe Cafe Denon.CThe Cafe Richelieu.DThe Carrousel du

    18、 Louvre.B BWhen I was young, I dreamed of becoming many things. Sometimes, I wished I were an 学科网(北京)股份有限公司astronaut going up into space, finding new planets and jumping around in a cool space suit. Other times, I imagined being a cowboy in the Wild West, wearing stylish cowboy boots. On other occas

    19、ions, I pretended to be a famous footballer, using my skills to score lots of goals for my team.Looking back, I realized that the imagination is a wonderful thing. I was able to create entire environments and scenarios in my head, using nothing more than my brain, and to be able to adapt things in m

    20、y everyday surroundings to fit the specific story of the day. Growing up with siblings (兄弟姐妹) also helped, as it meant that even bigger stories, as sometimes I could be the hero while on other occasions, I would be the bad guy.One of my alltime favorite memories as a kid was playing in my back garde

    21、n. I played the role of Indiana Jones, with my younger sister as my assistant and my brother as a bad person. We used everything in our gardens, from the path to the fence, as part of the storyline to create obstacles that needed to be overcome, and we would keep the story going for hours!My persona

    22、l favorite was Indiana Jones and the Stolen Easter Eggs, where my brother hid small chocolate eggs around the garden and my sister and I had to find them by answering questions or solving a puzzle. It was difficult, but eventually we found all the eggs and shared them together.Since then, I have see

    23、n many great things and met many amazing people. The elements of fun and variety of my imagination are what I try to bring into every part of my life, and I enjoy sharing with and hearing about other peoples stories, too.24How does the author describe himself as a child?AHe was longing to experience

    24、 adventurous things.BHe always imagined a bright life for his future.CHe enjoyed living a life full of freedom on his own.DHe knew clearly what he would do when becoming an adult.25What does the underlined word “scenarios” mean in the second paragraph?AImaginations. BPositions.CConstructions. DSitua

    25、tions.26What do you think of Indiana Jones in the passage?AIts an interesting film that the author liked to see.BIts an important person in the authors country.CIts a tough puzzle almost nobody can solve.DIts a funny game which amused only children.27What can we infer from the last paragraph?AThe au

    26、thor is a famous writer now.BThe author is living a positive life.CThe author takes great pride in himself.DThe author always makes people amazed.C CFor sports fans, theres nothing better than watching a live event on TV or at a sports venue (场地). But theres nothing worse than that event being calle

    27、d off because of bad weather. Bad light, a waterlogged pitch (场地)or excessive heat can cause matches to be postponed. But according to the latest research, extreme weather might be disrupting (打乱) the sporting calendar more than ever in the future.In one sport, golf, major tournaments like The Open

    28、are already predicted to be victims of our changing climate. In the UK, an organization called The Climate Coalition says that golf courses such as St Andrews could be under water by the end of the century if sea levels rise even slightly. It told the BBC that its research predicts “cancelled footba

    29、ll matches, flooded cricket grounds and golf courses crumbling into the sea.”The threat to sporting fixtures (体育赛事) from climate change has been further highlighted in a new report, commissioned by the Rapid Transition Alliance. Writing about this for the BBC, Matt McGrath says that “By 2050, its es

    30、timated that almost one in four English football league grounds can expect flooding every year.” This will mean fewer matches played, less opportunity to watch the beautiful game and reduced revenue (收入) from ticket sales.Cricket also faces huge challenges globally as temperatures rise in places lik

    31、e India, Australia and the West Indies. The report says that stadiums in Adelaide and Perth will see a 60% increase in days with temperatures over 40 over the next decade.Of course, we know that the solution lies with reducing our carbon footprint. We could travel less to attend sports events, and r

    32、educe our waste when we do go. But this latest report finds that sports leaders are generally failing to address the issue seriously. However, because sport is universally popular and can be very influential, maybe it should be players, teams and their sponsors who promote a carbonneutral message to

    33、 help protect sporting venuesbefore its “game over”28Which of the following sports wont be affected by extreme weather according to the passage?AGolf. BTable tennis.CFootball. DCricket.29Why might revenue from football league tickets be reduced by 2050?AThe number of people who are interested in foo

    34、tball matches is expected to decrease.BThe number of football players is expected to decrease.CThe prices of football tickets are expected to go down.DSome football grounds are expected to be flooded.30What can we learn from the passage?ASports fans like watching a live event on TV better than at a

    35、sports venue.学科网(北京)股份有限公司BGolf courses such as St Andrews could not be flooded if sea levels rise a little.CCricket stadiums in Adelaide and Perth will get very hot over the next decade.DSports leaders take the effects of climate change very seriously.31Whats the best title for the passage?ASport a

    36、nd Sporting VenuesBSport and ChallengesCSport and Climate ChangeDSport and RevenueD DDr. Nancy Roman, born in 1925, who was celebrated as a pioneer for female scientists and had advanced the launch of the Hubble Space Telescope, died on Dec. 25, 2018.When Nancy Roman asked for permission to take a s

    37、econd algebra (代数) course in high school,a teacher demanded to know “what lady would take mathematics instead of Latin”In college, a professor admitted that he often tried to prevent women from majoring in physics but Nancy stuck to it.And after receiving Doctors degree in astronomy, she found a pro

    38、fessional home at NASA (美国宇航局). In 1959, Dr.Roman became the first chief of astronomy at NASA headquarters, a role that made her one of the agencys first female leaders.Dr. Roman spent much of her career helping develop, fund and promote technology that would help scientists see more clearly beyond

    39、Earths atmosphere.But her most wellknown work was perhaps leading to design the Hubble Space Telescope, the first major telescope to be sent into space for the purpose of gathering photographs and data from the universe.She was, therefore, named as “the mother of Hubble”“She made it possible to get

    40、the early telescope up into space to learn what needed to be learned,”said science historian Bob Zimmerman, “and her hardnosed nature helped get the telescope built.”The telescope did not launch until 1990, a little more than a decade after Dr. Roman retired, but when it did, its photographs of the

    41、universe thrilled the world. “I am glad,” she once told Science, “I ignored the people who told me that I could not be an astronomer.”32What can we conclude from the teachers reaction to Nancy Romans application for taking a second algebra course?AThe teacher doubted it.BThe teacher didnt care about

    42、 it.CThe teacher accepted it at once.DThe teacher was strongly against it.33What was the most famous achievement of Nancy Romans work?AShe was one of the founders of NASA.BShe proved the black hole really existed.CShe was the first female astronomer in the world.DShe led to design the Hubble Space T

    43、elescope.34When did Dr.Nancy Roman probably retire?AIn 1969. BIn 1979.CIn 1990. DIn 2000.35What can we learn from Dr.Nancy Romans words in the last paragraph?AShe was very proud of what she had done for the country.BShe thought highly of the people who hadnt believed her.CShe was delighted to have b

    44、ecome an astronomer in spite of the prejudice on her.DShe had hardnosed nature and never cared about other peoples opinions.第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。At some point when you were a child, a trusted adult likely told you that if you held a seashell up to

    45、 your ear, youd hear the ocean. 36._ Seashells are not special capsules that have stored the sounds of their native homes.But what exactly is that rushing sound youre hearing? 37._ “The sound of an empty shell held up to the ear is created by echoes (回声) from sounds made in the environment.”Geerat J

    46、. Vermeil, a distinguished professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences at the University of California, told us.38_ Other structures with openings, like empty bowls or bottles, can produce similar sounds. “When the noise around us hits the internal surface of this hard seashell, multiple reflection oc

    47、curs,” said Vermeil. “Whether you hold a seashell or the mouth of an empty bowl around your ear, you experience the oceanlike sound quality as a result of a phenomenon called resonance39_ It says that youre hearing the sound of your own rushing blood in your body. But scientists also clarify that it

    48、 doesnt change with variation of pulse or blood pressure. “All this is perhaps a bit unimportant, but a more interesting question is what controls the frequencies of echoes”, Vermeil added,indicating that theres a need for further research into shape, volume and shell thickness in relation to pitch.

    49、 40._ Actually, if you put a shell to your ear on the beach, the sounds you hear will include partly some ocean noises.AThe same goes for shells.BThe answer is less mystical.CThis effect is not limited to shells.DNow you probably know that this is not true.EScientists are working hard to find the an

    50、swer.学科网(北京)股份有限公司FMaybe the original myth is not completely false.GTheres another explanation for the rushing sound in a seashell.第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)Lu Jingjing, a dermatologist (皮肤病医生) at Wuhan Childrens Hospital, is now working at the mobile cabin hospital at the Wuh


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