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    Unit 6 Survival 单元检测(含音频)-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第二册.rar

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    Unit 6 Survival 单元检测(含音频)-(2019)新外研版高中英语选择性必修第二册.rar

    1、UnitUnit 6 6 SurvivalSurvival单元检测单元检测(时间:120 分钟,满分:150 分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1Why does the woman suggest the man travel by train?AThe man will see more scenery.BIts cheaper.CPlanes

    2、are unsafe.2What are these two people talking about?AThings to wear.BA lightweight shirt.CThe warm weather.3What is the relationship between the two speakers?AHusband and wife.BBoss and secretary.CClerk and guest.4When can the woman get the computer?AOn Friday.BOn Thursday.CHalf an hour later.5Where

    3、 did the man put his camera?ABy the tower.BOn the steps.CIn his car.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、 B、 C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。6What does the woman do?AA teacher.BA student.CA singer.7What do

    4、es the man suggest the woman do?AApologize to Raj and ask him for help.BFind someone who knows Indian music online.CTalk to Raj and ask him to stop making fun of her.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8、9 题。8When did ballet start?AIn the early 1600s.BIn the late 1600s.CIn the early 1700s.9What was the rule when ballet wa

    5、s first performed?AOnly men were allowed to dance.BDancers had to dance on their toes.COnly women were allowed to dance.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。10When will the man arrive at the restaurant?AAt 8:30 pm.BAt 9:00 pm.CAt 9:30 pm.11What does the man ask for?AA table at the corner.BA table by the window.CA

    6、 table far from the kitchen.12What does the mans wife like?AEating delicious food.BEating in a quiet place.CHaving a birdseye view.听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13Why does the man give up his job as a gardener?ABecause flowers make him feel bad.学科网(北京)股份有限公司BBecause he wants to get more money.CBecause he w

    7、ants to find a relaxing job.14What does the man do?AHe is a shop assistant.BHe is a parttime teacher.CHe is a university student.15Whats the relationship between the two speakers?AFriends.BStrangers.CRelatives.16What jobs did the man do in the past?AA gardener and a cook.BA shop assistant and a part

    8、time teacher.CA construction worker and a driver.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17How many tips does the speaker provide?AThree. BFour. CFive.18How many windows at least should be open for fresh air?AOne. BTwo. CThree.19Which of the following should be carried for your pet on your trip?AA fan. BIts toys. C

    9、Its clothes.20What can we learn from the text?APets should not be allowed to jump against seats.BWe should practice our pets to push open the door.CPets dont like to bark in places where a lot of people gather.答案:15.AACCB610.BAAAA1115.BCACB第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)阅读下列短文,从每

    10、题所给的 A、B、C、 D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。A AKidsKids NatureNature andand SurvivalSurvival CampCampSet free your kids imagination and spirit of adventure at this camp, as they learn about the natural environment and the important skills of survival.ActivityActivity overviewoverview* 44day Camp in the Santa Cruz Mou

    11、ntains* Basic Survival Skills: Shelter, Water, Fire, Food* Expert Instructorswith a minimum of 10 years of experience* Set your own custom (定制的) camp dateDetailsDetails* The camp will run for 5 hours each day: 9 am2 pm.* This class is 100% handson and very active. Everything your kids learn, they wi

    12、ll dono indoor classrooms or long lectures.* Each day will center around one of the 4 main necessities of survival: SHELTER(day 1), WATER(day 2), FIRE(day 3), and FOOD(day 4).DatesDates offeredoffered* We offer 1 public camp date each summer for ages 812.For 2021, that date is August 58(9 am2 pm eac

    13、h day). To book that date for a child between the ages of 812, please click the REGISTER NOW link below.* We also arrange custom/private camp dates for both kids and teens all year round.ExtraExtra informationinformation* 4Day Camp: $395* Add shuttle (班车) ride to/from downtown Santa Cruz for $160($4

    14、0 per day)* At this time we do not have shuttle service from the Silicon Valley side of the hill, but we do work to help organize carpools(拼车) from the Los Gatos/Saratoga/Campbell area each year for interested parents.21What will kids learn if they join the camp?AHow to make long lectures.BHow to su

    15、rvive in the wild.CHow to organize a camp.DHow to improve their imagination.22Whats special about the class of camp?AIt is free for all children.BChildren could learn it online.CIt is based on practicing in person to learn.DKids could hook a public camp date each spring.学科网(北京)股份有限公司23Which of the f

    16、ollowing provides shuttle service?ALos Gatos. BSanta Cruz.CSaratoga. DCampbell.B BThis is the moment a cleaner at a British university burst into tears after students raised $2,063 to send him to Jamaica on vacation to see family.Herman Gordan, who has worked at Bristol University for more than a de

    17、cade, is described as “one of the most loved” members of its cleaning staff. He is so well liked that a group of students raised money to give him a holiday. A video shows a student hands an envelope of cash to the surprised Gordan with tears rolling down his cheeks. He wipes away tears with a clean

    18、ing cloth and hugs the student who gave it to him. Gordan said, “I want to thank every one of you.”The group of students started the fundraising because they liked Gordan so much. A post said, “The Jamaican cleaner in the biomedical library is the jolliest man I have ever met; he makes me smile even

    19、 when Im in the deepest depths of sorrow, if you want a reason to smile, go talk to him for a minute or two.”Anyone who has been to the biomedical library knows who Herman the cleaner is. Simply put, Herman is the epitome (典范) of happiness. “All year round, this man works hours on end to provide us

    20、with a clean working space in which to study. But most importantly, his everlasting positive attitude has managed to turn many students dark days into positive ones filled with joy,” said a student. Whether youre just feeling generally down or stressed out due to exams, Herman is always there to enc

    21、ourage you.This legend proves that happiness is not about what you own, what job you have or how much money youve got, but about appreciating what you currently have in life even if its small.24What was Herman Gordan reaction when receiving the fundraising?AGrateful. BStressed.CDelighted. DAstonishe

    22、d.25What does the underlined word “jolliest” in paragraph 3 refer to?AMost miserable. BMost cheerful.CMost generous. DMost glorious.26In which aspect do students benefit most from Herman?ABuilding confidence.BDeveloping exam skills.CLearning selfcontrol.DGaining biomedical knowledge.27What is the te

    23、xt mainly about?AA biomedical library cleaner.BA group of warmhearted students.CMoneyraising to send a cleaner on vacation.DThe most loved cleaning staff.C CCapone came into Animal Friends rescue in Pittsburgh in November 2017 as a transfer from a partner rescue organization. He was an immediate hit

    24、 with everyone who met him. “Capone is a sweet, silly, outgoing, and loving dog who has so much passion for life,” Monique Serbu, the shelter coordinator (协调员) tells Treehugger. “Hes very intelligent, learns quickly and is always eager to please. There were many staff and volunteers who developed a

    25、special bond with him.”But when adopters came into the shelter looking for a pet, no one left with Capone. “Unfortunately Capone seemed to have many features and criteria not in his favor.the color of his fur, his age, he preferred to be the only pet in the household and no children,” Serbu says.“Ca

    26、pone also had some very specific behavioral and medical challenges and our dedicated team of staff and volunteers worked with him each day to ensure he was receiving the best possible care while preparing to find a family he could call his own.”But then a family came in and saw something special in

    27、Capone. They visited the shelter several Saturdays in_a_row to get to know him and decided to foster him for a few weeks, hoping that it would work out and they would eventually adopt him. “I honestly have no words that exactly express how beautifully Capone has made his new house a home and of the

    28、love between him and his adopters. His patience has truly paid off,” says JT Mangan, the adoption counselor (顾问) who made the match.His adopters have requested privacy as they settled in with their newest family member, but they told the rescue, “Since weve welcomed Capone into our home, his transfo

    29、rmation has been truly amazing. His anxiety has decreased quickly. He is a good and loving boy who enjoys snuggling (依偎) and family life. We attribute his success to the care and training he received from the devoted staff and volunteers at Animal Friends.” After 1,134 days, Capone has finally found

    30、 his forever home.28What does the first paragraph mainly talk about?AThe characteristics which the coordinator has.BThe reason why Capone was liked immediately.CThe reason why Capone entered the shelter.DThe special bond with Capone many staff developed.29Why was Capone overlooked by potential adopt

    31、ers?AHe had some very foolish behavior.BHe looked ugly and he was not young.CHe didnt get the best possible care.DHe had some specialties bad for him.学科网(北京)股份有限公司30What does the underlined phrase “in a row” in paragraph 4 probably mean?AIn the end. BIn a way.COne after another. DIn order.31Which se

    32、ntence can best describe the story?AGood things come to those who wait.BIt gives no hope for animals in rescues.CEach dog can finally find his new family.DAll efforts can truly pay off.D DImagine you made plans with a new friend to talk on the phone. You called but there was no answerand you didnt g

    33、et a call back. What happened? Perhaps they got held up by a work obligation. Perhaps they didnt want to meet but didnt bother to cancel. Or perhaps they had a busy week and simply forgot to write down your appointment time.In social situations like this, our minds can produce various explanations,

    34、ranging from ones that are more understanding to ones that put blame to the other party. Psychologists refer to this as our attributional style. Past research has found that individuals with a “hostile” attributional style tend to be less satisfied with their relationships.According to a new study,

    35、theyre also less happy overall. The researchers cant say for sure whether seeing people as hostile directly lowers our happiness, or whether unhappy people are just more likely to make hostile attribution in the first place. However, this study does suggest the possibility that giving people the ben

    36、efit of the doubt is a practice to improve our relationships and wellbeing.Dorota Jasielska, lead researcher of the study, suggests that we start by developing positive and trusting social relationships. When we find ourselves surrounded by warmth and support, it can help us see the social world in

    37、a kinder light. Another important strategy is to have open and direct communication. Instead of letting your anxieties get worse, it may be better to simply talk to people about their confusing behavior.So the next time a friend cancels plans or forgets to text back, consider giving him the benefit

    38、of the doubt and waiting to hear his side of things before jumping to conclusions. Assuming others have good intentions will make the world seem like a friendlier place.32How does the author introduce the topic of the text?ABy giving an example.BBy asking a question.CBy giving a definition.DBy telli

    39、ng a story.33What is the attributional style?ATo show an understanding of ones mistake.BTo imagine a particular social situation.CTo find out the cause of social phenomena.DTo make assumptions on uncertain things.34What can make us happier according to the study?AFinding common interests with others

    40、.BMaking positive excuses for others.CImproving social communication.DBeing friendly to others.35What do the last two paragraphs mainly talk about?AImportance of reaching out and making friends.BStrategies for having effective communication.CAdvice on handling confusing social behavior.DMethods for

    41、improving our social relationships.第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Educators are always looking for new ways to encourage their students to write more and find their real writing voice. 36._ It gives students an opportunity to express themselves in an inform

    42、al and comfortable environment. It takes the pressure off them because there are no formal restrictions as in academic writing.A blog is a powerful tool that can better any communication in the classroom. 37._ It is a convenient platform to ask questions, share information and take part in discussio

    43、ns. A blog is an expression of its creator because it offers numerous customization (定制化) features that fit in with ones personality. They are easy to use, so students do not need to have any special knowledge to create blog posts.Nowadays, most students enjoy taking photographs. To bring even more

    44、creativity into this process, they can have a blog dedicated to their works. 38._ They can also share them with local and global communities.39_ Having a blog is a perfect way to use your language knowledge, learn new vocabulary, and grammar structures. The argumentative article is the most popular

    45、practice used in blog posts. Writing in a foreign language can improve students writing skills more than any other form of language exercises.The role of the classroom and teaching practices are changing and require new forms. Blogging has already become a widespread practice that gives students a p

    46、lace for expression and develops their computer skills. They can have fun, exploring something they are interested in. 40._AAnd they can also improve their academic performance at the same time.学科网(北京)股份有限公司BIt allows students to express thoughts, ideas and experiences on any topic.CThen the blog wi

    47、ll have a certain commercial value and human value.DStudents can take photos that represent social or personal issues.E. Blogging is a useful method and can serve as a good solution.F. Things move quickly online and so it is with blogging.G. Practice is especially valuable for learning languages.第三部

    48、分语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。In 1991, I went to visit my grandma in an old folks home. At the time, she was 89, and I was 28.I felt a bit _41_, because the place was full of people at the last stage of their life. I didnt know how to _42_ t

    49、hat.When I saw Grandma, they were having a _43_ in the hall. After she introduced me, a woman in a wheelchair beside told me how much she _44_ dancing. So I asked her to dance and she _45_ accepted my invitation with a big smile. I _46_ her to the open area, and I lifted her arm up and spun her whee

    50、lchair around, and we laughed a lot. When I wheeled her back, I _47_ a lot of little old ladies smiling at me. So I _48_ with them and we snowballed the party into a great dancing ball.Of course, I danced with Grandma. While dancing, I asked how she dealt with _49_. She said: “Just accept the number


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